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ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profiles


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Here are the wrestler profiles as they came through the form. You may notice a couple of guys who aren't in -- they changed characters.

If you haven't added a profile and role-play, please do so in order to give your opponent and others some info.

If you submitted and need to change some info, let me know. I don't know if you'll be able to edit your post in this thread.
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New member
Mar 6, 2012
South Carolina
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Derrick Allen
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Wrestler's Finisher
Fremont Plunge: Shooting Star Press
Wrestler moveset
Northern lights suplex
Drop toe hold into half crab
springboard leg drop
Standing side kick
High flipping dropkick
springboard/top rope hurricanrana
Arm drag
Crossface armbar
Double hunderhook power bomb
Running bulldog
German suplex
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief BiographyBrief Roleplay
"what has my life become?" Derrick thinks to himself as he sits by alone in the "nosebleed" section of the Moss bay Event Center. The place is an empty mass of melancholy silence for Derrick.

"Is this the plan that the man above has for me?" Ponders Derrick as he peers down and watches his sister, Courtney, and once friend Scott Douglas conversing. Derrick is too far away to hear what they are saying in which has his mind fumbling as to what they are talking about.

"I thought I had it all planned out from the beginning. I had a friend who might as well been my brother, a sister that i would have done anything for, but funny how things turn out."

"She always is running back to him no matter what. makes me sick to think that she keeps choosing him over me." Derrick lowers his head and rubs it as if to try and make an on coming headache go away.Derrick is clearly upset at what he is seeing.

"For as long as I can remember it was the three of us."

"Why are things different?"

"Did I do something to drive them both away?"

"How dare he turn his back on me, and how dare her take his side." Derrick has begun to rock back and forth in his seat, beginning to have the mannerisms of a mad man.

"I'll make them pay..."

A buzzing sound is heard coming from Derricks pocket. He fumbles into his pants and pulls out a cell phone. He has a text message. "Chain Reaction 7...Derrick Allen vs. Erik Mateo..." Derrick shoves the phone back into his pocket before reading the rest of the text.

"And so it begins". Derrick thinks referring to the start of his career in the IWF.

"Erik Mateo, eh? A bit on the heavier side when compared to me...but shouldn't be a problem." Derrick stares down to where Courtney and Scott are talking.

"In due time Scott...In due time. We will have our day, one of two things will happen, either u will stop being a punk or we will rip each other apart."

"It's time for me to show the IWF and ,next, Mateo what being fearless is all about. This country, mushed mouth piece of trailer park trash has a beating coming to him."

Derrick stands up and stretches. He makes his way for the exit. Before leaving he turns around and notices Scott and Courtney embracing. A grim look comes over Derricks face.

"If that's the they want it then that's the way it will be."

"Guess it is me against the world...first up, Erik Mateo...God help him!"

Derrick turns back around and exits through two metal doors.
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Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Jesse Ramey
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Bullet in my Hand" by Redlight King
Wrestler's Finisher
The Attitude Adjustment: Darkness Buster
Non Compos Mentis: Sunset Flip Powerbomb
Wrestler moveset
Springboard Clothesline
Running Bulldog
Dragon Screw Leg Whip
Insiguri Kick
Swinging Neck Breaker
Dragon Sleeper
Springboard Roundhouse Kick
Rolling Senton (Trademark Move) (Stroke of Attitude; S.O.A.)
Vicious Tornado DDT (Trademark Move) (The Hangover)
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief BiographyBrief Roleplay
It’s so cold and I can barely move; am I dead?

The thoughts that run through the mind of a man that has been shot and left for dead can be a troubling thing. Laying six feet down in a hole and the pain emanating both of the open wounds in your chest can be a very deceiving thing for any man. The question of if any of it is truly real begins to creep in and then the thoughts of whether or not you’re already dead and merely residing in your own personal hell.

The man inside of this hole, however, was neither; but the agony he was suffering made him wish either of the two options were true. He was left for dead, and the only sound emanating from the surrounding area were that of the night time animals in the surrounding.

Rolling onto his back, his first instinct was to survive and with two bullet wounds in his chest the only way to do that was to stop the bleeding. Grabbing hold of a handful of dirt, he was barely able to muster up the strength to rub it inside of the holes. Each move made his face grimace with pain, but he knew this pain was necessary for his survival.

Breathing heavily just from the small amount of movement that his actions had taken; he knew that getting out of this hole was the next obstacle. Easy feats to overcome were it not for his current circumstances; just getting to his knees at this point in time would be an even bigger obstacle to overcome.

Gathering every ounce of power that he could, he found himself able to roll onto his stomach and then he began to claw at the walls of what was meant to be his final resting place. Inches seemed like miles, and the pain was so unbearable that he nearly found himself passing out with every grasp of the dirt and broken roots that surrounded him.

Even more frustrating were the times that he’d come an inch only for whatever his hand was grasping to fall through. Be it a handful of dirt that would break loose from the ground and send him back to square one, or a root that seemed to be buried deep within the ground around him only to pull loose.

Hours began to pass, and the only thing he had managed to do was find himself in a seated position gasping for air, still stuck at the bottom of his hell. He began to reflect on his life as his life at this point was no certainty and it was better to keep in good thoughts if this was to be his impending doom.

No good thoughts were left within his mind though, only that of regret, remorse, and maybe even a little bit of self-pity. Had he not let his fame, fortune, and accomplishment gone to his head, would he have even been in this situation right now? If he hadn’t turned his back on the things in life that had always shown him the most promise and joy, would things be different right now?

Of course things would be different, but when you let a snake into your bed, you are bound to be bitten. This snake had bitten alright; and not only corrupted its victim with its horrible venom, but it had drained him of his very lifeblood and left him a shell.

A shell that was beginning to wonder if finding the capacity to get out of this hole was exactly the best decision he could make. Would the world be a better place without him in it, especially now that they know the true color of his being? In his mind, he felt like the answer to that question was yes; but deep within his heart he knew that he could be forgiven for his wrongdoings.

Something that he had given up listening to, he had listened to it for years and nothing of merit had been granted by it. When he stopped listening to it though, it had landed him in his rather uneventful circumstances at this very moment. If only he could get out of this hole alive, he’d never let anything lead him astray from it again. Getting out of the hole though, was the problem at the moment, and if it could even be accomplished.

One last ditch effort, that’s all he had within him. If he couldn’t make it out of this hole with this last try, then he was stuck and would surely call it his final resting place. Each move causing a painful groan to exert from his body, but he had to make it; clawing at the surroundings harder than before, each move more painful than the next.

Finally, with one last deep inhale, hoping to stop the blood from flowing and ease some the pain. A hand shot out from within the grave, and slowly he began to dig at the fresh grass above him. His upper body now lying in the fertile grasses, while his lower still dangled in the grave; he shifted his body around and just lay panting for breath.

He was done for the time being, but rest on the surface, knowing that his fate may not be completely sealed was all the assurance he needed. Task one was now complete, task two would be a completely different story.

His eyes barely open, glancing on either side of him; open and grown fields for what looked like miles. Finding help would not be easy, but for now rest was all he needed. Seeking help would have to come in the morning.
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Jesse Ramey
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The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Doc Silver
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Battle In Me" by Garbage
Wrestler's Finisher
Aces Full (Stunner)
Wrestler moveset
Snap Suplex
Running Clothesline
Superkick (that gets faked into a DDT now and then)
Swinging neck breaker
Side Russian Leg Sweep
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Doc Silver's been around for forever, starting out as Dr. Silver and winning Ultratitle and World Titles in AAWC and other lesser leagues, but then Doc fell in love with the band Garbage and so "Garbage" Doc was born, also he loved backstage politics. The only man with a lifetime ban from CSWA and countless other burnt bridges in his past, Doc figured his career was over after a semi final loss in TEAM to Dan Ryan, but now Ultratitle, and Garbage having a new album have dragged him back into the ring for one last go of it.

Sarcastic, bitter, mean spirited, cruel are good ways to describe Doc, and those might be his endearing traits. Doc's just a giant jerk who spends his days cutting down people he doesn't like, and that's almost everyone. He's been through the ringer of drug and alcohol addiction, he's married to woman who can't stand him and he can't stand her. At 45 he's well past his prime but he's still got the smarts to try to figure out a way to steal a win off anyone.

That and the fact that he has a gang of thugs just waiting for the ref to look the wrong way or get knocked down so that they can intervene on his behalf makes him an opponent not to be taken lightly.
Brief Roleplay
The gang was all assembled one last final ride. Flint M. Jacobs, Gomer Pyle, Bloodhunt had even been pulled out of the car dealership, and there was Spectrum, who'd fought for Doc under a bunch of different names for whatever thing caught Doc's eye at the moment, no Prism however, a neck injury followed by pain killer addiction and alcohol abuse meant he passed away far to young as far to many wrestlers do.

Greenie was there at the head of the table with Ryoko, Doc's unloving wife over his shoulder. Nobody listened to his calls for order, since the gang didn't respect him in the slightest, they were to busy sharing tales of glory from years gone by, all the various fights they had been in, titles won and lost, woman they had been with, the usual topics.

Finally Doc showed up and the room grew quiet, Doc had always been the leader, he'd had the money and the plan since day 1, and now here in the final days he was still the one they all deferred to.

“Gentlemen…Glad you could all make it.” Doc said. “We’ve all been around the block long enough to know that there aren’t many bullets left in any of our guns, but well…We got one last shot at glory here, 6 wins…6 wins gets me back the Ultratitle…Six wins means I retire on top of the world…”

“How’s that glory for us?” Bloodhunt asked. He knew he could ask such a question because he was second in stature in the group. Doc gave him a glance “The glory is that everyone knows this old dog isn’t going to get to the finish line by himself…You bastards are going to have to carry me across the finish line…And if that’s not glory enough for you…I got a pile of money to hand out for each and every win I get.”

The declaration that money was going to be given away brought a cheer from everyone except Bloodhunt who just smiled ruefully. He felt there was more to this then just a ref bump and then a bunch of guys working some poor fool over with a bunch of steel chairs till he wasn’t moving and the blood was flowing.

“I want scouting reports on all my opponents, I want to know their families, I want to know if they have any injuries they’ve been hiding. I want to know who the refs are for these matches. I want to see what they have for histories, if we have anything to manipulate them with.”

“You want us to blackmail refs to help you win?” Jacobs asked, almost stunned at the tactics Doc was suggesting.

“Yes, yes I do. This is a war boys, pure and simple, there isn’t a stone I’ll leave unturned, not a trick I won’t use…It’s Ultratitle and I’m Doc Silver for crying out loud, they aren’t going to disqualify me until I have a smoking gun in my hand and the guy is bleeding out on the mat…Of course if it is in my home state of Florida I could just declare I was standing my ground.”

A grim chuckle came from the group. “Look guys, I’m 45…I wanted to be retired at 40…I haven’t wrestled since Dan Ryan threw me through the mat and denied me the match I wanted with Impulse…And rumor has it I ain’t getting that little scamp again this time around…And hell after I saved his career with my advice this is how he repays me…” Doc shook his head…”Doesn’t matter, what does matter is I need a final act in my career…I wanted Felix Red…But the drugs took him away from me…I wanted Impulse, but Dan Ryan and Nova screwed that up…Now it’s this tournament, maybe I’ll run into Eli Flair or Mike Randalls, maybe I’ll find that great rival worthy of besting me and ending my run, or maybe I’ll just mow them all down and win the damn thing and walk off into the sunset with Shirley Manson’s dulcet tones bidding me farewell…No matter how it ends it’s ending here…”

He smiled and stifled a laugh.

“Unless I decide otherwise in a year or so and then it’s back to blading to the cheer of the crowd….I wrestler who can’t stop unretiring what a crazy concept.”

The group laughed with Doc and Doc took his leave, he tried to play it off all cool and smooth, but in his bones he felt like this was really the end…How he was going to go out remained to be seen, he looked back at the gang of men and his business arrangement of a wife and sighed. “I’m going to need every last bit of help I can get” he said under his breath…”I have to be an idiot to put myself through this…” as he was beating himself up, his phone rang, and with it “Battle In Me” began playing, the new Garbage song…Just hearing It got him fired up again, to think of an arena full of people yelling and screaming, pyro and noise, the thrill of victory…It all came washing over him again.

