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To that NERD STALKER. Still?


Jan 1, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland
(Aggression 66: Chicago, Illinois logo)

(VOICE: Stalker will grant Impulse the pleasure of a one on one enclosed steel cage match at the upcoming ppv IF he agrees to tag with him against the Dangle Bros at 66.)


(VOICE: Here's how it's going to go, Jason. If I team with you against the Danglers, it's hands off Rose, and hands off Caitlyn. Not for the night - from now on. And once that happens, and once I beat you at Black Dawn in a locked cage via pinfalls only, you and I are quits. You don't look at me, you don't interfere in my business, you don't acknowledge my existence. This story ends at Black Dawn. If you can't agree to the terms I've just laid out, then good luck taking on the Danglers by yourself... I'm sure they'd look forward to it.)

Aggression 66: Chicago, Illinois

(Camera opens up to an empty warehouse to a coach and two students.

COACH: "What do you two have that no other tag team has?"

JARED WELLS dressed as STALKER: "Twin Dongs?"

Coach: "Exactly"


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