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Waring & Moundfields vs Salvation & Hawkeye

T. Waring

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Nottingham, england
*The scene opens in a modern house. The sun is shining in the windows and outside birds can be head singing away. A guy that isnt happy singing is EUWC European champion, "The Commander" T. A. Waring. Waring is seen with a big plaster on his head. He has a T. Waring "respect" t-shirt on and red shorts. Waring is looking at the European title like it was his baby. He notices the camera and motions it to move closer to him.*

Waring: At Summer Sizzler I was in a match. I fought a group of men who were looking like me, to capture the EUWC European title. All of the guys put in a good performance. Men were eliminated all over the place. Then we was left with just two guys. T.T Mcgraw and me. My arm and shoulder were banged up. However, I kept going. I fought with all my heart and finally became the European champion. It is to date the biggest win in my career. However, being champ has its downfall. People have been coming to me and saying "Your the weak link. Everyone will be coming for you because your the weak champion." It hurts you know. Just like this lump on my head. It hurts more and more every time i think of the guy who did it. When i hurt, I get angry. When im angry, you dont want to know me.

*Waring sits up and picks up a little book. He opens it and takes out a little post it note. He places the book down and reads the note out loud.*

Waring: "The commander" T. Waring and the Moundfields vs. The Salvation and the guy that tried to take me out, LT. Hawkeye. It seems Pickstock is giving me the night off. The Salvation are past there sell-by date. Ray Santana and Triple T. These guys used to be big. I mean really big, I looked up at these guys. Ray was EUWC world champ, he was going well. TTT was a good superstar as well. Look at them now. Fighting a losing battle in the tag team division. Like I said Pickstock gave me the night off with these guys.

*Waring picks up th European title and proudly flashes it across his stomach. He points at it and picks up a picture of LT. Hawkeye. He smiles cunningly.....*

Waring: The other guy I face on Sunday is Lt. Hawkeye. The guy i beat a few weeks ago and the guy that lost at Summer Sizzler. Im surprised this kid hasnt quit. I would if i attack someone from behind and the next day there standing as strong as ever. Thats right. You tried to take me out. You almost did it as well. Kudos to you. You see, I am the European champion. I didnt win it is some beauty contest, even though with the guys I was facing I properly would have, I fought hard to win it. I defeated you other guys to do it. now Hawkeye, you unlike me failed to do it. That makes you a failure. Just like your army career. So you took the cheap way out. You had to cheap shot a guy who is 100 percent better than you and what did it achieve? Nothing, only the fact that you have now made a very powerful enemy. You see, I dont need to use cheap tactics to win a title. I get it done in the ring. Just like my tag partners, The Moundfields. They saw a weak link in the revolution, is name was Lord Anthrag. They disposed of that link. I have no plans to join the revolution but teaming with guys that get the job done like me is what a call a good match. Even more so, those guys could get it done without me even getting in the ring. The Moundfields shoul be tag team champs. This angers them. These guys want to take you out and will do. So Lt. Hawkeye and The Salvation, all i say to you guys is good luck. You will most certainly need it.

*With that Waring holds up the European title smiles at the camera and then puts his hand over the lens as the screen turns to black.*

Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
{*Scene opens on a dimly lit room, Hawkeye is sittin there sleeping in a large leather chair, he is holding his Calloway driver in his hands on his lap. A knock comes to the door, it startles Hawkeye enough to make him jump out of his chair. He slowly walks over to the door, opens it and looks out, there is no one there, so he strools back over to his chair, he takes a seat and begins to nod off again. He hears a noise and wakes up, noticing the camera*}

Well, I must have nodded off I didn't even see or hear you come in. I have been so tired the last couple of days that I have been just sleeping in my chair. After my match at Summer Sizzler, I put on one of the best matches of my career in the EUWC, but fell short that Sunday, since then I have been so exhausted. Now I must do it all over again this Sunday at Main Frame by order of our general manager. Geez, that man either really thinks I am worthy of getting in the title scene or my backstage attack on Waring has proven that I will do anything but either way, this match is booked and we are going to put on a show for the fans once again. Only this time, there is going to be 4 other men in this match … I have Santana and TTT in my corner and The Moundfields are in his corner, personally to me though I don’t care because either way I am going to get my hands on Waring.