“Damn you Shirley…Damn you.” Doc said as he answered the phone, he was a junkie seeking one final high and he while he knew the price he was going to pay would be high, it was a price he’d pay gladly.
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The Great Eye


League Member
Feb 24, 2009
Santa Monica
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"Suite" Pete Whealdon
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Midnight City" by M83
Wrestler's Finisher
Sandusky Special: Hangman’s Neckbreaker with Inappropriate Gyrations
Wrestler moveset
knee drop
scoop slam
Battering Ram
high knee strike
Abdominal Stretch
Head Claw - It doesn't really work, but he won't stop trying anyways
Bionic Elbow
Collar and Elbow tie up, with body scissors
Headlock- All variations, this is is all purpose wear down move, and his "technical" move.
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Who is Pete Whealdon? Pete Whealdon stormed out of the LIONS FC Training camp in 2007 as your typical of the era American Strong Style Bad-Ass. Utilizing a Variety of Kicks, and Stiffer Kicks, and an Armbar that looked entirely realistic, he and his first tag team partner Alexander Shaw took america by storm. Storming, lots of weather related adjectives later, Pete Whealdon found himself on the outside looking in the WWA, but in no time flat he recovered, utilizing mainly the same two kicks to five star appeal, he and his second tag team partner, the always forgettable and generally uninteresting Curtis Penn found themselves running up the ranks, and then through the Faces of Death to capture the WWA World Tag Team titles. They would fend off the not exactly legendary team of 80 Proof who made many beer related references to them. Pete Whealdon would've stroked his mustache had he had one at the time, but he settled merely for his chin. and while Curtis Penn was more or less Pink Floyd post The Wall, Pete Whealdon was Dark Side of the Moon. In a legendary series of matches, legendary is totally dependent on who you ask. The Sex Symbol's and Pete Whealdon... and Curtis Penn participated in two matches to unify the WWA, and NWA world tag team titles, in Wrestle Coast Cascadia. Owing to a growing personality. Pete Whealdon decided mid match that he was done with Tag Team wrestling, and used one of those fearsome kicks to put down his own tag team partner.

People marked out.

Sporting his first of many successful Mustaches, Pete Whealdon returned as a singles competitor to the WWA, where he promptly held out for more money without wrestling a match. This roughly coincided with the founding of DEFIANCE, Where he sat on ice for several months, by this time, he was no longer the severe striker with a faux hawk and shave lines. No, now he had a mustache, and the first signs of casual sleaze began to seep through. He found a new cohort in Damien DeSett, and despite forming the ****/b/olts with him, they caught on as a tag team. As tag teams go they may have been the greatest tag team to never pick up a pinfall, but they managed to beat St. Louis #3, Making them by far the greatest Tag Team to have ever beaten that team. St. Louis #3 were so impressed with the general sense of Shatnerian grandness, they confused spoken word for rap, and the wheels on the bus go round and round for swizz beats. many laughs were had. But the laughter soon died.

A Tragic Incidence swept over the ****/b/olt nation. After suffering "severe" "injuries". They stepped away. Damien DeSett went to college, and drank "protein" drinks, and took "protein" injections to become the buffest comedian the world had ever seen. Pete Whealdon, well he trained in a manner Warren Harding would've found hard to argue with. Many a jug of Christian Brothers Brandy and Red Wine Later. Pete Whealdon found himself owning several suits that could make a wolverine purr and a practitioner of the greatest brand of technical wrestling ever. He had gone from Sweet to Suite, and that's where we find ourselves now.
Brief Roleplay
[Pete Whealdon is annoyed. Pete Whealdon is not amused. Damien DeSett is chugging on a treadmill Ivan Drago style, up a 12% incline at absurd speed. Somehow, he is balancing a “protein” drink in one hand.]

[He even looks like Ivan Drago. with brown hair, and shorter. way shorter.]

Pete Whealdon:
I am not amused.

[Pete Whealdon stroked his mustache with annoyance.]

[Kevin/Satan (now with more Evil!) stands behind Whealdon, all of this is going on in the ****/b/olt Incorporated Offices. Now containing two, count ‘em TWO! Burned Ficus Trees. This hasn’t stopped the “decorator”(see Kevin/Satan (now with more Evil!) from adding a new one, presumably made of plastic this time, since it shines like nobodies business.]

Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil!):

[Pete Whealdon wear suits these days. and this one, makes a cow do backflips. His undershirt is of course more unbuttoned, than buttoned. big lapels, and this suit is the kind of green that does not exist outside of a time warp in the nineteen sixties.]

Pete Whealdon:
Daddy, in between naps watching Kai Lewis....

Kevin/Satan (now with more Evil!):
Ermm. Scott.

[Pete Whealdon shoots a look at Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil)]

Pete Whealdon:
Scott Lewis. In between watching Scott Lewis....

Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil!):
mmmm Satan believes his name is Kai Scott, your Suiteness.

[Pete Whealdon is annoyed.]

Pete Whealdon:
Daddy, When I was watching Kai Scott talk to much about wrestling, and moves, and my future ex-wife Heidi Whealdonswife, I noticed something important Daddy.

[everyone is waiting]


Pete Whealdon
Claira St. Sure is some kind of a quadroon, and Daddy, I ain’t never been with a spanish chick before. Claira, baby, you need to hop off of the lame train, and get right into the Kitchen of the Greatest Technical Wrestler to Ever Live, and fix him up the kind of sandwiches that you can use that core strength on Baby, and don’t be shy, because we ain’t stoppin’, even if the biggest hitter in wrestling is pushing rope.

Baby, why you hang around with that, when you can have all of this.


[Someone somewhere just marked out.]

Pete Whealdon:
Daddy, I noticed that I only garnered cursory mentions from the knuckle dragging solipsists The Devil Rippers, so I went right to the man, the Devil Himself.

[Not J.W. Oswald.]

[a Firm hand on Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil), He grimaces.]

Pete Whealdon:
And I asked him, Why are you putting up your men against me. You know what he told me Daddy? they think they are shooting right to the top. Well the only thing getting shot, is a hot load in your asses....

[Everyone stares at Whealdon.]

Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil!):
Satan has nothing to do with these men Suite One! I swear! By the Precious.

[Eyebrows up.]

Pete Whealdon:
Enough of this! What these men...

Kevin/Satan(now with more Evil):
And women.

Pete Whealdon:
Daddy, what these men and women don’t realize is that they aren’t just fighting one another, hand dogging for points and trying to jumar their way up to the next pitch of the ladder. No Daddy, they’ve hit the burnt sheath and the core shot rope on the ascender failure of that ladder Daddy! Pete Whealdon, is going to prove why despite having his affections cruelly split in this match between his Future Ex-Wife, and his Future Ex-Ex-Wife, and Future Mistress, He is going to make the kind of debut that is only preceded by the likes of his favorite overnight success’, Franz Ferdinand, and William Henry Harrison. Daddy, you might be the greenest haired man I’ve ever seen, but daddy, if you think this all about wrestling skill, I’m gonna hand you the bad news in the ring. I’m the greatest wrestler who's ever lived, I’ve got the best body, I’ve got the best training, I’m the greatest technical wrestler who’s ever lived, and Daddy, I’ve got shades so stupid icy, I can’t even drive with ‘em on. But Daddy, I’m like Miles Davis and Cocaine, and Japan, and Jazz, and the Electric guitar. I wear ‘em at night, and I ain’t gonna gonna send you to deep space. but Daddy, I might try and find some deep space.

And if you think for a second that I don’t know what you’re gonna be doing, You’ve got it wrong Daddy, I’ve had Damien DeSett training hard, I’ve had the greatest living manager of all time, ever, the world over and elsewhere, watching video, and Daddy, I’ve been hitting the tanning beds hard, and hitting on the women who run them harder, Because do you think they wanna see Troy Mathews and his teenage dirt bag green hair and physique like a water melon? Hell no Daddy, they wanna see the Miles Davis of wrestling, they wanna see the King of the Cool, They wanna see the *****es Brew Daddy, and I aim to deliver it.



Pete Whealdon:
Hahaha Daddy, I ain’t done yet. Because when you can jam like this, Daddy, it doesn’t matter when it is, what time it is, and whether or not something or other has something or othered. That’s right Daddy, Pete Whealdon, the greatest wrestler to ever live, has frozen time, and Daddy, you have to be cool to stop time with a wall of ice. and We ain’t talking Diamonds here. Daddy, When I look at the Devil Rippers, I see an obstacle keeping me from the hottest double dutch rudder of time, ain’t that right Dudebro!


Pete Whealdon:
ESEN is about to get the biggest star ever Daddy, and the coldest.

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Apr 6, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Eugene Dewey
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
The jogging music from 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out'
Wrestler's Finisher
Shoryuken - A crouching twisting uppercut
Wrestler moveset
Body Slam
Strikes and Kicks
Trapezius claw
Leg Drop
Big Splash (with a variation that comes off of the first rope)
Running butt bump to an opponent sitting in the corner
Eugene likes to use his weight to smother people, whether it's in the corner or on the floor
Various rest holds, god knows he needs them
He'll crouch down and try to electrify himself, just like Blanka in Street Fighter. Hey, it might work one day, right?
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Physical Description: *Eugene’s already ample weight and sky high cholesterol ballooned after the closure of Defiance. Eugene had taken to eating more to cope with the new lifestyle he had entered into, unfortunately he didn't stop eating the increased ammount once Defiance closed. Eugene and Wayne, respectively.Ring Attire: *He’s still rocking the brown shoes and slacks, white shirt, tie, glasses and pocket protector.Alignment: *FaceGimmick: *Eugene is a nerd/gamer, Wayne is a hyper little know it allFighting Style: *A mixture of the world’s favourite beat ‘em up characters like Ryu, Blanka, King, Armor King, Scorpion, Sub Zero etc. All rolled into a horrendously overweight ball.Strengths: Reaction times - having played computer games all his life Eugene is able to react to events in the ring almost instantly. And his mom said that playing COD all day wouldn't help him achieve anything...Wayne Dewey - Wayne has been a wrestling fan since he can remember and acts as his brother's manager so he'll be at ringside whenever he can. Wayne shouts advice to his brother during matches and will scout the opponents beforehand so that Eugene can know what to expect.Weight - Being on the heavy side means Eugene isn't going to get thrown around too much. It also means he has a large frame to throw at his opponents and do some serious damage.Weaknesses: Weight - Being on the heavy side also means Eugene isn't going to be flying around the ring or coming off of the top rope any time soon.Wrestling Skill - Eugene isn't a chain wrestler. He can defend himself against punches, kicks, noogies, swirlies and wedgies. After all, he's been doing that all his life as well. But a drop toe hold? A collar and elbow tie up? He's not going to come out on top frequently there.Laziness - Eugene simply can't be bothered at times. You're not going to see him hanging out with the guys backstage that often as he'd rather be in his La-Z-Boy in his locker room pwning some noobs. This translates into his training. He's not going to improve on his wrestling ability week by week and he's certainly not going to improve on his physical fitness.
Brief Roleplay
Captain’s log, stardate Thursday, March 24th 2011. Our destination is Arlington, Texas.

Darren Michaels, of St Louis #3 fame, and a battered and bloodied Eugene Dewey, of World of Warcraft fame, exchanged rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. Michaels landed a couple of shots in succession and scooped Eugene off of his feet. Only one slight problem with that though, after the battle these two had put themselves through Eugene’s massive frame was simply too much for the smaller Michaels to support. Darren fell backwards and the near 300 pounder came tumbling after. From there, it was academic.


Who’d have thunk it? Eugene Dewey’s first victory came via a fluke. Had Darren Michaels not been so over confident maybe that match would have gone the other way. But then, if Eugene had lost that debut match would he even still be here today? Would Eugene’s confidence have been able to take such a blow? Would Eugene Dewey’s initial run in Defiance consisted of never ending losses as opposed to never ending wins?

So many questions... I think my brain is melting.

To be fair though, we may see the answers to some of those questions soon; after all, Eugene’s first match in Defiance’s new incarnation didn’t go as well as most people were probably expecting.


Eugene had tried everything he could. He’d tried to stand toe to toe with Jan Gin Xiao, he’d tried to take JGX off of his feet... He’d even tried to hit him with some actual wrestling moves, would you believe? But he still had one trick he could pull out of his sleeve; the Shoryuken. It came from nowhere and connected cleanly with Xiao’s chin, finally he’d managed to knock the big man to the mat. Wayne Dewey shouted from the outside for Eugene to climb to the top rope, something the ginger gaming guru obliged, despite the evident reluctance in his eyes. Slowly Eugene managed to steady himself on the top rope and fell backwards. Unfortunately, he met nothing but the mat.

