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That's All, Folks


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Everyone read the ToC EPICENTER yet? No? Well, do it before you read the rest of this post. ...done yet? Okay.

That thing you just read, well, it's the last event that I'll be doing for TEAM in the foreseeable future, probably forever at this point. Yep, I'm stepping away from this project that I've been doing for the last 3 and a half years. As you may have noticed from the substantial delay between the time I got the final judging tally in and the time the short-forms went up, I kinda don't have the juice to do even highlight-based write-ups. It's become like a chore over the last year. I don't know where it came from. I'm pretty sure that I underestimated the time I needed to take care of a home, a wife, a dog and other things, as well as the stuff I had to do before I got married. And my free time? Well, I've actually been going out and doing stuff with people lately. I mean, I love all you guys like brothers, sisters and in Varga and Siegel's cases, feral animals that I've rescued, but I like spending time with "real" people too, if you know what I mean. That, adn well I've discovered comics and rediscovered video games, AND I've got more of a passion for the WWE that I didn't have this time last year. Strange how things happen, eh?

That isn't to say that I'm done with this game or this hobby. I still like e-fedding, and I'm still involved in EPW. I'm working my way back to A1E... eventually and maybe there's another fed in my future if I find the time. That writing is still fun for me, and something I can do in an hour or less and still be satisfied with the product. Matchwriting... even the shortform highlight stuff I've been doing... I can't just plop down snippets and be happy. I still have to let it flow in my head and then that takes hours, time I don't want to be spending at the computer anymore.

So this is it for me. Not so much for TEAM. I'm not going to shut this down if there's someone out there that wants to take this mantle from me and run with it. If there is, please contact me, and I'll be more than happy to hand it over, consult, and hey, maybe even participate in events as a... gasp RPer! :eek:

But even if no one does, and TEAM goes the way of the dinosaur, then I hope you guys will let TEAM live on in your memories, and maybe even in your feds. If you have a TEAM Championship, and your fedhead is alright, defend it in your home fed. (That means you, Chris, Allan, Varga, Pena and the dude that handles Menace... if he's even around) If you have ideas around carrying stuff over to your fed, lemme know and I'll consult on that. If you don't want to consult me, that's fine too. The TEAM titles are now YOUR property unless someone wants to carry on the mantel.

Now, before I really say goodbye to this, I'd like to give out a few thanks and props.

Thank you to everyone who ever participated in a TEAM event. Without you guys, well, this never would have gotten off the ground. Well, except for those whiners from the WfWA. They can suck a rotten egg for all I'm concerned.

Thank you to Jeff Paternostro for being so gung-ho about this in the early days when I was trying to make this an actual team-based fed. I needed someone to believe in the insanity.

Thanks to Lindz for pretty much being my second in command when she wasn't handling and for giving it her all in the tournaments she did handle in.

Thanks to Adam Shinder for bailing my ass out on the last TiT final.

Congrats to everyone who's ever won a TEAM tournament or title, especially to Allan (Ravager) who took the Challenge Championship, put a stranglehold on it and never lost it in almost two years. That's pretty impressive, bro.

Anyway, that's all from me. Hope I put out a product you all enjoyed, and I hope you guys and gals all had fun.

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Jan 10, 2004
New York
It was an amazing time, Tom. You did a top-notch job running such a huge project, and made it the most consistent place I've had Tact in for the past three years. Thanks for everything. I'm sure we'll meet each other again on the RP side. Enjoy "real" life! ^_^


PS- I'll see what Varga thinks on the tag belts.

Evil James

League Member
Feb 17, 2008
San Diego, California
Wow...now I have a 15th title for Varga to lug around, lol. Seriously I did not expect to read this. Sucks to see TEAM go out this way but you did a great job Tom. Loved my short time here. Hopefully this can get back going. For the tag belts I'm sure wc can come up with something. :cool:


Jan 1, 1970
Best of luck, Tom.

Thanks for the TiT experience as well. :)

If nobody takes up the mantle, let me know and I'll move to the forums to the archives.


League Member
Jun 28, 2006
Thanks for everything.

And I'll do what I can to make sure the Challenge title gets defended again.


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.
Competing, judging, I had a blast with all of it. Thanks for all the coordinating and writing, Tom (and the relatively consistent judging team).

Nova will never take off the Championship of Champions again. I want to make a cock joke here and nothing memorable is coming to me.

Better drink something.

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