[The scene is backstage. JA is shown walking down the hall to his locker room. Suddenly a voice calls out to him.] 

Voice: Hey you, over here! 

JA: [turning around] What the hell? Priest? What are you doing here? 

[The scene zooms in to reveal a man with slick black hair and piercing eyes. He's wearing leather pants and a JA shirt from his A1E days.] 

Priest: What am I doing here? I'm in negotiations, big fella. 

JA: Negotiations? You aren't serious. 

Priest: Oh, but I am. 

JA: Jesus... 

Priest: What? Are you not happy to see an old friend? 

JA: Friend? Is that what you are? Would a friend have walked out on me while I was recuperating? 

Priest: Hey, I had other appointments to take care of. I had to keep myself busy. 

JA: Oh give me a break. No call, no nothing, you tried to cash in on me while I was at home hurting from injuries I suffered before you got there and aggravated just so, in part, I could help you get started. 

Priest: Oh don't give me that. Besides, I'm back. Forgiveness is a virtue, isn't it? 

JA: Yeah it is, but even if I do forgive you... Jesus, I don't even want to talk about it. You're still in negotiations, you aren't even supposed to be on camera. Don't you know... 

Priest: Camera, shmamera. Me and Ryan have come to an understanding anyway. It's only a matter of where to put the decimal point. 

JA: Ugh... 

Priest: Hey, hey, don't you worry about me. Just go out and get 'em, tiger. 

JA: Oh shut up. Anyway, I have a match to prepare for. 

Priest: By all means... 

DT: Welcome back to Aggression!

MN: What’s next on the schedule? 

DM: Hopefully a closeup of those hot-ass Empire Girls. 

[The camera does, indeed, pan across all four Empire Girls, evoking roars of contentment from the male contingent in the crowd.] 

DM: Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Look at the ass on Ruby, man. 

DT: Dean - 

[CUE UP: “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin as we cut to the entryway. Troy Douglas walks down the ramp.] 

DT: -Well, here's a surprise, it's Troy Douglas! 

MN: That stupid man helping out that insane man that I hate...John Doe! 

[Douglas grabs a mic.] 

Douglas: A few hours ago John Doe and I went over to Black Water Asylum to retrieve information on his past. Now it was under my order to perform this, in order to make John Doe an astonishing wrestler. I was told after each session with the doctors of Black Water I must give a report, well I had EPW camera crew record a session. John Doe will accompany me to ring side in my match up if he feels fit. 

MN: waste of film.... 

Douglas; So, ladies and gentlemen, Session One. 


[In the right hand corner of the screen reads “17:00 Hours. Black Water Institute” John Doe and Troy Douglas are walking towards a doors as the crowd pops up as they get sight of the two of them. John walks in the door as two doctors are sitting.] 

Doctor Ely: More Douglas pleasure to see you and you must be John Doe. Nice to meet you too 

[Ely extends a hand but John just looks at it, Troy nudges John hard in the ribs as John gasps lightly] 

Douglas: (Whispering) Shake the man’s hand John. 

Doe: (unwilling shaking the mans hand) nice to meet you too...again...I think. 

Doctor Pratt: Well this is just a overview of what we can get about your past John. 

Doe: Well I just got my ass handed to me by Sandass so I think I forgot some more stuff... 

Douglas: He is being sarcastic doctor, now what can you do. 

Doctor Ely: Well if you will follow me. 

[The doctors and John walk out of the office and head towards a door that reads “Restricted Area” John slows down as he looks in a room. Troy stops also.] 

Douglas: What is it? 

Doe: It’s my old room. 

[Cameras zoom in the room as the room is padded what seems to be faded a bit black with dirt. Chains hang from the wall as a straight jacket lays in the corner, blood stains lay in drops around the room. Troy grabs John by the arm and pulls him with the doctors.] 

DM (v/o): Hamming it up a little... 

MN (v/o): Shh, watch the horror film. 

Doctor Ely: Ok, john if you will across. This medical bed. 

[John lays across the bed as the two doctors strap him in. John starts to pull the restraints.] 

