Death of Mankind 2K7 presents: The Black Tablets
>[2 - White Rabbit]<

I awoke on my floor, drool stuck to my face. Gypsy gently licked my ear and as I opened my eyes sat next to me just kind of...smiling at me. Once again Hatter Madigan managed to get the better of me. I moved slowly to a sitting position and gently patted Gypsy furry brown head. "Good girl" I said. She seemed content with that as she scurried off to do whatever it was that dogs do, as I moved to my feet. My head felt like it was hit with a brick as I move to my kitchen, and open the fridge.

I reach within the fridge and remove the carton of mil, and before I drink I look to make sure no one is watching. I pour the cool, strengthening dairy product down my throat, tasting it's goodness.




I swallow, and pull the milk carton from my lips, "What the fuck is that god DAMN SMELL?" I yell out, and turn to my left to see Gypsy, my brown thai ridgeback, and doberman pinscher mix was standing in my doorway with a still dripping with blood, human finger in her mouth.



I awoke to what I naturally assumed was the door shutting. I felt the warm space next to me and gather James was heading for the gym.

I rolled my feet over the edge of the bed, and stretched my arms to the sky as my feet touched the cold tile floor. I slowly stood taking a deep breath of the morning air. I didn't have the slightest clue it would be my last.



*Fade in on James Caine...we think.*

*His hair is black and he is clearly distraught*

"I... won't do this....It will not..............


"Okay I will."

*'The Thing I hate' by Stabbing Westward plays softly in the background.*

"You okay man? You got this?"

"Corbin Kaige..... don't think I haven't already figured it out."

"I seen the promotions airing all over Desecration Monday Night."

"You and I are both in this tournament, and you know this. I WAS a threat?"

"No I AM a threat to you, Corbin... and you know it, or are you preparing yourself for failure?"

"Can you forsee the beatdown my friend Kain is going to deliver to you and just like always... Take out my lightwork?"

"I was a threat..."

"You're done Kaige, You lost a few too many brain cells in your last enocounter with Angel. Me? I'm still the same guy I was the day I kicked your ass."

"Oh look at me! I did a home made abortion! I'm the most violent mother fucker in the world!"

"There's not a man on the roster that can stop me!"


"And I'm Diamond fucking Kid, Kaige."

"Hey... James you're supposed to e addressing Assassin."

"Oh yes, the man who apparently can't see."

"What was it you said to me in your little piece there on XWn?"

*The scene fades into an overlain clip from Infektion's post match Interview, that Assassin interrupts.*

"...Hatter Madigan?"

You mean that fool with the mental issues that constantly tries to talk like V from the movie 'V For Vendetta' ? THAT guy? Please, his insanity will do him in. Besides i have 5 inches and just about a 100 pounds on him, i was hoping my first match would be just a TAD bit more challenging, instead i get a guy with an obsession with romantic Hollywood figures.

*Scene disappears*

"Constantly tries to talk like V? You must be deaf."

"5 Inches and 100 pounds?" You must be blind because Devestation had 12 inches and 200 hundred pounds on me, and he's sitting on the injured list for 3-6 months if not permanently."

"Obsession with romantic Hollywood figures? What? I am a romantic hollywood figure!"

"I've had a feature role in the fantasy film, 'The Lone Drow'."

"As well as directed my own autobigraphical film "Photograph" which happened to be a box office hit, and won me two academy awards.

"And then you continue with the jabberwockey..."

*The scene fades into an overlain clip from Infektion's post match Interview, that Assassin interrupts.*

I'm only the UNDER dog until the camera shows ME on top for the 1, 2, and 3.

::Interviewer:: Well the Hatters been known to talk a tough one.

It's only a "tough one" if your mentally handicapped, or if you fail to realize that his very speech patterns, everything about him is just a gimmick from 'genius' books or from romantic figures in Hollywood movies. The guys a chump, a fake, a fraud. And once i have HIM in MY scope, there's no escaping THE ASSASSINS SNIPER.

*Scene disappears*

"You're the underdog, okay you were right on that one... Oh wait there you go."

"You on top, 1...2....3"

"Let's see that makes you, blind, deaf, dumb, and really dumb."

"Holy fucking corbeef and hash!"

"I'm fighting Helen Keller!"


*Caine makes a jerking motion with his hand.*

"I'm a fake? A fraud? No, I'm the real deal, and next Monday night you're going to learn it the hard way. The Madman doesn't play around. You see I've been in this business professionally for eleven years now. Last week I illustrated that point with a steel stairway, and the sickening crunch of multiple bones breaking through out a seven foot tall man's body. If you think for one second your size makes a damn bit of difference to ME? Think again."

"James? James is that you?"

"Before I became a professional I worked in a bad part of town that if you really wanna know about... just ask... I'll be happy to show you what it's like down there, hell we can even take my Porsche."

"A chump, I've faced over 5 assassins in at least five different federations that I can throw out just off the top of my head and not a damn one of them was worth the twenty five cent ninja costume he was wearing... What in the high holy roller great big god damn blue and purple hell makes you think you're any god damn different?"

"Look at my achievments, What do you have to work with?"

"Exactly...not shit."

"Like James told you at Desecration... Any time, Anywhere, any way.... I will kick any ONE'S...ASS. Including yours scuttle fluff. It's not because I'm that damn good either, it's because I'm that much better. And I'm that much better...because I'm That....FAR....GONE!"

*Caine knocks the camera over with a vicious left hand*


The consciousness below thee is ever-expanding
in different ways from those known to thee.
Aye, it, though in space-time below thee,
is ever growing in ways that are different from
those that were part of the ways of thine own.
For know that it grows as a result of thy growth
but not in the same way that thou didst grow.
The growth that thou had and have in the present
have brought into being a cause and effect.
No consciousness follows the path of those before it,
else all would be repetition and vain.
Each consciousness in the cycle it exists in
follows its own path to the ultimate goal.
Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos.
Each plays its part in the ultimate end.
The farther the cycle, the greater its
knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole.

Know ye, that ye in the cycles below us
are working the minor parts of the Law,
while we of the cycle that extends to Infinity
take of the striving and build greater Law.

Each has his own part to play in the cycles.
Each has his work to complete in his way.
The cycle below thee is yet not below thee
but only formed for a need that exists.
For know ye that the fountain of wisdom
that sends forth the cycles is eternally
seeking new powers to gain.
Ye know that knowledge is gained only by practice,
and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge,
and thus are the cycles created by Law.
Means are they for the gaining of knowledge
for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All.
