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The New Beginning


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
(FADEIN: The camera shows a plain CSWA backdrop, black backdrop, red lettering, nothing fancy, the camera slowly pans around this set until it reaches a man, this man is dressed in black, “NO FALSE GIMMICKS” draped across his shirt, he wears a black bandana and shades that cover his face, until he promptly removes them, exposing his goateed face, Jean Rabesque looks up at the camera, smiles, and speaks)

RABESQUE: I’ve been traveling across the world for years now. Most people know who I am. Those who do not know who I am..... should. This is it, one warm-up match, and then it all happens. Of course, we know where all the hype is. World Title Match! Presidential Title Match! All the belts are on the line!!!! And then..... you get down to the bottom of the card, a place that everyone seems to have forgotten about. The match without the superstars, without the hype, and now... only with the Greensboro title. No one cares, right? What do we call this, the garbage match to open the show?

People who know me would expect me to become upset at something like this, and in many situations I would. Hell, I haven’t been on the bottom of a card for as long as I can remember. For a man that has lived at the top for so many years, this is a completely new experience. But I enjoy this opportunity all the same. You see, I’ve come to the CSWA with exactly one purpose in my mind, and that is to become the CSWA World Champion. It honestly doesn’t matter to me how I get there, and Battle of the Belts is MY time to become the number one contender!

You see, you take a look at the top of the card, and you see the very best names the CSWA has to offer. You see names like Hornet, and Windham, and GUNS. I see big names that are about to beat the living hell out of each other. Unfortunately for them, I don’t see any big names coming out of their matches unscathed. I look at my match, however, and I see no big names. I see a bunch of young punks that think they know what the hell they’re doing when in reality they could not be further from the truth.

So I’m perfectly content to take the back way into this. I got no question that I can get through my match just fine. Hell, look at the competition. There is absolutely no one on the other side that can stand toe to toe with the best damn wrestler the world has ever seen. There is no one out there that can combat the man that has gone three years and over 100 matches without being pinned cleanly. So, then, the winners of the matches compete. Who do you all think is going to be the best off? The guys who just got the living hell beaten out of them to make it there, or the guy that obliterated a couple punks on the way?

But I have noticed that one of my tag team partners did have the guts to come forward and make a few comments. Cameron Cruise? Haven’t we met before Cameron? Didn’t we wrestle together somewhere along the line? That’s it, weren’t you in GLCW for like....a day and a half? What’s the matter Cam, couldn’t cut both? But look Cam, I honestly have no complain with you, and I even have a slight proposition for you. If you want to make it into this final match before succumbing that’s perfectly cool with me. If you want to hop a ride on the Jean Rabesque train, and ride it on in to the finals of the Battle of the Belts, that’s perfectly fine with me. Hell, I’ll even let you do a little work if you would like to. Alliances are fine.... as long as they’re temporary, and Cam, if you want to work together to kick a little ass, that’s cool with me. That’ll make us even fresher going into this final match.

The obvious question of my motivations is bound to come up, so I figured I would go ahead and address that situation now. Why am I like this? What is my purpose? To be honest, it does go deeper than the CSWA title, but it does not go deeper than what the CSWA title stands for. I’ve dominated everywhere I’ve been, and won whatever I’ve wanted for years. But still, ask the Randalls, ask Hornet, ask GUNS, ask Adler, and they’ll claim they know nothing of me. Fine, but why is that? Just because I’ve avoided the hallowed halls of the CSWA for almost my entire career? Does that make me less of a man? Does that diminish my accomplishments one iota? Many would say “of course not,” but I’ve heard the rumblings for too damn long.

I’ve toiled too hard, and I’ve worked too long to be treated this way. Go out on the street and ask any wrestling fan who the best technical wrestling going today is and I’d be willing to guarantee to a man that you would get the same response for almost every last one. But that doesn’t matter to the establishment. That doesn’t matter to the same group of good ol’ boys that have been trading off the title for years now. No, they don’t want anybody coming that they see as being come kind of a threat. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the stirrer of the pot has arrived. The man that has come in and is about to shake the entire foundation of the CSWA is here. I’ve been here before, and I was content to work my way up the ladder, to wait my turn, well F(FCC)K THAT! I’ve waited my turn long enough and this time I’m taking exactly what I want! Who wants to be the person who get my away? Cruise? Cross? Hiroshi? Windham? I DON’T CARE! Any of you, all of you, bring everything you have. Like it or not, things are about to change. It’s been too damn long already. At Battle of the Belts, the CSWA is going to see a man that no one expects, a man on NO ONE’s radar screen sneak up, win the Greensboro title, and become the number one contender for the CSWA World Heavyweight Title. Anybody got a problem with that? BRING IT ON! Whoever does will be the first to feel the wave of change that is fast approaching the CSWA. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque!!!

(fade out)


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(Fadein to a simple black and white CSWA backdrop. Clapping from out of view is heard as Cruise slowly walks into view. Clad in a solid black shirt and pants, Cruise brushes back hair in his face, chuckling abit, as he faces front.)

CRUISE: Very good Rabesque, a damn fine job. I suppose those Nancy Drew Detective Kits for small childeren do work after all. I mean, you found me out. Here...(produces a snack packet of Oreo's from his pants pocket)...have a cookie (tosses it aside.).

Couldn't cut GLCW for a week? Since when do you even give a DAMN about anyone to notice? I mean, you must have been world champion fifteen times or so right? Let me break it down for you, I mean really cut and dry....a guy like you needs that every once and a while.

It's called "Pay-per-appearance", and that's exactly what I was showing up for. The boss needed talent, so naturally, I showed up when the offer was made.

(takes a step back)

But hey, if you wanna talk about loyalties....you're not too shabby yourself. Shoot, if I remember correctly, you had a couple stops here in the big leagues if I remember correctly....(chuckles)...'course at least once or twice on the wrong end of a couple Seventh Seals or something like that? Sure ya did....then all of a sudden you didn't like playin' wit' the big boys did ya?

"I'm a young gun tryin' to be a big shot" or somethin', you said. Pal, I've been here a long damn time. But hey, if you wanna give me compliments that's fine, just don't expect any freshly baked cookies or something like that in return because if you haven't noticed already....I could give a rat's rear-end, that doesn't phase me one bit.

I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know you, and I don't particularly care to. As far as your little proposition goes, stick it. You don't have the rep to tell me ANYTHING about riding The Rabesque Train, coattails, or whatever thrills you now-a-days.

I'm there for one reason, and that's to show GUNS, Hornet, Troy and Mark Windham, and the rest of the world that they have someone else that they HAVE TO, *HAVE TO* to reckon with.

(pauses for a minute)

Ryp Fandango.


I'm not sure you really understand me, now do you? I mean, when have I really talked bad about you? I barely know you, pal. Don't pass judgement on me, just because I pass props.

One of you gets to partner with me while the other gets to dance with me....this ain't anything personal, so don't make it be.

As a matter of fact, Ryp Fandango, you like to talk about cashing checks and futures, think about this:

If you can't beat myself, Rabesque, and the Nathan Twins....then maybe...just maybe, *you* get to be the one with a check.

A reality check, that you just can't cash.


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