Calgary, January 18th, 2006 |
Battle of the Warriors Commences |
The crowd is loud as we get set for the biggest Battle of the Warriors ever that never should have been. Calgary hasn't seen most of these stars for almost six full months and many others have never been seen here at all. The scene then fades and we hear the opening chords of "Schism" by Tool. "I know the pieces fit "The poetry We see Leech starting his car
and exiting the GWO parking lot while member of Youthful Aggression look
on. We then see images of Razorblade doing the same and see three
letters on the screen... NPA. We then see images of the carnage and
violence that made NPA the most talked about federation in the world and
then this fades to a question mark before the words start again. "Cold silence has "I know the pieces fit We see Shengee Shmelky backstage and he looks rather nervous. The camera pulls back to reveal Salty Tom standing behind him. Shengee Shmelky - Okay, so you understand this right? Salty Tom - I protect you and you give me more salt than I could ever desire. Shengee Shmelky - Good, because in the days of Eminem suing me, anything is possible. Salty Tom - I guess so. Rated R enters the picture and scowls when he sees the Rated R - I didn't know the circus was in town. Shengee Shmelky - Ryan, a year ago, you won the million dollars and the rest was history as you made 2005 the year of the R so to speak. Now here you are on the verge of another grand event. What's you mindset as you try to reclaim your spot as the million dollar champion? Rated R - I will tell you this. If Anthony Hicks gets drawn to face me, that suits me just fine. If Pyro gets set to face me, I have his ten dollars. If it's Myst.... I might not be getting that million so easy. Shengee Shmelky - How would you spend the million? Rated R - You won't see a dime, Shengee. Stop fishing for it. Ryan walks away and Shengee hangs his head. Salty Tom looks like he would rather be somewhere else. ![]() ![]() Ricky Simms - Welcome to Battle of the Warriors! Here we are all set to go with the tournament that always gets people talking. Henry Lesher - With Shelia running the show, it should be baffling and all wrong tonight. Ricky Simms - Word has it that Vesuvius has given Jason Knight the evening off and he's somewhere in the crowd watching this. Henry Lesher - Well, something bad will happen to Shelia and Vesuvius wants Knight out of the way when it comes to pass. Alexandrea steps through the ropes and the bell sounds to get things underway. Q and DuChance lock up in the middle of the ring. Q quickly shoves her into the corner and then backdrops her out of it to the middle of the ring. Q then knee drops her to the forehead and then goes for the early pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Alexandrea. Q then stands her up, whips her off the ropes and then clotheslines her to the mat. Q then goes to the ropes, climbs to the second rope and gives DuChance a double axe handle smash across the back before rolling her over for another pin attempt. 1...2... DuChance gets her foot on the ropes. Q shakes his head as he stands her up, and then whips her off the ropes. She manages to grab the ropes and pulls herself under them to the floor where her brother checks to see if she's okay so far. She responds with a nod. Ricky Simms - Q has been in control thus far. Henry Lesher - That surprises no one, Rick. DuChance grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself into the ring and quickly gets to her feet. She ducks a right hand from Q and then kicks him in the gut before then spinning her feet around and kicking Q's feet out from under him. Alexandrea then applies an arm bar on Q in an attempt to weaken him. Q reaches for the ropes as Alexandrea twists his arm. Q then finds the energy to turn the arm bar against him into an arm drag that sends Alexandrea to the mat where he applies an arm bar of his own. She snags the bottom rope with her foot to force the break. Q backs off as Alexandrea gets to her feet in the corner, favoring her arm. She looks to Corwin and he nods, encouraging her to continue here. Q takes a step towards her and she shoulder rolls under a lunge and pulls the feet out from under him again. DuChance then applies a Boston Crab as well as she can with the size disadvantage providing a slight disadvantage here. Ricky Simms - Alexandrea is acquitting herself well so far. Henry Lesher - No she isn't. This is sad. Q is toying with her. Q pushes himself off the mat while Alexandrea struggles to keep her hold here. Q then crawls on his hands to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope to force the break. She backs off and Q gets to his feet. When they move towards each other again, he head butts her backwards into the ropes. He then whips her off the ropes and gives her the Q Jumper before he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Q is the first winner in the tournament tonight. Referee Mark Davis raises Q's hand before Q then exits the ring where Shelia starts telling him what he did right and wrong and what he needs to do in the next round to survive. Ricky Simms - Q is apparently going by Shelia's advice on things tonight. Henry Lesher - This might be the end of his night then. Q is smarter than Shelia. Backstage we see Nameless with Ray Dees. Ray looks very nervous as he reads from a piece of paper, presumably given to him by the champion. Ray Dees - Fifteen people will fail to defeat The Nameless. I am the world champion. I am not going to lose my title to Rated R and I am not going to miss out on my chance to become a million dollar winner tonight. Battle of the Warriors was made for me. It's mine and this night belongs to the one with no name. This is the last chance for my opponents to avoid great pain and suffering. My advice is to take the night off. Ray then looks at Nameless, visibly shaking as he hands the piece of paper back to the Anarchy champion. Ray Dees - Was that okay? Did I do okay? Nameless just turns and walks off and Ray breathes a visible sigh of relief while sweat trickles down his forehead. Max Cameron vs Halloween Jack "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays and we find Halloween Jack and Max Cameron coming out from the backstage area, already going at it toe to toe as referee Francis Clarke tries in vain to split them up. The rest of Youthful Aggression is trying to intervene and Vesuvius and Scavenger are seen holding them off. Jack rams Max's head into the steel guard railing and Max answers with an eye gouge on Jack before body slamming him on the concrete floor. Ricky Simms - These two aren't wasting