A Red Wave later and you could have stuck a fork in it. But JGX didn’t want to leave anything up to chance and delivered another backbreaking Red Wave. After that you could have stuck any number of forks in. Eugene wasn’t getting up


How different can you get, eh?

Not only the winning and losing part, but opponents as well. On one side you have the technical prowess only found in those who have been around the ring since before Super Mario because ‘Super’, the other, a mountain of a powerhouse who’s tenure in Defiance started mere days ago.

You’d have thought that maybe, just maybe, the guy with no professional training would do better against the guy who’s career was just starting as opposed to the guy who’s career was winding down, wouldn’t you?

I know I would.

Maybe wrestling is all about beginners’ luck. Eugene wins his debut at Darren Michaels’ expense, JGX wins his at Eugene’s. It’s all swings and roundabouts.

So now that all the debuts are out of the way maybe we can return to some sort of normallity, yeah? Not that this place is exactly normal, but you know what I mean.


Eugene and Wayne had sat down every night for the last week to study ’THAT’ tape. That’s what they had called it anyway. Neither one of them wanted to refer to it as ‘the tape where Eugene got squashed.’

Tonight was no different.

Usually Eugene would be sneeking peeks at his iPhone, or flat out not paying attention and speeding around Bowser’s Castle while playing Mario Kart 7 on his 3DS. But not today. Not this week, even. No, this week Eugene had been as attentive as Wayne always was. He had to have seen himself slammed into the ground with The Red Wave at least 200 times. Maybe that’s why he was still feeling a slight twinge in his back.

It’s all psychological, this pain thing.

“We must watched this tape more times than ‘Superbad’.” Wayne said to Eugene, clearly confused, “And I still can’t see anything you could have done to beat this guy.”

Eugene leaned back into the couch and heaved a heavy sigh.

“That’s what I keep telling you.” Replied Eugene, not as frustrated as one might think he would be. Instead Eugene seemed to be as confounded as his brother.

“You used ring psychology for God’s sake!” Wayne almost shouted, “You tried to take out his legs! You stuck to the gameplan!”

“I know!” Eugene shouted back.

“And what do you get for it?” Wayne asked rhetorically, “Slammed. And slammed again.”

Eugene just shook his head in disappointment.

“Look man, we’ve just got to try and put this behind us.” Said Wayne, trying to sound a little more upbeat, “Look forward to next week. Get back on track.”

A dejected Eugene simply stared at the paused image on the Television of Jan Gin Xiaowith his hand raised in victory.

“This league, it’s all about momentum. And we lost a ****-ton of it last week.” Said Wayne, trying to sound supportive, but failing miserably, “But you know who’s got plenty of it going into this week? Gabriel Grimm.”

Wayne sounded like he had a plan. It’s just a shame that Eugene couldn’t care less about it right now.

“You beat him, you take his momentum.” Said Wayne, trying his darndest to rouse some kind of response from his brother. “Remember what Professor Farnsworth said, ‘If you kill an enemy, be sure to eat their heart. To gain their courage. Their rich, tasty courage!’”

Eugene cracked the smallest smile anyone could ever produce.
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League Member
Apr 2, 2007
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
By Demons Be Driven, Pantera
Wrestler's Finisher
Lifetaker, Double Underhook Brainbuster
Wrestler moveset
Short Chokeslam
Leg Drop
Hard Clothesline
Pele Kick
Ankle Lock
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
A wrestler who has been doing the rounds for quite some time... Never really been part of FWrestling, mainly focussing on G-Fed and the newer Fedwars.

A hardcore wrestler by definition, and a man who likes to play on the mind of his opponant.
Brief Roleplay
--Old Roleplay, but gives a little insight into the mentality of Demon--

- Screen cuts to a white grainy picture , a silhouette of a man appears just behind it, you can't actually see any detail but can hear a deep english voice, tinged with a bit of America --

This is a game I have played for years, a profession that has taken me from the highest of the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows, years of blood, sweat, tears, money, pain, heartbreak, destruction and mental fortitude.

Year after year I have showed the world just what I am capable of so I am sure that you already know exactly what the hell I can do, seeing many a wrestler come along and tell the world that they are the best thing since sliced bread only to be humiliated in their first few weeks and run away with their leg in between their collective tails.

I've got this funny feeling that this upcoming TEW Wreckage will be something similar, to be fair I actually have to give this guy his dues, a similar upbringing to mine, a similar background story and a little bit of heartbreak in there, by the way Tyler, how is daddy dearest?

All I can see is him coming down to ring thinking where is daddy? Who would take daddy away from me at the time when I am making my big debut against the man that is Demon, the most intelligent piece of work to ever set foot in a ring, a man who will destroy your soul and then rip apart the pieces bit by bit, you see Tyler someone must have it in for you because nobody really expects you to get past the first hurdle, whats going to happen if you take your eye of the ball for just half a second?

Right here is experience personified and I intend to bring the destruction once again, a new eve of all that is dark is due to unleashed on the TEW and I do truly hope that everybody is ready, signing a contract for the Demon is like signing the death warrant of those around him, it is as simple as you join me in the quest for power, or you fall in our path to glory and total destruction.

I may have been gone a long time but deep down inside I believe you all know what is coming..
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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"Latina Fire" Go-Go Spectacular
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Ignition" by Toby Mac
Wrestler's Finisher
"The G-Spec" (A Jack Evans styled 720 splash)
Wrestler moveset
Pele kick
Acai Moonsault
European Uppercut
Knife-edged chop
Suicide placha dives out of the ring
ace crusher
spinning wheel kick
360 degree spinning roundhouse kick
heart punch
leg drop
elbow drop
shining wizor
face buster
flying crossbody
back cracker

Signature Moves:

1) "Walk The Line" (A defensive spot where Go-Go is really. She gets irish whipped into the turnbuckle, she scales and runs up the turnbuckle like stairs to the top, then tight rope runs across it like a cat to the opposite turnbuckle, then when she gets there she leaps off and nails a cross body on her opponent. She can also execute a missle dropkick, a flying clothesline, a frog splash, or even on rare occasions she could hit a pitch perfect one for the highlight reels moonsault right on her opponent.

2) "Smoking Aces Driver" Go-Go irish whips and slings her opponent into the ropes, she runs in the opposite direction as her opponent, she bounces off of the ropes for momentum, on the return she nails her opponent with a high impact front dropkick, staggering the opponent back into that rope, where he bounces off, on the return she leaps up like how Randy Orton would get when going the RKO but instead finishes the landing by landing on her butt in a sit down position like how Steve Austin finishes the stunner.

3) "Hit the Blocks" Go-Go is on a comeback. She staggers her opponent into the corner turnbuckle. She backs up clear across to the opposite turnbuckle diagnal him in the corner, she gets a running start, runs and scales where she looks like she hits a shining wizor and hits the first knee, but she is up there and hits ten repeated rapid fire knees to her opponents head (like how someone does a mounted ten punch but instead it is a series of knees to the head) on the tenth knee, she finishes with one of two moves, either a top rope famasser/rocker dropper. She can also change it up and hit a bulldog, or a frankensteiner/hurricanrana off of the top rope.
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
1) Appearance: Go-Go is a female. Young, slender, petite, and athetic. She is Latina-American. She has long raven colored hair, but her hair is beaded and braided and flows down past her tight Mexican mask and flows elegantly past the middle, of her back to her waist. She has naturally tanned/ivory colored skin. She has brown Egyption styled/queen of the nile eyes; however she wears silver colored contacts that disguise them. She has various assorted tattoos all over her arms, chest, abdomin, and upper and lower back. She also wears body piercings in her nose, around her eyes, her ears, lip, belly button, etc.

2) Ring Attire: Her ring attire consist of, black with blood red trim tight wrestling spandex that flares bell bottom style around the ankles, black boots, a matching black shiny sequened sports bra, and a webbed tight long sleeved overshirt that fits over the bra but is cut out around the mid drift section area of her stomach. She wears black with red trimmed webbed fingerless gloves. She also wears a small gold cross/crucifix that is around her neck.

Now the most important part is her mask. It is like a cowl, that fits over the top upper half of her head and down to her nose and ears leaving the lower half of her face open like her mouth. The mask is black with blood red trim. There is a red outlined stylish design around her eyes and nose and her ears and in the back where the mask laces tightens up in the back. On the top of the mask is a halo circle of small horns that go around.

3) Personality: Go-Go is a young Latina-American girl. She is cheerful, spunky, sassy, sweet, and in a lot of ways naive. She is only 19 years old so she knows little about the business. She will learn as she goes. She is mysterious and nobody knows about this girl from El'Paso, Texas. She learns quickly but she has LOTS to learn and then some. In the meantime, she is naturally athletic for her petite tiny size (compared to almost off of her male peers) She is excited and humbled and even a little scared to be wrestling on the big stage but everything is understandable with what she is feeling.
Brief Roleplay
"What do I want?"

"I want to be more than just a girl."

"I want to be more than just a professional wrestler."

"I want to be more than just lucha libra."

"I want to be more than just for one day to be crowned a champion."

"I want to be more than just a role model for the next generation of little girls that are inspired and aspire to be just like me."

"I know that I am only nineteen years old. I am just getting started."

"I know that i am a little girl surrounded by giants and legends in the making."

"But I believe that I can be something else entirely that goes beyond championships and hall of fames."

"I know that it won't be easy but keep moving forward and never give up. Never relents. Never surrenders."

"Within my heart is the fire that will never be snuffed out, put out, rub out."

"I am the next generation. I am Go-Go Spectacular that burns Latina blood. Win or lose, you will never forget me."
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Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins
Wrestler's Finisher
Headliner (burning hammer), Humility Bomb (layout high angle powerbomb)
Wrestler moveset
Full Nelson Slam
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Jumping DDT
Double Underhook Piledriver
Belly to Back Suplex
Springboard Legdrop
Release German Suplex
Fujiwara Armbar
Dragon Suplex
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief BiographyBrief Roleplay

From DAN RYAN v. CASTOR STRIFE -- Supercrash IV (NFW)


We open on the offices of "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan. An oversized oak desk dominates the room, along with an audio/video system worthy of the CIA taking up the entire East wall. Behind the desk is an oversized leather chair where Dan Ryan is seated. On the wall behind him are various pieces of sports memorabilia, his first World Championship, A photo of Christian Sands and Marcus Westcott from Empire Pro Wrestling's first ever Pay-Per-View, Black Dawn 2004, and finally an oversized poster, signed by Hakeem Olajuwon, of Olajuwon dunking on Patrick Ewing in the 1994 NBA Finals with Olajuwon so high, his nuts are practically resting on Ewing's chin.

Ryan, decked out in a clean-lined blue dress shirt and brown slacks (unseen), leans back, relaxed, and taps his fingers on the desk in front of him.

RYAN: "Before we get too deeply into this, Castor, I always say that you should give credit where credit is due. All too often we get lost in the petty insults and one-upsmanship and we forget to point out the good things that our opponents do. And this week, you did a very very good thing, Castor."

"I thought the dude who played Huggy Bear in Starsky and Hutch was long gone, lost to the ether as another casualty of gimmicky 70s television. But you gave him a part to play in your promo for a World Championship match, and as they say, any publicity is good publicity. So while he stammered through contrived Airplane-like 'jive talk' and answered to every African American stereotype in the book, you've made him matter again, so I can only expect that you are now a future fixture at Huggy Bear family photos, picnics, Christmas get-togethers and BARRRRR-BEE-CUES! YOU IS JUST LIKE FAMILY, CAS-TUH-MO-STRIFE! Now why don't you head on down to the kitchen and have the cook make you a good old fashioned SUTH-UHN BREAKFAST?"

"And hell, don't get me wrong. I get that you can show up at the site of a nuclear disaster thirty years later and possibly not DIE. It's just that I like so much that you think of the precaution of a GAS MASK to protect you against radioactive particles in the air. You understand? I said I LIKE it. You don't need to explain it. After all, if you have to explain a joke, it probably wasn't a very good pro... err, joke. Right?"

"I KNOW your work matters. Trust me, I know. You tell me about it all the time. I see it in CNN, 60 Minutes, America's Top Model... really, it's everywhere. And, you're the NFW World Champion. What more of a platform do you need?? Still, while you certainly understand how talking out your ass works, I have to wonder if you're clear on the concept of how a professional wrestling match works. For some reason, you think it involves you in the ring with me on the outside, and you allowing me to come inside when it's convenient for you. Hence, your assertion that I'm heckling your from the crowd and you're up on stage holding the microphone. Metaphors. They are to Castor Strife as wet is to the rain. That's right. I prefer similes."

