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WWE Hall of Fame 2006


League Member
Sep 18, 2004
OK...most people here now that I mark out huge when the Hall of Fame nominees get named each year. This years class is an 'interesting' group that I know causes great debate among fans and 'marks' alike. For those of you who don't know, here is a quick run down of this years class.

Hulk Hogan -- Combined 12 World Championships over an 18 year span.
Rowdy Roddy Piper -- Arguably, the best talker of the early-mid 80's. Former I-C champ and NWA U.S. Champ
Jimmy Hart -- Manager, Several Tag Champs as well as the manager for the longest reigning I-C Champ The Honky Tonk Man.
Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik -- Former WWF Tag Champs
Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff -- Main evented WrestleMania 1 with Piper, Hogan and Mr. T
Cowboy Bob Orton -- No major accolades that I know of. Long time associate of Roddy Piper. Hired gun for Harley Race in the 80's in his war against Ric Flair.

The first three are probably the most deserving of the batch. The other four would eventually go in,

I offer a short list of the top 10 people I think should be considered for next year.

10) Yokozuna -- 4 World Title defenses in 2 Wrestlemania appearances. At 650 pounds (before breakfast), disturbingly agile. Probably Undertaker's toughest opponent and if they had ever met at Mania, might have been the blemish on his record.

9) The Honky Tonk Man -- Although the gimmick was cheesy, 15 months as I-C Champ that no one saw coming and interviews that irritated everyone proved how over this gimmick truly was.

8) Ted Dibiase -- The Million Dollar Man was one of the top heels in the late 80's and early 90's. When fans heard that laugh over the P.A. everyone knew that they had a price. Just ask RVD.

7) Mr. Fuji -- Like Hart, Albano, and Heenan one of the great managers of the 80's. Former three-time tag champ.

6) Bruno Sammartino -- Two world title reigns that lasted nearly 12 years. The single longest title reign ever. A lot of 'purists' probably think that the WWE/WWF/WWWF wouldn't have gained the notoriety it did in the 60's and 70's without the original 'working man's champion."

5) Jake Roberts -- Although he had no major titles during his tenure with the WWF, the music, the snakes and the fact that he was intense as any other heel on the roster at that time, made him the only guy who could get away with using the DDT as his primary finisher.

4) The Hart Family -- I think this is the only way to do this properly. Stu and the family are the first family of wrestling. It is my opinion that this is the only way Bret would even show up on TV again as well. To avoid argument with anyone else, this is where I will stop on this issue.

3) Randy Savage -- I think as far as transitional champions go (I know he had the belt for almost a year, but I defy you to tell me who he had a pay-per-view title defense against) I think he was one of the better ones. Hogan had 4 years with the title and he was getting kinda stale. Savage was the perfect guy to step in, work with Hogan and then turn on him at a time when both guys needed that meaningful storyline to get them both back over.

2) Ricky Steamboat -- Probably as good technically as anyone in the business during the 1980's. Whether in mid-card feuds with Don Muraco or fighting Ric Flair for the NWA title, Steamboat never wrestled a cookie-cutter type of match. Also in my opinion he was the last guy who took what is considered a routine move (the flying body press) and made it a feared finishing maneuever.

1) Mr. Perfect Curt Henning -- From the time he was teaming with Scott Hall back in the AWA to the time he was catching his own touchdown passes, everyone knew there was an "X" factor this guy had. No one could take a fall like him, no one could irritate you and make you like him at the same time. Pairing him with guys like Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan just made him that much cooler. His induction to the hall of fame would be perfect.(Sorry Derek)

This list has just been my opinion....I could be wrong.

Sean Taylor

League Member
Sep 3, 2004
Kingston, Ontario
Once again, Moh has asked for opinion. Oh you shouldn't have done that. Here we go..... my picks for the Hall of Fame inductees for 2006:

"Macho Man" Randy Savage - No question here. Lucky for him, his failed music career doesn't play a role in this decision. 2x WWE Champion with an IC title reign. He was a big name that even non-wrestling fans would recognize.

Owen Hart - The man was loved, he had great natural ability, and loyal even through the hard times. I mean, the man would die for the wrestling industry. Oh wait a minute, he did! How could we not induct the man who brought us The Blue Blazer, High Energy, and what ladder match would be complete without the top-down view of the Owen-cam. All tasteless jokes aside, Owen Hart should be inducted - I mean, it's not like the grandeur of his career is going to improve. (sorry, sorry)

Mr. Fuji - yeah you know he deserves it. Multiple ppv appearances as both a manager and a wrestler. He always made a great heel. There's only one manager that comes to mind when you say "That guy with the cane". He managed WWE Champion Yokozuna, WWE Tag Team Champions, as well as names like The Barbarian and Warlord. (Hey they were kinda big names.)