any time here. Henry Lesher - Perhaps they are aware of their lack of talent and they are eager to get their match over with so real wrestlers can come out here and fight. Ricky Simms - You need to stop picking everyone apart all the time. Max stands Jack up and whips him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. We see security rushing in to take the rest of Youthful Aggression out while the crowd can be heard booing their efforts. Jack rolls Max into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring as Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Halloween Jack takes the tape from his right wrist and then starts strangling Max Cameron with it. He then throws the tape away before the referee reaches a five count and avoids being disqualified. Jack stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Jack then executes a lion sault onto Max and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Jack stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and Max ducks a clothesline and gives Jack a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Max then rolls into a small package for a quick pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Jack. Max then stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then both men clothesline each other to the mat as the crowd appears to be torn on who they are cheering for here. Ricky Simms - This is a really strong match so far. Both of them want the million. Henry Lesher - God, it's only round one. They're not even a shoe in to make round two. These idiots might knock each other cold and that would be the end of it. Francis Clarke is seen counting both men down. Jack reaches the ropes on the five count and then turns and kicks Max in the head. The referee stops counting as Max answer with a shove that sends Jack through the ropes and to the floor. Max then rolls himself out of the ring. Max head butts Jack, then gives him a scoop slam on the floor followed by a knee drop to the forehead. Max then stands Jack up and whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post and then follows that up with a clothesline to the floor. Max stands Jack up, slams his head into the apron twice and then rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. We then see Vesuvius making his way down the aisle towards the ring. Ricky Simms - What is the boss doing out here? Henry Lesher - He is probably going to put a stop to this and save us all the trouble. As Max stands Jack up, Vesuvius calls out to him and they start having an argument. Jack takes advantage of this with a low blow on Max. Referee Francis Clarke is too busy asking Vesuvius to leave to see it. Max doubles over and Jack smiles, then gives Max the Pumpkin Bomb and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Halloween Jack grabs a controversial win over Max Cameron here and moves on to round two. Ricky Simms - That won't impress Max. Henry Lesher - That makes sense. He doesn't impress me either. Jack rolls himself out of the ring and he comes face to face with Vesuvius. Vesuvius steps aside and lets Jack pass with nothing said between them. Ricky Simms - That was odd. Henry Lesher - I'm sure you'll have a conspiracy theory on this once you draw it up on your Etch A Sketch. Vesuvius rolls himself into the ring and looks down at the fallen Max Cameron. He tells him that this is just the beginning of a bad night for Youthful Aggression. He then exits the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Ricky Simms - Vesuvius sending a message to Max? We look backstage and we see Scavenger bringing something in on a table, covered in a sheet. Shengee Shmelky approaches and tries to lift the sheet only to get a rap on the knuckles from Scavenger. Shengee Shmelky - What have you got? Scavenger - Something Vesuvius has planned to catch everyone off guard tonight. You see, there is a big tournament going on, but only one winner. What no one knows is we have more than one winner. We have many winners. Tonight is the night of champions. Shengee Shmelky - What do you mean by that? Scavenger - It will be a golden night for people tonight. Glory to AW. Out of my way. Scavenger then shoves Shengee aside and Shengee looks around for Salty Tom who staggers in. Salty Tom - I found some sugar packets and was indisposed with them. Shengee Shmelky - *as he pulls himself to his feet* This isn't working out. Salty Tom - Sure it is. We're at the biggest event of the year and there's plenty of salt for all. Shengee Shmelky - Maybe you could fight BasketKase and the winner gets salted pork. Salty Tom - Look, I watch you. You be quiet. The two of them continue squabbling as we return to ringside. Hoshi Yakamoto vs Thibor Dragosani "Surfing With The Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto is led to the ring by Bart Phillips. They get a loud pop from the crowd as Hoshi holds her Xtreme title high above her head. She leaps onto the apron and then somersaults over the top rope and into the ring. Her music then quickly fades and we see Vesuvius on the big screen over the entrance. Vesuvius - Well, look at Hoshi all dressed up tonight. Girl, you have a long night ahead. You're all set to get your ass handed to you by Tommy Purr and his barber shop of a team. Thibor has a major honor later tonight that these idiots in the crowd will find out about. I have, therefore, pulled Thibor from this match and you move into the second round with a bye to face the winner of Daniel McCoy and Gerard Angelo. I hope you understand that this is nothing personal. Vesuvius' face fades from the screen and Hoshi shakes her head as Bart tells her from ringside that this is a good thing. Ricky Simms - Well, Hoshi might have been given a favor by Vesuvius in being spared a very physical match with Thibor. Henry Lesher - No, she is that much closer to getting destroyed by Tommy Purr who will be fresh from winning the million dollars tonight. Ricky Simms - I disagree with that statement. Henry Lesher - Yeah, you would. As Hoshi exits the ring and clearly appears to be dejected with the lack of action in round one for her, we look backstage and find Myst entering the building. She is headed off by Anthony Hicks. Anthony Hicks - Glad to see you here. Look, we need to talk. Myst - I don't see why we do. Anthony Hicks - I just would hate to see that pretty face messed up. See, I talked it over with Vesuvius and agreed I take you out in round one and Rated R in round two. Myst - I have beaten big men before. Anthony Hicks - Yeah, but I have actual talent. Myst - The jury is out on that one. Hicks grabs Myst around the throat and sets to give her