"And... ya boy... Alex Austin? I think maybe if he's the one training you, you might have a problem, since he's never apparently SEEN my matches. You think you're the first cardio warrior I've had to challenge for a belt or defend a belt against? You REALLY think it's just kick, wham, powerbomb? Well... okay. I'm not gonna be the one to tell you how to scout an opponent properly, but it sounds a little bit like you may be in for a surprise, Castor. But, if you would like to simply take the damage I dish out until the expected falling apart due to a lack of wind, then I would like to encourage you to do so. Since you've seen all I've got, I look forward to you simply outlasting my simpleton jobber-like offense and proudly defending your championship. I can't wait for the DVDs, the Royal Caribbean sponsored 'Cruise With Castor' and the star with your name on it at the Walk of Fame."

"If we're gonna talk about what we're both all about, and you've decided I'm all about runnin' for the hills, well then hell... I guess it's all on me, isn't it? Because only I can decide to run for the hills or not, and only you can decide to speak English or speak in antequated stereotypes and metaphor. So where does that leave us, Castor? With the things that neither of us CAN control? Can either of us control what happens outside of this match that night? Will our match, boring as it is with nothing but some of the best wrestling of the last decade over a belt that deserves to be the pinnacle of the sport, even be the most talked about moment? Or, will some other nonsense take place that pops the 'modern' crowd? If I'm so much easier to deal with than Impulse, then why isn't it Impulse in the ring with you at Supercrash instead of me? And why is Impulse off talking about a miscarriage and foolin' around with JJ Deville instead of challenging for the World Championship?"

"It's because I'm the one who sets the standard, and you can jump on that old bandwagon that what I gave Nova was all I had all you want, but the truth is, since you're so hopped up on the here and now.... in the here and now, you've got ME, and you've got a lot of issues with what you think this is gonna be like. You thought it would be so easy the first time, and here we are again. You can expect a trip back to Texas all you want, but the truth is, I'm here and I'm not leaving, Castor - and if things don't go my way in THIS match, I'll still be here, I'll still be relentlessly chasing that belt, and I'll still be talking about what a World Champion SHOULD be, what an elite wrestling company SHOULD be, and what it means to be a REAL champion who's been through your fire and come through on the other side all his life."

"If you wanna light the wick... hell, Caligula... I say light it. Set Rome on fire and see who takes off first. And keep telling yourself that no one's going anywhere with your gold. The tighter your grip gets, the harder it will be to hang on to it. And if you think it takes tearing down the roof to get that belt back around my waist, SON OF SATURN.... hey, you just remember, I've torn that roof down before..."

"Ain't **** to do it again."

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New member
May 28, 2011
Northeast, PA
Character Information

Name: The Kochi Cannibal Freddie Sagawa
Hometown: Kochi, Kochi Prefecture, Japan
Height: 5'10 Weight: 193lbs
Hair: Black & Blood Red Eyes: Pale


While it is unknown where Freddie Sagawa hails from, it is obvious that he is of
some sort of Asian decent - having very recognizable Japanese-esque features.

Standing 5'10 and weighing a hair under 200lbs, Freddie Sagawa has never been
the biggest dog in the fight. He appears to be in solid shape none-the-less,
with toned muscles and a somewhat prevalent six pack. Unfortunately any would-be
modeling career is ruined by the countless scars and marks that litter his body
thanks to a rather eventful run in a Japanese based jisatsu company.

Facially he has a very slender and almost cartoon like face that is accentuated
by well emphasized cheek bones, a pronounced brow, and a strong jaw line. His
eyes are almost non-existent in their pale gray tone and at times go distant as
he disappears inside the madness that is his mind. His lips are relatively
unpronounced, but are framed by a well-trimmed pointed goatee that extends a
good 4 to 5 inches below his chin.

Sagawa's scalp is shaven clean with the exception of a long singular ponytail
that juts out of the top of his skull and extends midway down his back. While
the style will switch from loose to braided to multiple braids it is generally
jet black with stripes of deep red throughout. He has no piercings or tattoos -
although he may don war paint from time to time.

In Ring Attire:

When plying his trade in the ring, Sagawa dresses in an old beaten up pair of
safari-like khaki cargo pants. What distinguishes them the most is the fact that
they do not appear to have ever been washed - having countless stains of sweat,
blood, and dirt that they have amassed from past battles. One of his legs,
though tattered, is always tucked into the top of his boots. The other leg of
his pants is more severely damaged as it appears to have been shredded with
tears that stretch up past his knee. The remnants of that leg hang loosely down
to his mid-calf. Beneath the pants there is a pair of leopard print wrestling
tights that can be seen tucked into his kneepads.

On his feet he wears a pair of faded black full length wrestling boots, with
matching black laces. They are as abused as the cargo pants as they have holes
in the toes which are loosely taped up with beaten athletic tape.

Sagawa also wears the battered athletic tape snuggly around his hands, wrists,
and forearms - but as the tape moves further up his arm, he haphazardly wraps it
until it reaches his mid bicep. On his left arm, Sagawa wears a white elastic

Additional Note: During his ring entrance, Freddie Sagawa carries the mask of
his former personality SAFARI Jones on a grotesque Halloween style disembodied
head. The head hangs from a long noose and serves as a reminder that he never
wants to be seen as a joke again.


"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've
always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson

It's scary how one quote can truly sum up an individual, but this quote from the
famed American Journalist, Hunter S. Thompson, seems to capture Freddie Sagawa
in a nutshell. If you are wondering just how in touch with his "insanity" one
man can be, you need look no further than the origins of his ring name (which
thankfully was not his birth name)

Freddie - Was taken from the grapplers fondness for American horror movies, and
was plucked straight out of the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise. Although he
took some liberties with the spelling of the name, it seems to capture the fine
line that Freddie Sagawa walks between character and caricature. Between
cartoon-y and frighteningly realistic.

Sagawa - His in-ring surname was taken from famed Japanese murderer and pseudo-
celebrity Issei Sagawa, who had proudly referred to himself as the “Godfather of

Anyone that knows the personality of Sagawa knows that it waaay over the top,
but to the point that it actually becomes a bit endearing. His antics have
earned him quite the cult following in the underground wrestling scene of Japan
and made him a must-see attraction during his tours with various promotions.

It could be his spastic actions inside the ring that seem to mix smoothly with a
cold, calculating, and at times picture-perfect textbook style of wrestling.

It could be his unrelenting will to survive and return from obscene amounts of
damage, much like the many horror movie icons that he idolizes.

It could be his willingness to put his own well being on the line by taking to
the air in dazzling displays of aerial artistry that bathe arenas both near and
far in a sea of flashbulbs.

It could be his theater of the bizarre way of speaking to the fans in an
indistinguishable dialect that only seems to be understood by his close
confidant, J.J. Cardiff.

Why does it work? Nobody knows for sure. But there is no doubt that violence and
insanity has definitely worked for him.

Wrestling History: [Timeline]

Bloodlust: Japan [2007 - 2009]
* Member of the Animalize Stable as SAFARI Jones
* 2007 Breakout Star as SAFARI Jones
* 2008 Stable Wars Champion (Team Animalize w/ WILDBOY Ningenku, Party
Delta, and Gran Mothman Z)
* Bloodlust Junior Heavyweight Champion x2 as SAFARI Jones; x1 as Freddie
* Bloodlust International Tag Team Champions x2 w/ WILDBOY Ningenku
* 2008 Match of the Year Candidate w/ WILDBOY Ningenku vs. Clockwork
* 2009 Match of the Year Winner w/ WILDBOY Ningenku vs. Party Animal Delta
and Gran Mothman Z - Loser Leaves Town

Gouko Pro Wrestling [2008 - 2009]
* 2009 GPW 13 Nights of Hell Finalist - Falling Nightmare Death Match
* GPW Deathmatch Champion - Successful Title Defenses x0
* 2009 Match of the Year Candidate - Participant in 6 Person Fire Scramble
Death Match

Global Wrestling Alliance / Deep South Pro [2009 - 2010]
* Deep South Pro Tag Team Champions x1 w/ WILDBOY Ningenku
* GWA World Tag Team Champions x1 w/ WILDBOY Ningenku

Wasteland Jisatsu Pro Wrestling [2010]
* 2010 Gorefest Deathmatch Tournament Semi-Finalist
* #1 Contender WJPJ Deathmatch Champion

Full Throttle Wrestling [2011 - Current]


Ring Psychology - One of the greatest assets that Sagawa has going for him is
that he appears to be a master at ring psychology. When in battle, he always
appears to be off kilter enough to seem unpredictable - but very rarely does he
act without reason. He has a solid grasp of the sport of professional wrestling
and it’s various styles that he can execute maneuvers flawlessly, while still
baffling an opponent to leave them saying “Where the hell did that come from?”

Cameron Lee Waubash - Although he is a new part of Freddie Sagawa’s life, this
new-age manager is actually old school in the sense that he will do anything to
help his charge win. Interfere? Absolutely. Take a beating to buy his man some
time? Why not? It’s just another layer to the mind game that Freddie Sagawa
LOVES to play.

Resiliency - When you complete is as many hardcore wards as Freddie Sagawa has
in his short career, you learn how to battle through intense amounts of pain and
agony. This resiliency, in addition to allowing him to outlast many an opponent,
adds a surreal-ness to his character and many times will lead to frustrating a
less than level-headed opponent.


Showboating - Freddie Sagawa is without question an extension of the man behind
the personality, who is also at heart an entertainer. As a result, he can lose
focus from time to time and become more determined on putting on a good show
than on capitalizing on a downed adversary. While this is great for the fan
paying money out of his pocket to see The King of Cannibals” it is not always
the greatest thing for a win / loss record.

New Relationship with Manager - Just like his relationship with J.J. Cardiff can
prove to be a strength in the ring, their unfamiliarity with one another, at
times, can be a curse as well. They don’t have the natural communication skills
or the innate ability to know what the other is doing that one may have with a
long time partner or manager. And as a result, this can lead to being more
detrimental than beneficial.

Devil May Care Attitude - Freddie Sagawa has traveled the world a bit and has
had his share of big match experiences. He has seen barbed wire, pits of fire,
fallen off of scaffolds and so on. And knowing that he has gotten up from this
hurdles time and time again has made him more likely to take risks when they
aren’t always appropriate or even necessary. As a result, he can end up doing
more damage to himself just to pop a crowd, than he needs to.

Entrance Music: “The Sound of Madness” by Shinedown

Type of Wrestling: Hardcore Daredevil

Finishing Moves:

Primary Finisher #1
Move Name: Love Letters to Baba Yaga
Description: Shooting Star Senton Splash
Common Setup: Rolling Samoan Drop (Smaller Opponents)
Inverted Stomp Facebreaker (Larger Opponents)

Primary Finisher #2
Move Name: Serpentine Strangle
Description: Anaconda Vice
Common Setup: None

Alternate Finisher
Move Name: Pitagora Sochi
Description: Gory Special into Sitout Power bomb (Smaller Opponents)
Video: http://youtu.be/S4Nlid5OBSs
Common Setup: Boot to Gut or an unseen Low Blow

Signature Moves:

DDT - Sagawa takes great pride in his ability to deliver a DDT from just about
any position - and with such pinpoint accuracy that he commonly plants his
opponent on the top of their skull.

Hangman’s Choke - Lifting an opponent up over his shoulder as if he were going
for a Gory Special, Sagawa wraps his hands around the opponents throat and lets
them hang. An obviously illegal maneuver, Sagawa lets it ride for a good 4.5
seconds before releasing.

Busaiku Knee Kick - With an opponent rising to his feet, Sagawa will charge past
them and hit the ropes behind them with a banshee like screech. As they turn
around to see what is happening, Freddie rebounds with a powerful Busaiku Knee

Poison Rana - A reverse hurricanrana that Sagawa performs with lightening fast
speed, snapping his opponent to the mat.

Rana Driver - As an opponent is starting to get up and is on his knees, Sagawa
will charge in with a hurricanrana. Unfortunately, because they are not yet to
their feet - Sagawa will spoke them on the top of the head. (Note: On occasion,
Sagawa will whip out a reverse version of this move, dropping them backwards on
their dome)

Corner Evading Lung Blower - Whipeed into the corner, Sagawa will slingshot
himself up and over his opponent as they charge from behind. As they pass
beneath them though, Sagawa will plant his knees into the back, hook their jaw
with both hands and drive them back into a Lungblower.

