Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
* Kin Hiroshi stretches. The long flights between GXW and CSWA events are wearing him down. Yet, somehow, he has dug deep and pulled out win after win. He even found a way to beat GUNS for the CSWA Greensboro Title. Times are good for the Muffin Man. Kin Hiroshi, the rookie is dead. Kin Hiroshi, The Muffin Man, is well and alive.
Looking out across a parking lot from his hotel room, he listens to Nathan Cross ramble on the television, too caught up in himself to really think about who else is in the Main Event. Cross ends, and the screen fades. Hiroshi sits down across from a camera crew... *
KIN HIROSHI: Cross, you have one thing straight. With a main event like OnSlaught, who cares about the rest of the card. There's a little error in your logic though. You see, the fans tune in to watch me. Not you. Me.
* Hiroshi grins, and sinks back into the chair. *
KH: The Ayatollah of Rum and Cola gave you some good advice. Ignore me, you should not. Hell, kid, show up. Go ahead and try and out wrestle me. You can't, and won't. Try to outsmart me. I'm the king of the mind [bleep]. Ask around, you'll learn about the Muffin Man.
GUNS did. Evan Aho has. Lucky for me, Mr. Merritt is finally catching on, and with a little help from Petey, I'm starting to main event around CSWA.
Quite a privelege in my opinion. Sure, priveleges can be taken away, but only if you drop the ball.
Speaking of which, if you really want to contest with me, you may want your balls to drop. A boy like you doesn't stand a chance against a man like me. I'll have you in my Cross-hairs, and will be taking aim over the next few days, Nate. Sure, it's been said before, but who has really meant it?
OnSlaught is going to fun. Not because of the main event, but because it's MY show this time. I am the main event champion. You want your show back from me? Take it.
I'm not a man who likes to rely on words, Cross. I like actions to do the work for me. A Hiroshi-ma bomb can speak volumes. The Jiro-Kin Sleeper will have you screaming volumes of pain.
* Kin stands, damn uncomfortable hotel chairs. *
KH: Some have blamed me for being stuck up, arrogant, and self-centered.
They're right, I am. As long as I have the title around my waist, I will be too. Hell, I'll be how I am until the world stops turning. Unfortunately, Nathan Cross, you won't have the pleasure of seeing me on that day.
Do you know the Muffin Man? Because, he's tired of the name calling, he's tired of the jokes, and most of all he's the Greensboro Champion. He knows you Nate, and he's going to make sure no one else ever will...
* Hiroshi yawns, and stretches again. A contemplates his words for a moment, 'rather dull' he tells himself. No matter, he'll win. He knows he will. He's already seen it happen...
** Fade To Gold **
Looking out across a parking lot from his hotel room, he listens to Nathan Cross ramble on the television, too caught up in himself to really think about who else is in the Main Event. Cross ends, and the screen fades. Hiroshi sits down across from a camera crew... *
KIN HIROSHI: Cross, you have one thing straight. With a main event like OnSlaught, who cares about the rest of the card. There's a little error in your logic though. You see, the fans tune in to watch me. Not you. Me.
* Hiroshi grins, and sinks back into the chair. *
KH: The Ayatollah of Rum and Cola gave you some good advice. Ignore me, you should not. Hell, kid, show up. Go ahead and try and out wrestle me. You can't, and won't. Try to outsmart me. I'm the king of the mind [bleep]. Ask around, you'll learn about the Muffin Man.
GUNS did. Evan Aho has. Lucky for me, Mr. Merritt is finally catching on, and with a little help from Petey, I'm starting to main event around CSWA.
Quite a privelege in my opinion. Sure, priveleges can be taken away, but only if you drop the ball.
Speaking of which, if you really want to contest with me, you may want your balls to drop. A boy like you doesn't stand a chance against a man like me. I'll have you in my Cross-hairs, and will be taking aim over the next few days, Nate. Sure, it's been said before, but who has really meant it?
OnSlaught is going to fun. Not because of the main event, but because it's MY show this time. I am the main event champion. You want your show back from me? Take it.
I'm not a man who likes to rely on words, Cross. I like actions to do the work for me. A Hiroshi-ma bomb can speak volumes. The Jiro-Kin Sleeper will have you screaming volumes of pain.
* Kin stands, damn uncomfortable hotel chairs. *
KH: Some have blamed me for being stuck up, arrogant, and self-centered.
They're right, I am. As long as I have the title around my waist, I will be too. Hell, I'll be how I am until the world stops turning. Unfortunately, Nathan Cross, you won't have the pleasure of seeing me on that day.
Do you know the Muffin Man? Because, he's tired of the name calling, he's tired of the jokes, and most of all he's the Greensboro Champion. He knows you Nate, and he's going to make sure no one else ever will...
* Hiroshi yawns, and stretches again. A contemplates his words for a moment, 'rather dull' he tells himself. No matter, he'll win. He knows he will. He's already seen it happen...
** Fade To Gold **