{*Hawkeye rolls up his sleeves to reveal the bruises he received on Sunday*}

You see what happened to me on Sunday. That man they call Waring laid an a$$whooping into me. I am bruised on most of my body from the match. He showed me something that I didn't think he was capable of, but he also showed me something that I knew all along. He showed me that he is a one hit wonder and after this match, I will have proved it. He won the title and when I get a one on one match he will lose it on his very next match. Tell me that isn't a one hit wonder for you. I guess though we shall see if he can handle being the champion, can he handle the pressure, the signing of autographs and well ... ME. Waring you showed me that your just like the rest of the people that have won gold and then just walked away thinking that they could handle the pressure placed on there shoulders. You showed me that you had nothing to offer the fans, the publicity, the bosses, yourself and last but certainly not lease ME. Damn Waring you have it made, the spot light, the sun and the sand and the gold around your waist ... but starting after this match, you will have the title, but when I get a one on one match you will have NOTHING.

{*Hawkeye sits up in the chair*}

When you stepped into the ring with me, you think that it was going to be a piece of cake eh??? Well, I show you that I am more worthy of the title then you are or ever will be. Sure you may give me a good run, but like all good things, they come to an end. Sunday was only the tip of the iceberg for you, but at Main Frame, it is going to be the first strike against you. At Main Frame, it is going to be the first taste of a whole new side of me, you are going to be the one laying on the mat looking up at the ceiling well I am pinning your shoulders on the mat for the count of 3 and I will be standing over you staring right back at you. There is absolutely nothing you can say or do about that, because I am going to be prepared for you. You say can say that Summer Sizzler was your day ... well, that might be true ... but that is because you didn’t face me for that European Title, you faced another competitor, however he wasn’t prepared for the fight, I was, this week at Main Frame I will prove that. It sucks that you are going to have your fellow Britians in your corner you and I have Salvation in my corner, but, either way ... I really don't care ... because like I said I am prepared for you and this match.

You see, I think that Waring has what it takes to be a great wrestler, sure, he has proved himself since coming to the EUWC, but that is all going to come to an end this week with me beating him. Coming out of our match this past week at Summer Sizzler, you are known as the European Champion, but after our match at Main Frame, you are going to be still known as the champ, but people are finally going to realize that it was a fluke in you winning that title. I am going to get my hands on you one way or another. Even if, it includes before or after Main Frame, you can be sure on that one. Waring, you are nothing to the fans, the rest of the roster, the organizers, the backstage personnel, the management personnel and most you nothing to ME. You have absolutely nothing to prove, because as far as I see it, after this week I will have proved everything that I have been saying. I want to see you in my ring with me one on one for that European Championship, so that I can take what is rightfully mine, since you don't deserve to have that title around your waist.

So like I said, it doesn't matter if you walk out of Main Frame with the title around your waist or not, well, we already know your not going to last as Champion, so bring what ever you have to the ring and we will sstart it there, but I am going to a sure you that you will NEVER beat me. So I will see you in the ring at Main Frame.

{*Scene closes with Hawkeye getting up from the chair and picking up the phone.*}

T. Waring

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Nottingham, england
*The scene is set, Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser are seated and talking away. The topic is currently NFl related. The show is ESPN's highly rated show, Pardon The Interuption. The next article on the show is a 5 minite talk with EUWCs very own European champion "The Commander" T. Waring.*

Tony: Now we move on to a guy making a big mark in pro-wrestling.

MIke: Thats right, ever since he disgraced himself throwing the title away, he shouldnt have been allowed back in.

Tony: Well, hes here to talk now.

