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Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
So, I guess [MENTION=6078]Mike Best[/MENTION] want to put me on blast on Twitter and talk crap because he feels that I ranked him poorly because I have some kind of personal vendetta against him. I don't care if I personally like you or not, if I'm given the opportunity to be a judge for something I'm going to do it to the best of my ability. So, this tournament is now apparently tainted because I didn't view his RP as the be all and end all of this tournament. I'm sorry, Mike, but I didn't like the references to the fact that you were writing an RP inside of your roleplay by saying that you had a word count that you were allowed to meet. That ranked you low on my list, and one of the people that you praised for thinking they had a good RP, AMP, was ranked pretty much low by every other single judge in the tournament except for me. Does that mean he should go on a tangent like a little child on Twitter talking crap about someone? No, it doesn't. Same as anyone else in this tournament hasn't gone on a tangent crying foul play because they took it for what it was. I knew only a couple of people going into this tournament and I feel I, along with probably Keegan, would have been the most impartial because of that. I based my judging solely on the work that was presented to me, and I graded them how I felt they ranked.

My Rankings:

J.B Ronie
Cyclone JK
Eden Morgan
Matt Meyhu
Samuel Tiberius Turner II
Danny B
Jason Orion
Dave Rydell
Ian Bishop
Aidan Morag
MJ Bell
Emevlas Stastias
Stacy Jones
Mike Best
Al Envy
Blue Suede Bruce
Amber Ryan
James Jackson
Lord Raab
Scott Stevens
Casanova English
Austen Impact
Mark Kingston
Reya Serra
Eugene Dewey

I don't have anything to hide, because I did nothing wrong. I went in to this tournament with an open mind and judged exactly how I felt, if I wanted to bury Mike Best like he is claiming I've done, then I would have had him ranked at #30 and not anywhere else on the list. Now, as far as I'm concerned, piss off.


Apr 6, 2012
This list makes me sad. :(

Maybe I should take to twitter... It sounds like I'd have an actual grievance :p

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Actually, I knew where you ranked me two weeks ago. That was the first time I was contacted by someone from another fed telling me that you'd bragged in a chat about how my ranking was going to be low because of who I was. And then again last night, when I once again heard from a different individual that it was YOU who had given me the ranking and we're open about your dislike for me.

I wouldn't have won Battlemania anyway. I'm not concerned about that aspect of it. I'm concerned that I knew your ranking for me two weeks or so ago, and it doesn't seem like a coincidence. The person who contacted me wasn't in my fed and would have had no other reason to contact me with that information. You compromised what was otherwise a great interfed event, and you can call me a whiner all you want. If you're a judge in this event next year, I will actively avoid it and encourage others to do so as well. I will also be recalculating the judges rankings and awarding my Poser prize to whoever wins with your votes removed from the equation. And obviously I will be removing myself from the list when I do that.

Thanks for for the post, man. But since I've already voiced to Ernie that the result doesn't bother me. The tainted judge bothers me. I'll be happy to elaborate when I'm not at work on my phone, and you're welcome to continue this privately if you'd prefer.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
It's not tainted judging. You weren't ranked on my list until I read your RP, so if you want to delegate posers out because of this crap, then have at it. You were ranked appropriately and you heard about my rankings two weeks ago, because as soon as the last RP was posted I had my judging slip in because I had been reading the RPs as they were being posted and had them listed from the ones I most enjoyed to the least.

Plain and simple, there was no bias in my judging. Fact of the matter is I'm willing to come out and say it here in a public forum than like you who would try and lambaste me on your Twitter account where I have no public knowledge of it.

I never gloated in any chat about my rankings, in all honesty I never spoke to anyone outside of the other judges about my rankings until last night on EFG when it had been brought to Colin's attention that the rankings were biased because of Jorden Snow. He had felt Jorden had ranked you low because he didn't like you, but when I explained to Colin that I was the one who ranked you the lowest and then gave my reasoning behind ranking you low he was perfectly fine with it.

This isn't me trying to defend anything, you are being a whiner, plain and simple. Every single judge had a different take on this tournament and that's the good thing about having several different judges, because they are going to like and dislike different things. I don't need to continue this privately, I never went out of my way to say you were a piece of shit in a public forum. You've done that pretty well by calling out a judge on his opinion period.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
The fact that we are arguing at all, over anything, involved with a fake sport on the Internet is crazy to me.

I agree completely, but I didn't take kindly to seeing "Not gonna make a huge deal about it. Price you pay for stepping out of feds you know are legit. Jesse Ramey can fuck himself, too."

That should be the point anyone who is involved with the tournament should have stepped in and said something. My judging slip was how I felt about these RPs in general and another judge going on and saying that Mike Best made top 5 on everyone other than my bracket is a load of horseshit as well. He made top ten on nearly everyone's list, and I didn't like the RP because it made reference to the fucking word count and that took a huge hit for him.

Much like with your RP Mark, I said on the show the day before the RPing started that the person who writes an RP that talks about every single other person in the competition would be ranked low on my list. It's hard for me to get into something that is a bunch of names. If people don't like that, I can't help it, does that make my judging impartial though? No, it doesn't in the least, because judging for this tournament was based on what we thought was good in our own opinions. There wasn't a template handed to us and told to grade the RPs on this scale, I judged fairly given the criteria I was given.