Bill Eadie & Barry Darsow - Always listed amoung the best tag team combinations of all-time, Demolition. Ax (Eadie) and & Smash (Darsow) made a legacy out of being a tag team and the only tag team in my recollection to neer have an on-air split. Multi-time tag team champions and most of the reigns lasting months at a time. Demolition almost single handedly made tag team wrestling in the 80s and definately deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

"Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase - Just as Hulk Hogan revolutionized the "babyface", no one - aside from Ric Flair - exemplified the "heel" more than DiBiase. Despite only one title on his resume which was his, he was constantly a draw. Fans always wanted to see the rich guy get beaten. Remember wanting to be one of the guys he gave money to just to lick his boot. Great stuff. He was also a key player in putting younger talent ie: Tatanka, Lex Luger, The undertaker, and most notably "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. His in-ring work was a schooling in textbook wrestling moves, holds, and he was excellent on the stick. Side note: No one could "beg off" but than Dibiase.

Honourable Mentions:
The Undertaker/Ric Flair - but they have to finally retire first.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Great wrestler. Great character. Great promos.
Jim Cornette - Nuff said
The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom - Ditto


League Member
Nov 20, 2003
Moh brought up a good point in that the entire Hart family should be inducted at the same time. While Bret had more accolades, Owen gave his life for this business, and for Stu the business was his life. Two names that are synonomous with the wrestling business being their entire lives are Stu Hart and Vince McMahon.

That being said, I have heard "rumors" that the WWE Hall of Fame is set to be recognized as the "Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame" which would then include wrestlers outside of the WWE. If that happens, it will be interesting to see how the decision makers in the WWE decide to induct people who were never WWE.

However, in that spirit, I would like to forward some suggestions for the first class of the "Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame."

Lou Thesz: Led the National Wrestling Alliance during it's reign as the "big times" in the industry. Multi-time NWA World Champion, and trainer to many who are already in the WWE Hall of Fame, and others who belong in the Hall.

Billy Robinson: See above. Robinson and Thesz both helped bring the industry to it's first big peak in the fifties. Robinson, likewise, is also responsible for the training of many of the now legendary people we've already been inducting into the HOF.

Bruiser Brody: One of the first men to exemplify "hardcore" wrestling. A brawler in the truest sense of the word, his matches were always brutal, yet entertaining.

Antonio Inoki: Japan's "Hulk Hogan" and "Vince McMahon" rolled into one. He's so popular in his own county, he was elected to serve in their government. With Giant Baba, helped Japanese wrestling explode, leading to the huge industry that exists today. Still owner/CEO of All Japan Pro Wrestling.

Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger: Without Lyger, many of the smaller wrestlers around the world would be doing high cross bodys and missle dropkicks as their main offence. Between himself and Ultimo Dragon, the "cruiserweight" or "junior heavyweight" styles of wrestling gained many different moves that are now standard.

Ultimo Dragon: See above. Holder of 12 titles simultaneously, including the original WWF Junior Heavyweight Title (as part of the J Crown).

Gory Guerrero: Responsible for not only former WWE Champion Eddie, and multi-time WWE Cruiserweight Champion Chavo (grandfather and great-grandfather, respectively) but for many moves used by some of the current legends of lucha libre wrestling.

Hayabusa: Package Mick Foley into a cruiserweight's body, and you have the incredible Hayabusa. The only man who could truly give Jyushin Lyger a run for his money at both of their peaks. Hayabusa (or "H" as he was later known, without the mask) helped bring Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling (FMW) to the forefront of Japanese professional wrestling.

Ted Turner: (yes, Ted Turner) ... if Ted Turner had never bought Jim Crockett Promotions and turned it into WCW, we wouldn't have had the Monday Night Wars that helped spur the industry's boom in the mid to late 90s. His bank account was responsible for allowing WCW to sign many of it's top stars.

Paul Heyman: (Moh, Derek, John, don't say it) ... Paul Heyman helped usher in the "Attitude" era of wrestling with Extreme Championship Wrestling. Almost every major star in this business over the last 10 years spent at least some time in ECW. An amazing eye for talent, and a creative genius to rival Vince McMahon (maybe that's why Vince keeps firing him, then hiring him back) helped usher in some of today's household names.

I also agree with Derek's suggestion of the Road Warriors/Legion of Doom, who are arguably the most successful tag team in the history of professional wrestling, The Dudley's included. Not measured by titles alone, The Road Warriors defined tag team wrestling. Which brings me to my last suggestion ...

The Midnight Express and The Rock and Roll Express: Both teams deserve to be inducted for the same reason. Many of this era's most successful tag teams (America's Most Wanted, Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz, The Rockers, The Dudley Boyz, The Hart Foundation) learned tag team chemistry from these two teams. Never in the history of professional wrestling, with the sole exception of the Road Warriors/LOD, have teams worked as well together.
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