infinite twilight, pt.IV / PROMO -- 'wait'/TakeOff
"Wait!" she called out.
Max grimaced, not missing a beat as he strode through one of the massive lobbys of London's Heathrow Airport. This had been a sudden, unexpected homecoming for Max Blackshire, having been quite some time since his equally hasty departure. His eyes were cautious and suspicious, not sure just whom he might run into. There were many a skeleton in the Blackshire closet on this side of the pond, skeletons with bones to pick, no pun intended.
"Hey ... You!" he heard the woman call out from behind him, this time much closer.
Max stopped, looking up at the Flight Schedule suspended from the raised ceiling. His flight to Zurich was on schedule. Checking his watch, Max noted that - if things went smoothly - he would make it to the GXW house show event to compete in his contest against Troy Douglas with more than enough time to unwind and properly prepare himself.
"I said, WAIT!"
He felt a surprisingly strong tug on his coat, wheeling him almost entirely around. Her hair was falling out of her barrette - but not in an entirely unattractive manner. Her eyes seemed agitated, fists balled and planted on her hips - oozing attitude.
"Ya know," she began, "I was going to thank you, the least you could have done was stop and let me."
Max shook his head, slightly annoyed. "Then, you're welcome," he told her. "Better get moving. You won't have much time."
Walking off in the direction the sign indicated would lead him to Gate 32A, Bridget watched as Max disappeared into the crowd ... leaving her standing there alone.
"You said you knew people who might be able to help me!" she cried out. "...what a jerk!" she exclaimed to herself, realizing that Max was long gone.
Hands in her pockets, one clenched around her wad of american money, Bridget tried to conjure up just what her next move might be. Planting herself on an empty bench as passers-by zoomed past her, to and fro ... Bridget was suddenly struck by the buzzing advert playing on the television fastened to a nearby pillar. She looked up at it, transfixed and not quite sure why.
"--itness as some of the greatest wrestlers in the world compete on a GLOBAL stage! Featuring not just some of Global Xtreme Wrestling's best, but also stars from A1E, CSWA, fWo, and MORE! Scheduled to appear: John Miller! ... Kevin Powers! ... Eli Flair! ... Cross! ... DreamMaker! ... Max Blackshire--"
That was him, she thought to herself.
There was blood trailing down his face in that one brief frame - but she was sure that that was the odd man who'd just bought her ticket to freedom.
"Global Xtreme Wrestling presents ... BATTLEGROUND: BRITAIN!!! seats still available."
A wrestler, she wondered. How ... unique a profession. Perhaps that helped explain his equally unique demeanor? Bridget wasn't sure. She was, however, very intrigued.
Making a mental note of the date of the event, Bridget got to her feet and headed for the Tourism Help Desk. Her plans, at least for the immediate future, were set. She would stay in London. At least for the next few weeks.
- - - - - -
The camera flickered on just as the rumble, the roar of the engines hit their zenith. The shadow of the airplane swept over the concrete just before the plane itself soared in - then quickly out - of camera shot, rocketing into the air. Max Blackshire then stepped into frame, taking a seat - indian style - on the tarmac just before the camera, several 747's seen taxiing in the distance behind him.
Flicking his finished cigarette through the air in a hail of dying embers, Max swept his flailing hair from his eyes - squinting from the rather intense wind.
"Not quite sure what to make of you, Troy Douglas. I must admit that I haven't really done that much research on you. Just a quick 'GOOGLE' in mid-flight. The GXW website doesn't really do you any great service either, I feel I should inform you. Their coverage of your collegiate career is moreso an attempt to highlight a few semi-successful athetles whom you were once an aquaintance of."
"Am I meant to be impressed that you once played on a team with of atheletes who later went on to enjoy MUCH more success than YOU have? Sorry. It's not very likely."
Reaching into his pocket, Max pulls out what he soon finds is an empty pack of Silk Cut. Tossing it aside with a frustrated smirk, he turns back to the camera. Somewhere in the distance, the sound of another plane taking off can be heard.
"And then there's your run, here, in GXW -- where some might argue things matter most. A former GXW X-Treme Champion who, after losing the belt, took a self imposed months-long sabbatical in order to ... to, what, Troy? ... Heal? Your body ... or your pride, I have to wonder. Blame it on surgery. On rehab. That usually works. Nonetheless ...You and I are both stepping into the ring for the first time in SOME time, in this contest. My respite was forced by outside means, the closing of Superior. YOURS was self-inflicted. YOU were the one who chose to walk away, wounds; mental, physical, or Not. You lost your prescious gold, tucked your tail, and fell off the face of the earth."
"Now ... there's gold offered up and, voila, here you are."
He smiles, teasingly.
"See, what drives us is distinctly different. You are driven by some story-book fantasy about beating the odds, coming back from the brink of defeat, and several other hacknied cliches. You want to win this tournament, to get you to the World Championship, to win it for "respect". Maybe to FINALLY be held in the same esteem as those old over-hyped college chums of yours. Maybe to FINALLY tell YOURSELF you're "good enough"."
"I want to win this ... simply ... to make a statement. To step into this company, never having competed here, and walk straight up the ladder, straight to the top. Not for 'respect' or 'finality'. But to send a Message. The title, that which you're striving for - counting on, is meaningless to me. I intend to change that, match by match, little by little. YOU will play a part in that, Troy Douglas. Take some solace in that fact."
"In the meantime ... it's time for me, and my career here in Global ... to Take Off."
And again, an instantaneous roar of noise buffets the camera. Squinting, Max throws an arm before his eyes as a monstrous shadow is cast above -- just before the camera follows a 747 soaring towards the clouds.
"Please fasten your safety-belts."