Double Knee Drop - This is another one of those moves that Sagawa can hit from
just about anywhere - from a springboard position to a leap off the top rope. It
is also not uncommon for Freddie to use upward momentum caused by his opponent
to drive his knees into their upper chest, and down to the canvas.

Trademark Cheats

* Biting - forehead, ears, fingers, to escape a submission hold
* Choking
* Back Raking

Trademark Dives

* Somersault Tope Suicida
* Asai Moonsault
* Running Shooting Star Press Suicida

Other Moves

* Diving Headbutt
* Missile Dropkick
* Satellite Headscissors
* Hurricanrana
* Standing Moonsault
* Airplane Spin
* Tiger Suplex
* Snap Suplex
* Northern Lights Suplex
* Yakuza Kick
* Jumping Back Elbow
* Superkick
* Open Hand Chop
* Elbow Strikes
* Arm Drag (many variations)
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Spooky Doom
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"What's up People" by Maximum the Hormone
Wrestler's Finisher
Doom Reaper: satellite headscissors flying diamond cutter
Wheel of Doom: 450 splash, top rope or springboard, many variations.
Wrestler moveset
Eeriecanrana: arm twist ropewalk hurricanrana
Spooker Kick: insta-jumping calf kick
Espectro Speciale: triangle jump corkscrew suicida, Spooky's signature dive

Signature taunt
Spooky Sit-up: just like his uncle does!

Regular moveset
Snapping kicks
Running headscissors takedown
Flying armdrags
Flying cross chop
Handspring off the ropes backflip into a dropkick
Run-up the turnbuckle face driver
Tilt-a-whirl DDT
Crucifix driver
Calavera bomb (legtrap seesaw sunset flip powerbomb with pin)
Victory roll/Casadora to reverse figure four (cruceta inverted)
Off the ropes double foot stomp
Leagues Currently Active In
IWF, fwrestling league
Brief Biography
Spooky Doom considers himself some manner of lil' Grim Reaper-like thingy, the nephew of a certain six foot ten supernatural zombie/redneck/MMA enthusiast who shall remain nameless here. Growing up in awe of his otherworldly uncle, Spooky wanted nothing more than to join him on the pro-wrestling scene; however there are no free rides in this business and Spooky Doom had to prove himself in battle before being accepted by the much larger company. Thus did the Deadkid end up using his uncle's very famous name to open doors in wrestling schools worldwide, eventually moving to Mexico to ply his trade as his smaller size and propensity to hit high flying maneuvers was better appreciated there.

Since then, Spooky Doom's uncle died. Again. In a manner less embarrassing than the first four times he died, certainly, but he's dead nonetheless and SOMEBODY needs to take his place. Making up for his inability to teleport in darkness or shoot lightning bolts from his fingertips by putting on amazing matches filled with tons of high spots, Spooky Doom joins the wrestling business with the same mandate to bury the souls of evil wrestlers that his uncle originally had.
Brief Roleplay
Months earlier, at the unemployment office.

"So tell us Mr... Doom, was it? Your previous work experience, please."

The kid sitting at the other end of the office desk fidgets nervously. Dressed in a skintight sleeveless hoodie, Spooky Doom seems to wear his wrestling clothes regardless of occasion. He also brought his lil' scythe along, hanging it up neatly upon the coatrack. Asking questions is a balding bureaucrat, jotting notes down on paper and paying the supernatural grappler little to no mind.

"You have no idea how much it hurts me to be here", answers Spooky Doom. "I've got libertarians in the family, I'm too young to collect unemployment benefits!"

The bureaucrat remains unaffected. Barely lifting his head up from his report, he repeats the question.

"I'm a little Grim Reaper... like, thingy." Spooky Doom's answer does nothing to impress the bureaucrat. "I go out and claim the souls of the living and send them burning straight to hell. Also, I wrestle a lot. Mostly I just work my magic inside the ring and get the crowd pumpin' while kicking ass and taking evil down by the balls."

The brief outburst of confidence goes unnoticed by the administrative official. Drab office environment and featureless plastic furniture might promote efficiency in the workplace but does little to boost spirits, much to the dismay of one such as Spooky Doom. "A Grim Reaper-like thingy? Sir, I'll have to ask you to be more specific if we're going to continue this interview", the old man announces in the plainest and most boring tone imaginable. "What is it that you do for a living?"

A fair question if nothing else but our struggling little luchador seems to take it in the wrong way. "First of all, that question is totally discriminatory towards the undead! But really it's like I said: I step into the ring and kick abundant amount of asses. Often in the coolest, most spectacular manner ever. Or at least I used to, which is pretty much why I'm here at the unemployment department."

"Look, I just need a job back on the pro-wrestling circuit. My origins and occupation are so horribly, terribly complicated. Really I just took the friggin' Grim Reaper shtick after my uncle passed away, but who knew he'd come back? And die again? And come back again? Over and over? I just wanted to be badass and wear a duster, rising from the grave and pulling all sorts of death-defying ****. Impress the world. Impress the ladies. Be a hero. Make things right by claiming the souls of those who have none. Don't ask me how that works because it just does."

"My name's Spooky Doom, aka the Deadkid aka lil' Phenom aka the Undead Superstar. I was born and reborn to do this ****. Most metal job in the world and now I can't do it no more so I need you to find me another place of employment. So tell me: can you help a Reaper out?"

The bureaucrat licks his pen like some anachronism from another century and dutifully writes all of that down. "And what happened for you to lose your previous job?"

"Would you believe the old place died?"
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Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Gregorian Chant segued into "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk
Wrestler's Finisher
Altar Call - Crucifix Powerbomb
Wrestler moveset
Running Monster Kick to face
My Death is Gain "Leap over top rope to hit Opponent outside ring."
Rope Whip - Quick Powerslam
Bear Hug
Gorilla Press
Plunge Piledriver
Fire From Heaven - Off top rope overhead Neckbreaker/Blockbuster
Reverse Elbows in Corner
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief BiographyBrief Roleplay
It had to happen, Chris Shepherd thought, his mind awash in all the possibilities. Deacon had pushed to return to the US of A, but then, he’d been drawn by a hypocritical “Christian” wrestler of the Hollywood variety, the same that Deacon had spent so long trying to stamp out, and in the wrestling business, had succeeded in doing so. But after sending Bobby Jack Windham into the figurative monastery on a self-imposed vow of silence, Deacon was left in the NFW with no plan.

Until he’d found a division in need of resurrection.

He had a plan for that “Triple Crown” title, to make it into a newer form of the Ultratitle, albeit scaled down. And a title that wouldn’t be worn, but would have to be earned each time out – the only champion being the one who survived the match, or series of matches in one night, his goal to make it completely different than anything else in the NFW.

And then the UltraTitle returned.

“You gonna do it?” Chris asked the Deacon in the rustic living room.

He didn’t answer. He stroked his goatee, the one he’d probably shave off next week, and stared at the fire. It was unseasonably warm for the Alleghenies, but not as warm as Deacon’s boyhood home. If not for Deacon’s love of the mountains, Chris knew his friend would’ve went to Florida years ago. The tax rate is so much better.

Deacon remained silent. Though Deacon wore the moniker of the “Mute Freak” with pride, Chris knew his friend enough to know that a lack of answer didn’t mean he wasn’t thinking. He was. He always was.

“One of our joint friends called me last night,” Chris said.

“Me too,” Deacon said, his voice deep and Middle Eastern accent thick.

“He’s planning on being there,” Chris said, “and my guess is, he won’t be the only one returning.”

“He won’t.”

“And you know the whole gang wants to see you there,” Chris said.

“Or t’ey want to know I not be t’ere. It be easier for t’em”

Chris smirked. “You know better than that.”

“Yes,” Deacon said, “but it make me feel better t’inking he not want me in.”

“You have another one of those matches in you?”

Deacon shook his head. “T’is will take more t’an just one.”

“Unless you get booted out in the first round.”

Deacon raised his eyebrow. “I would hope I could carry t’e message deeper t’an t’at.”

“It would revolutionize our ability to speak out.”

Deacon nodded but returned to his freak nature. It lasted a long time, longer even than when Chris first asked about him joining the tournament. In most cases, people would’ve said it was an uncomfortable silence. But they wouldn’t have known Deacon, at least not like Chris did.

“You want to do t’is?” Deacon finally asked.

“For me, I got a few new tricks I’d like to show off.” Chris said, pulling a deck of cards out of his jacket pocket.

“You show me anot’er card trick,” Deacon said, “I toss you in t’e fire.”

“How about,” Chris flipped a card out, an ace of clubs, “you send in the submission, and my card just flies away?”

Deacon sighed. “You know t’ose card tricks lose t’eir luster when I not t'irteen anymore.”

“But our message,” Chris said, folding the card back into the deck, “never loses its luster. Sometimes the only thing you need to do is bring it to a whole new audience, or remind the old audience why they used to love it.” Chris gestured to the flames and smiled, even before he glanced at Deacon.

“T’e deck of cards,” Deacon said, “it in t’e fire.”

“Just like the burning bush.”

“Just like I better be if I hope to make it t’rough t’is tournament.”

“But our hope is higher.”

Deacon nodded. “And we about to put it to t’e test again.”

“That’s what faith does and faith is- -”

“Chris,” Deacon interrupted, “We not taping t'is and besides, I already said I do it.”

“I knew you would, Big D,” Chris said. “I knew you would.”
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The Minstrel

ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"The Aftermath" John McDonough
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"El Paso" by Taking Back Sunday
Wrestler's Finisher
"The Closure" - Swan Dive headbutt

Alternate/Set-up - "Transgression" - implant DDT
Wrestler moveset
1. Snap suplex
2. German Suplex
3. Flying Clothesline
4. Spinning back kick
5. Crossface submission
6. Short clothesline
7. Backbreaker
8. Missle Dropkick
9. Belly to back suplex
10. Spinebuster
11. Kneedrop
Leagues Currently Active In
None - formerly NWC, referenced in RPs by the Minstrel
Brief Biography
John started out in the business in the National Wrestling Council as an angsty young man and went by the alias "Roadkill", a proverbial tweener, who simply came to work and through sheer determination experienced success. His work rate and ethic eventually won over the fans and he soon embraced the role of a fan favorite without compromising who he was - a kid who was willing outlast an opponent or die trying. He was eventually given the moniker "The NWC Workhorse".

John experienced some degree of success, fighting tough bouts with some of the legends of the early NWC, but often came out on the losing end. He held numerous regional titles, but chased the elusive NWC World Heavyweight Championship. His first shot came years after his introduction to the NWC, but he lost that bout - admittedly nerves had gotten the best of him.

Later, while wrestling in the Hawaii region, John went through some tumultous times both personally and professionally - questioning himself, his identity and his own purpose. Katrina Stevens entered his life - a woman, who allowed him to embrace who he was and to direct his inner rage towards a greater purpose... At this time, he became "The Aftermath" John McDonough and became a force of nature, bulldozing through opponents time and again on his way to another NWC World Heavywieght Title shot...

Despite all that he had accomplished, John lost the match on the most heart-breaking of sequences and soon after retired unable to separate the disappointment in his professional life from his home life. Removing himself from the ring was for the best he thought, he could embrace his new role in life as a husband and eventually a father. He had been wise with the money he made while experiencing success and was able to open a success gym/wrestling training school, which he still owns today.

Life has not been all rosy - as certain tragedies have befallen John - and the UltraTitle Tournament might be his opportunity to exorcise both his professional and personal demons and finally rise to the top of the sport.
Brief Roleplay
[A wonderful day outside – the incoming spring breeze pushes the grass back and forth like little ripples of waves. A tree in the distance is sprouting leaves and flowers. We are located on a hill above a small body of water.]

This place was a dump…

[The man’s voice is calm and direct, but we cannot see him.]

Literally, a waste dump. They said grass would never grow here – they were stupid to try.

But here it is. A grassy knoll on top of a hill, overlooking the Long Island Sound. All that is buried here, all the junk – could not stop the grass from returning.

[Fade out.]

[Once again, the grass blows in the spring breeze on what is a partly cloudy day. There is no hill this time, just a granite headstone – the name is Katrina McDonough. A man stands in front of it with a black dufflebag on his shoulder. He is middle-aged although in fine shape as he t-shirt fits the form of his body quite well.]

