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Week's feedback


League Member
Feb 6, 2007
East Lansing, MI
I personally had a lot of fun writing promos this week with Ravager. I told him that already but thought I'd make it public.

Hoyt and Dan Ryan was fun to read in spots. I didn't have time to read all of every rp but from what I read Ryan was gold as usual and Hoyt did a damn good job putting out his best effort to battle the top seed.

Beast's post was very creative and entertaining. Opponentus UnderEstimatus Extremus sounds like a very serious condition I would hate to be diagnosed with.

Medical conditions were a trend this week. James Irish and Shawn Hart never let up on each other from the beginning. Hart's disease doesn't sound like a barrell of laughs either.

I felt like there was a heck of a showing from pretty much everybody and noticed despite all the different backgrounds and federations represented everyone has been very cordial and appreciative of the efforts from their opponents.

This whole experience has been a lot of fun so far. Win or lose, I've enjoyed myself.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Everyone put up some great stuff.

Jarret, sorry I didn't get another one up for ya .. with this argument due yesterday that's worth 30% of my legal research grade, I just didn't have time ... but your stuff was fantastic.

Looks like I got my Jarret fill for the year in EPW, TEAM and then pulling up Holzer's blog and seeing you there... so stay away! :)

I'm also kinda disappointed because I wanted to point out that Cruise was seeded 2nd ... and Beast was third ... I had a great little diddy all thought up. :p

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