[ Giants Stadium ] East Rutherford, New Jersey

TAPED: Jul. 16, 2007
AIRED: Jul. 16, 2007
PPV: WrestleSTOCK 07: Day One
THOMAS: “Alright the bell has rung and we’re starting the match with Brown and Farnswirth staring each other down in the middle of the ring. Brown steps in only to have Farnswirth back off a moment before.. wow a cheap eye poke caught Brown off guard. Farnswirth follows that up with an elbow to the face, now a knee to the gut and a quick DDT!”
MATTHEWS: “Farnswirth's style is like that of a technical but cheap wrestler.”
NEELY: “You got that right! Oh and Farnswirth is showing his cheapness with a knee to the gut!”
Empire Pro
Highland Park Social Club vs. Karl Brown & Foxx
THOMAS: “Farnswirth picks up Brown and whips him into the ropes, Brown ducks a clothesline but as he comes against the other side of the ring Benjamin pulls the ropes down sending Brown spilling to the outside!”
NEELY: “Looks like Adam Benjamin is showing his benefits to the team already.”
MATTHEWS: “Benjamin hops down off the side of the ring and goes to work on Brown on the outside as Foxx hops in the ring pointing to the action outside as the ref tries to get her under control.”
THOMAS: “Farnswirth is telling the ref to get Foxx out of the ring as Benjamin just slammed Brown into the railing outside. Benjamin drives his knee into Brown's face and calls to Farnswirth in the ring.”
NEELY: “Benjamin has hold of Brown outside as Farnswirth drops off the apron with a double axe handle to the back. Great team work!”
THOMAS: “Cheap teamwork. The ref finally realizes what's going on and is giving the ten counts to both opponents. Farnswirth wasting no time slides Brown into the ring.”
MATTHEWS: “Looking to take advantage of Benjamin's work Farnswirth hooks Karl Brown into a figure four leg lock! Brown is smacking the mat in pain as the ref asks if he's ready to submit.”
NEELY: “Karl 'The Dragon' Brown would be made a fool to tap out now but that looks like exactly what's going to happen!”
THOMAS: “I doubt it. Brown is making his way to the ropes as Farnswirth is trying to work him back... Brown reaches... and grabs the ropes! The ref is giving Farnswirth the five count and finally Farnswirth lets the hold go.”
MATTHEWS: “Brown looks to have taken a toll after that submission move and Farnswirth will take advantage as he yanks Brown by the leg away from the ropes and slams his knee directly into the back of Brown's leg.”
NEELY: “This is the perfect time to tag in Benjamin.”
MATTHEWS: “That's exactly what Farnswirth has in mind. Benjamin gets the tag in and quickly goes to work on him. Benjamin scoops Brown.. sets him up for a suplex but no! Brown blocks it. Benjamin tries again and Brown knees Benjamin in the gut.”
THOMAS: “Brown grabs Benjamin... hooks him.. T-BONE SUPLEX! Foxx is yelling to the get tag from Brown and Brown is slowly stumbling over and makes the tag to Foxx!”
NEELY: “This looks like the end of the match for Brown and Foxx.. Karl just tagged in the far less superior partner.”
THOMAS: “What do you call this then..? Foxx charges right at Benjamin as he is trying to pick himself up and nails him with a drop kick to the face! With a surge of energy now on the team of Brown and Foxx she is going to work on Benjamin nailing him with a flurry of quick kicks and punches.”
MATTHEWS: “It's sending him reeling back into Foxx's corner. Finally she slams him with a shoulder into the turnbuckles, runs back and CONNECTS with a flying body splash. Benjamin stumbles out of the corner and Foxx grabs his head driving it into the mat with a bulldog! She's rolls him over and hooks his leg 1.....2.. no! He kicks out.”
NEELY: “Why would she ever think Benjamin would be that quick to go down?”
THOMAS: “I don't know but it doesn't look like she's giving up anytime soon as she drive an elbow to his forehead runs against the ropes... jumps.. WOW SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT and she hooks the leg again.. 1.....2....NO! Benjamin with another kick out!”
MATTHEWS: “She's starting to look frustrated. Foxx picks up Adam and goes for a whip into the ropes... he reverses and sends her against the ropes.. he sets up.... and SHE COMES BACK GRABBING HIS HEAD AND HITS HIM WITH A ROLLING DDT! She hooks his leg again 1......2.... NO!! Farnswirth out of nowhere breaks up the pin! Brown comes charging into the ring only to be blocked by the ref!”
NEELY: “Perfect! Farnswirth take her out!”
THOMAS: “With the ref distracted Farnswirth picks Foxx up.. hooks her.. MARKET CRASH! MARKET CRASH! Foxx is laid out and Brown is absolutely LIVID! He's yelling at the ref to turn around as Farnswirth lays Benjamin on top of Foxx.”
MATTHEWS: “Brown is yelling at the ref as the ref starts the five count to get him out of the ring.. Brown finally retreats and the ref sees Benjamin covering Foxx and goes in for the count... 1......2...NO! Foxx barely kicks out! They are both groggily getting to their feet.”
NEELY: “I could've bet money that was the end for Foxx but I guess I was wrong.”
MATTHEWS: “Adam is getting to his feet first and now Foxx is up.... Adam quickly charges in and takes down Foxx with a powerful clothesline, picking her up by her hair now he slings her into the corner and comes in with a knee to the gut!”
NEELY: “Now that's how you treat a lady.”
THOMAS: “Wow Mike... Benjamin isn't through as he suplexes Foxx down and quick to his feet yet again he drops a leg across her throat!”
