“Returning to upside-down land, I’ve got to admit, has me left with a content sensation that I’ve not had the distinct pleasure of experiencing in a very long time. And it’s only fitting that the source of my delight is one Steven Alexander Jason.
Never fear though Stevie J. This is no embittered, sardonic tirade depicting you to be the incarnation of Lucifer himself. This is simply a time I am taking to marvel at how even when there is not a thing in sight that remotely resembles the radical rogues recently responsible for returning this realm to it’s repeated position of pompous pretentious pricks powering over people who perpetually perform under par, you still deem it necessary to make a big fuss out of everything.
I had it under control Steven. It was all gravy, baby! But riding in on your wooden steed, you once again felt the need to save the day. I will not fault you for that. You stuck up for what you believe in and in this day and age where the lines are so faded between right and wrong, anybody who is willing to make a clear and definitive statement outlining their opinion, however overly ordinary their overused outlook is, deserves some from of credit.
But now as I sat quietly and let you have your little moment on Sunday – actually, technically on Monday since the countdown had passed – I feel it would only be honourable if you now sit quietly through a moment made mainly for me. And after all, honour is what you’re all about is it not?
Justin Jones and I, collectively now known as the VIPs, are not here to take over the company.
Justin Jones and I, collectively known as the VIPs, are not here to save the day.
Justin Jones and I, collectively known as the VIPS, are here to wrestle, and to have fun while doing that. And I think you’ll agree whole-heartedly that we have yet to show anything that suggests otherwise. And is that not… honourable?
Don’t get me wrong, I am more than aware of our shaky both of our words have been in the past, but if you are going to protect Cyren of all people, then I suggest you take this opportunity to officially announce that you, Steve Jason, had no business trying to prevent me and Justin from doing anything. I sure as hell know that we had no business being there, and stated it at the time. But after finding another way to actually remove Sewaside from the roster permanently, the need to make my presence felt in your World Title match was greatly reduced, as I was led to believe that The Savior wouldn’t be capable of much on his own, and that the two of us had reached some sort of unspoken agreement in the lead up to the Metal Mayhem match at Autumn in Hell. So Justin and I chose the only other route that made sense, seeing the idiocy of both Dynamic Dynamite and Cyren in the main event, and deemed it definitely desirable to destroy the despicable demons dangerously close to becoming denizens of a destination too damn dominant to permit. Long story short: Dynamite and Cyren suck balls.
Did I make a wrong call?
I believe that without a shadow of a doubt, I didn’t. Yet somehow you Steve Jason, Centurion, Jen Jetson and Extreme Warrior found something wrong with the picture. All that was wrong without was you though.
Steven, despite how much I love directing most of this at you, I will actually apologize for continuously bringing this back to a battle between the two of us for supremacy. But as the respective mouths for our groups, I feel if any points are likely to be made, then it will be the two of us at the forefront of the conversation. That’s not to say our fellow competitors cannot make any points they please to, but none of them are as known for their long-winded speeches as the two of us, so I let that point rest.
However Steven, I find myself in a unique position. Again we seem to be fighting the exact same battle, yet again we seem to not be able to agree. For once in our history with each other though, my position feels more justified. My position feels more right. Because my trans-Tasman friend, I was not the one entering the arena in ridiculous fashion from a position higher up than all others. I take great joy in saying that Steve Jason, that entrance made it seem like everything was about you.
Now I’ll let that simmer for a little bit, because I expect it to hit a nerve with you in particular Steven. All I’m trying to get you New Wave buffoons to do is to think long and hard about who was more in the right, Justin Jones and Lee Stone trying to put smiles on the people’s faces, or you lot for attacking us, unprovoked, and lumping us into the same category as one of the individuals I despise the most, Dynamic Dynamite.
I’ll let the majority of you think about that, while I shift the spotlight from one legend in your midst to another. Extreme Warrior. Now I’ve taken the time to sit back and ask myself what direction I will take this one. What am I going to do? Should I tell you that you’ve done nothing even remotely interesting as of late? Should I tell you that you’re washed up and old? What to do, what to do, what to do…
Well, Mr. Cortinovis, I don’t know your age, and having had that card played on me despite me only approaching my 29th birthday on Anarchy next week, I can tell you right now that I’m not going down that line. Honestly James, I don’t care enough about you to go and find out how old you are. I’m not going to start a bitter blood feud with the two of us, because that would be pointless. You are not in my league. The proof is in the pudding. I don’t care about your legend tag, I don’t care about anything you’ve done.
Nobody is in my league.
It’s generic for me to say that and I feel almost dirty doing it, but I am the greatest wrestler in the world. My words alone will not be enough to show that to you. In that ring is all that will matter.
What do you want me to say? Do you want me to come at you the same way Sewaside did? Or how about the same way your brother did? Both of them spoke the truth James. But there’s nothing more to say. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. We’ve been in the ring twice against each other, once in early 2004 where you were victorious, and once in late 2005 where I was victorious. The earlier match was a number one contenders match for the Canadian Title, the latter was where you substituted yourself for Centurion after I damn near broke his neck throwing him off the top turnbuckle to the concrete floor. That match was also my first back and led me to begin an undefeated streak that was only ended two months ago.
Wow… two months ago. It seemed so longer, but do you see what you started James? It’s so fitting that we’re in the ring against each other once again. History is doomed to repeat itself. Here I am returning once more, and there you are in my way again.
The stakes are a little higher this time though. The Canadian Title has been left so far behind me it’s scary, and while you’re still slumming it in that area, despite being a “legend”, the average level of our competition should be much higher. And this time when I’m returning, I’m not coming back from losing my shot at the Universal Championship into a position where I have to prove myself once again, I’m coming back from making a choice to literally step down, when I had the top gold in my hands. And I’m coming back to a position where a little faction has stepped up to try and stop me from doing something that I had no intention on doing in the first place. So basically, I’m out to stop you, from stopping me from doing nothing. That means that I am the only one who actually has something to do. And I know what I just said was confusing, but dude… I’m confused.
What the hell are you trying to do?
Are you friends with Centurion or are you enemies? Have you lost your mind or have you found it? Are you gay or are you straight? Clinically retarded or just very stupid? This is what it’s about now James. It’s about me answering my questions.
This match has nothing to do with you.
If I win, I’m right. If I lose, my calculations were wrong. The only way I get beaten, is if I beat myself.
That’s a fact.
I am The Past, The Present and The Future. I am the World’s Greatest. I am The VIP. I am Leroy Bruce Stone…