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WRESTLEVERSE IV: EPW TV TITLE: Donovan Astros (c) vs. Cameron Cruise


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"Ya know...the last few days after Aggression, I've been preparing for Wrestleverse IV as I prepare for any other match and something occurred to me....I never really explained why I extended the challenge in the first place, partially because it's gone the way of a "catch-22" situation.

Only instead of the Devil and Angel on my shoulders, I've got Walter Sobchak on one end spouting of **** like "**** THAT MOTHER****ER, CAM!! I GOT BUDDIES BACK IN 'NAM THAT LAID FACE DOWN IN THE MUCK SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO---****--WHY??"

(Cruise then motions to the other shoulder.)

CRUISE: And then on the other end I've got Lebowski himself perched against my neck, dressed in all whites and holding a sizable "White Russian" in one hand and a joint in the other and all he can talk about or say is how "the rug really tied the place together..".

(Cruise shrugs his shoulders)

Really, it's a long drawn out dialogue between the two in a dialogue that's blinding in the sense that you'd be better off taking my word for it. But for the sake of being gracious...I'll do everyone a solid.

(Cruise sighs)

CRUISE: I'm not exactly what people may call or label "a Spring Chicken" anymore.

Going into the latter part of my career it was only until the other day when I was sitting in the back after the King of the Cage Finals, that it dawned on me; I've been in this business roughly about fifteen years.

Yet, people are STILL...taking me for granted, taking me as nothing but a charity case.

I've won the Empire Pro Intercontinental title on two separate occasions, competed along beside Joey Melton through another two Tag Team title reigns and even Main Evented here and there, I co-created the biggest group to ever exist and took the world by storm in Anthology.

I was the reason people won, and people LOST Empire Pro Gold.

Yet after all is said and done, I make a decision to go back to what I do best in this business, and not only is the partner chosen for me at random a LIAR, but left me alone to stand on my own against my opponents.

Which...at this point I really could careless, I'd be willing to do it; alas that's not part of the rules. No one called me, no one knocked on my lockerroom door, not-a-damn-note from anyone willing to step up.

No one came to me LIKE A MAN...and said "Hey Cam, I've no issues with you, **** SHAWN HART, I'll tag with you."

A real "Viper-to-Maverick"-like conversation....didn't happen, and instead...




Donovan Astros comes waltzing out like he's the baddest man to grace the stage everyone else performs on, like he's supposed to IMPRESS ME.

Wouldn'tcha know...I was just starting to like the kid and even gave the man props PUBLICLY...but to either my chagrin or his...apparently it just wasn't enough.

King of the Cage Finals in Miami, Florida.

You not only were nowhere to be found, but I covered for you and covered for you...and covered for you some more.

But the fact is that if you're going to create some sort of charity case out of me, and just come and go as you please then you've pulled the wrong man to do it to.

I've been here in Empire Pro for the better part of TEN YEARS compared to your HALF-YEAR, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit by and watch a punk like you have a chance at doing something SPECIAL in this business, especially this company and just piss it away.

At Unleashed you had your first BIG Empire Pro Wrestling moment, when you defeated Karl Brown for that Television Championship.

But you see, this is EPW's PREMIER Pay-Per-View extravaganza....not just EPW Television, but people watching from AROUND THE WORLD!!!

I know this because I've had two other appearances at Wrestleverse, and they both had a title on the line, more specifically the EPW Tag Team titles.

The same ones that should be around MY WAIST NOT SHANE AND REEVES.

But that's okay Donovan, I'm not worried about the Empire Pro Tag Team Titles anymore, I'm not worried about wanting to make history at the biggest EPW Show of the Year, at Wrestleverse IV.

Not with the Tag Team Titles, no, as you now know...I've got a new focus.

I no longer want to be a THREE-TIME EPW Tag Team Champion....rather I now want to be the EPW Television Champion for the FIRST TIME.

Especially when I've got Walter back in my ear...

WS: Donny, you're out of you're element, and come Wrestleverse, you're entering a world of pain.

LEBOWSKI: Walter, give him a break...


(Cruise waits until "Sobchak" settles down and then looks at the camera.)

CRUISE: After Wrestleverse, after I defeat you for the Empire Pro Television title...

I highly suggest you "mark it zero."

Just sayin'.


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