a choke slam. Shannon Skanes appears from out of nowhere and clobbers Anthony across the back with a chair and then slams it across his face for good measure. Shannon then grabs Myst by the arm and starts leading her away only to turn back to Hicks. Shannon Skanes - I am going to end you. Myst pulls away from Shannon. Myst - I don't need you to save me. She then storms off with Shannon in tow and Hicks is seen bloodied and leaning against the wall to keep his balance. Daniel McCoy vs Gerard Angelo "Delilah" by Mindset starts to play and the crowd gets to its feet as Daniel McCoy makes his way towards the ring. McCoy high fives fans on his way down to ringside and then makes a lap of the ring. McCoy then leaps up onto the apron and steps through the ropes into the ring. He tests the ropes as his music fades and then we hear "Jamestown" by Movielife and Gerard Angelo comes out to a reception that is nearly as strong. Gerard quickly runs to the ring, slips in under the bottom rope and then the bell sounds to get things started. McCoy and Angelo then lock up in a test of strength. Ricky Simms - Good start between these two here. Henry Lesher - Man, this is a tournament of crap tonight. McCoy starts to gain an advantage against Angelo. Angelo then lands a kick to the gut on McCoy and follows that up with a series of knife edge chops to the chest on McCoy, sending him into the corner. Gerard then whips McCoy to the opposite corner and gives him a sidewalk slam from there and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Daniel McCoy. Angelo stands McCoy up, whips him off the ropes and McCoy ducks a clothesline and then gives Gerard a series of knife edge chops that send Angelo into the corner before giving him a double under hook suplex to the middle of the ring. McCoy then leg drops Angelo across the throat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard Angelo. Ricky Simms - Both men with near pin falls already in this one. Henry Lesher - Yeah, neither of them have any finish to their game. McCoy stands Angelo up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him to the mat. Gerard then rolls himself out of the ring to regroup here. McCoy stands in the middle of the ring and doesn't take his eyes off of Gerard as Angelo paces at ringside, kicks the steel ring steps and then pulls himself back onto the apron. Gerard then steps back into the ring and signals he wants another test of strength. When McCoy raises his arms and goes for it, Angelo kicks McCoy in the gut and then headlocks him before dropping him with a DDT to the mat. Angelo then rolls him over for the pin. 1...2... McCoy gets a foot on the bottom rope. Angelo then stands McCoy up while shaking his head, then whips McCoy off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. Angelo then goes to the ropes, climbs to the second rope and waits for McCoy to stand. As soon as McCoy is facing him, Angelo lands an elbow between the eyes on McCoy that sends him to the mat. Angelo smiles and nods as he stands over McCoy. Ricky Simms - That's the cocky attitude that made Angelo the GWO champ. Henry Lesher - Here I thought crappy competition made him the winner and it was his cock the whole time? Ricky Simms - Dear God. Henry Lesher - It's pay per view, Rick. I don't have to hold my tongue tonight. Ricky Simms - If you hold it, I'll cut it off for you. Gerard Angelo stands over McCoy a moment longer and then pulls him to his feet. Angelo whips McCoy off the ropes and Daniel ducks a clothesline and then gives Gerard a clothesline to the mat. Daniel then knee drops Gerard to the chest. Daniel then stands Gerard up, whips him into the turnbuckle and lands a series of shoulder blocks on him, then climbs the ropes with a smile on his face. McCoy picks Gerard up as well as can from his perch and then proceeds to deliver the Whole Deal and turns it into a pin fall attempt. 1...2...3! Daniel McCoy escapes the first round! Ricky Simms - In what some might call an upset, Daniel McCoy has defeated Gerard Angelo! Henry Lesher - I'm not upset. I would have to care in order to be upset. As McCoy leaves the ring victorious, we head backstage and see Max Cameron walking into Shelia Lavin's office and he looks upset. Max Cameron - So, Anarchy is screwing me over tonight? Shelia Lavin - I knew you would come whining sooner or later tonight. Look, Vesuvius shared with me a booking intention for tonight. If you have a reason to be upset, you'll have your chance to be vindicated. Max Cameron - What are you talking about? Shelia Lavin - Just show up when you're called, Max. Max Cameron - And I bring YA with me. Shelia Lavin - I couldn't care less. Vesuvius might, though. Max Cameron - He's going to get his ass kicked tonight. Mark my words. He exits the office. Shelia Lavin - Words marked then. She then goes back to her work. Dustin Walters vs The Nameless "Start a War" by Static X plays and we see The Nameless dragging Dustin Walters by the right foot towards the ring. Blood is pouring from the forehead of Dustin Walters as Nameless drags him to the ring and then rolls him into the ring. Emily Blackstone is following close behind and then she rolls herself into the ring, a piece of paper in hand. She takes the microphone from ring announcer Kelly Buchanan. Emily Blackstone - Nameless met with Dustin before this match. Dustin didn't see the light. He didn't see that meeting Nameless in the ring was futile and then tried to attack your champion. Nameless did what he had to and now Dustin is injured, not ready for this match as anyone can see. Nameless therefore moves that the referee present declare him the winner by forfeit. Emily and Nameless focus on referee Francis Clarke. He backs into a corner and nods his head, begging for Nameless not to harm him. Francis even goes as far as to point out his wife and children sitting in the front row. Ricky Simms - I don't think Francis wants any part of Nameless here. Henry Lesher - You truly take your life in your hands against this guy even if you're not in the match. I love it. Nameless moves towards Francis Clarke as security rushes into the ring. Nameless starts handing out choke slams to security guards as Emily hands the microphone back to Kelly and he is announced the winner by forfeit. Nameless then plants a big boot to the face of Francis Clarke and he goes down fast, out cold before his head hits the mat. Nameless then pushes through the sea of security and leaves the ring on his own. EMTs come out with a stretcher for Walters and Nameless clotheslines the EMTs down. Ricky Simms - That's uncalled for! Henry Lesher - THAT is a champion, Rick! He kicks