[He breathes deep – his brown hair with touches of grey moving slightly in the wind like the blades of grass at his feet. His beard is a reddish brown and sits comfortably, although not quite neatly along his rugged jawline. He places a flower down at the bottom of the grave.]

[A moment passes and a slight smile comes across his face.]

You always said that I couldn’t stay away – I loved it too much.

[He nods his understandingly.]

I guess you were right – I would find my way back.

The kids at the gym have really pushed me to do this and I don’t really see why I shouldn’t. You’re gone, Brandon has gone God-knows where – there’s nothing here for me really.

[He sounds desperate almost trying to convince himself – he is looking at his feet as opposed to the grave in front of him.]

I just…

[He pauses and looks up – some water surface in his eyes.]

I just think this is a chance for me to put to rest some things. To exorcise the things that have been beating at me and to turn the page… To be able to get on with life…

[He looks for approval – the breeze remains unchanged.]

And it’s not you that I’m looking to move on from – I could never… But this is something… I have to do. For myself. I hope you understand that.

I guess, I came here looking for your blessing – for a sign that you approve. That this is something you would support me in doing.

[He waits a moment and breathes in deeply while tilting his head back towards the sky.]

Frankly, I don’t think I can do this without you, I know it’s going back to start, going backwards – not forwards like you would like. But there’s… Unfinished business here.

[He touches his chest – leaving his hand there to feel his heartbeat. After a second, a smile crosses his face and his eyes close.]

There you are…

[He opens his eyes still smiling, he walks closer to the grave and kisses his hand, placing it on top of the grave.]

I’ve got a long way to go, but this is where it has to start. It’s time for me to put to rest this part of me, Kat. It would never go done without a fight.

And with you – I’ve got a fighting chance. To become what we always thought I would be.

[He repositions the bag on his arm.]

I’ll be back when this is done, but I know you’re here with me. Every step of the way - guiding me.

[Fade out.]
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The Minstrel


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Charlotte, NC
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Howard King
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Time to Win" by Down With Webster
Wrestler's Finisher
Law & Order -- 450 Splash
Wrestler moveset
Common Front Moves
Armbar takedown, Japanese armdrag, inverted atomic crop, DDT, pumphandle slam.

Common Behind Moves
Cobra clutch bulldog, half-nelson driver, flapjack

Running Strikes

Arial Moves
Diving knee drop, senton bomb, shooting star press

Submission Moves
Ankle Lock, Sharpshooter, and Texas Cloverleaf
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Small town mayor born and raised in New Shoreham, Rhode Island. Despite the town being just barely over 1,000 residents and the smallest town in the state, Howard King thinks he is just that….a king. He has an entourage that goes everywhere with him, which is out of the ordinary for a small town mayor. New Shoreham is a coastal town with some money, but not enough for Howard. He has been under a microscope because of his entourage and certain dealings within the town. He seems to have influx of money that no one can figure out how and he’s not willing to reveal his secrets. Howard sees wrestling as a revenue stream to help advance certain “projects” he is working on for the town New Shoreham
Brief Roleplay
The various offices that one may encounter in movies, television shows, and books are often of immense grandeur, what with the beautiful mahogany desks and bookshelves, the walls adorned with pictures of important people, the breathtaking views, and you can’t forget the busty blonde secretary as icing on the cake. Despite these illusions of majesty and opulence, the reality is that these offices are only found in two places….Wall Street and the capital of the free world, Washington D.C.
The town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island is a far cry from the concrete jungle known as Wall Street and the political juggernaut that is the capital of the United States. The town is home to just over one thousand residents and is a dozen miles off the mainland of the state. To be more specific, New Shoreham is the smallest town in the smallest state. The wealth of the residents is what most people dream about, but it’s mostly retired folks these days.
The Town Hall of New Shoreham is an old historic house converted into an office that houses me, Mayor Howard King. I was born and raised in New Shoreham and lived in poverty….well the poverty in New Shoreham is a nice two story house with an acre of land in most corners of America. But here that is considered poor and were often frowned upon as if we were disrupting the hierarchy of the rich. I readily admit that I grew up envying the kids I went to school and played little league with. It didn’t take long for me to realize that living like that wasn’t an option. Once I entered high school I always vowed to myself that one day I would be on top looking down at those who looked down on me growing up. Now that I am mayor, I’ve accomplished that goal.
The office I inhabit is nothing like the ones I alluded to earlier. Instead of mahogany furniture I’m stuck with a desk made of pine with no matching bookshelf. The walls are decorated not with important people, but of me and local residents. The view, well I have no view because the office has no windows. Not to mention my secretary is not a busty blonde, however, Jennifer is an overweight brunette whose addiction is Starburst candy. The only thing really worth talking about is the massive brown Italian leather chair that rests behind the bland pine desk. I figured if my office was going to be this depressing I can at least be comfortable.
Despite the depressive nature of my office I often look around it and can’t help but smile. I’ve made it to the top and now I rule those who once denounced my family because our wealth didn’t come close to matching theirs. Little do they know, I have quite a few surprises planned for them and they won’t have a clue as to what is happening.
Jennifer’s voice boomed through the office phone, interrupting my personal gloating session. “Mr. Drummond is here to see you.” Her speech was slurred as she smacked on a piece of Starburst, most likely a red one as it happened to be her favorite. Not only was she horrible on the eye, her constant smacking on candy made her voice just as bad. I often times wonder why I put up with her, but then quickly reminded myself that her lack of intelligence is beneficial to my operation.
The short stocky man known as Harry Drummond is my personal assistant. The poor fellow has had one too many cheeseburgers in his day as his stomach is fighting to bust out of his shirt for much needed breathing room. His suit looks as though it was stuck under his bed for a month as the wrinkles are plenty. His hair, or lack thereof, is combed over to one side. Appearance wise he was pathetic, but the man is damn near a genius, thus the reason I hired him.
“It’s all in there,” Harry exclaimed, tossing a manila folder on my desk before collapsing in one of the two chairs in front of my desk.
I opened the folder; perused it for a few moments before closing it. “What do you think?” I wanted to know his opinion about the contents.
Harry shifted in the chair and swiped his hand over the few strands of hair he has left. “The contracts are about the same so the determining factor is really a matter of geography. The first one is in New York while the second one is in Las Vegas. It’s more feasible to continue your duties as mayor if you were to select New York, therefore that is my pick.”
I mulled over Harry’s sentiments while perusing the folder once more. I put the two slivers of paper side-by-side and study them page by page; I must note that one of my strongest suits is my attention to detail. Finishing the last page, I made up my mind. “Make it happen.” I signed my name, put the paperwork back in the folder and slid it across my desk.
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I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Cameron Cruise
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Killing (In The Name Of) by Rage Against The Machine
Wrestler's Finisher
"Reality Check" --- The Miz' Skull Crushing Finale

"Cruise Control" -- Intensified STF Submission

Shipwreck -- Finlay's Celtic Cross (Over-the-shoulder-cradle-piledriver)
Wrestler moveset
Missle Dropkick from top turnbuckle
springboard dropkick
High-Impact DDT (set-up for finisher)
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Wrestler Name: 'The Crippler' Cameron Cruise

Height: 6'4'

Weight:264 lbs.

Hometown: Jacksonville, NC

Entrance Music: "Killing In The Name Of" by Rage Against The Machine
Alignment: Heel

Titles Held:

A1E World Heavyweight Champion
A1E 2009 Pier Six Brawl Co-Winner (with Cross)
A1E Cyber Champion
CSWA Presidential Title x2 (Fed now Closed)
EWI Intercontinental Title (Fed now closed)
TTW Tag Team Title (With "The English Gent" Lawrence Stanley)--Retired the belts, Fed closed.
EPW Tag Team Title (With Joey Melton) x2
EPW Intercontinental Title x2
EPW Television Title
WFW Tag Team Title (with Joey Melton)
NGEN Tag Team Title (with Problem Child)
NEW Era Television Champion
New Era Tag Team Champion (with Problem Child)
VWF Tag Team Champion (with The First)
....and the winner of your heart
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Justin Evitable

League Member
Jun 29, 2007
Wethersfield, CT
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
The True Face
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Hurricane" by Theory of a Deadman
Wrestler's Finisher
About Face: Fireman's carry, swings opponent out into a stunner
Wrestler moveset
Hurricane DDT
Dreaded Dragon Screw (repeated dragon screws)
DDT (performed from various set ups)
German Suplex
Tae Kwan Do Kicks/Roundhouse combo
Suplex Lift Neckbreaker
Belly to Belly Suplex
Reverse Swing Neckbreaker
Kick to gut followed by kick to back of the knee to drop opponent followed by a spinning roundhouse kick to face.
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
​The history of the True Face is filled with missed opportunities and bad breaks. The former wrestler known as Justin Evitable's most famous stint was his time with Message Board Entertainment in the late 90's and early 2000's. Justin had a lot of shadows to crawl out from under and only started making his name after adapting his True Face persona, one in which he played to the crowd's wants and emotions to gather his strength during his matchups, usually involved in hijinks with other wretlers on the roster or others outside the company, most famously little Timmy in the wheelchair. Though never capturing the success he felt he could have had he did have an entertaining run alongside many legends of the ring and the True Face felt successful enough with the crowd that he kept this persona through out his career.

Justin did manage to capture MBE's Unified Title and Tag Team Title alongside former friend and legend Hida Yakamo. Though these would be his only reigns as champion of anything in his career before he left the ring due to injury. The True Face did manage to crop up after MBE's shutdown in A1E but never stayed longer than a match in either of his 2 stints, unhappy with how he was being portrayed and believed to have been ridiculed by management and the other wretlers as nothing more than a joke before leaving the ring almost seemingly for good.The True Face returns again finaly, but this time with a new look, a new personality and a new outlook on the remainder of his career. Caring less so about his fans and more on his task at hand, the True Face is out for only one thing, Glory. The glory he never had.

Justin wears his slick black hair medium length, wears trunks to the ring with the letters "TF" in bold purple on the back, they look as if they are bleeding. Also wears black elbow and kneepads with the same letters of "T" and "F" on either side of his kneepads, both purple and looking as though they are bleeding. He wears purple padded boots to the ring to assist his kicking abilities.
Brief Roleplay
the scene opens up on the edge of a forest, the purple glow of the overcast can be seen in the distance, the True Face standing on a path leading into the forest can be seen. His slick, black medium length hair can be seen flowing with the light wind as he slowly begins to turn to face the camera, various tatoos line his left arm depicting scenes of death bringing justice to the unsuspecting in a pool of skulls, his five o'clock shadowed face showing lack of emotion and a demeanor of seriousness that used to line a happy go lucky face

Once again, the unlikely hero rises from his grave to tackle the world of beasts among men yet again, for the True Face has not yet begun to fight. Now I return not for the pleasures of fame, not for the acquisition of monetary wealth, not for the revelry of the fans, not for some inconspicuous strap of leather or gold...I have come back seeking only one single thing...

Your glory...

I have spent years pondering my next move, what will the True Face do next to become the man he once thought he could be. I began this journey as nothing more than a young man with a dream and delusions of becoming the best through hard work and blood and sweat, the sky was the limit and I believed I was going to make it big....

It all fell apart...and fast...

Over time, the relationship between me and the fans even began to decline and once the last straw broke the camel's back, I had enough, the love story came to an abrupt end, I was left a shrivelling mess by my fans and my fellows in the ring. I faded away into mediocrity and was soon forgotten...

I arrive again to remind you that I am not yet gone...

The True Face will NOT be forgotten, the True Face will NOT fade to obscurity, the True Face will NOT...be the man he so wanted to be, he will be something different, he doesn't come back for titles, he does not come back for cheers, he comes to claim every ounce of glory that remains in this business and he will have it all for his own, denied to me by petty squabbling and hangers on that should have known when to quit but held on for that last glimmer of glory they feel they needed to solidify an already glamorous career, at the expense of those below....

At the expense of the True Face...

No more, not again, this time it's for keeps, what I'm taking is for me and me alone, I will take the glory, love me or hate me, that doesn't matter anymore, dreams shattered in an already fractured mind, this man stands before you driven by the shadow of his former dream...and it's going to envelop anyone standing before me...those victims will be the ones that will fade into obscurity as I did so long ago...