Mark Kingston

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
I completely agree. If I would want to take out opinions, I would just have my own fed and make all the characters myself. Without doing so, there's no way you can eliminate a human opinion.

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
I warned Ernie two weeks ago about this, not knowing which judge and only knowing what I had been told by multiple people. How then did I know about this? You've gotta be kidding. I talked about it live on EFG and how I hoped it wasn't true.

If you had ranked me at number two, I still wouldn't have won. So in what way am I whining for myself here? I'm not saying call it off. I'm not saying make me the winner. I'm saying disqualify the scumbag judge who multiple unrelated people contacted me about two weeks ago without ever telling me which judge it was. It's almost a joke that you're defending yourself. You're literally the only judge to list me even remotely that low, are open about the fact that you dislike me, and all of this lines up with info I received long before the total scores were even compiled. You bragged. You got caught. Just own up and relieve yourself of your role in this event next year so that it can go on unsullied.

Or, post another butthurt reply and try to make me sound like I'm mad that I didn't win. Because that's getting you really far.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
Here's the thing you need to understand, you could have picked any of the other judges to try this crap on within this community where the event is being hosted and it may have worked, you're not going to get some kind of uprising here like you've got against me on Twitter, because the people on Twitter batting for you don't have any ounce of knowing who I am so they are going to take your word on everything.

The people who are a part of this community, however, know who I am a lot better than they know who Mike Best is. It wouldn't have mattered if Justin Herron had been involved in this tournament I would have graded his RP exactly the same way I graded anyone else's RPs here. If you're not sure who the person I named above is, then I'll clarify for you. That's someone I've actually had something personally against in this hobby and we were actually able to talk like civilized people about it and figure things out.

The only thing I think I'm being put on trial here for is obviously not having a ranking card that looked almost similar to every other single judge in this tournament.

The only person that has sullied anything here is you, by calling me out and trash talking me on your Twitter account and whatever other format you've done so on. I've posted my rankings, so, do tell Mike Best... What exactly did I do wrong here? I gave my opinion like I was asked and if anyone in their right mind thinks striking my ticket from the pocket is a good idea then obviously they are the ones who are butt hurt over anything.


New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
I warned Ernie two weeks ago about this, not knowing which judge and only knowing what I had been told by multiple people. How then did I know about this? You've gotta be kidding. I talked about it live on EFG and how I hoped it wasn't true.

If you had ranked me at number two, I still wouldn't have won. So in what way am I whining for myself here? I'm not saying call it off. I'm not saying make me the winner. I'm saying disqualify the scumbag judge who multiple unrelated people contacted me about two weeks ago without ever telling me which judge it was. It's almost a joke that you're defending yourself. You're literally the only judge to list me even remotely that low, are open about the fact that you dislike me, and all of this lines up with info I received long before the total scores were even compiled. You bragged. You got caught. Just own up and relieve yourself of your role in this event next year so that it can go on unsullied.

Or, post another butthurt reply and try to make me sound like I'm mad that I didn't win. Because that's getting you really far.

Far be it for me to stoke the flames, but that is exactly what you're sounding like - mad that you didn't win.

It's just a game, dude. Let it go. No one has a personal vendetta against you.

This is a great community and hopefully you'll have a change of heart and continue to be a part of it.


League Member
Dec 28, 2014
Knoxville, TN
If I were an admin, I'd remove this thread. I personally don't care where I place in Battlemania, I'm just glad to have been the first to sign up.

What I recommend for both of you is at least to do this via private message, not out in the open public forums, that way guests don't see members as petty and immature. Let's remember what this event is supposed to be: It's a Royal Rumble expy. Nothing more or less. It's supposed to draw more eyes to our good product, and this thread isn't accomplishing that correctly, but rather it's showing negative controversy between competitor and judge, which if needed, should be done over private message.

I'm not saying either of you are wrong in this word war in general, I'm saying both of you are wrong for berating each other out in the open to begin with.


Jan 1, 2000
Why are any Battlemania judges speaking about Battlemania judging before the show goes up?

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Here's the thing. I didn't post this. Jesse did. I said my piece on Twitter based on info I had, and that was that. I don't think it belongs here either. To say I'm trying to cause an Uprising is ridiculous. I told Ernie on the phone that I didn't care about the result-- I wouldn't have won either way. I just think it looks bad for a budding event to have a judge leaking his own results early and letting that info get out, especially when accompanied with the reason he gave. I don't think he should be a judge in the future. That's what I suggested to Ernie on the phone, and it should have died there.

This is ridiculous. And hilarious.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
Why are any Battlemania judges speaking about Battlemania judging before the show goes up?


Cundiff: God Damn Son.

Perhaps if we can be civilized in the near future, we can reapproach this thread. But I will beat you all with the schlong of a dragon if we get into using terms like "butthurt" or "Mike Best" again.

Thread Locked for the time being (I didn't realize I have this power! Time to abuse it irrationally!)
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