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Week 6: Jason Payne vs. Lindsay Troy


Jan 1, 2000
Back on Track

Fade-in: Lindsay Troy, sitting Indian-style on a black-leather couch and looking over her shoulder. In the background Alaina Troy paces, holding a box of chocolates.

AT: They're Godiva, y'know.

LT (annoyed): I don't care if Manson went to Joey's cocoa bean farm and hand-picked the beans off the trees, then jumped into the pages of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and convinced Willy Wonka to fashion truffles in my likeness. Really, weirder things have happened.

AT: Like a simpering man-child hitting you upside the head with a surfboard?

LT: Yeah. What's next...the NFW World Title pinning itself and the cast of Laguna Beach rowing through an ACME black hole?

AT (as her sister shudders): I should hope no one has a repeat, or near-similar, performance of that debacle. Well, if you don't want them...

LT: They're all yours.

The future Mrs. Dan Ryan walks off-camera, leaving her sister sitting on the couch. Troy turns to face front and shakes her head, the burn on her face courtesy of Troy Windham at EPW's Black Dawn still present.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Jason. I'm hungry."

"Just not for a sixty-five dollar box of Belgian chocolates."

"As skilled of a public speaker as I am, you'll have to forgive the blatant use of a cliche when I say that I'm hungry for a win."

"For too long have I been complacent in this federation, allowing Susano-O-No-Mikoto to sit smugly in his skybox while my shoulders are pinned for loss after loss. I'd be willing to bet that my one victory thus far, over a Native Son, did not rest well with the Grand Elder."

"As it shouldn't."

"For too long my efforts here have been described as relatively 'half-assed,' a situation that a win this week will begin to correct."

"Tied for last place in the East? Have I been asleep? Or, have I not been truly awake."

"This isn't the Japan I once knew. This is a Bizzaro-world, and the only way for me to get out is for me to win out."

She nods.

"You heard me."

"I can't turn water into wine, but I've performed more impossible things than this: winning a World Title (the equivalent of making the blind see), and converting Melton to the practice of monogamy...but this new miracle's start begins at Crashmas."

"It starts with you, Jason Payne."

"Crashmas '04 I almost threw something away that I could never get back."

"I refuse to let Crashmas '05 spell the end for my Season 2 career."


Jason Payne

New member
Jan 1, 2000
Great Mills, Maryland
Sitting down in a restaurant, Jason Payne sits across from his mentor, Dave "The Bear" Schultz. They are both just finishing up dinner as Jason Payne removes his dark sunglasses. Setting them down with a sigh, Payne looks over at "The Bear".

Schultz - "Something on your mind?"

Payne nods slightly as his eyes drift towards the table.

Payne - "I am wondering what this business of ours is coming to. I am wondering if this is the same business I entered into all those years ago when I first stepped through your door. And the fact is, it's not the same business. You got guys dressing up in diapers, men claiming to be pregnant, and all kinds of backstage political bull**** that you can't keep track of who is coming or going."

Payne lets out a long sigh as he raches out and takes a drink of a dark looking liqour as Dave nods slowly at his comments.

Schultz - "Are you starting to have doubts as to who you are? Or who you want to be?"

Payne - "No. In fact, after everything that has happened to me, I have never been more clear as to who I am, and who I want to be, and what I want to be remembered as when my career is over."

"The Bear" takes a sip of water as he furrows an old wrinkled brow at his protege'.

Schultz - "Care to let me in on the secret or you going to keep m guessing?"

Payne takes a long drink of his liqour and sets it down with a long sigh. His eyes lift from the table and meet his mentor's from across the table.

Payne - "You know, I am thankful for everything that you have given me. And I am thankful for everything you have done for me. Including scooping me out of that gutter back when this season started. But I know who I want to be, and I know how I want to do things. I know where I want to go and how to get there. When everything is said and done, Jason Payne is just going to be Jason Payne. While the entire world of wrestling shifts and embraces wild story after wild story, Jason Payne is going to remain the same. Jason Payne is not going to sell his soul, and dignity to the devil in order to get over with anyone. And if that means that I have to leave NFW in order to do it, then so be it. But I think that in order to do this, it's time that I embrace my destiny, and go at this alone, because when it's all said and done, I want to be remembered as someone who stood on thier own merits, and didn't have to stand on someone elses shoulders to get where he wanted to be. Can you understand that?"

Dave simply stares ahead at Payne, letting his words sink in. Reaching out he takes a sip of his water as his eyes drift towards the table. After a seeming eternity, Dave slowly nods and lifts his eyss back up to meet Payne's.

Schultz - I can totally understand that. And if that is what you want...then...I respect your decision. And I wish you the best of luck with whatever this business gives you..."


FADE IN on the town square of what appears to be an Old West ghost town. It is night time and a thick fog is slowly moving through the streets like a sheet. The camera pans around the center of the square, the broken down sign for what was once a used car lot, the deserted gas station with half the pumps missing, the post office with broken windows with rusted bars over them all being seen. The camera stops looking up a deserted street with what appears to be an old courthouse on the right. A figure clad in a white sleeveless t-shirt with faded blue jeans can be seen walking out from behind the courthouse. His shoulder length hair and square jaw reveal him as JASON PAYNE. As Payne turns the corner and begins to walk towards the camera, it slowly begins to zoom in on him. Payne's voice then is heard...

