Cameron Cruise vs. "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin

TONY FATORA: The following contest is set for one fall. 

[CUE UP: “Headstrong” Trapt as the crowd pops for Cameron Cruise and his wife/valet Mercedes Devon walk down the ramp, posing in the centre of the ring] 

TONY FATORA: Being accompanied to the ring by Mercedes Devon, weighing in at two hundred and forty nine pounds and hailing from Jacksonville, North Carolina... he is one half of the Tag Team Champions.... CAAAAAMMMMMMMEEEEEERRRRROOOOOOOONNNNNNN........CCC CRRRRRRUUUUUUUIIIIIISSSSSSSSEEEE EEEEE!!! 

DT: Cruise has been on a roll here in Empire since he came out and attacked Suicide way back in East Rutherford in March. Let’s see how he handles the former Intercontinental champ. 

[CUE UP: “Lose Yourself” by Eminem as "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin makes his way slowly to the ring wearing two English flag bandana's one that cover his head and the other that covers the lower part of his face revealing only his stone cold eyes] 

TONY FATORA: And his opponent, weighing in at two hundred forty give pounds, and hailing from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.... “Yours Truly”....AAAAAAADDDDDDDAAAAAMMMMM....... BBBBBBBBEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNJJJJJJJAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN N!!!!! 

DT: Benjamin, besides being the former IC champ, took Beast to the limit and looked to have the Worlds Title won last week. Add to that a strong showing in the War Games match and you’ve got one of the top guys in the business today. 

MN: Taking nothing away from Cruise. Even if he did steal his name from a porn star, he’s still up their with the best. Of course having Joey Melton in his corner helps a lot. 

DM: I have absolute faith in Adam Benjamin. This is a young man who carried Major Championship Wrestling on his shoulders and didn't stress a bit. 

DT: There’s the bell, as Cruise and Benjamin circle each other in the centre of the ring. Cruise ducks in with the single leg take down, but Benjamin manages to keep on top, locking in a front face lock. Cruise rolls away before Benjamin can clasp his hands, running the ropes as he rises... 

MN: Leap frog... that’s a good game 

DM: Who's a frog? 

DT: Benjamin drops under as Cruise rebounds. Cruise on the return again... Nice height on the dropkick there from Benjamin The man from Britain catches Cruise with a clothesline, dropping with an elbow for good measure. Cruise rolling to the outside now to gather his bearings, as the ref holds Benjamin back. 

DM: Big Daddy English on fire here. Looks like Cruise didn’t bargain for that. 

DT: The ref’s up to four now, as Cruise rolls back in. He and Benjamin lock up, Benjamin with the arm wringer... Cruise flipping to get out of it... reverses the hold. Benjamin... nice counter there, pulling off that arm drag. Cruise up, shoulder block takes Benjamin down. NICE!!! 

MN: Man that was sweet. 

DM: Indeed. 

DT: Benjamin there with a nice drop toe hold counter to the shoulder block, floating over a locking in that hammerlock. Driving the knee into Cruise’s shoulder... and again... a third... and a forth time. Cruise shifting his weight, getting his feet under him and trying to stand here. 

MN: Benjamin letting him up, keeping that hammerlock applied. Cruise looking for a headlock, but Benjamin grabs one first. 

DT: Cruise shoots Benjamin off the ropes, but Benjamin counters with a cross body. A pin... no, Cruise kicks out at two. Benji picks up the larger man, whipping him into the corner. Following in... NO, Cruise gets the foot up and stops the man from Britain in his tracks. Cruise with a scoop slam, going up... knee drop from the second rope right on the sternum. Cruise now picks Adam off the mat, Irish Whip into the far corner. Cruise now following in, those predatory instincts, as he stomps away on Benjamin. A nice chop there, as he snapmares the smaller man out of the corner... straightjacket applied!! 

MN: Benji don’t need no straight jacket. 

DM: Give it to John Doe instead. 