There will be only glory left...the glory that only the True Face will bask in...

the True Face turns away from the camera as it begins to slowly pan up and fade out to the sounds of violins echoing off into the forest.
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Justin Evitable


ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva
Wrestler's Finisher
"The Paralyzing Factor" (camel clutch, but after a few moments turns his hands to the motion where the secret agents and such use to snap a man's neck and goes through the motion to "break their neck")
Wrestler moveset
"Skullcrusher" (put opponent into the vertabreaker position, walk up to second turnbuckle, and leap backwards to execute move)

"Facial Impact" (Queen Suplex Pin except fall foreward into corner so that opponent's face hits the ring post)

"Drop-N-Wrench" (DDT from top rope into guillotine submission hold)

"Forget Me" (Remember That into a piledriver)
(Remember That is grabbing opponent, throwing him into the air, catching him, and power slamming him down)

"HDC" (Head Down Collision) Half-Nelson Face Buster

"Decapitation" Alley Oop 2 (head/throat to ring railing/ropes/ring steps/hard object)

"Spear and Magic Helmet" Spear to opponent's throat from the top rope to the floor

"Steak Suplex" T-Bone suplex, targetting head)

"Run-N-Drop" (Running Emerald Fusion) Also called "Why are you headbutting the mat?" in a direct take on "why are you hiting yourself?" Tarrasque holds onto his opponent and lightly baps their head into the mat a few times while running before leaping into the air and driving their skull down into the mat.

Facefirst Powerbomb through press table

"Take Flight!" Running Press Slam over the ropes, aimed at the crowd/ring railing

"Rise of the Feminine Side" Knock opponent down and grab by the family jewels and attempt to lift opponent up. This can be done from anywhere, he just has to have reach of his target. (This was Tarrasque's finisher for a long time)
Leagues Currently Active In
UCW, Hardkore America, Hardkore New England
Brief BiographyBrief Roleplay
We find "the Brain" Allen Anderson walking down a hallway, leaning heavily on his dark wooden cane with a golden ball on top with Tarrasque at his side. Anderson has a folder, filled to the brim with paperwork in his hand and he doesn't appear very happy.

Anderson: "Lawsuits, beast. Lawsuits. Everywhere I take you, there is a lawsuit involved. The Warhammer Corporation covers most of the expenses, but of late has come up with a percentage that you must pay. That amount is half a million dollars."

Tarrasque looks down at his shoes like child caught in doing something bad. "Me sorry."

Anderson scoffs. "Sorry doesn't quite cut it. You were at a hot dog eating contest and were winning until you thought the person next to you stole one of your hot dogs. He spent three months in traction!"

Tarrasque doesn't look from his shoes. "Him steal a me! Me...me sorry."

Anderson: "And it goes on. I can't even describe what you did to a clown for a kid's birthday party! There is only one way to get this kind of cash and not be bankrupt. The Ultratitle 2012 tournament. The top prize will pay your legal fees and the championship belt will pad out your resume nicely. Do you think you can do it?"

Tarrasque nods vigorously, sloping drool in wide arcs in front of him. "Me STRONG! Me do it!"

Anderson nods. "Good. I'll draw up your new training regime and we'll start pulling down some people for you to train with to get into top shape for the fight of your life. This isn't going to be a picnic. This will not be simple chaos. This will be for keeps."

Tarrasque stops walking, looking hurt. Anderson stops and sighs.

Anderson: "Now what?"

Tarrasque's bottom lip comes curling out, making the overmuscled beast look like a giant man-baby.

Tarrasque: "No picnic?"

Anderson: "Of course you can still have picnics...just not in Central Park in New York City after you ate the prized pitbull. I'm just saying that the fights to come will test your strength because you'll be facing some strong people."

Tarrasque grins widely. "Good. Me like fight strong. You no do tricks?"

Now it's Anderson's turn to grin. "Of course. No tricks. Would I lie to you?"

Tarrasque nods and begins walking again while Anderson lags behind a little, chuckling as he holds one hand behind his back with crossed fingers.
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League Member
Apr 7, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Black Sheep" by Metric
Wrestler's Finisher
Standing Ovation (superkick)
Final curtain (corkscrew moonsault)
Wrestler moveset
Suplex (various)
DDT (snap, tornado)
Dragon screw
Moonsault (standing, Asai, flying)
Flying elbow
Swinging neckbreaker
Russian legsweep
Camel clutch
Spinnng back kick
Leagues Currently Active In
Free agent
Brief Biography
In 1999, Showtime debuted in e-wrestling and, along with his tag team partner Proteus, and immediately gained attention both for his outrageous antics outside the ring and his eye-popping work inside it. The duo had that "it" factor, that chemistry that only seems to come around once in a generation, which they used to climb to the top of many different organizations. In 2006, they became the face of tag team wrestling in NBW, where they dominated the division with a multi-year tag title reign, until 2011, when nagging injuries forced Showtime into semi-retirement.

Time has passed. Wounds have healed. Two words have echoed in Showtime's mind: "What if?" He wouldn't trade his time as a tag team champion for the world, but he knows that deep down, he always had what it took to be a champion on his own. A hero. The face of his generation. As the days go by, that voice gets louder and harder to ignore. If only he could prove for certain what he's never been able to show. Fate has brought him to this competition. Talent will win it.
Brief Roleplay
The setting: A windblown desert highway at sunset. A weary traveler with a long, grungy beard treaded along the side of the road. His footwear was a shabby pair of birkenstocks. His pants were frayed, his shirt covered in mustard stains. He wore a straw hat. We saw him walk down that lonely road - cars passing by, often with drunk teenagers throwing stuff at him - but he did not flinch. He was a man with a destination.

Eventually -- after much tedious walking -- he arrived. His destination was a nondescript suburban cul de sac with a white picket fence and a mail box. One of those ones with the red flag. He saw the red flag and rolled his eyes. Something about this is just WRONG.

He walked up the path to the porch, past the Toyota Corolla in the driveway. He glanced at a pair of lawn gnomes in the garden and winced like re-living a painful memory before knocking on the door.

Nothing. He knocked again. No answer.

The traveler backed up and threw a mighty side elbow through the front window, clearing the rest of the glass out with one of the gnomes. He climbed through, tumbling onto a pile of broken glass on the floor.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! *******it!”

The resident of the house poked his head out of the kitchen to see: “What’s going on, who’s there??” He wore Dockers and a plaid button-up shirt, as well as a black luchador mask with blue decals. “What do you—oh my hell.”

“Ohhh, that was a lot of glass... and much of it’s now inside me.” The traveler writhes on the floor. The resident hobbled over to the front hallway to help him to his feet. “Uh, that was like that when I got here.”

“Proteus,” said the masked resident. “What is going on? What happened to you? You look like you’ve been living in a dumpster!”

“No, I was evicted from my dumpster some time ago. But I’m tough, I’ve survived worse.”

“Your beard looks like you’ve got rats living in it.”

“I did. I don’t know if they’re still in there.” The traveler, Proteus, dusted himself off a bit. “Do you know why I’ve come?”

“Yeah,” the masked resident said. “I got a flyer recently. I get them every now and again, for this fed or that tournament. It seems like I’m still on a few mailing lists. They don’t know I’m retired.”

“You’re not retired, though.”

“I might as well be! In our last match, my leg was destroyed so bad I needed knee surgery, ankle surgery and taint surgery. They injured my taint, that’s career-threatening. I tell everyone I’m semi-retired, but you and I both know the truth. I’m done.”

“Done, shmun. If you’re so done, why do you still wear your mask?”

“I’m just more comfortable with it on.”

“Why do you have your title belts on display?”

“They go with the decor.”

“Why do you toss and turn at night dreaming of the days when your soared through the heavens like a God then fell down to Earth a hero among men?”

“That’s slightly harder to explain.”

“You need this.”

“No, Proteus. YOU need this. You’re a mess. And you’re not even broken. You’ve lost your way, but you can still do it. You had just as much talent as I did, there’s no need to drag me out of my comfortable lifestyle.”

“You’re wrong. I do need this, but not for me. I’d love to get back in that ring, but you and I both know that alone I’m not important. Alone I’m just a guy who can throw some kicks. But you... you step into a ring and people know you’re important. They know you’re special. You may have forgotten, but they haven’t.”

The masked man glanced over at the living room, where a wooden cane leaned against a la-z-boy. With some sorrow, he sighed, “I’m not that anymore. I do dishes. I carpool. The kids will be home from school soon.”

Proteus recoiled in shock. “You’ve got kids??”

“Manhattan Island Lime Showtime is 8, and Pepsi Challenge Frodo Showtime is 11. When I adopted them, they were called Connor and Emily, but I’m an eccentric former famous person now, so I gave them more suitable names.”

“Look at you,” Proteus shook his head. “Raising kids, doing dishes, having a fixed address. This is how it ends. And this isn’t you. This isn’t how Showtime lives.”

Showtime turned his back and held his cane. After the vicious attack to his leg that ended his career, he still felt a bit unsteady on his legs.

Turning to his former partner, he looked him straight in the eye and smashed the cane over his knee.

“You’re right. I am Showtime. And we’ve got work to do.”

The two hopped in Showtime’s Toyota Corolla and began to drive. “First thing’s first,” Showtime said. “We need a training facility and we need to get you cleaned up, if you’re going to be my manager.”

“I’d be honored. Also paid. Hey, what about your kids?”

“They’re smart. They’ll call me if they get into any trouble, and worst comes to worst, their godfather is El Avestruz.”

The two looked at each other.

“I really hope it doesn’t come to that.”
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League Member
Apr 7, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"Jester" Chad Allen aka the Hardcore God aka The Wicked Clown
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Twiztid's "HAHaHAHaHAHa (Akuma Remix)
Wrestler's Finisher
Murder Go Round: Tilt a Whirl Tombstone
Wrestler moveset
Mafia kick
Inverted Facelock
Front Sleeper
Chickenwing arm lock
Double knee facebreaker
Double stomp
Double Underhook DDT
Tiger Driver 91
Fisherman Buster
German Suplex
Half Nelson Suplex
Dragon Suplex
Head and Arm Suplex
Cobra Clutch Suplex
Texas Cloverleaf
High Angle Boston Crab
Cross Armbreaker
Dragon Sleeper
Lifting Hammerlock Submission (can be turned into a Hammerlock Suplex)
Thumb Chokehold
Straight jacket Choke
Bending Backbreaker

Signature Moves:

The Last Laugh v1: Death Valley Driver
Jestersault: Moonsault
Clown Shoe Catastrophe (CSC): Enziguiri to the face
Head Popper: Shining Wizard
Big Top Drop: Top Rope Vertical Splash


The Laugh Riot: A hysterical laughing when Jester snaps followed by flurry of fists and feet to the almost definitely cowering opponent.
3 Ring Circus: German Suplex to Half Nelson Suplex to Dragon Suplex
Leagues Currently Active In
Currently for hire
Brief Biography
"Jester" Chad Allen.

The Hardcore GOD.

The Wicked Clown of Wrestling.

A name that has been spoken by hushed whispers of his many victims, and the loud cheers (and boos) of the many fans that have witnessed the carnage that he brings with him wherever he goes. Every place he has landed blood has been shed, and titles have been won, including a stint with both the SPW and IGA World Titles, as well as an unprecidented 7 different Hardcore Titles at one time. The face painted freak has done it all, and by no means think that he is just a hardcore wrestler, JCA can drop you on your head with a suplex just as fast as he can bash it in with a bat. Now with his fellow "Psycho Sweetheart" "Pretty Pretty Princess" Iris Galiver at his side, the Jester looks to step into the ULTRATITLE Tournament to find new victims and new glory (not necessarily in that order...)
Brief Roleplay
Some people fear the unknown...

[We open out scene to our Clown Painted Hero, Jester Chad Allen, as he is locking himself into the seat of a carnival funhouse ride. The face on the front of the car is painted to look just like him. Jester hits a button on a remote in his hand, and the car slowly begins to move.]

Fear what they don’t see, what they can’t control. Fear that if they don’t have every last little thing planned out to the SECOND, that all hell will break loose.

[Through a huge pair of doors, and we are now in the dark for the most part. We hear the sound of the car clacking along the tracks as Jester continues…]

Well, when you are like me, a walking, talking, living, breathing, psychopath…

[From out of the dark, a flash of light to show a wolfman jumping out. The car stops as the wolf lets out a “howl”. Jester smiles a bit and pats wolfie on the head.]

and I have the papers to prove it…unlike some people who just ACT like they are crazy…nice wolfie…

[The lights on wolfie go off, the ride continues.]

You start to not fear the unknown; in fact you really begin to ENJOY it.

