(January 24th, 2006) CWF is closing its door. Read the Farewell HERE.
(January 21st, 2006) Last Man Standing has now been rescheduled for January 29th to all more time to roleplay!
(January 19th, 2006) Brawl Results posted!!! Click Here To View!
(January 11th, 2006) Last Man Standing Card posted!
(January 4th, 2006) Sunday Brawl Card Posted! LMS Card coming soon!
(December 22, 2005) January 18th will mark a change in the CWF unlike any other people. A new look to the page, a new prospective on where every wrestler stands, and the return of Greg Johnson! The road may have been rocky, but that will soon be different folks! Bare with us, and the ride will turn out sweet in the end!
(October 24, 2005) Final Halloween Extreme card posted. The roleplay limit is FIVE (5) per wrestler, and contrary to the rules page, the deadline is FRIDAY NIGHT at 9:00 PM EST. All votes MUST be sent in by the deadline as well. Please send your votes to CWF Front Office. No vote = no compete. Do Not vote for your own wrestlers. One ballot per handler.
(October 24, 2005) Brawl posted. We apologize for the lateness. It's in summary form this week due to technical difficulties.
(October 18, 2005) New match added to Brawl! It will be Bjay Williams vs Spyke Frost instead of Lu Yen vs Talon Frost! Sorry about the lateness of this addition.
(October 17, 2005) Roster updated. Lots of new bios added, and inactive wrestlers removed. Significant roster growth, and more on the way.
(October 16, 2005) Changes have been made to two of the Brawl matches, so check it out please.
(October 16, 2005) New matches added to the Halloween Extreme! Next week's Brawl matches are up as well, but are subject to change.
(October 16, 2005) Brawl results are up! Hope everyone enjoys them! I will be posting new Brawl card and updating the Halloween Extreme card soon. Read results first so they're not spoiled by these updates. Also, give your feedback on the OOC Board!
(October 10, 2005) New Brawl Card is up! Check out the matches, and let's get some RPing going!
(October 10, 2005) Brawl is up boys! Hope you enjoy it! It's more of a angle show this week, kinda had some building up to do. Brawl card will be posted soon.
(October 3, 2005) Brawl card posted! Roster also updated.
(October 2, 2005) Fall Fever has just gone off the air! Brawl card and other site updates will be done tomorrow. Enjoy!
(September 26, 2005) We apologize for the lateness of Sunday Night Brawl. It will be posted as soon as humanly possible. In the meantime, a summary has been posted on the OOC forum. The final card for Fall Fever has also been posted.
(September 19, 2005) Brawl card is posted.
(September 18, 2005) Sunday Night Brawl has just gone off the air! It features an explosively controversial ending! Title Histories, Champions, and the Fall Fever card are all updated. Brawl card for next week will be up shortly.
(September 14, 2005) Site overhauled. Please let us know what you think on the OOC forum.
(September 12, 2005) All pages updated, including the roster. Please welcome Kris Lewis, Paul Nycz, Sam Banx, Ginsu, and Vinny Williams to our family.
(September 11, 2005) This week's upcoming Brawl card has been posted! Hall of Fame updated!
(September 11, 2005) Fall Fever card is updated to reflect advances made on Sunday Night Brawl.
(September 11, 2005) Sunday Night Brawl has just gone off the air! Make sure you read the opening segment so you understand the entire show, because otherwise you'll find yourself somewhat lost. Next week's card as well as site updates will be posted later tonight. Enjoy Brawl!