everyone's ass! Ricky Simms - Francis Clarke's little girl is crying. His wife is clearly shaken and now he has attacked out medical personnel. Nameless is out of control tonight. Henry Lesher - If Rated R is watching, maybe this will remind him of why he was a champion. Nameless continues his walk to the back, Emily Blackstone visibly shaken by the carnage he has left behind. We then look to Vesuvius' office and find him grinning ear to ear. Vesuvius - This is exactly what we need. Nameless is destroying everyone. I want him to be a member of our stable. The camera pulls back and we see Scavenger sitting across from him, fighting the urge to throw up. Scavenger - The guy floors everyone involved in the match or not and you want him around us? Vesuvius - He is the ultimate machine. Go invite him. Scavenger - Go to hell, V-Man. You invite him. I want no part of that. Scavenger storms out of the office and Vesuvius shakes his head. He's still smiling, though. Artifice vs Tommy Purr Salt N Pepa's "I Am the Body Beautiful" plays as Tommy Purr comes out from the back, a smile on his face as he makes his way towards the ring. He even has a white boa wrapped around his neck tonight, all decked out for his first round match in the million dollar tournament. Purr steps up onto the apron and looks around at the crowd and bows before them and then steps into the ring. He then tests the ropes as his music fades. We then see smoke starting to fill the ring and Purr suddenly looks nervous. Ricky Simms - Artifice doesn't need music, just makes this entrance. Henry Lesher - Purr isn't afraid. Ricky Simms - He sure looks afraid. Henry Lesher - He is a mighty fine actor. When the smoke starts to clear, we see Artifice behind Tommy Purr. He spins Purr around and starts landing rights and lefts as referee Steve Blake calls for the bell to get the match underway. Artifice lands a series of punches, backing Purr into the ropes. Purr then thumbs Artifice in the eye before raking his eyes along the top rope and then Purr gives Artifice a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Purr then goes to the ropes, makes his way to the second rope and goes for the knee drop to the forehead from there only to find no one home. Artifice uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Purr turns and shoves him through the ropes to the floor. Purr rolls himself out of the ring and then starts putting the boots to Artifice as the crowd cheers him on. Purr then stands Artifice up and goes for the whip into the steel corner post only to have Artifice reverse it and then Purr strikes the steel corner post shoulder first. Artifice rolls himself into the ring first, Tommy close behind while favoring his arm. He also adjusts the shield on his face that covers his broken nose. Ricky Simms - Tommy is the worse for wear in this one. Henry Lesher - Purr is acting so very well in this match, giving Artifice confidence so he can go for the kill. Artifice stands Purr up. Purr head butts Artifice, using the face shield as a weapon. Purr then whips Artifice into the corner buckle and ducks his head for a backdrop only to take a kick to the face from Artifice who then clotheslines Purr to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy Purr manages to roll a shoulder out in time. Artifice gets to his feet and puts the boots to the fallen Purr. He then stands Purr up, whips him off the ropes and Purr ducks a clothesline, comes off the ropes and lands a lariat that takes Artifice off his feet and down to the mat. Purr goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Artifice. Purr stands Artifice up, whips him into the corner and walks into an eye gouge from the masked Artifice. Purr then takes a knee to the gut and Artifice then lands a series of forearm upper cuts on Purr. Ricky Simms - Artifice relying on defense here for most of his moves. Henry Lesher - He hasn't used any real moves. He just punches and kicks. Maybe it's Hogan under the mask? Ricky Simms - Not really Hogan's body type there, Doc. Henry Lesher - I wouldn't know. I avoid looking at bodies that make me want to throw up. Artifice whips Purr off the ropes and knees him in the gut, sending him somersaulting through the air. Artifice then stands Purr up, rakes his eyes along the top rope and then shoves him down to the mat before taking a look around at the crowd. They give him a rather mixed response as he then stands Tommy up. Tommy gives Artifice a jawbreaker and then quickly gets to his feet, picks Artifice up and lands the Tommyknocker before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr grabs an impressive win in the first round tonight. Ricky Simms - Tommy gets the win and his reward is a second round match with the Nameless. Henry Lesher - Oh his beautiful face against a monster. I still have faith in Tommy. Ricky Simms - Well, at least someone believes he can stop the champ. I don't know that anyone can. Henry Lesher - You have no faith in Tommy? You'll regret that. Backstage we see Pyro getting ready for his match, scheduled next. He picks up a towel off the bench and a mask falls out of it with a note. Pyro - What the hell...? The camera zooms in on the note and it reads "See you really soon." Pyro shakes his head and exits the dressing room to head to the ring. Ricky Simms - Who could that be? Henry Lesher - If that's from who I think it is, I am going to kill myself. Pyro vs Rated R "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace plays as Rated R makes his way towards the ring. He tells the camera that he is all set to repeat last year once again, this time with feeling. He laughs and continues to the ring. The crowd is chanting his name as he jumps onto the apron and looks around at the crowd. He then steps through the ropes into the ring and makes his way to the corner where he sits down and pulls a ten dollar bill from his trunks and tosses it onto the mat. He then starts looking at his finger nails. "The Worst Is Yet To Come" By Still Remains starts to play as Pyro makes his way out from the back. He is shaking his head and quickly makes his way down the aisle and then rolls himself into the ring under the bottom rope. He takes the microphone from Kelly Buchanan. Pyro - Rated R, you offer me ten bucks to pin me? Here's what I'll do. I'll take the ten bucks and pin you. I have a shot at a million dollars and if no one makes me an interesting offer, that money is as good as mine. Pyro then lunges at Rated R and clobbers him across the forehead with the microphone. The referee calls for the bell as Pyro stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Pyro then flexes over Rated