*The scene cuts to the TV screen. Waring is seated with a black EUWC T-shirt on. He has the European title hanging from his shoulder. He has a wide toothy grin. He is seated in a brown leather chair, the sun is pouring into the room and the windows are wide open.*

Mike: Welcome to the show T. First Off, let me ask why you walked out on RBW? Any real reasons?

Waring: Well, firstly, thanks for having me on. Mike, you watched me in action right, I was dominating the ring. There were very few people who could beat me. I decided it was enough. So, I planned to trash the title and join EUWC. I needed a fresh start so I fired manager Chris Hammond and walked out. The next day i applied for EUWC. However, the aplication was rejected.

Tony: You got rejected! I bet you felt stupid. You lost the main prize and you were jobless. What happened next?

Waring: Well, I rejoined RBW again. However the federation closed soon after I departed. I had been spotted by an EUWC scout. They signed me up and it seems I didnt disapoint.

Mike: You faced a guy called The Odinist. You faced him over 10 times and you never pinned him.

Waring: Yeah, that man is a cheat.

Mike: Still You couldnt beat him. I bet you was gutted when he took the title after you disgraced it.

Waring: No, I wasnt gutted. I was angry. I had wasted a chance to become great. My popularity at RBW never took off after, so we hired a stunt double to 'kill me off' and i was to come back in September or October. However, it seems that wont be happening.

Tony: Looks like you decided to get your hand intos RBWs fire. You caused some bad stuff between the companies before RBW folded.

Waring: Hey, I didnt do anything. Odinist was under an RBW/EUWC contract to defend the RBW high title/EUWC european title when called on. I saw this and issuded the challenge. Its not my fault Odinist did a runner and like me vacated the title. It made my title win much easier.

Tony: Easier!

Mike: You almost lost that match.

Waring: I never lost though did I.

Tony: A certain guy seems to want a piece of you. What you got to say to that guy?

Waring: Well firstly he states that I will Never beat him. Is this guy smoking illegal substances? I already beat him. TWICE! I dont need to prove to Private pants or LT. Hawkeye or what ever he name is. I beat him, Therefore I am better then him.

Mike: He stated that you are a one hit wonder. Many people will agree, do you?

Waring: Of course I dont. If he bothers to look up his history correctly it states that I have won the EUWC European title twice. Once when EUWC was having problems but its still there in the record books. This Hawkeye can talk his talk but can he walk the walk?

Tony: He claims you are nothing to the fans, the booking comittee and the roster. What you got to say on that?

Waring: That this guy needs a reality check. If I was nothing to the booking staff, how did I get my title shot? They saw something in me. I got the Oringenal title shot. All the other guys were added because the booking staff had nothing to do with them. I seemed to win the match pretty easily. I beat Garden Boy with his own dam move.

Tony: Last Question T. Will you be the EUWC World champion at any point?

Waring: Yes.

Tony: Thanks for being on T. Nice to talk to yah.

*The scene then turns back to Mike and Tony talking about other things. It then goes black suddenly.*

Larry Serson

League Member
Sep 5, 2004
Kingston, On, Canada
{*Scene opens with Hawkeye standing backstage looking at the TV as Waring is on Pardon The Interruption. Hawkeye is looking a little pissed off about the comments being made. Hawkeye hears a knock on the door. He turns from the TV, the door opens a crack and Kelly pops her head in, Hawkeye waves in Kelly.*}

Hawkeye: Hey Kelly, what can I do for you???

Kelly: Hey Hawkeye, I have a few questions for you about your upcoming match, got a few minutes???

{* Hawkeye bends over and grabs a bottle of water out of his bag *}

Hawkeye: Sure come on in.

Kelly: Well after your comments earlier about Waring, it looks as though he has gone on national TV and made you look bad.

Hawkeye: That is fine, he can go out there and run his mouth about being the European Champion and how he won it, but what he doesn’t realize is that he has made himself look so venerable. He has opened himself up to a can of worms that he should have just kept his mouth shut about.