MATTHEWS: “Foxx, I think was taken by surprise at the start of this match by that vicious clothesline. Adam now picks her up and slings her into his corner, Benjamin charges at Karl Brown AND NAILS HIM WITH A FOREARM sending him flying back to the ground!”
NEELY: “You know they've got a past, that move right there did not surprise me one bit!”
THOMAS: “Yeah, as the ref is getting Benjamin to back off, Farnswirth is taking advantage of Foxx in the corner putting her in a choke hold! The ref finally notices it and breaks the hold! Benjamin quickly takes advantage and hits her with another suplex!”
MATTHEWS: “Quickly now he's back to his feet again this time tagging in Farnswirth, they pick Foxx up and NAIL her with a double DDT!”
NEELY: “That has to be it for her.”
THOMAS: “Richard hooks the leg and goes for the pin.. 1....2..... NO! Foxx barely kicks out. Farnswirth picks Foxx up and lays a few rights to her head, he whips her into the ropes and she DUCKS a clothesline! Farnswirth spins.. RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK by Foxx!”
NEELY: “She better tag in the partner she chose!”
MATTHEWS: “That's exactly where she is headed, she's crawling over to Brown still hurt by the beating she has taken... she's almost there and NO!! She dives but Farnswirth grabs her leg and yanks her back just in time!”
NEELY: “Excellent thinking! Focus on just her!”
THOMAS: “Farnswirth goes to work on her head as he drops a quick elbow against the back of it. He follows that up with a foot stomp and another and another and Karl Brown has seen enough! He charges in the ring and head straight for Farnswirth but is intercepted by the ref!”
MATTHEWS: “Karl is complaining loudly as now Benjamin enters the ring and they pick Foxx up, DOUBLE SUPLEX! Karl IS SCREAMING AT the ref telling him to turn around but the ref refuses as Karl is still not at his corner!”
NEELY: “I like the looks of this.”
THOMAS: “Benjamin now has Foxx's legs and he slingshots her into the turnbuckle! She stumbles backwards and Farnswirth grabs her neck and drops her with a Neckbreaker!”
MATTHEWS: “Finally Karl has gotten to his corner and the ref turns to see Benjamin being innocent. Farnswirth drags Foxx to the middle of the ring and hooks her leg... 1...2...3NO!!!! Foxx at the very last split second kicks out.”
NEELY: “Farnswirth looks upset now.”
THOMAS: “Yes, that he does. He picks up Foxx and sets her up.. no! She nails him with and elbow to the gut and another and another! Farnswirth is reeling back now and she CLOTHESLINES him to the ground! Again she's crawling towards Karl who is extending his arm out as far as possible!”
MATTHEWS: “She's almost there... SHE GOT IT! Karl storms in the ring and PUNCHES Farnswirth to the ground. He walks over to Benjamin who drops down to the arena floor wanting no part and Karl just stares at him.”
THOMAS: “Farnswirth charges straight at Brown who last second side steps him and Farnswirth goes CRASHING into the metal turnbuckle pole. Karl grabs him from the back.. BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX! Karl quickly scoops up Farnswirth then points to Benjamin on the outside and NAILS Farnswirth with a swinging neckbreaker!”
MATTHEWS: “Brown looks like a man on a mission! He grabs Farnswirth again, RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Now he's grabbing Farnswirth again T-BONE SUPLEX! This is quite a display by Karl Brown here don't you agree?”
NEELY: “Not really.. but maybe Foxx made a good suggestion after all considering she prolly would've lost this match already with anyone else.”
THOMAS: “Hmm.. Karl has Farnswirth up again, DRAGON SUPLEX INTO A BRIDGE PIN.... 1.....2.....NO!! Benjamin out of nowhere breaks the pin up! Karl is livid as he is yelling both at the ref and Benjamin! Foxx looking more recovered steps in and tells the ref to watch Benjamin! Karl goes back to work on Farnswirth laying boots to his back and yelling at Benjamin at the same time.”
MATTHEWS: “Karl grabs Farnswirth and slings him into his own corner he sets Farnswirth up on the top rope.. uh oh he tags in Foxx now this is going to be interesting!! Brown grabs Farnswirth from the back TOP ROPE GERMAN SUPLEX!”
THOMAS: “Foxx hops on the top ropes now as Benjamin comes racing over outside the ring towards Brown who is dazed himself after that move! Foxx is facing the crowd it looks like she's ready for her finisher!”
NEELY: “Yeah but Benjamin is taking advantage of Brown as he pulls him out of the ring and goes to work on him!”
MATTHEWS: “Foxx is yelling at the ref to get them separated as Farnswirth is showing signs of life on the mat!”
THOMAS: “She's yelling at them both and Brown and Benjamin are going at it punch for punch on the outside! Farnswirth is up and sees FOXX! HE GRABS AND POWERBOMBS HER DOWN! He holds down her shoulders for the pin and the ref goes for the count! FARNSWIRTH FEET ARE ON THE ROPES! 1....2.....3!!!”
NEELY: “Highland Social Park club with a great win for new team member Adam Benjamin!”
MATTHEWS: “Great win.. yeah he had to use the ropes for leverage to get the 3 count.”
THOMAS: “Well Brown just decked Benjamin but looks on in the ring with disbelief on his face. He's shaking his head at Foxx as she groggily gets back to her feet.”
MATTHEWS: “The champ does NOT look happy..”
THOMAS: “No he doesn’t, but this one is in the books…and the Club moves one step closer to a shot at regaining the World Tag Team Titles….”
( continued... )