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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

The OWC 6 years and still going...


League Member
Sep 3, 2004
The OWC, or One World Coalition is still in the game. We don't do a lot of advertising however we are looking for championship caliber competitors. Our members have said we have the best hand written results anywhere. Our cards are not about speed they are not about quick and get it over with, say what you want but we are all about a quality product. No, we have never been able to churn out results that look like a first grader wrote it in 24 hours and why? Because we care about what we put out there and the membership we have however small is loyal and they appreciate having their characters represented in the way they see them. It not every federation that can give you that. A lot of our members have said we write their characters the correct way and nobody else captures their personality like we do. We aren't about slamming other federations, in fact we would WELCOME working with any federation that wants to work with us, we are open to interfedertion challenges and the OWC got it's start from learning how to rp right here on FW Central for many years. This message is not to say we are the best and will dominate and all of that. We do the best WE can do and are satisfied with that and don't look down on anybody who may not do things the way we do it. If you want to check us out by all means do so, we have a website you can go to by accessing our forum.


If you are a tag team then know we are a place that doesn't put tag teams on the back burner, tag teams are a very important part of wrestling history and we know how to take care of tag team angles as well.

Just check us out, read over our cards, when you stop by and you make your own decision. Our cards have what some have said are "insanely" long matches but we put the sweat and the time in for you so you know you are getting the proper product for your work. Stop by and join today if you think we can take care of you. All we ask for is a chance.

Oh, almost forgot, in our fed we let you do the driving. You don't have to WAIT for somebody to give you a title shot, no sir. We believe that the rper who is hungry should take his own car and drive it. So in our fed we have an open challenge system weekly to where you can challenge any champion we have. If you feel its time for you to step up and get it done then we don't stop you. We have a posting for that during downtimes for cards being written to set up challenges for the next event. Its first come first serve so even if you are a newcomer and want a shot at the World Champ you can get it if its not taken already. So, join in on the fun and visit us.
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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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