[A Frankenstein Monster pops out of a hidden area, Jester lets out a chuckle.]

I mean, c’mon, I don’t know what’s going on in my OWN mind half the time, let alone try to worry about everything else that could go upside down.

[Vampire bats lower from the ceiling, Jester swats them from out of his face.]

So, much like a funhouse ride in the dark, you just take the twists and turns where they may, and figure that either the ride will end and you will be exhilarated…

[Lights up, the car stops to a mummy who pops out of a cheesy fake Egyptian sarcophagus]

…or you will be a bloody corpse at the bottom of the ride.

[Jester swings with a big left hook, knocking the head off of the mummy and onto the floor. The ride starts again…]

Either way, I am alright with that. Much like with the upcoming ULTRATITLE Tournament. You see, much like the aforementioned roller coaster, I have no idea who I am facing, and really, it doesn’t matter. In my mindset, you are either the hopping little rabbit, or the big hungry bear,

[The ride stops, coming to the image of the Jester himself, holding balloons in one hand, and bloody hatchet in the other…]

and I REALLY enjoy being the bear.

[The ride bursts through the door and back out into the night air. The car comes to a stop as Jester hops out with a click of his heels]

So to whomever drew the shortest straw and has to fight me in round 1, I am truly sorry, I obviously did not choose you to be my next victim, but it looks like the choice has been taken from our hands. I will remind you, whoever you are, that I will give you the same option I give everyone else here before they have to face me…

[Jester moves in REALLY close, so all we see is his painted smile…]


[…and back out, cackling that evil laugh he has become so famous for. Jester runs off into the night of his Circus Diabolicus as we fade to black…]
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King of Kings
Aug 24, 2010
Silver Spring, MD
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"Triple X" Sean Stevens
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"KING" by Iron Solomon
Wrestler's Finisher
1.) X-Terminator - Osaka Street Cutter
2.) X-Factor - Superkick
Wrestler moveset
German Suplex
Belly-to-Back/Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Floating DDT/Inverted DDT/Spike DDT
Figure Four Leglock
Lion Tamer
Sleeper Hold
Top Rope Frogsplash
Flying Forearm
Huracarana from the top
Dragon Cyclone Press
Shooting Star Press
Ace Crusher
Spiked Piledriver
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Sean has been wrestling since 1996/’97. He got his start in a little independent promotion in Orlando called the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, the XWF for short. Stevens was what you'd call, a hands on trainee, because he never actually went to school to learn the art, he was forced to create an image, a style, and a move set based solely off of things he's seen(because he was a huge wrestling fan), things he'd like to see, and things he's dreamed of doing.

He attended an XWF house show, and was basically dared, by a friend, to leap over the guardrail. One thing led to another, Sean got a burst of adrenaline, and not only leaped the guardrail, he entered the ring. The audience didn't know what to make of it, they simply assumed he was a part of the show, but the reaction caused the head promoter of the company, Greg Vaughn to bail Sean out of jail, and offer him a contract on the spot. Even though Stevens had zero training, wrestling was his passion, so he took the job ... besides, it had its advantages ... mainly, freedom.

For the next year and a half, Stevens ripped it up in that promotion becoming the hottest superstar on the roster, not to mention the most popular. He spent the better part of that year under the tutelage of another megastar on his way out of the building, "the American Heartthrob" Chad Hennig. Chad instantly took a liking to Sean, if not only because he reminded him of himself at an early age. He liked him so much, he allowed Sean to accompany him to the ring, as well as training him, and christened him, XXXstasy - Triple X for short. ...needless to say, the name stuck.

Sean always felt an allegiance to the XWF and Greg Vaughn because it gave him his start, and if not for them, he'd probably not be in the business, but there was little room for growth there. A lot of the wrestler's were old school, and didn't take too kindly to a young upstart stealing their spotlight, and let it be known by refusing to grant him a title shot. Therefore, after Sean's contract was up, with Greg's blessings, of course, he signed on to compete in another promotion with more opportunity, the EPWL. Right away, Stevens was labeled the next big thing, and he didn't disappoint, winning that company's World Heavyweight Championship two months into his stint. The looked to be the limit, but what Sean should've done was savored that moment, because it would be a long time before he won another World title.

From there, Sean joined Soul City Fantasy Wrestling – the SCFW – and rose up the ranks winning it's Intercontinental Championship, however, the unexpected closure of that promotion forced him to seek employment on a different circuit. He never forgot where he came from, and continued to work for a couple of promotions in Orlando, snatching a couple of titles for his mantle, but for the first time, he'd ventured away from home. He joined a renegade upstart promotion called the Hardcore Extreme Wrestling, the HEW, and it became a promotion that would change his life forever. There, he met Mason Xavier – known to many as "Havoc", "The Blade" Kendall Codine, Lint Douglas – aka "Zero", "Superstar" Vince Jacobs, "Total Elimination" Eli Flair, and Ivy "Poison Ivy" McGinnis, friends that he still has to this day, for the most part. While wrestling under the HEW umbrella, many would agree that he was arguably the most popular wrestler in the promotion, even winning "Most Popular" during the annual HEW award show his first year there. However, his inability to win the world title after numerous opportunities would dog him for the better part of three years.

From there, he wrestled in the TCW, the legendary CWL, and the SCW - where he finally broke through and won their World title, enjoying a long lengthy reign in the process. He also competed in the CSWA, and the fWo.
Brief Roleplay
when in Rome...

“I don’t wanna come inside, daddy! You’re not playing fair! I’m telling momma!”

Yonkers, New York.

Sitting on the sofa, inside of the living room of their two story, single family home, was professional wrestling superstar SEAN “TRIPLE X” STEVENS, with his four year old son, SHANNON JOSEPH STEVENS on his lap, in full pout mode.

“Someone called?” As if on cue, IVY MCGINNIS – Shannon’s mother, and just as equally Stevens’ wife – entered the room.

The blue-eyed badass sighed, his heart was clearly heavy. “….Your son. Told him it was time to come in and call it a day, and he threw a fit. Our baby boy has developed quite the stubborn streak.” Trip smiled, softly, rubbing his only child’s light brown hair affectionately.

Ivy laughed. “You can say it, Sean. Our baby boy has inherited a hell of a stubborn streak from his mother.”

She crouched down next to the man and his son, and looked Shannon in the eyes. “Shannon, if you go get ready for bed right now, Daddy will read you any two stories you pick out, and he'll do the funny voices that you like so much.”

That seemed to work.

“Okay!” said Shannon, as he climbed down from his father's lap and hustled as fast as his little legs could take him to the staircase.

“Another few years and he'll be taller than Adrian,” said Ivy. She sat down next to her husband and draped her legs over his lap, smoothing out the folds of her black capris and stretching her arms over her head, exposing her flat, bullet - scarred stomach from under the pale green tank top she also wore.

“Seems like just yesterday, I was rushing to the hospital, praying that I’d be there before you delivered…” Trip responded, softly massaging Ivy’s legs, as he drifted in thought. “Puts a lot of things into perspective. So does that.” He said, pointing to Ivy’s bullet wound. “I thought I lost you that day. For a brief moment, my world ended. I’ve always said that if I ever lost a title belt, my world would end, but after losing the big belt last week, and remembering how I felt when I heard you had gotten shot, I can honestly say, it’s no comparison. You two are my world, and I’m thinking it’s time to call it a career. I really miss you guys.”

She tensed. Trip noticed.

“Something wrong?”

Ivy adjusted her glasses. “So you want to call it a career?” she asked.

“I've been thinking about it.”

“After that match?”

Trip didn't answer, but he kept his attention square on Ivy. It was more than just courtesy for the woman he married: when it came to professional wrestling, the people with the most success learned to listen to Ivy McGinnis.

“Sean,” said Ivy, “No offense... but do you really think that's the legacy you want to leave behind?”

“My legacy is fine. I came back to wrestling to win a world title. I did even better, I won THE world title, and I defended it against all comers for two years straight, successfully. And, I lost it in a match that I clearly won. When the federation that you’ve given your blood, sweat and tears to starts making up rules on the fly, because none of its talent can actually beat you? That’s says a lot about you as a performer. But, it also says I may have worn out my welcome. I’ve proven I’m the best, and my title loss was my EPW co-sign.” Stevens responded.


“So you want to go out as a racist, sexist, elitist misanthrope?”

“Ouch,” was the only response Trip could muster. “…I can see where you’re going with this, and clearly you feel some kind of way about something I’ve done, or said. But, if that’s how you felt … why wait so long?”

Ivy withdrew her legs, but crossed them in front of her and stayed where she was, facing him.

“Why?” she repeated, “Because--”

She hesitated.

“It's because you've spent the past two years fending off everyone Ryan could dig up, and because you've been carrying the company on your shoulders for three straight years. I know better than to bungle with your mojo, I just thought... now that you don't have to keep the company going by yourself... you'd show the Empire more of the Sean Stevens that I love instead of the Blue Eyed Badass that everyone despises.”

“I am—I was that person. I was that person when I came back. My intentions were pure. I was that person when Craig, Windham, A1E, Westcott, the Plumber and everyone else tried to put that company out of business! When Lindsay took her ball and went home because she lost her title, I was the guy that kept this company afloat! When Melton packed his bags and left us hanging, the entire company panicked, Ryan included, but not me. You remember what I said to you that night, Ivy?”

She listened.

“I put my construction boots on, and built the Empire from the ground up! You know where that got me, Ivy? I don’t even have to tell you. You were there. You heard the boos. Being the Sean Stevens you love didn’t get the newspapers, the magazines, the beat writers, and the bloggers to recognize me as the pound for pound number one wrestler in the world. Being the Blue Eyed Badass that everyone hates did. It was an easy decision to make.”

“Well, what about our son?” Ivy responded. “Sean, whenever you’re on TV, I turn the channel, because I don’t want Shannon seeing or hearing some of the things you do and say.”

That seemed to strike a chord. A tear formed in the corner of Stevens’ right eye. Wiping it gently, he attempted to reply, but found himself choked up.

“Sean, it takes more than a title to be a champion. I know you hate the sound of his name, but, you know how the business in general refers to Paul as 'Champ'? The last time he held a World Title, I was cracking canes over your head."

Stevens rolled his eyes -- he didn't even like anyone else named Paul anymore. But he nodded his head -- Ivy was right.

“Eli was a World Champion for probably less than a year put together, does that make him any less of one,” asked Ivy.

“So, what are you saying Ivy? That I wasn’t a champion? That the guy that the EPW chose to replace me is?” Trip responded, clearly irritated with his wife’s inability to simply tell him what he wanted to hear, instead always opting to tell him the truth.

Ivy smiled, and cupped his chin in her hands.

“Of course not,” she replied, “Two years of defending that belt against everyone who could come up against you? You’re the greatest Champion that the Empire ever had, and anyone who would argue the point has already lost the fight.”

She laughed. “To tell you the truth, I kinda feel bad for that First kid... following a champion like you is almost a guaranteed crash and burn. You did the toughest job anyone in our business can do; you filled the seats for two straight years with people who hated your guts. Only Naitch can make that claim, I’d wager.”

At a complete loss for words, Stevens could do nothing but smile.

“The difference,” continued Ivy, “is that there's a big difference between love to hate and wanna murder. I’ve seen you get trash thrown at you; I’ve been there when some fans have chased us to our car in anger. I’ve heard them cheer a particularly biting sarcastic comment against our favorite Trendy Fake Goth, and I've been proud to stand next to you when ten thousand people were giving you, me, and Alex a standing ovation.”

He continued to listen.

“Have you had a chance to check out any of Knox’s work in the New Frontier? He’s got the skills, the chops, and the biting commentary to bring an audience to their feet, but he manages to do it by being a naively decent kid. You’ve got the skills, the chops, and the commentary, and you know far more than he does, how to use it.”

Ivy laughed. “I’m rambling. My point, Sean, is that I’ve seen you work for a dozen years now and I know, firsthand, you can get any reaction you want by any means.”

The Blue Eyed Badass sighed, conceding in defeat, with one last parting shot. “Rome wasn’t built in a day, sweetie. It took a supreme being seven to create the world. I can’t change overnight. If I try, and I fail, where does that leave us? Shannon not being able to watch my matches really hurts.”

They looked into each other’s eyes. Ivy’s glasses had slipped to the end of her nose, and she looked over the top of the rims into his steel blue eyes with a pair of her own emerald greens.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, cute stuff, because they didn’t have me on staff.”

Stevens smiled, “Touché.”
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