R and tells the crowd he is soon to be a millionaire. Pyro stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. We can see Rated R's forehead has been busted open with the microphone. Pyro applies a sleeper hold and smiles as the crowd starts another chant for Rated R. Ricky Simms - Pyro said he would lay down for the highest bidder and Rated R made the highest offer and Pyro rejected it. Henry Lesher - Ryan was caught off guard by Pyro? This seems very wrong to me. Referee Steve Blake checks on Rated R as Pyro maintains the sleeper on the former GWO champion. Rated R's arm is raised once and it falls. It is raised a second time and it falls. It is raised a third time, but Ryan manages to keep it raised this time and starts showing signs of a comeback. Pyro then releases the hold and shoves Rated R through the ropes and out to the floor. Pyro then waits until Ryan stands at ringside and baseball slides out under the bottom rope and plants his feet in Rated R's ribs, sending him over the guard railing and into the front row of the crowd. Pyro then jumps the railing, grabs Rated R by the hair and slams his forehead into the guard railing. Pyro then picks Rated R up and dumps him with a slam back to ringside before leaping over the railing. Pyro then does a few jumping jacks before rolling himself into the ring. Rated R grabs for the steel ring steps and starts pulling himself to his feet. Pyro leans through the ropes and kicks Rated R in the face before the referee shoves Pyro back. Ricky Simms - Pyro has never looked this vicious. Henry Lesher - Someone told him how cheap he was. I thought ten bucks was eight too much. Rated R gets to his feet as Pyro continues to argue with the referee. Rated R then rolls himself under the bottom rope where he starts taking boots to the forehead from Pyro. Pyro then stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and then clotheslines him to the mat. Pyro then goes to the ropes, smiles and lands a rolling thunder on Rated R before hooking the leg for the pin attempt. 1...2... Rated R manages to roll a shoulder out. Pyro has a few words for the referee on the speed of his count as Rated R chants get louder. Pyro stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and Rated R ducks a clothesline and then gives Pyro a series of forearm smashes to the jaw, driving him into the corner. Rated R then hip tosses Pyro to the middle of the ring and then applies a full Nelson on Pyro. Referee Steve Blake checks for a submission, but Pyro is already starting to power out of it. Rated R thinks fast and trips the feet out from under Pyro, causing him to face plant on the mat. Rated R spits blood on the canvas as he then gets to his feet and checks to see how bloodied his forehead is. He then boot chokes Pyro in the ropes. Ricky Simms - Rated R looks like hell and he's taking that out on Pyro now. Henry Lesher - Pyro might wish he had taken the ten bucks. Rated R stands Pyro up, whips him into the corner buckle and then clotheslines him to the mat. He looks out towards the cheering crowd and nods his head. Rated R then picks Pyro up and delivers the Restricted on Pyro and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Rated R grabs the win here and is a bloodied mess as he exits the ring without taking any time to celebrate. Ricky Simms - Ryan might be rushing to get stitches for that. Henry Lesher - He has a date with Nameless in the main event tonight and he might meet the champ in this tournament. I don't think stitches will help. Ricky Simms - They may not last. That's for sure. As the bloodied Rated R retreats into the back, we see Shengee Shmelky with Salty Tom standing outside a dressing room. We then see Corwin DuChance coming out of the room with a rather sour look on his face. Shengee Shmelky - Corwin, the fans want to know what kind of shape Alexandrea is in after her match tonight. Corwin DuChance - During the match with Q, she fell awkwardly. We thought nothing of it until medical staff looked at her. She has some ligament damage in her knee. Shengee Shmelky - Will she require surgery? Corwin DuChance - Am I a doctor? Look, she's hurt. That's all I have for you. Salty Tom - You guys have any salt in there? Corwin DuChance - I have been too busy dealing with an injured sister to give a damn.> Corwin returns to the locker room as Shengee turns to glare at Salty Tom who is peeking inside the locker room for a trace of the sodium which he craves. Shengee Shmelky - Can't you get enough? Salty Tom - I can never get enough. Myst vs Anthony Hicks "The Razor's Edge" by AC/DC plays as Anthony Hicks comes out from the back, Felicity trailing close behind the giant. The crowd greets him with the standard chorus of boos he has become used to. Hicks then pauses at ringside and has a few words with one young fan before then stepping up onto the apron and over the top rope into the ring. He then says a few things to Felicity about the possibility of Shannon Skanes trying to attack him. His music fades and we hear "Sonne" by Rammstein and looks towards the entrance for Myst. Instead, she enters through the crowd and slips into the ring and then chops the legs out from under the big man as referee Mark Davis calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Myst is relying on a sneak attack to open this match. Henry Lesher - They end round one with this match? Hicks has almost four hundred pounds on the idiot woman here. This is a joke. Myst applies an ankle lock on the now fallen Hicks. He rolls over and then kicks her off of him and she falls back into the corner buckle. Hicks starts getting to his feet only to take a knee to the face from Myst who then bulldogs him to the mat before rolling him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Hicks. Myst then goes to the nearby ropes, climbs to the second rope and goes for an elbow smash from there only to find no one home as Hicks rolls out of the way in time. Hicks then uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Myst gets to her feet only to take a head butt from Hicks that sends her falling back to the mat. Hicks then picks Myst up and power slams her to the mat and then goes for the pin with a smile on his face. 1...2... Myst rolls a shoulder out in time. Hicks shakes his head and has a few words for the referee as he pulls Myst to her feet. Hicks whips her off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as Myst ducks it and Myst then chop blocks Hicks down again. Ricky Simms - Myst knows the secret to taking down the big man is chop him down at the knees. Henry Lesher - Her usual tactic is sleeping with them. Ricky Simms - Stop