{* Kelly tilts her head and gives a weird look *}

Hawkeye: Kelly, don’t look so confused. He talked about how he was the RBW European Champ when he quit because he couldn’t handle the pressure of being champ, just like I stated before. He kept talking about how he has to face the same guy over and over and over again, he pissed and moaned about how this guy keep cheating to win, this is why he could never pin him to win. Think bout those comments and read between the lines like I have.

I have read between those lines and realized one thing …

{* Hawkeye takes a drink of his water *}

The way I see it Kelly is that he wants to make a fresh start here in the EUWC because he is hiding from his past in the RBW. He had to come to the EUWC because well, he wasn’t going anywhere in the RBW and thinks that he is going to go somewhere here, but what he doesn’t realize is that he needs to make it past one of the best upcoming stars. He left the RBW, fired his manager and now he thinks that he is ready for the big leagues, well, he may have won the title, but does he think he can keep it?? Well, I guess we will see how much he is prepared to get into the ring with me and my tag team partners this week at Main Frame.

Kelly: Speaking of Main Frame, you are tagging with Ray Santana and TTT also known as Salvation, any words on that??

Hawkeye: Well to be perfectly honest, I don’t know to much about them or there wrestling styles, but we are all fellow Canadians and we don’t like to lose, so I am sure that they will do any and everything possible to walk out of Main Frame with a victory. They have been around and they are veterans in the ring, so I am sure that with watching them I will learn so much more then I can from just sitting backstage watching the monitors. They beat up on the Nobleman at Summer Sizzler, which were also Brits and we are going to continue to take them Brits by storm. This time it just happens to be a different team named Moundfields and Waring.

Kelly: Aren't you worried, since the Moundfields were once tag team champions and Waring is a champion?

Hawkeye: Kelly, what am I to be worried about?? Like you said, they WERE once tag champs, but now they are nothing trying to get back into the picture scene. As for Waring, like I said, he is just like the Moundfields, a one time wonder hit. Sure sure, he has held the European Title twice, but what he is forgetting is that he is a loser and will continue to show his true side when we are done with him and his tag team partners.

Ray and TTT are coming to the ring with me, we are going to walk in probably the underdogs, but by the time we walk out of there, we are going to be the winners and those 3 are going to fall to waste side like most losers do.

Kelly: As Waring has stated he has beaten you twice, any comments on that??

Hawkeye: Waring, beat me once in the middle of the ring not twice, he must have forgot, he isn't the one that elimated me at Summer Sizzler, Haz-e is, so before he puts his foot in his mouth again, he had better check the stats and come back when he is better educated. In the match that he did beat me in, I give him the credit for it, but next time we are in the ring one on one, he won't be the victorious one, he is going to be the one to be wondering what is happening. Waring, I will make you this promise, I am coming for that title and I am going to take it from you and there is absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it!!!

Kelly: Waring made comments that he is going to be the EUWC World Champion, does he have what it takes?

Hawkeye: He better not think to far ahead of himself, because if he does he is going to be overlooking what he has infront of him. He is beginning to look to the future instead the of the present. Waring, you are like the rest of the people that become champ, you take things for granted and it comes back to bite you in the ass, and that is going to be your downfall and you will end up like you did the RBW ... another jobber with nothing to prove except that is where you belong. Waring, take it from me, I am better prepared for you and I am going to show you a 3 step program. Step 1 was the backstage attack at Main Frame last week and Step 2 is going to be when I beat you again this week at Main Frame and step 3 is going to be when I take that title you so cherish and put it around my waist.

Final words for the Moundfields and Waring, this week at Main Frame is going to begin a new chapter for 6 people, 3 are going to walk out victorious and 3 are going to walk out losers. I hate to say but you 3 are going to be in the bottom when Salvation and Hawkeye have there hands raised in victory.

