[ Greensboro Coliseum ] Greensboro, North Carolina

TAPED: Apr. 05, 2004
AIRED: Apr. 15, 2004
EPISODE: RAUCOUS 06, Chapter 3
(FADEIN: Nick Jive and Tom Gheorghe sitting at the announce table finishing up a conversation off camera.)
GHEORGHE: “Well it looks to me as if Suicide is still in form after not competing for a month or so.”
JIVE: “I’m surprised that Cane didn’t put up more of a fight.”
GHEORGHE: “Trevor Cane hasn’t been the same competitor that we’ve seen in the past. Its almost as if something is missing.”
JIVE: “Suicide had a nice warm up, but I don’t think that it will help him much when he goes to take on Brody Hansen after our next match.”
GHEORGHE: “Whatever the case, Suicide looks on top of his game, and I know that Hansen is ready to go as well. But right now we’ve got Ice and Jared Wells on the schedule.”
JIVE: “Wells has been quiet … losing to John Doe in the Television Championship tournament must have really dampened his spirits. Hopefully the same thing will happen to Jean Rabesque when Doe wins the title.”
GHEORGHE: “Well Ice wasn’t exactly tearing up the microphones either..”
JIVE: “Ice is quiet by nature .. he lets his actions in the ring dictate his talent.”
GHEORGHE: “Well he’s going to have to rely on his actions in the ring tonight against a veteran like Wells. Lets take it up to Carl Jacobs, who is in the ring and waiting to let his vocals wail.”
(CUTTO: Rampway as thousands of fans are still buzzed and making noise. The graphic for the next match comes on to the screen before the camera cuts to the ring where Jacobs stands.)
Ice vs. Jared Wells
JACOBS: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is set for ONE FALL and has a THIRTY MINUTE time limit!”
JIVE: “As do all of our regular match ups … why he needs to repeat this every single time is beyond me, Tom.”
GHEORGHE: “He’s a stickler for tradition, Nick.”
JACOBS: “Introducing first …”
(CUEUP: 'We All Die One Day' by Obie Trice + G Unit. The lights go out as a blue spotlight hits the curtains.)
GHEORGHE: “An ominous glow shining down on that curtain as we await the arrival of Ice.”
JIVE: “I can’t wait to see him in singles action. Natural Born Killers took it to Doom during that tag team match .. and I feel like Ice is going to take it to Jared Wells .. or at least I hope he does.”
(Ice steps through the curtains and begins to walk down the rampway.)
JACOBS: “Standing six-foot two and weighing in at 266 pounds ….. he hails from SACRAMENTO, California ……… ICE!”
(Ice enters the ring as the fans do not give him much reaction due to the fact they don’t know how to react. Some fans pop because they remember the tag team match he was in.)
JIVE: “You’d think for a man whose about to show Jared Wells a thing or two, the fans would be more appreciative.”
GHEORGHE: “I have a feeling that the fans here are looking forward to seeing Jared Wells in action.”
JIVE: “Tom, lying on his back about to submit isn’t ‘in action’.. but if you want to try to heighten the expectations of those watching at home, by all means continue with your fibbery.”
JACOBS: “And his opponent…”
(CUEUP: 'Pistol Grip Pump' by Rage Against The Machine. The fans pop as the lights dim.)
GHEORGHE: “And the fans anxiously awaiting the arrival of ‘Rage o Fire’ Jared Wells.”
JACOBS: “Standing six-foot one and weighing 231 pounds …”
(CUTTO: Curtain. There is no movement.)
JIVE: “Jared Wells certainly taking his sweet time getting to the ring.”
GHEORGHE: “There’s still no movement coming from behind that curtain, Nick.”
JIVE: “He’s scared! Jared Wells has ran away because he knew that he was going to lose tonight! What a coward!”
GHEORGHE: “Carl Jacobs hesitating a tad..”
(CUTTO: Jacobs in the ring, eying the curtain. He raises the microphone to his mouth..)
JACOBS: “From Baltimore, Maryland ….”
(SFX: The fans pop as the curtains pull apart, but then are silenced when they see a second official running down the rampway.)
GHEORGHE: “We now have a second referee down here …”
JIVE: “He is telling the other ref that Jared Wells hightailed it out of here with his tail between his legs..”
GHEORGHE: “Now the second referee walking over to Carl Jacobs and talking to him…. Ladies and gentlemen, I have just gotten some news from the back!! It appears that Jared Wells has been attacked pre-match by an unknown assailant!!”
JIVE: “Unlikely story!!”
GHEORGHE: “Jared Wells is in his lockerroom, which is trashed .. lets take you back to Jason Tripp as the officials continue to talk to Carl.”
No Match Afterall
(CUTTO: Wells’ lockerroom. It is trashed, and Jared Wells is being attended to by backstage medics and he looks in very rough shape ..)
TRIPP: “Well Tom, Nick, it appears that a backstage manager went to cue Jared Wells to get ready, and they found him lying unconscious in front of his mirror, and his lockerroom was literally destroyed. As you see now, Wells is hardly conscious and he looks to be in very bad shape. I haven’t gotten to speak to anyone who is attending to him on the severity of this attack.”
GHEORGHE: “Do they know what happened, Jason?”
TRIPP: “Not a thing .. Wells, when he was first awoke, said that he had turned his back to go to his bag which was sitting on the floor, and that’s the last thing he remembers.”
JIVE: “Oh come on! Stop protecting him. Tell us the truth, Jason. You’re supposed to be fair and balanced!”
TRIPP: “I can tell you this is no set up, Jared Wells was attacked, and he is not in very good shape at this moment. Back to you guys.”
(CUTTO: Ring as the second official leaves and the referee talks to Ice, who shows no emotion. Carl Jacobs takes the mic.)
JIVE: “Well at least Ice gets the default victory. A win is a win as they say.”
JACOBS: “I am sorry to announce that the scheduled match between Jared Wells and Ice will not be taking place tonight.”
GHEORGHE: “Oh my, Wells’ condition must be serious if he can’t contend here tonight.”
JIVE: “Staged.”
JACOBS: “Jared Wells was attacked pre-match and is not in condition to compete here tonight. Due to the fact that this was out of the hands of either competitor, Acting President Marcus LaRoque has postponed this match, and has re-scheduled it for the NEXT edition of RAUCOUS!”
JIVE: “WHAT! Ice should have gotten the victory!”
GHEORGHE: “Fair is far, Nick. No match, no winner.”
JIVE: “Jared Wells should be forced to forfeit the match.”
GHEORGHE: “As Carl said, the actions were out of the hands of either competitor, and Marcus LaRoque has the last say.”
JIVE: “I smell a conspiracy between LaRoque and Wells!! Jared Wells probably wanted an extra week to prepare for Ice!”
GHEORGHE: “Fans we apologize for the fact that Ice versus Jared Wells will not be taking place this edition of RAUCOUS, but thankfully it has been rescheduled for NEXT RAUCOUS.”
JIVE: “What bullshit.”
GHEORGHE: “But that means we get to see Suicide and Brody Hansen.. don’t you think that Hansen is going to kick ass?”
JIVE: “Oh yea! Hansen is going to walk all over him!! I guess I can handle Hansen’s victory instead of Ice beating up Jared Wells…”
GHEORGHE: “When we get back, Suicide will be in action for the SECOND time tonight, as he takes on ‘the Southern Beast’ BRODY HANSEN!”
( continued... )