that. Myst puts the boots to Anthony Hicks as the crowd starts a chant for her. Myst then applies the Mystifyer on the much larger Hicks. The crowd cheers her on as she leans back and Hicks fights the hold. Hicks tries to reach for the ropes, but they are too far away. He tries to push himself up from the mat, but finds he can't do that either. He then taps out and the referee calls for the bell. Myst rolls herself out of the ring the winner as Felicity throws a fit at ringside. Ricky Simms - As usual, Myst wins the match with odds against her! Henry Lesher - I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Hicks sucks. As Myst makes her way towards the back, we see Ray Dees with Scavenger and behind Scavenger is a table with a cloth over it to hide whatever might be underneath it. Judging by the lumps under the cloth, there are a few things under there. Ray Dees - Round one has just been completed. I understand that mean revealing the first surprise of the night? Scavenger - There are six people who took part in round one and lost. Dustin Walters was injured before his match and Thibor simply was too much class for this tournament. The other six will compete in a battle royal to determine Anarchy's... *pulls cloth back to reveal title* Superior champion. Ray Dees - Well, I didn't see that coming. Scavenger - Of course not. The thing is, there are other surprises here for people who want a second chance at redemption tonight. Those who fail the second time will only have themselves to blame for it. ![]() Q vs Halloween Jack Tomoyasu Hotei's "Battle without Honor or Humanity" begins to play and we see Q coming out to the cheers of the crowd. Once again, Shelia Lavin is trailing close behind him as he makes his way to the ring. Q steps up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He paces inside the ring as his music fades and we hear "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva playing to signal Halloween Jack's arrival for round two tonight. He comes out to a mixed reaction and tells the camera tonight is his night and that every night from now on will be Halloween. Jack stops at ringside and looks around at the crowd and then rolls himself into the ring. As he gets to his feet, the bell sounds to get things started. Jack and Q circle each other and Jack puts his hand out to shake Q's. Q looks to the crowd for advice and then goes against it by extending his hand. When Jack goes for the kick to the gut on Q, Q catches his foot and spins him around before giving him an atomic drop. Q then whips Jack into the corner buckle and gives him a backdrop to the mat from there. Ricky Simms - Fast start for Q here in the second round. Henry Lesher - This is Q's match. Jack's been a good competitor over the years, but come on now. He's no main eventer and Q clearly has been. Q stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spinning heel kick that sends him down to the mat again. Q then picks Halloween Jack up over his shoulder and runs him face first into the corner buckle. Q then lands a power slam on Jack and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack. Q stands Jack up, whips him into the corner and then misses with a shoulder block as Jack moves out of the way and Jack then lands a German suplex on Q. Jack then quickly gets to his feet and starts putting the boots to Q. Q opts to roll himself out of the ring to regroup. Jack drops and rolls out of the ring to follow. Jack tracks down Q, spins him around and then lands a knife edge chop to the chest on Q. Q answers with a right hook that sends Jack sprawling over the guard railing and to the floor. Q then rolls himself back into the ring as Shelia is seen nodding at ringside. Ricky Simms - Jack might be regretting following Q to the floor there. Henry Lesher - Might be? Ya think so? As the referee counts Jack out, Jack gets to his feet and looks unimpressed. He leaps over the guard railing and slides into the ring where Q attacks him with a series of knee drops to the back. Q then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Instead, Jack kicks Q in the face and then gives him a swinging neck breaker to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Q. Jack slaps the mat and asks the referee if he knows how to count to three. Jack then stands Q up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Jack picks Q up over his shoulder and power slams him to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kicks out by Q. Shelia is pacing and writing notes at ringside as Jack stands Q up again. Q thumbs Jack in the eye and then gives him a series of knife edge chops to the chest that send him into the corner. Q then arm drags Jack to the middle of the ring and applies a hammerlock submission hold on Jack. The referee checks for a submission as Jack refuses to do so. Ricky Simms - Good match here to open the second round. Henry Lesher - Nice to see a thumb to the eye from Q there. That's what he needs to do in order to win me over. Ricky Simms - You're quite the sportsman, Doc. Jack uses his feet to reach for the ropes. Q struggles to hold Jack still in the middle of the ring. Jack pulls his head forward and then slams it back, head butting the nose of Q and weakening the hold enough that he can scramble to the ropes where his feet tangle in the bottom rope to force the break. Jack then pulls himself out of the ring and then reaches under the apron. He pulls out a cloth and smiles as Q rolls himself out of the ring, the cloth hidden from his sight. Jack applies a sleeper hold, his back to the referee and the cloth over the face of Q. Shelia rushes around the ring as she sees Q drop a lot faster than he should in such a hold. Jack stuffs the cloth into his trunks and then rolls Q into the ring. Shelia patrols ringside where they just were, knowing something happened that shouldn't have. Jack goes for the pin on Q. 1...2...3! Halloween Jack scores the win over Q and becomes the first to reach the final four! Ricky Simms - Big win for Halloween Jack. He got a heavy assist from what appears to be chloroform. Henry Lesher - Well, I think it's crap, but Jack made the match shorter and so I can't hate the guy for that. As Jack exits the ring, his arms raised in victory, we look backstage and find Anthony Hicks with Joe Davidson. Joe Davidson - Hicks, I have known you since the 80s and never saw a woman beat you before. Anthony Hicks - Joe, I have to admit, referees in AW are more crooked than I heard they were. I never tapped. Joe Davidson - But we all saw you tap out. Anthony Hicks - No, you saw me psyching myself up for a comeback. Joe Davidson - You didn't get