{* Hawkeye turns from the camera and Kelly, grabs the converter off the top of the TV and switches the channel, where he finds the World Poker Tournament, he takes and gulp of his water as the camera fades *}

The Moundfields

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Manchester, England
The scene opens in a smoky room. The room is ill-lit and as the camera focuses more, we can see a round table. Sat around the table are The Moundfields and The Monster, each with a hand of cards and a large cigar burning away in individual ashtrays. The three place their chips and review their cards carefully.

Jaz: Hmm...I guess I'll see you and raise you $10.

Daryl: Hey y'know what we've not discussed yet? Main Frame.

Jaz: Are you trying to put me off so you can sneak a peak at my cards?

Daryl: No really, we need to discuss this 'cause we've never teamed with T. Waring before and The Salvation and Hawkeye are experienced opponents.

Jaz: I suppose you're right. Well T. Waring said we should be the tag team titles, and he's right. If it wasn't for Team Danger constantly screwing us over we'd be sitting here with the tag team gold. But he's also right in that he's not joining The Revolution. This partnership is strictly one off. I mean congratulations to him for winning the European title and all but I think Lord Antharg taught us that we don't need any outsiders coming into The Revolution.

Daryl: Yeah, and he hardly beat top class opposition to win the belt...

The Monster looks up and scowls at Daryl.

Jaz: Erm, apart from you Monster. Gee you really were screwed!

Jaz looks awkwardly down at his cards as The Monster scowls and mouths what appears to be "I'm going to kill you!" at Daryl.

Daryl: Erm, when did The Monster learn to speak English?

Jaz: What? He can't.

Daryl: But I'm sure he just...

Jaz: Look let's focus on talking about the match. Now Lt. Hawkeye may sound like the doctor from M*A*S*H but he's a dangerous character. And we need to beat The Salvation in order to boost our chances of getting back near the top of the tag team rankings. At the moment we're behind Team Danger, STEALTH & Lockhart and Fire & Ice so we need to start making progress.

Daryl: Before we go back after the tag titles though, we need a little "pick-me-up", and what better pick me up than beating the snot out of those has-beans Buxton and Antharg.

Jaz: Ahh yes, those two. I think we've taught them enough of a lesson at Summer Sizzler. I think Buxton's return may be the shortest in history. As for Antharg, he learnt not to cross The Revolution. We helped The Salvation win that match and they way I figure it, they owe us one. So at Main Frame they can let us beat them black and blue and prove why we're the greatest team in EUWC, with or without T. Waring or Lord Antharg. So what ya got?

Daryl: Two pairs.

Jaz: Three 8's, how about you Monster?

The Monster reveals his cards, showing 4 aces and a joker.

Daryl: God dammit why do we let him play!?

The Monster scowls at Daryl.

Jaz: Right, that's enough poker for me, let's go.

The three get up to leave. As Daryl passes The Monster, he is tripped.

Daryl: Hey!

Jaz: Come on Daryl it was an accident!

Jaz walks away and Daryl turns to look at The Monster, who again mouths "I'm going to kill you!" Daryl quickly walks away as we fade to black.

T. Waring

League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Nottingham, england
*The scene opens in a dimly lit room. Only a DVD player is barely visable. There are no sounds in the room. The DVD screen is light blue which means nothing is in it. The door opens and the light switches on. A man hurries into the room and puts a video into the DVD player and waits for it to load. The man is EUWC European champion "The Commander" T. Waring. Waring has a very baggy white shirt on and dark blue jeans. The European title is strapped around the waist. Waring is frantically waiting for the DVD to load. He gets up and out of madness kicks the player. Soon the door opens again and in walks Grace. She has a silver satin night gown on. She looks tired.*

Grace: *Yawns* T dear come to bed, youll be exhausted for your match.

Waring: I cant. I need to keep studing these tapes. I know now that this is a key match which can make or break my career.

Grace: Just come to bed. You been drinking coffee for three nights straight. It cant be good for you.

Waring: Coffee is the drink of champions. As I am a Champion I need to drink coffee and I also need to watch this tape.

