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Transitory Champion


League Member
Mar 26, 2006
McKail had seen it all within the wrestling industry.

He’d witnessed greatness.

He’d wrestlers hit rock bottom and become the lowest of the low.

He’d seen wrestlers run themselves into the ground just for the approval of the crowd.

But most of all, he’d witnessed transitory champions. They were a dime a dozen in each and every wrestling organisation you chose to frequent. The CSWA was no different.

Troy Windham could be described as transitory champion no matter what definition you chose apply to the term.

Luck. That’s all it was.

He’d experience a good deal of luck before, we he somehow pinned another athlete for the gold and when the ref did apply the three count, every other wrestler in the locker backstage must’ve pointed at the monitor and all said, in unison, “transitory champion”.

So how in the hell had he kept the title for so long, if he was this transitory champion?

The question was a valid one, but the answer wasn’t hard to explain as some of those simply refused accept McKail’s explanation of Troy Windham’s rise to dominance.

He had luck on side when he won the damned title, so who’s to say that he hasn’t carried that luck along with him? Luck is a very powerful tool to have, but it pales in comparison to talent and perhaps that’s another reason why he still had the damned title--the lack of suitable talent to oppose him.

If there was anything that the CSWA Gold Rush would accomplish, it would to supplement the champion with a lot of talent to face.

Then you will see what Troy Windham is truly made of.

Then you will see if Troy Windham is the one true champion as he claims to be.

Then you will see Troy Windham lose.


Jan 1, 2000
JonathonWinters said:
McKail had seen it all within the wrestling industry.

He’d witnessed greatness.

He’d wrestlers hit rock bottom and become the lowest of the low.

He’d seen wrestlers run themselves into the ground just for the approval of the crowd.

But most of all, he’d witnessed transitory champions. They were a dime a dozen in each and every wrestling organisation you chose to frequent. The CSWA was no different.

Troy Windham could be described as transitory champion no matter what definition you chose apply to the term.

Luck. That’s all it was.

He’d experience a good deal of luck before, we he somehow pinned another athlete for the gold and when the ref did apply the three count, every other wrestler in the locker backstage must’ve pointed at the monitor and all said, in unison, “transitory champion”.

So how in the hell had he kept the title for so long, if he was this transitory champion?

The question was a valid one, but the answer wasn’t hard to explain as some of those simply refused accept McKail’s explanation of Troy Windham’s rise to dominance.

He had luck on side when he won the damned title, so who’s to say that he hasn’t carried that luck along with him? Luck is a very powerful tool to have, but it pales in comparison to talent and perhaps that’s another reason why he still had the damned title--the lack of suitable talent to oppose him.

If there was anything that the CSWA Gold Rush would accomplish, it would to supplement the champion with a lot of talent to face.

Then you will see what Troy Windham is truly made of.

Then you will see if Troy Windham is the one true champion as he claims to be.

Then you will see Troy Windham lose.

(CUT TO: Troy Windham, in his state-of-the-art television studio, cradling his CSWA Unified Championship.)

TROY: Y'know, I've seen some innovative stuff before, but I've never seen a promo cut in the rarely used second person tense. How do you do it, mystery man? A lot of "Choose Your Own Adventure" books on the book shelves at the local Salvation Army you have a cot at?

As far as my "transitory" position goes, the only transition you're seeing is The Epitome going from "First Ballot Hall Of Fame Living Legend" to "The Greatest Wrestler Of All Time And A Man Bigger Than Jesus."

I've got $10,000 riding on you in Vegas that you're the first person eliminated in this thing.


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