Payne - "A long time I have looked forward to this match. Jason Payne. Lindsay Troy. Two wrestlers who could not be any more different, yet share so much in common. Your reputation preceeds you Troy, and I must say I am literally salivating at the chance to get in the ring with you."

The camera continues to zoom until it moves past Payne's right shoulder. We then FADE IN on a closeup of Payne from over his left shoulder as he continues walking towards the square.

Payne - "What a strange reversal of fortune you have found for yourself. You are dead last in the points race, yet I seem to recall not too long ago you were being heralded as a genius for your winning of a world title. It would appear that in your quest for glory, you have lost some focus that should have been redirected perhaps. And such is the fate for someone who has so much to prove to a business that is so male dominated. But from one wrestler to another, I think you have proved yourself more than worthy of being in the sport of kings."

"That being said, I have to tell you in all honesty, that if you just expect for me to roll over and die because you are the almighty, handpicked from God savior of professional wrestling, Lindsay Troy, then allow me take your fantasy world, and tear it usunder with a little dose of reality."

The camera slowly stops and Payne continues walking on out of the shot as we FADE TO a shot from in front of the deserted gas station. Payne walks into the shot and stops at one of the old, broken down pumps. Turning towards the camera he speaks again.

Payne - "Lindsay I know you are the kind of competitor who does her homework, but I want to drive home a point. I don't give a rat's ass if you are the toughest woman in this business. I don't give a rat's ass that you have a world title to your resume and I don't. That don't mean a lick of difference. What does make a difference is the fact that nothing, short of an act by the Almighty himself is going to stop me from putting you through the most brutal match of your career."

"You come out here and you want to talk about being hungry. Well guess what? I wouldn't care if you were hungry even if you were having Sally Struthers doing infomercials on your hunger and asking me to send 75 cents a day to help feed your starving ass. Your time to face the judge, jury, and executioner of Payneville is at hand. And that is where you are going to be once you step through those ropes. Payneville. And you don't have to read too far about me to know that when people come to Payneville, they don't walk back out again without having been changed."

Payne slowly moves past the pump and out of the shot, as the camera FADES IN to the abandoned used car lot. A broken down privacy fence can be seen in the background as the camera pans to the right, showing the broken down sign hanging precariously above the ground. Payne walks into the shot, under the sign as the camera stops.

Payne - "By now Troy you should be used to the sting of disappointment. I can guarantee you that this trend will continue come Crashmas. Whether you're hungry or not, it makes little difference. Get ready to dive into the ninth circle of hell. The end of your season, if not your career, is at hand."

Payne chuckles as he walks towards the camera, and then past it. The camera then pans to the left to look over Payne's shoulder as he faces the courthouse.

Payne - "Count on it..."



Jan 1, 2000
Lindz Almighty

"Jason, you flatter me so with your admittance of drooling over the opportunity to be in the same ring as me."

"Can't say I've never had that effect on men before."

Fade-in: Lindsay Troy, standing on a large floor mat in front of a wall of mirrors in a dimly lit room. She wears blue and silver loose-fitting kickboxing pants and a tight silver tank. Off to the side, a lone office light remains on.

"But let's not make this out to be anything that it isn't and just cut out all the cutesy-cutesy 'most brutal match of my career' talk. If memory serves me correctly, this will be the eleventh 'most brutal match of my career' and it's starting to get a bit hard to keep my rankings right."

"So unless we're going to do a 'Ball and Chain, Flaming Tables, Invisible Fence, Hell in a Cell' match, I really think you can do without the hype. This 'judge, jury and executioner' bull has to go too...quit taking method acting lessons from Cameron Cruise and demand your money back. I'm sure it's not too late."

"Just keep it simple, stupid: you and me, for ten points."

"My position in the East standings isn't where I want to be. Simply put, I did not take full advantage of the situations presented to me."

"It is...uncharacteristic of me to do so."

"For someone who has, generally speaking, been at a disadvantage in this business for the better part of nine years it is unwise to continue along a path that surely does not lead to greater things."

"I stay on the losing path, Jason, and I might as well throw in the towel before we even get to the playoffs."

"I've never quit on myself for losing. I just...get back up and I do it again."

"Quitting means I've let others win. Quitting means I allow others the satisfaction of relishing in the defeat I brought upon myself."

"So you see the need for me to get out of the rut I'm in."

"Nip the problem in the bud now and my chances of not making a complete fool of myself diminish greatly."

"Of course, there are complications along the way. You, of course, being one of them."

"I've come to learn that expecting things in life leads only to disappointment. It's when things happen when one least expects them to that makes life even sweeter."

"My expecting you to just lie down for me is plain crazy-talk and, quite frankly, my intelligence is rather insulted that you would insinuate such a thing."

"Haven't you heard the part of my reputation that thrives on competition or the satisfaction I get after putting yet another man down for the count of three?"

"Or did you tune that part out and jump to your own conclusions instead?"

"Quite frankly, Jason, if God handpicked me to be the savior of professional wrestling then I think he's telling Troy Windham something different. Between you and me, I think Windham's full of sh*t anyway, but God does have a sense of humor. After all, just look at the platypus."

"But I think the time has come for me to check my plane ticket to make sure it still says Tokyo and then pack the Dis mask for my trip to the ninth circle of Hell. Dante may have been ahead of his time and I may have taken creative license with my borrowing his name for the Devil from The Inferno, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to go there in style."

"I can be a Devil and a Savior at the same time."

"Can you be anything but my reason for ten more points?"


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