DT: The ref now checking it’s not a choke hold, as Benjamin struggles to find a way out of the hold. Cruise has his knee squarely in Adam’s back, adding more leverage to the move. Benjamin refusing to give up... he’s starting to rock back and forth... Cruise with a nice shut down technique there, somersaulting over with a modified neckbreaker to keep Benjamin down. Cameron Cruise keeps right on the attack, picking Benjamin up... nice Russian legsweep. The cover...two... no, kick-out at two there. 

MN: Cruise recovering nicely from that onslaught earlier. I like. 

DM: Benji's good, but Cruiser's got that veteran instinct. He's used to taking beatings. 

DT: Cruise with a backbreaker here, focusing in on one area. Smart wrestling, as he bends Benjamin over the knee. The ref asking Benji if he wants to call it quits, but Benji is screaming no. 

MN: Thumb to the eye there breaks the hold. Bad Benji, that’s not very gentlemanly. 

DT: Regardless, it gives Benjamin time to recover. Cruise is the first to recover, picking Benjamin up. Frontface lock, and it looks like he’s going for.. NO, as Benjamin reverses into a Northern Lights... TWO.... 

NO, as Cruise JUST gets the shoulder up. It looked all over there with that one move, as Benjamin caught Cruise off guard. Benjamin now with an arm bar take down, wrenching on the shoulder. He switches to a hammerlock, lifting Cruise up... SLAM onto the arm. Benji’s moving a little slower, holding his back, as he picks Cruise up... NICE belly to belly... NO, as Cruise lands on his feet... SUPERKICK from Cruise knocks Benjamin down. Cruise following up with a cover... nope, as Benjamin kicks out at two. Cruise looking a little frustrated here, as he whips Benjamin into the corner again. He follows in, driving his shoulder into the gut of his opponent. Cruise now hoisting Benjamin to the top rope, adding a hard right hand for good measure. Follows him up... he’s dropping Benji over his shoulder?? No, it can’t be... 

MN: He’s setting him up for a SUPER shipwreck!?!? 

DT: Cruise has Benjamin in position for that over the shoulder cradled piledriver... BENJAMIN COUNTERS!!! A sunset flip out of the corner... 



THRNOOOO!!!! Cameron Cruise JUST BARELY kicks out from that sunset flip off the ropes. I thought he had Benjamin all set up for the shipwreck out of the corner, but it’s not over yet. Both men slow to get up, and it looks like Benjamin may have hurt himself when he landed. He seems to be favouring that right leg. 

DM: Yeah, but Cruise looked like he landed badly on his neck. This one’s gonna be close. 

DT: Benjamin up first, chopping Cruise across the chest, following it up with a forearm smash. Cruise fires back with a hard right hand... Benjamin with a right... they’re trading punches back and forth, back and forth in the centre of the ring!!! Benjamin using a thumb to the eyes to shut Cruise down. Kick to the gut... BIG snap suplex there. The cover... 


NO!! Cruise AGAIN kicks out. He’s still holding his neck, but Benjamin now looking frustrated, almost like he planned to drop Cruise on his neck a few moments ago. Benjamin now arguing with the ref, but Weatherby tells him it was only a two count. ROLL UP!!! 


THNO!!!!!! Cameron Cruise taking advantage of Benjamin’s argument to ALMOST snatch the match away from him. Both men back up... Cruise ducks the clothesline attempt from Benjamin, scoring with the neckbreaker. Cruise now, whipping Benjamin off the ropes... Benjamin ducks under the clothesline... SHINING WIZARD!!!! SHINING WIZARD ON THE REBOUND!!!. Benjamin drops straight onto Cruise. Weatherby with the count.... 



THREE!!! Adam Benjamin picks up the win!!! 

[SFX: *DING* - Bell rings.] 


DM: I knew it. 

DT: Adam Benjamin continues to prove himself to be a top contender in this business, as he puts away one half of the World Tag-Team Champions with the Shining Wizard. 

MN: Big Daddy English has been ON lately. He beat Cruise, took Beast to the limit... damn, man. He's on fire. 

DT: I concur. Benjamin's secured his place here as a top contender, and I see no limit to the heights he can reach. Folks, we've got to take one more commercial break, but when we come back - the main event! Don't go away! 

[Cut to a commercial for Nag'N'***** cereal.]