Doe: Hey, what they doing, hey the f(FCC)ck! Troy stop them, Troy! 

[Douglas shakes his head.] 

Doctor Pratt: Now this drug just came out, I forget the name, but it hasn’t been used yet. So we will just give John here a shot of it. 

Douglas: What does that exactly do? 

Doctor Ely: It will put him in a dreaming state, see the brain works as so: It take in information, when in severe trauma the brain shuts down like as though you faint, after it reboots, Amnesia occurs when the brain doesn’t “reboot” properly. 

DM (v/o): That's a novel explanation- 

MN (v/o): Down in front! 

Doctor Pratt: By putting him in a dream state we can get some information out of him...in theory.... 

Doe: What you doing with that needle? Hey...Hey! Screw you piece of... 

[Doctor Ely puts needle in johns thigh and injects it John pulls the restraints hard as he starts to sweat, the doctors take out notepads as they take notes. John pulls hard screaming as he squirms trying to get free. Doe mumbles in as he stops squirming.] 

Doe: Title will....mine...my time.... 

Douglas: What is he saying? 

Doctor Ely: Some thing in his past. 

Doe: Hardcore match....chair...no...don’t swing it...I am sorry...swing it.....NO!!!!!!!!! 

[Doe rips off the restraints as he grabs hold of Doctor Ely’s neck chocking him orderlies rush in the room holding him down.] 


[John passes out and lays down. As Troy stands up.] 

Douglas: It worked...we got some stuff out of him. 

Doctor Ely: I conclude your friend is legally insane. 

Douglas: ...I thought you concluded that years ago- 


[Fade Back to the arena..] 

Douglas: Now, we have come to aspects John Doe’s name is Isaac, not sure on a last name, we was a wrestler. 

MN: ...And an idiot? 

Douglas: John is still John Doe until full verification of his name is concluded. John Doe will remain under my wing and learn after me until I feel fit that he is able to wrestle - however long that may be. Now if you'll excuse me... 

[Cue up: "Kashmir" as Douglas strolls to the back.] 

MN: I told you Doe is wacko! 

DT: Yes but it is just the beginning! We may know what his name is in a couple weeks and what happened! 

MN: his name is Isaac, that’s all we want to know, because even if he does learn his name he will still be a horrible wrestler! 

DM: His name is Isaac... Yankem. 


DM: What's a copyright? 

MN: His name might as well be Isuuck! It describes him better. 

DT: *sigh* How tactful. And speaking of John Doe... he'll be taking on JA the Anglo Luchador tonight! Right now, in fact! 

DM: Ooh. 

J.A. vs. John Doe

TONY FATORA: Th’ following contest is set for one fall. 

[CUE UP: "Hypocritical" By Methods of Mayhem. John Doe steps out into the entrance way as the fans cheer around him. Taking his time walking to the ring, the lights flashing around him, he finally slides under the bottom rope, standing in one corner and saluting the fans in a show of confidence] 

TONY FATORA: Weighing in at two hundred and tens pounds, this....iiisss...... JOOOOOOOHHHHNNNNNN.......DDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! 

DT: Doe entering this match with a lot of confidence now he’s been taken under the wing of our number one contender, Troy Douglas. But he’s got a tough challenge ahead in JA, who narrowly lost the Royal Rumble last week to Sebastian Dodd. 

DM: JA's really impressed me thus far. I tend to dislike most competitors from the A1E circuit, but JA's proven himself to be a hell of a wrestler with a ton of talent. 

[CUE UP: “Eat the Rich” by Fozzy. Running to the ring, hi-fiving the fans as he goes, JA wastes little time in entering the ring, playing to the fans and taunting Doe as only the Anglo-luchador can] 

TONY FATORA: His opponent, weighing in at two hundred, fifteen and three eighth pounds and hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania... the Anglo-Luchador....JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA!!! 

[SFX: *ding ding*] 

DT: And the match gets straight under way here, with Doe landing several neat punches, JA rocking. Doe with the whip off the ropes, and a nice tackle takes down the Anglo-Luchador. Doe off the ropes now, JA leapfrogging... he connects with a standing dropkick on the rebound, floating over for the quick cover... Doe kicks out before the count of one. JA with a kick to the gut, and a sweet suplex there takes Doe down. JA back up, waiting on Doe... spinning wheel kick takes Doe out of the ring to the floor. 

