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Welcome to nowhere


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
(CUTTO: black & white footage of Felix Red, slouched in the corner of a basement somewhere, staring blankly at the floor.)

FELIX: Everything about this is wrong.

Everyone has left me. Ryoko. Hatter. Kooter….even my enemies retire or grow bored of me or die….

I’ve been everything, I’ve been nothing. There’s nothing left to experience but the middle, which is a place I’ve never wanted to be…

Sex mostly just bores me, and the drugs aren’t working anymore, or at least not correctly. Something has happened to my metabolism, where it’s developed a deficiency to substances that weren’t meant for my body in the first place. I don’t appear to require food or water anymore. I’ve undergone strange physiological augmentations. I’ve become double jointed in most of my limbs. I levitate sometimes. And nothing…hurts anymore.

But nothing feels especially good, either. I’ve been wandering from bar to bar, picking fights with townies, frattards, homeless people, whatever, winning, and moving onto another one. Not in a drunken, adrenaline rush-y way, or as if I feel I must prove something…I simply have no idea what else to do with myself. This is the only way I know how to live.

This, contrary to my former pretensions, is what I am, what I always have been. Not a god, or a socio-psycho engineer, or a warrior rock star…What I am is a thug.

(looks up)

On the upswing, I’m fairly good at what I do.


Mittens T. Cat

League Member
Jul 20, 2006
Out of nowhere, a grainy film image of Mittens appears on the screen.

"Felix Red is a queer."


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
(CUTTO: Felix, sitting indian style ontop of an old X-Men arcade game from the 80s....)

FELIX: You do realize you'll die if I think too hard about killing you, right Mittens?


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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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