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The Legends Week 1 Michael Bastard Vs Jonathan Marx

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Post all Rp here, Deadline is Saturday Night at 11:59 PM EST. March 5th.


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
The scene is an abandoned warehouse. In the foreground stands a man wearing torn jeans, a CBGBs t-shirt, leaning on a cane and sporting a black moustache. Behind him stands a ragged looking man in a hoodie and sweatpants clutching the Empire Pro Wrestling Intercontinental Championship belt.

Mustachioed man: Hello. If you are viewers of The Empire, then I and my charge need no introduction. However, for those of you who aren't initiated, allow me to introduce myself. My name is The Amazing Logan. The man standing behind me is Michael Bastard. We represent the revolutionization of the professional wrestling industry. For far too long, we've stood by and watched as politics, alliances of convenience and base interference have destroyed this once proud sport. People are too worried about looking good instead of about what they should be aiming for, leaving their opponents left in a wake of destruction. That's where we come in. You see, Michael doesn't care about making friends. Michael doesn't care about currying favor with authority figures. Michael cares about only one thing.

Hurting people.

Yes, Michael has what you and I would call a bloodlust. He likes breaking bones, spilling blood, leaving people unconscious, clinging to their health by the thinnest of margins. IF he were left to his own druthers, he'd indiscriminately maim whomever he got his hands on, regardless of whether it won him a match or not. That's where I come in. I, the Amazing Logan, a man who has done everything in this business in a short time, have been gracious enough to lend Michael my instruction so that he may focus that raw intensity, that ferocity, that hellish demeanor and turn it into an unstoppable force of nature that plows though all that stand before him, not as a hurricane, leaving destruction in chaotic fashion, but as a laser beam. Precision mayhem, a focused rampage that not only leave people hurt, but leave them fallen and beaten, with a notch in their loss column as well as a medical chart at the local hospital. That plan of attack has garnered us gold in The Empire, and now, here on The Circuit, I expect that the tournament titles will start to fall into our laps.

It will start with The Legends, although I expected Michael's first affair to be merely business. How surprised was I to find an old score to come up with this first match. Jonathan Marx, the passive-aggressive, foppish veteran, the man who's been all over the world, including in a sham of a MMA exhibition at the EPW/NEW supershow. Yes, you didn't think I would have forgotten that debacle, did you? Where Michael was forced to go into an overly rigid mixed-martial arts competition and, despite earning a draw, was embarrassed in front of a large stage. That still sticks in both our craws. As if we needed more motivation. Marx, you're lucky that your affluence will provide the coverage for your medical bills. Michael has something to prove to the world outside of The Empire. He is out to prove that you certainly aren't his equal, as the double-disqualification without context would seem to indicate. He is out to prove that you are a dinosaur, a star of a bygone era, one that may have valued your upper crust demeanor.

And as for the rest of The Circuit, anyone who steps into this arena shall be forewarned. This is Michael's world. You're all just wrestling for second best.


Logan smirks before knocking the camera over with his cane. The screen goes to static.


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Heart of the City

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
::Jonathan Marx and Brandon Jacobs are in MIDTOWN COMICS in NYC signing autographs at a table, Brandon is watching the promo on his Iphone to catch up on his backlog::[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: Wolverine says that all his man wants to do is hurt people.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: He doesn't have to work all that hard to that, he is greener than a goblin in World of Warcraft. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: Apparently he fits the goblin image well, apparently is big and scary with acne all over his back.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: Figures. At least he isn't another technical wrestler, I haven't faced a guy like Michael Bastard in awhile. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: He keeps going on and on about this match you apparently had at the Supershow.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: I vaguely remember it, but from what I do, my match got switched last minute after months of MMA training to a totally different person and a pro wrestling match after I hadn't wrestled in over a year and he still couldn't beat me.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: In the time that has passed, he has become a champion in Empire.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: Has he become a World Champion three times over? Was he the leading point leader in all of the NFW in Season 2? Has he battled the all time greats like Manson, Doc Silver, Hornet, and Maelstrom?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: No, no, and no....[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: If the Bastard wants to try to hurt me, fine, let him try, he has never been in the ring with someone of both my wrestling and mixed martial art skills. Wrestling isn't about hurting people, it is about winning, it is about out smarting and do whatever you can to come out on top. Bastard is only willing to put his body on the line and that only gets you so far. But if you want to be with the immortals, you have to fight with your whole self and I'm willing to do that. I''m not afraid of blood. I've battled in all styles of matches to try to become the best that I can be. If he wants a war, I'll give him his war and lets see who winds up on top.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]BRANDON JACOBS: You want me to take care of Wolverine on the outside?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]JONATHAN MARX: It might be a good idea to keep an eye on him. They are still bitter that they couldn't get the job done when I was unprepared so I have no doubt he'll try to pull out all sorts of tricks. He'll yet fail again. To quote Charlie Sheen, “I have a different brain, I have a different heart, [/FONT]I [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]got tiger blood coursing through my veins.” If he wants to do crazy, I'll do crazy, and I'll come out on top. He has no idea who he is messing with.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]FTB[/FONT]


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Re: Heart of the City

Same scene as before.

TAL: So Marx, am I supposed to be impressed that you defeated all those geezers a half-a-decade ago? Am I supposed to be impressed that you won three more World Championships in a career that as of right now dwarfs Michael's? Am I supposed to be impressed at your attempt at big-timing us? Well, I'm not, Marx. You see, in all your bluster, you said absolutely nothing. You claim wins over retirees such as Michael Manson and Hornet, men that Michael will never be able to wrestle. You compare your career to one in its infancy. I would be surprised if Michael only won three World Championships in his career. Well, no, I wouldn't. He may only need to win one World Championship and hold it in perpetuity. Additionally, whomever you had training you in MMA, you need to get a refund. I mean seriously, you're proud of not winning a MMA fight against someone who wasn't trained in that in only his third professional match?

If that isn't the definition of arrogant, I don't know what is.

You see, your entire mindset will be your downfall. Not only do you feel like you can rest on your laurels, you dare accuse me of preemptive interference, even though I have no track record of getting involved in my charge's matches. Your arrogance does not allow you to see that I am not like any other manager. Your arrogance blinds you to the fact that Michael and I truly are here to change the industry. We're here to change the business. Because of that, because you cannot see that, because your mind reflects how weak your body is, you will not be able to stop yourself from sustaining injury. So go ahead, continue to make plans to advance in this tournament one match to none. Make plans to have your fey manservant stop interference that will not happen. Continue to overlook Michael at your own risk. You will not be able to continue in this tournament due to being in a bodycast.

Marx, your time is drawing to a close. If you wish to defeat Michael, you need to do more than remind us of your salad days, which are long passed. Michael's salad days are just beginning. If it makes you feel any better though, you won't be the only one to suffer. Just the next one.

Logan knocks the camera over with his cane, scene goes to static.

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