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The Witching Hour?

Spike Saunders

Super Moderator
Oct 7, 2004
Good morning Knightwatchers. To say the last few days have been busy is no small fact. Licensing deals have been signed with a well known company, and new plans are in talks for the upcoming tour to Japan. However we had been hearing the same rumors you have since Tuesday morning, and doing some investigative work on the legitimacy of said rumors.

Rumors of where Xander Napoli disappeared to with our contracted superstars came to be fact as we were sent a link over our Twitter account (@TheNBW) from a now deactivated account. It would seem that he ended up in Europe and has started his own promotion called 7 or 7W. They had their first episode Tuesday morning just after Midnight which featured some notable names of the NBW's past including Brock Metzer, Myth and Legend, and The Internet Warrior as well as a few from NBW's trial show experiment Victory - such as Chris Boom and Foust.

But most importantly we now know where our World Champion Saphire's Championship Title belt went to. It wasn't Vic Gravender. Sigh. Who knows what will be done now.

So to not risk my job I will just point you to their latest web cast which you can view at:
This Link

We hope to have more information soon, until then we will see you at SLAM 41!.
McKnight out.

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