DM: Sweet intense action from el Luchadore. Looks like ol’ Tory didn’t teach Doe how to cover up yet. Looks to me like JA’s gonna saturate that sponge without much trouble. 

MN: I'll say! JA's squeezing him! 

DT: Doe slow to his feet, looking rather peeved as JA plays the crowd here. JA’s actually goading John Doe to get back in the ring! Doe obliges, but is met with a hard chop from JA. Kick to the gut from JA, as he takes Doe down with a snapmare... somersault splash on Doe. JA running the ropes, rolling through... Doe moves out of the way, avoiding that Rolling Thunder attack there from JA!!! 

MN: OK, so maybe Johnny’s able to avoid SOME blows. 

DT: Doe dropping the knee onto JA, waiting for him to get up...HUGE kick to the head taking JA down hard. Doe picking JA up... snap suplex there, rolling through into a face lock on the canvas...HUGE knee to the face as Doe rolls through again, controlling JA with a nice combination set there. 

MN: Lucky shots, nothing special. 

DM: Au contraire. Doe's execution is very crisp here. Douglas' instruction is really showing. He's got a ways to go, but the raw talent is there. 

DT: Doe firmly in control by the looks of things, taking JA down with a Russian Leg Sweep. The cover... only a one count, as JA is far from done. Doe scooping the Luchador up, Irish Whip to the corner, and he follows in with the splash. Doe with a kick to the legs... and another... a third kick takes JA down. The ref stepping in there, admonishing Doe for not letting his opponent out of the corner. JA looks in pain, using the ropes to balance as he shakes the leg out, and Doe looks almost pleased. A different side to John Doe this week, using his head against JA. 

MN: Literally, with a strong head-butt there. Hey, I got it! 

DT: Got what? 

MN: Doe lost his memory by head-butting too many people! 

DM: Maybe we can get him to head-butt you. 

DT: Doe now taking his time, applying a toe hold, stretching out the leg of JA. JA slapping the mat to try and vent his frustration... looking to kick Doe off... but Doe steps through again, applying more pressure. JA’s shoulders on the mat 


Two... JA gets his shoulder up at two. Doe again looks to apply more pressure... NICE counter there by JA, as he nips up and scores with a thunderous enziguri, knocking Doe down hard. Can JA press the advantage, as he heads up to the second rope...short flying body press off the second rope from the Anglo Luchador!! The cover... 


No. Doe gets out in the knick of time. JA shaking his leg out, picks Doe up... is it a full nelson... NO!! A beautiful snap Dragon suplex there as John Doe lands HARD on the back of his head. JA starting to sense it here, as he goes to the top rope. Doe gets up slowly, holding his head... bulldog headlock off the top rope!! The added force of JA coming down from that height has got to be tremendous!! JA with the cover... 



THR...Kickout at the last second by Doe. JA’s REALLY been taking it to Doe with impact blows to the head. 

MN: He’s only trying to help him regain his memory. He’s a great guy. 

DM: Give the man a medal! 

DT: JA pulling Doe up by the hair, setting him up...NICE Powerbomb there. JA now positioning Doe near the corner, heading up top...looks like a reverse moonsault here... there he goes and he eats the canvas as Doe manages to roll towards the corner, saving himself from harm there. Nice ring presence by Doe, sensing the danger and going the right way to avoid it. The ref checking on JA, as Doe uses the corner to get to his feet. Doe holding his head a moment, trying to shake the cobwebs, and now JA’s starting to get up. Doe meets him with a HARD kick to the ribs there... another one... a kick to the leg from Doe takes JA down... NICE spinning side kick from Doe as JA tried to get up there. 

MN: I know Doe can’t remember who he is, but don’t tell me he thinks he’s Bruce Lee now. 

DM: He thinks he's Jackie Chan, actually. 

