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YES! It is... THE ROBE!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Mayflower, Arkansas
**Fade in...

Lance sitting on the sofa of Lance's home with Cassie next to him. This time he is clad in a tight black wifebeater with torn blue jeans. Cassie next to him is wearing a white shirt and black jeans.**

Well, well, well... since you addressed Cassie and myself... I'm addressing you, Kev, and those other two PLR goons.

I just saw your promo... great babbl...I mean great stuff... oh just blew me away. I didn't know you feared people in bathrobes so much! But before I get into this... I'll be right back.

**Lance stands up and walks into the dining room. He reemerges a few moments later carrying his favorite two black Lars Ulrich Drumsticks, twirling them between his fingers. He walks back over to the sofa and takes his place back next to Cassie.**

Lance: (Tossing one stick in the air and catching it repeatedly) I just figured I'd go get your favorite topic to babbl...talk about. My drumsticks... I mean you are infatuated with them. You mention them in almost all of your promos lately. Must be something about long, hard, stiff things, right?

This is for all of you PLR dingbats, my "boy" Jessie has "got my back, DAWG." So no worries for you, little boys. So that takes care of you two... 'cause, Jace knows, you two... hanging with Powers, must not be too much of a threat!

Now, second topic... my "dominatrix"... you really... REALLY shouldn't bring my girlfriend into this, but then again, I don't think you know too much about relationships either do you, Kev?

...oh wait... I forgot... there is ONE type of relationship you do know... but that doesn't apply to me... bitch.

Now... Powers might cower when he devours a monster co... like MY rap?

But seriously, think about it... if Steve Radder did give me lessons doesn't that mean I would STILL kick your ass? I mean... look at the stats...

**Lance holds his hand up as if it were a board and the other as if it were a pointer and motions out what he's saying as if he's sounding it out for Powers**

Steve Radder = Former World Champ...

Kevin Powers = (Lance begins coughing violently!)

Get it now? Good.

And I'd be willing to bet it's probably not too long before Steve does give you another ass-whipping which you surely deserve! And I say another since Primetime will be your first. (Lance smiles) Well, recently anyways.

Maybe you should've retired when you had the chance, Kev, that would've saved you from our match! But instead, you just had to come back and guess what? Who do you get into it with? That's right... me! Because you didn't know what your were doing when you attacked me FROM BEHIND at Primetime after Anniversary... you know... the Anniversary YOU choked at! I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, right, Big Kev? Oh believe me, by now, Kev, I believe you, I believe it when you say that the reasons you didn't answer my challenges were becuase you "didn't give a squirt..." I'm getting tired of saying that. I don't like being redundant unlike "Good God" Kevin Powers! So trust me, I've heard your grinding, alcohol-induced piercing, whiny voice enough to know saying the same thing over and over and over and over again to know exactly EVERYTHING leading up to this match! Then just out of the blue, you decide that maybe, just maybe I am worth an ounce of your time, and you put out a challenge for ME! Little ole' me! Because, **Mocking Powers again** Ooh! Larry Siezure interfered in my match! Powers smash!

You've run it in the ground enough for me to know. Now, just one last thing for me to say... I'm going to give you the THRA...

You know what? I'm even getting tired of saying that to you!

So even your boys are laughing at you now... so before I go... I guess I'll give you the same advice for Orlando...

Don't CHOKE!

**Lance rolls his eyes then puts his arm around Cassie as they sit there. Lance mouthes to the camera "Is it over" as the scene...

Fades to Black!!!**[/i]


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Robe ... Dress ... all the same to Lance

(The scene opens up to ‘Good God’ Kevin Powers watching television in his hotel room in Orlando. It’s about 8:10AM and Powers just recently arrived to Orlando catching the ‘Red Eye’ from Chicago O’Hare International. As he continued to watch Lance and his latest and greatest all he could do was one thing …

… laugh.)

KP: Oh poor Lance now you’re reachin’ ain’cha? Now you have to go the route of the choke comment. Pity really, but can I ask a couple of things?