*Grace stares into the room, shrugs and then leaves. Waring keeps watching the DVD, twitching constantly. He pauses it at a certain point.*

Waring: This is the point where I beat Garden Boy. Look at him tap to his own move. I would make Hawkeye tap to his own move but he doesnt have any worth doing. Plus I have never seen it. All I have seen is a cry-baby. Hawkeye reminds me of a baby without a bottle. All it does is cry until it gets it. Well, he wants the Euro title, and I got it, so all i got to is listen to him b*tch on about how I am a one hit wonder. How I dont deserve to be in "his ring". Please....I never heard so much bull. He doesnt even have a title. He doesnt even have a win i dont think, I dont take much notice of him. He is a little maggot. A maggot which will be fed to the biggest stronger fish. That fish being me. This guy might think he is the best thing ever but NEWS FLASH. The best thing normally wins. You havent won yet.

It also seems the Moundfields labeled you as a dangerous character. Excuse me if I dont wet myself but he is about as dangerous as an asmatic ant with heavy shopping. That can be said about his partners as well. The Salvation, Ray Santana and TTT. These guys used to be good. I mean really good. Ray, you disapoint me. You used to be World Championship material. Now you just another guy trying to resurect an already broken career. Maybe you should just quit. This business wont fail without you or your sidekick TTT. Maybe The Salvation and Hawkeye should just not bother to turn up. These guys are like bees without there stings. There DEAD!.

You see Hawkeye i have come up with my own 3 program. Step 1. Drink as much coffee as possible. Step 2. Go to Mainframe and whup every single Canadians ass in that ring and step 3. Make sure you never get a title shot at me. You see I dont go around running my mouth, making every one feel sorry for me. No, I get the job done unlike you my ex-army friend. The only thing you will be doing after I beat yah is running away from me knowing that you could talk smack but you couldnt back it up with actions. You see Hawkeye, it all concludes with just one thing. Your JEALOUS of me. Your Jealous that I am the better guy, better homes, girls, everything and your Jealous that Im European champion and you are not.

*With that Waring goes to grab anoher cup of coffee and the scene cuts to black.*

Ray Santana

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
(The Salvation is sitting in a bar reading transcripts of promos by Hawkeye, T. Waring, and The Moundfields. Kandi Reed walks in.)

Kandi: Hey guys.

Ray: Hey Kandi.

Kandi: So did you guys have anything to say about your match on Main Frame?

TTT: Naturally. Apparently, The Moundfields feel that we owe them something for "helping" us at Sizzler. Look guys, we beat the Noblemen ourselves and then you swooped in like vultures and attacked them when they were down. Look guys, we aren't going to be just waiting for you to attack. We're going to be ready for you. You're going to have to take us on from the front, not from behind like you two apparently prefer.

Kandi: T. Waring didn't exactly have high opinions of you guys either.

Ray: Yeah. I was wondering when someone would bring up the age thing. TTT and I are older than most of the EUWC roster but that doesn't change anything about us. Fourteen championships between us including to reigns as EUWC Tag Team Champions. We know what it takes to get it done in the tag team division. We're here to get those belts back and the Moundfields are our next stepping stone.

Kandi: Any thoughts on your partner, Lt. Hawkeye?

TTT: Hawkeye is an interesting partner for us. On one hand, we know that he and Waring have some unfinished business to take care of and we're not going to stand in the way of that.

Ray: By the way, Hawkeye, nice shot with the golf club.

TTT: (Laughs) Yeah. That was good. But on the other hand, we have our own plans in mind. So I suggest that when we're in the ring, don't interrupt us. If you do, we'll consider you an opponent. And you definately don't want that.

Kandi: So you guys are gunning the Tag Team titles. What do you think of the new champions?

Ray: STEALTH and Lockhart?

TTT: Sounds to me like those age jokes may have been misdirected.

Ray: (Laughs) Yeah.

(Fade to black)

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