up for awhile after the match ended though. Anthony Hicks - I was devastated by the inept officials. Joe Davidson - Okay.... Hicks and Joe then share an awkward moment, looking straight at each other. They then both raise their eyebrows and then both walk away. Daniel McCoy vs Hoshi Yakamoto "Surfing with the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Xtreme champion Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way to the ring. The crowd gives her the standard warm greeting. She stops at ringside and looks around as if for an attacker as Bart Phillips joins her at ringside. She then pulls herself onto the apron and then into the ring. She tests the ropes as her music fades and we hear "Delilah" by Mindset and Daniel McCoy starts to make his way towards the ring. The crowd gives him as warm a reception as they gave Hoshi. Ricky Simms - The crowd is really into McCoy. He has won them over. Henry Lesher - That further proves my point that fans are idiots. McCoy stops at ringside and looks into the ring at Hoshi. He then pulls himself onto the apron, takes a moment to look around at the crowd and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. The bell sounds as Hoshi and McCoy then lock up. McCoy breaks that with a knee lift to the gut and then whips Hoshi off the ropes. She ducks a clothesline attempt and then lands a springboard bulldog on McCoy before going for the early pin. 1...2... McCoy manages to kick out. Hoshi then stands Daniel McCoy up, whips him off the ropes and lands a spinning heel kick on McCoy that sends him back down to the mat. Hoshi then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top with the crowd cheering her on. She launches herself and misses the flying elbow as McCoy rolls out of the way. Ricky Simms - Some misfortune there for Hoshi. Henry Lesher - No one cares. Look at the fans heading for the concessions stands. You know what? That isn't a bad idea. This is a good chance for me to get myself something to snack on before the action gets interesting again. As Lesher gets up and heads out through the crowd, inside the ring McCoy has got to his feet. He stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and dropkicks her back down to the mat. Daniel McCoy then lands a knee drop to the chest on Hoshi and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. McCoy then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and Hoshi ducks a clothesline before then doing a handspring into a head scissors on Daniel that she uses to spin him down to the mat. Hoshi then quickly gets to her feet and then lands a somersault leg drop across the chest of McCoy before she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Daniel McCoy. Ricky Simms - This match really could go either way. I know I am enjoying it, but that would have as much to do with Lesher being absent as anything else. Hoshi stands McCoy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a DDT from there. She then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She then lands a 360 splash onto the fallen McCoy and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Hoshi Yakamoto is in the final four! Ricky Simms - She managed to make it happen. She moves on to face Halloween Jack in the semi-finals. We then see Lesher with a hot dog in one hand and a Coke in the other, a bag of Old Dutch chips hanging from his mouth. He climbs over the railing with some help from a nearby security guard and then tales his seat next to Ricky. Henry Lesher - Boy, that match sucked. Let's move on. Ricky Simms - You're terrible. Henry Lesher - No, they were terrible. That's why I left. As Hoshi exits the ring and McCoy comes to and realizes his million dollar dream is over, we take a look backstage where Myst is getting ready for her next match. Rated R enters the shot behind her. Rated R - Listen, I want you to understand something. This is just business. Myst - *turns and looks at Ryan confused* What's this, human feeling in the voice of Rated R? Rated R - Vesuvius made an offer to me earlier tonight. I have some things to think about. Myst - So you're screwing me over and you wanted to come here and tell me for your conscience? Rated R - You know me. I don't have a conscience. I just know what respect is about and.... I have a lot to think about. Myst - Did Vesuvius promise you the million? Rated R - When he saw Hicks was a flop, he came to me and made me an offer. I don't want it like this. Tonight we were supposed to see who the best is and... I don't know. Myst - You do know. You're becoming the same coward you were in GWO. See you in the ring. Myst punches her locker and then storms out of the room. Rated R looks like he will call to her, but he looks down instead. The Nameless vs Tommy Purr "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa plays as Tommy Purr comes out to a loud ovation from the crowd. He adjusts his nose covering mask as he makes his way to the ring and Bombshell is present now as well as Mrs. Robinson. Purr steps into the ring and seems a little more nervous than usual with the prospect of facing the current AW champion now upon him. His music fades and then we hear "Start a War" by Static X and Nameless is led out from the back by Emily Blackstone. As usual, she has a piece of paper in hand, no doubt a message from Nameless to his next opponent here tonight. Emily Blackstone - Tommy Purr, Nameless knows you can play the game. Nameless knows you can see when you are overmatched. Nameless is going to make you an offer and it's for your own good if you should accept that. Nameless will destroy your face tonight. Nameless is here to win a million dollars and he will go through you to do it. If you're smart as they say, you'll step aside. Tommy Purr smiles as he stands inside the ring and the crowd starts a chant for him. He then takes the microphone from ring announcer Kelly Buchanan. Tommy Purr - Sorry to take your microphone, slut, but I have something to say to our esteemed champion here. So, Nameless, the masked freak with the title, wants me to step out of his way? Nameless, you may scare a lot of people, but you do not scare me. You are simply another wrestler that is going to find out why the Tommyknocker is the best finisher in wrestling. You're warning me? I am warning you, my friend. You step in this ring and I'll not only ruin your face, I'll expose it to the world. Nameless marches towards the ring with Emily close behind. Nameless reaches the ring and pulls himself onto the apron only to take a clothesline from Tommy that sends him back down to the floor. Tommy then rolls himself out of the ring and starts putting