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Todd Killings

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Todd Killings

League Member
Feb 24, 2013
Handler Information

Name: Marchin
Email Address: i decided to take my email off, just PM me
Preferred Method of Handling: I don't know
Best Way to Contact You: email me
eWrestling Experience: About 15 years ago, me and my friend were in a wrestling fed. That was a long time ago and I thought how that would be fun to do again. I did it for a few months when I was a kid, and made like a geocities website and stuff with our own fed me and my friend.
How did you find Defiance? I googled wrestling roleplay stuff

Writing Sample

There are ten people in the crowd. At the highschool gymnasium. These aren't students belonging to the high school. It is a Saturday night, there is a square roped ring that holds two of the world's wrestlers, of the world, in it. One is a fat long-beard bald fat man in purple underwear, fat underwear with hairy legs. The other, Todd Killings. The bell rings and our favorite wrestler The Todd Killer Killings runs and hits the clothesline, then legdrop. He picks up his sweaty foe of purple wrestling tights having and does a neckbreaker on him, the one like Stone Cold does. The crowd errupts with drunken shouts. Three beer fueled shouts, from three seperate ticketholders, of stuff they like to yell. They are loving it. The match goes on, and back and forth as I've seen a wrestling match do when it was on TV. Reversal! Todd Killings does his finisher on him - the DDT! The best DDT you've ever seen. Believe me on this. Then he pins him and wins the match, and wins twenty dollars. Amateur wrestling.

Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: Todd Killings
Height: 6
Weight: 200 pounds

Hailing From: New Jersey

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Todd Killings wrestles because the voices in his head tell him to. He thinks it's fun to beat people up. He likes to say stuff like "it's killing time!" and "I'm going to kill you!" Killings is his last name but also the people he beats in wrestling are his killlings. He kills people is his gimmick. I mean he doesn't really kill people but it's wrestling you know it's for fun. I wanna give him some sort of thing that goes before his first and last name, like Stone Cold Steve Austin, but I'll have to think of it first cause I don't know yet.

Wrestling Style: Todd will kill you but he wants to look cool when he does it. Todd Killings doesn't do cheap dirty moves. He likes to do clotheslines and legdrops a lot. He does a lot of common wrestling moves, like that thing where you grab the guy's arm around his back and elbow him, something.

Three Weaknesses: Folded chairs are one of his weaknesses. And being kicked in the groin. And one more would be like if you do too many moves on him he'll probably lose.

Three Strengths: He kicks butt. He's super cool. He's strong as hell.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Clothesline
2) Neckbreaker
3) Punch
4) Suplex
5) Elbow drop
6) Backbreaker

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Legdrop
2) Powerbomb

1 Finishing Move: DDT

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move: Top Rope Legdrop

hey thanks for reading guys
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League Member
Apr 12, 2008
Here's the thing, and I'm going to be as nice as I possibly can be, but you don't seem to understand what you're doing, and Defiance is a very top-level efed - not suitable for learning the game.

First of all, read RPs. http://www.defiancewrestling.com/content.php?p=roleplays As a handler, your first job is to cut these promos on your opponents. You do the important things like build heat for storylines, explain why you're better than your opponents, and develop your characters in the RPs.

Second, you're going to need a much better grasp of wrestling psychology than you currently have. For example, 200 lbs = cruiserweight, so if he weighs 200 lbs he better have a damn good reason to be using a powerbomb. And "well he's just super strong" isn't a good reason.

Also, when someone says "list weaknesses", you're going to want to list real weaknesses. Like, old injuries or flaws in a wrestling style or mindset, things like that. As for strengths, you probably want to keep them reasonable.

Then, you need to fill out the entire moveset. If you don't know enough different wrestling moves to do that... well honestly, efedding just isn't for you.

My advice? Go to http://www.roughkut.com and either post your name as a free agent or look for a fed you like from their database.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
I'll give you one important piece of advice, too. In ANY efed, one of the first things you ought to do is figure out who their World Champion is, then find his/her RPs and read them. You can always assume that if someone wins a feds' top belt, his RPing style is the style that fedhead likes.

I'm going to lock this thread, because honestly, a guy who doesn't really know how to RP yet won't have a chance of getting accepted into DEF, and I don't want people to come in here and start being jerks.
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