Sorry about the delay, things should start be posted shortly, Alex has had some medical problems and I had three or four weeks of really bad headaches so my sleeping patterns have been all out of whack cutting into my writing time, but I'd expect something on Monday or Tuesday.
Things shall be resumed shortly and once we get going after this show, we will quicken up the schedule with only certain matches getting written up. I've just been really busy and you don't know how quickly a couple of weeks can fly by before you blink an eye.
For all those calling for a merger.... ;-> The fed is still alive, I've just been dealing with some burn out and taking care of an aging parent who recently went in for knee surgery, things should resume shortly now that things are settling down.
Aston will be working on the Pulsar vs. Steve Shane match that will go up next while I work on the Pat Gordon vs. Mystery Man vs. BP Lightning match so we should get up two matches in the next couple of days god willing.
Now that my Mother is almost out of her wheelchair and my cold has cleared up, I expect to finish up the Gordon/BP Lightning/Mystery Man match and put up the Doe/Hindi match Edmunds has already finished and we should be moving shortly.
Once we get past this card, I will get things moving again... life has just been comically putting obsctacles in front of me everytime things look like they are clearing up but I'm not giving up.
I've decide to retire from RPing in every league except NEW to cut down on aggravation and try to get more into running WFW again. I will try to have the Gordon vs. BP Lightning vs. Mystery Man up for Christmas as a gift to Ernie the rest up shortly after that.
We are still open and everything is going to be moved back into the active area. As I have said, I've been helping my Mom whose leg still hasn't healed properly and we have had several flooding problems recently that I have had to deal with myself. That being said, I just posted the Hacker interview and hope to have Wells vs. Steve Johnson up by the end of the week as long as another disaster doesn't happen.
Barring any more flooding this weekend because of the rain, which is still a problem because the people who were supposed to begin work on April 1st keep on putting off putting in the french drain to prevent flooding because it is raining too much and they want the soil to be dry in a bit of irony, I will try to fiinish up the North American Title match this weekend. The heavens apparently disapprove of the winner of this match.
Tag match is up next, I'll try to get that done in the next couple of days, although Monday Night I have the Warners Brothers Chat/PWI Chat on Monday so that may eat into some time.
Our french drain was finally installed today and they put down some concrete near the section where the water was coming in so if all goes well, the room I have to bail water out of on a monthly basis should be fixed. ::knocks on wood::
Going to work some more on things on Tuesday, spent yesterday cleaning up and I'm really sore, plus UFC chat is tonight and the RAW chat is on Monday...
Thankfully we didn't flood last night with the new french drain so everything looks like it is in the clear and with things calming down, I should have some more time to work on the show this week. I will have another Humbled going up today or tomorrow.
This is the first totally quiet weekend in awhile so I should be able to finish the tag match. I want to the finish the Superbowl before the second night of Wrestlestock goes up.
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