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Turning Point, or another crossroad


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
OORP: Late A2K1 entry

(It’s the pre-card show that rolls on the U-62 Pay Per View featuring recaps of the feuds that will culminate in Greensboro, interviews and lots of reasons to buy the show. The show rolls live footage of Rusty Seitzer going to the dressing room of Eddy Love. Entering the room Rusty finds Love relaxed in a recliner in front of a full length mirror with a bevy of babes applying tape to ankles, wrists and fingers. Love has both eyes covered by thinly sliced cucumbers as another babe sprays his still short, but growing every day hair as Marshal Tucker "Heard it in a LOVE Song" plays in the background. The ankle taper makes Eddy aware that the cameras are in the room. Eddy shoos the girls away, shakes his hair once and speaks straight to the camera without acknowledging Seitzer.)

Greensboro, North Carolina….. just more than an hour away….. it’s the wolf and a partner, whom I am sure is a worthy opponent , against arguably…. No, no check that, definitely the 2 greatest wrestlers this city has ever seen in the ring at one time fighting for one cause.

I choose my women from the who’s who in Hollywood, I choose my friends from the who’s who on the Fortune 500 list and I pick my partners from a list of phone calls from the who’s who list of the greatest this sport has ever known hoping to team with Hurricane Eddy Love. Tonight I bring out a man who even I hafta shine at my brightest not to be washed out by his star power, his talent, his hatred for the Wolf, and in one hour we put the beating on Mike Randles and his unfortunate friend….. just for fun, with all the faith a man can muster.

But oh Mike Randles you continue to show you underestimate Hurricane Eddy while you accuse me of underestimating yourself. You continue to break guarantee after promise, while trying to point out that you’ve caused a few of Eddy’s prophecies to fall slightly short of their mark, at least until now.

I cannot argue with your point that Mike Plett is safer ground than being in the ring with you Randles. And I don’t know where you got the idea that I covet the 20 lbs of gold. Sure it pains me that Chad Merrit chooses to allow the trophy that *I* made the most prestigious in this business to be swapped from grimy handed hack to filthy fingernailed bum like a cheap French whore, but I have not made any indication I plan to get in line to be the caboose on that train…… but if I had Randles I agree that would be safer than giving wrestling lessons card after card to a lunatic who hides his own lack of grappling skills with desperate acts of violence.

Don’t fret however Mike….. Eddy Love has made a living out of fighting the top name in the sport on Sunday in Charlotte, the number 2 man on Monday in Atlanta, flying across the country to wrestle the 3rd ranked pretender on Tuesday, fishing off shore for Blue Marlin on Wednesday dancing all night then starting it all over again on Thurs-a-day. I don’t let hacks like Plett call my name without addressing the matter Randles, but that doesn’t mean I won’t continue to drag you to the main event one night a week Mike…… because it will never be over between you and I.

Your threats on my career now seem so true without me finding another opponent. When you promised to (Eddy makes finger quotation marks) "break my legs" I thought that’s how you planned to bring my career to a halt, but now I know your goal is to make the fans not care about Eddy Love, the Southern Dandy…… that’s a goal I never thought possible, until your strategy. I mean if this was another sport how long would people watch what you deliver. Let’s visit baseball…. If Greg Maddux, the Eddy Love of pitching, was faced with every time he had a no hitter through 8 the opposing team forfeited the game and ran out and shaved his head….. how long would the fans watch. If every time the Eddy Love of football, Joe Montana, had a game winning drive against a far inferior opponent in the works the opponent called another team from the locker room and placed them on top of Montana squelching the drive…. How long would even the most ardent football fan put up with it. Or if Pee Wee Herman kicked the spokes out of Lance Armstrong’s rear wheel….. or Mike Tyson bit off the ear of a superior opponent, oh wait bad example….. the point is Wolf, It’s always been pinfalls and submission, fair and square for Eddy Love and the better man wins, and (pumps thumb to chest) I’m almost always the better man, and every time you realize it, you take your ball and go home.

You are no noble man Randles. You are a coward. Scared the world will realize what you discovered months ago, that Eddy Love is twice the wrestler that you are. You’re scared that the Legend Killa will, with a legal wrestling move right in the middle of the ring, do what you can’t do with every dirty trick in the world….. end your opponent’s career. You’re a hack Randles. A school yard bully who finally found the kid who punched him in the mouth and not only saved his lunch money, but demanded yours as well.

You are not a turning point in my journey, Mike, you are simply another indistinguishable crossroad that I’ve spit on on the way to my destination of immortality. You’re insecure, you’re over rated, you know it and in one hour your two worst nightmares will prove it to you. Then Greensboro you had better batten down the women, because after this light work out it’s Hurricane Season on the Greensboro Nightlife scene, and all night is just right for Hurricane Eddy.

(Fade to CSWA logo)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Safer Ground

(also delayed, I suppose)

[font color= red]WS:[/font][font color= black]Mike Plett is safe ground?

Why don't you warm up for your match with Randalls by watching me go out there and deliver the STELLAR performance you know I'm going to give, and when I leave Merritt Auditorium with a shot at Aho or Stanley or Hornet or Powers... and five other men have left, having given EVERYTHING they had, and still coming up short... And you sit out and have the HUGE surprise, soak up as much TV time as you can with the Fargo strut... Then, Hurri, you look back on the night and see if I'm safe ground.

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