How is it that everyone can fall back on Anniversary, but nobody wants to bring up the actions of Fish Fund?

How is it that people I haven’t even faced yet enjoy saying I’m the choke artist when they haven’t even faced me yet?

How is it that a Hermaphrodite like yourself can get so antsy in the panties when you are so blinded by the fact that you actually can beat me? ME!

Now, obviously you are in Powers Envy … don’t worry you aren’t alone cause the entire squad of The Intrusion seems to have it as well … and I can understand that. You being from a boy band with Jessica and feeling the whip of your master Craig … damn … I would feel like I have everything in the world to prove too.

Maybe you are a dangerous threat. Maybe you aren’t talking out of your OTHER point of contact. Maybe, just maybe, you DO have a chaaaaaYEAH RIGHT!

Obviously you wanted to prove yourself SO MUCH you wanted to get my attention when, in the past, you weren’t worth my time nor the urine I sprayed on your drum sticks everytime you walk out of your locker room. Hey, what did ya expect? Me being so damn drunk I had to RELIEVE myself SOMEWHERE … duh.

So you got my attention. Yippie. Happiness for you. Now you are just another passenger on the Powers Bandwagon and you get to get off at Orlando cause that ride stops for you right there. You can bring Jess and Cass … they can both hold your drumstick and look in horror witnessing what I do to you in the ring.

I’ll laugh …

You’ll cry …

You’ll hear the three count and hear the crowd go ‘Na na na na, na na na na, Lance is a Hermaphrodite, GOOD BYE!’

And, after it is all said and done, it won’t be Jess you choke on … it won’t be Cass you choke on … it won’t be your drum sticks you choke on … Hell it won’t even be that bitch you called a band teacher you choke on …

It’ll be The Double G KP’s FOOT YOU CHOKE ON when it is rammed straight down your throat!

You can choke on them AFTER the match. Wouldn’t be the first time for ya and I’m SURE it won’t be the last.

Oh, and Lance … it is GO time …

Bitch …



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Mayflower, Arkansas
Dress? I Didn't Know You Swung That Way?!

**Fade in...

A close up shot of the arm of Lance Liezure. He has pressed the record button on the camera himself for this button and sat the camera on a tri-pod. He take a few steps back from the camera then turns around and walks towards his black Tama drumset which is set up in his basement studio.

Lance sits behind the black Tama set with his ever popular drumsticks in his hands. He is all alone... no Jessie, No Cassie. Just Lance. Sitting by himself completely dressed with a brand new black tank top with his Double L logo on the chest as well as brand new baggy, black pants with "Lance" running down one leg and "Liezure" down the other. Probably his new ring attire for Primetime.**

Lance: Powers... I wasn't joking when I said I was tired of hearing your voice... tired of saying the same thing over and over and over to your thick skull yet you still don't get it. I wasn't joking then and I'm not joking now... this is the last promo I will cut for you going into Primetime. So you can continue to reply and reply and reply to this promo... I won't respond. I'm through talking... I think I'm ready for y... no... I KNOW I'm ready for you. So you can keep the insults coming calling me a herm or a homo or whatever your warped, drunk mind might come up with. I know what I am and I know what I'm not.

And what I am is on the verge of giving you one hell of an ass-kicking come Primetime! And what I'm not is preparing to be defeated by an assclown like yourself! You may think I'm nothing now... and, hell, after Primetime you might STILL think I'm nothing, but after Primetime... I'll be the "nothing" holding a victory over Kevin Powers.

So I hope you're ready, Kev. Ready to be beaten and ready to be given one hell of a THRASHING of a lifetime!

**Lance pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts as he begins to twirl one stick in his left hand. He looks back up and begins to speak again.**

Oh, and Kev, I might not have faced you before... but I can still KNOW how bad you...CHOKE... so just one question remains...

Are you prepared?

See ya' in Orlando for Primetime.

**Lance stands up from the set and places both sticks on the snare then walks towards the camera then presses the "Fade" and "Record" buttons. We then get a close up of Lance's arm as we slowly...

Fade to Black!!!**

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