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The Lucky Sevens

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Apr 10, 2013
Hey everybody. I was originally planning to use another team before I was going to submit the posted idea below to the new Brazen class. I really liked this idea below and fleshed it out some more. I need the votes to get in but I would also like any input that you can suggest. If you want a writing sample for The Lucky Sevens I can add it to my application

They are successors to my longest handled characters called The House. With some new characters coming in this sounds like it would be a good chance to try it out.

Wrestler(s) Information - The Lucky Sevens

Ring Name: Mason Luck
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 308 pounds
DOB: October 11th, 1991

Ring Name: Max Luck
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 304 pounds
DOB: October 11th, 1991
Hailing From: Las Vegas, Nevada

Alignment: Faces

Gimmick: Mason and Max Luck are a pair of seven foot identical twins looking to follow in the foot steps of their grandfather, Las Vegas legend "Wild" Winston Luck as well as perhaps his most famous students and surrogate family, The House (Adam Roebuck and Derrick Huber).

Also trained by sixteen time tag team Champions The House (Adam Roebuck and Derrick Huber), Mason and Max spent a year training with both their grandfather and legendary tag team in 2016, then spent two years living in both Japan and Mexico to gain further experience. After another year of touring indy organizations far and wide they have signed with DEFIANCE Wrestling and now are looking to forge their own path as the next great members of the fabled Luck family.

Mason is the more responsible "older" brother (born seven minutes ahead of Max) of the two and is charming and quick with jokes. Max is the irresponsible "little" brother that has a good mind for the business and takes more in-ring risks than his brother, but makes dumb life decisions as more the partier and drinker.

Wrestling Style: Both men are tall powerhouses but have unique emphasis on a secondary skill. For Mason he is a little more adept at grounding opponents with painful submissions since he paid more attention in Europe. For Max he can pull out the occasional high spot like Undertaker and Kane. He took more from Mexico.

Mason Luck:

Three Weaknesses:
- better at singles than his brother but not by much
- only four years of experience wrestling and most of it is tag wrestling
- built more for short fights than long ones

Three Strengths:
- very powerful
- cooler head than his brother
- geeat tag wrestler


Ten regular moveset moves:

1. Open handed chops
2. Elbow strikes to neck/face/back/shoulders
3. Knee strikes
4. Beil tosses
5. rib-breaker
6. Standing powerslam
7. Cobra clutch/giant swing toss
8. Delay gut wrench suplex
9. Wheelbarrow toss
10. Side slam

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Hotel Drop (scoop inverted DDT)
2) Red Roulette (discus big boot)
3) Canadian back breaker
4) Pump handle back breaker
5) Tilt a whirl power slam

1 Finishing Move: Rack City (Torture rack)


Three Weaknesses:
- Short tempered and impatient
- Only four years of experience wrestling and most is tag wrestling
- Built more for short fights than long ones

Three Strengths:
- Very powerful
- Basic fundamentals but more agile than his brother
- Great tag wrestler


Ten regular moveset moves:

1. Open handed chops
2. Elbow strikes to neck/face/back/shoulders
3. Knee strikes
4. Scoop slams and beil tosses
5. rib-breaker
6. Standing powerslam
7. Cobra clutch/giant swing toss
8. Delay gut wrench suplex
9. Wheelbarrow toss
10. Side slam

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Big Gamble (Flying top rope clothesline)
2) Big Gamble II (flying plancha -- used sparingly for bigger matches or multiman matches)
3) Walking The Strip (arm arm twist rope walk into diving forearm)
4) Spinning heel kick
5) Swinging side walk slam

1 Finishing Move: Luck's Run Out (crucifix powerbomb)


Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
House or bust.

Get it!

...Yes from me.


Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
That is the four. I'll lock this and get bios set up for you in the next day or so.
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