DT: I doubt it, but those kicks have slowed JA down. Doe now dropping the elbow on the masked one, moving him to the corner. Looks like he’s setting him up for a moonsault of his own... YES, as Doe connects, locking in the cover... 



THRNOOO!!! The ref stops the count JUST before three when he sees JA’s foot on the ropes. Bad break for Doe there, as he forgot to hook the leg. 

MN: Not the first thing he forgot, either. 

DM: But a critical thing. Hooking that leg makes a kickout that much harder. 

DT: Doe looks frustrated here, as he yanks JA off the mat...SMALL PACKAGE!!! 


DT: TWO... 

Doe with the kickout, as Doe was nearly pinned after being caught off guard. Doe now catching JA with a hard clothesline, knocking him back down. Knee drop to the thigh there, as Doe picks the Anglo Luchador off the mat... German Suplex coming up... NO!! JA drops in behind, landing on his feet... Doe ducks under a clothesline from JA, both men running the ropes... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!! Both men are down!!! 

MN: I think JA caught Doe better with a little jump before they hit, making it into somewhat a flying clothesline. The ref counting now, as both men look out of it. But then again, when doesn’t Doe look out of it? 

DM: Never. 

DT: The ref now up to three... four... 


Six.... Doe’s starting to stir... 



Doe’s up now, as JA now is on his hands and knees, trying to shake the pain out of his leg. Both men have put a lot on the line here, and it’s showing as neither has been able to put the other away. Who’d’ve thought John Doe would have been putting up this good a showing against one of the most highly rated light heavyweights in the business? 

MN: Not me, but Doe now scores with a right hand... JA with one in return. They’re boxing now!!! 

DM: They be sluggin', they be sluggin'! Hoo-hah! 

DT: JA managing there to block the right hand, scoring with two hard knife edge chops there. Doe's reeling. JA with an Irish whip to the corner, following Doe in... NICE monkey flip there, as Doe went FLYING across the ring. JA quick to capitalise on the advantage, hitting a flying forearm. Picking Doe up now... locking his arms... TIGER SUPLEX!!! JA rolling back now, the bridge 


THRENOOOO!!!! Doe BARELY kicks out there after that flurry of offence from JA, who's almost shouting at the ref that that was three. The ref’s telling him exactly how close he was, and JA picking Doe up roughly by the hair now. Irish whip off the ropes... Doe ducks under the clothesline, coming back on the rebound... AMNESIA ATTACK!!! AMNESIA ATTACK!!! 



DT: Tough break there for John Doe, as JA was too close to the ropes when he hit that DEVASTATING flying tackle/elbow to the throat and the impact knocked JA to the outside. The ref starting to count now on JA, who’s laying there barely moving. Doe trying to head to the outside, but referee Gomez stops him. He turns back, staring the count again, as JA starts to move, clinging to the apron, trying desperately to get back into the ring. The counts at 5... six.. 

Seven... Doe pulls JA back in by the mask there, breaking the count. Doe with a hard stomp on the back of the head, picking JA up now. Sending him off to the ropes, running the ropes himself... JA DUCKS THE AMNESIA ATTACK!!! Kick to the gut, setting Doe up... KARELIN DRIVER!!! That BRUTAL spinning gut wrench driver connects square in the middle of the ring. JA with the cover... 



THREE!!! JA wins it!!! 

[SFX: *DING* - Bell rings.] 

TONY FATORA: The winner of the match by pinfall... JJJJJJJJJJJJ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 

DT: A resounding win tonight for JA the Anglo Luchador, as he continues to make a big splash in Empire Pro Wrestling and prove that he's got what it takes to take the federation by storm. 

DM: But don't knock John Doe down. The kid's nuts, but he's got a lot of raw talent that's coming more into focus every day. Once he learns to fully apply himself he's going to be formidable, and he showed that here tonight. 

MN: He's psycho! Lock him up! 

DM: How insightful. 

MN: Thanks. 

DT: We've got to take a quick break - but when we come back, it's Cameron Cruise and Adam Benjamin in action! Don't go away! 

[Cut to a commercial for EPW Aggression for Playstation 2 and XBox.]