the boots to the champion. He even grabs the AW title belt off of his shoulder and starts whipping him with it. Referee Steve Blake threatens to throw the match out if they can't get into the ring and make the match legal. Tommy stands Nameless up and whips him head first into the steel ring steps and then finally rolls him into the ring. When Tommy follows, the referee calls for the bell and we are officially underway. Ricky Simms - Tommy is really taking it to Nameless here. He really isn't scared of that monster. Henry Lesher - Tommy is going to win this match and this tournament. Nameless has never been faced with a challenge as strong as this one before. It's his time now, just as the name of his show says. Tommy Purr applies a camel clutch on the fallen Nameless and the referee checks for a submission from the champion. Hearing nothing, he shrugs and Tommy fights to pull back further and force the mute champion to scream that he submits here. Instead of submitting, Nameless starts pushing himself up from the mat. Tommy struggles to maintain control, but Nameless manages to get to his hands and knees and Tommy pulls himself off of Nameless. Tommy starts kicking Nameless in the ribs as the champion continues to get to his feet. If the kicks are having any impact, Nameless isn't showing it. Nameless then grabs Tommy around the throat and sets for a choke slam only to take a thumb to the eye from Tommy who then lands a series of forearm upper cuts that send Nameless into the corner buckle. Ricky Simms - Tommy is doing a good job of holding his own thus far in this match. Henry Lesher - Of course he is. Look at him. He's magnificent! Ricky Simms - Let it go, Doc. Tommy whips Nameless off the ropes and dropkicks him to the chest. Nameless stumbles backwards and his hands become entangled in the top and middle ropes. Tommy gets to his feet, sees this and smiles. He struts over to Nameless and slaps him across the face. He slaps him across the face again and then tells the camera we are about to find out who Nameless really is. When Tommy turns his attention back to Nameless, Nameless' arms have been freed by the referee and he grabs Tommy around the throat with both hands and backs him into the nearby corner where he lands a series of knees to the gut on Tommy. Nameless then picks Tommy up by the throat and tosses him to the middle of the ring. Tommy gasps for breath as he also struggles to exit the ring, As he rolls towards the ropes, Nameless steps on his hand, then grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Ricky Simms - This looks bad for Tommy. Henry Lesher - I can't bear to watch something bad happen to such a pretty man. Nameless pulls the mask off the face of Tommy and rears back to punch him. Instead, Bombshell charges into the ring and holds the fist of Nameless as Tommy low blows the champion. The referee calls for the bell as Tommy and Bombshell roll themselves out of the ring. Tommy is careful to protect his face as they and Mrs. Robinson make their way to the back. Nameless sits up and looks towards the retreating Tommy and we can only guess at what he might be thinking at this moment. Ricky Simms - Cowardice there for Tommy, though you can hardly blame him. Henry Lesher - The match is no DQ, right? Tommy's still in this thing, right? Ricky Simms - No, he's out and Nameless will await the winner of Rated R and Myst up next. Nameless rolls himself out of the ring and uses the guard railing to pull himself to his feet. He then grabs a steel folding chair at ringside and sits down on it, apparently collecting himself after a vicious low blow. We then look backstage where Shengee Shmelky is with Halloween Jack. Shengee Shmelky - Jack, a suspicious cloth aids you in reaching the final four tonight. We wonder what awaits Hoshi in the next round? Halloween Jack - Shengee, I won that match fair and square. I will beat Hoshi fair and square. Shengee Shmelky - But we saw you... Halloween Jack - *glares at the albino* You saw nothing. Shengee Shmelky - I saw nothing then... Jack backs off and Salty Tom enters now, finishing off a hot dog. Salty Tom - These rock with salt on them. Ha! Rock salt! Man, write that down. Shengee Shmelky - I need you here when I interview people like Jack. Salty Tom - I was hungry. Shengee Shmelky - You're always hungry. Myst vs Rated R "Sonne" by Rammstein plays as Myst makes her way out from the back and starts down towards the ring. The crowd gives her one of the loudest pops of the night. Myst makes her way to ringside and sees Nameless sitting there, recuperating from what Tommy Purr inflicted on him and she visibly shudders. Ricky Simms - Myst has shown fear of Nameless before. Henry Lesher - It's the only intelligent thing she has done in AW, stay away from Nameless. Myst pulls herself onto the apron and steps into the ring, not taking her eyes off of Nameless. Her music fades and then we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R makes his way out from the backstage area. Rated R quickly makes his way to ringside and then heads around the ring to Nameless, apparently not intimidated by the AW champion at all. He tells Nameless to get away from ringside so he can have his clean match. Nameless slowly gets to his feet as referee Mark Davis shouts at Rated R to get into the ring. Rated R and Nameless glare at each other for a few moments and then Rated R turns away and rolls into the ring. Nameless sits back down at ringside, clearly not willing to leave just yet. Ricky Simms - Nameless apparently is sticking around for now. Henry Lesher - I'm sure the mute would be better at commentary than you. Grab him a headset. Rated R and Myst circle each other as the bell sounds to get the match underway. The lock up and Rated R shoves Myst into the corner buckle. He tells her it's all fair and she nods. She moves in for another lock up, but instead gives Rated R a series of forearm smashes across the jaw and then clotheslines him to the mat. Myst then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Rated R before mounting him and landing a series of punches to the forehead on the former GWO champion. Myst then stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Rated R rolls himself out of the ring and comes face to face with Nameless again. Rated R has a few words for him and then turns and pulls himself onto the apron. Myst allows Rated R into the ring and then gives him a right hook. Rated R answers with a series of body shots on Myst, then whips her off the ropes and backdrops her to the mat. Rated R then lands an elbow smash across the throat on Myst and goes for the pin. 1...2... Myst kicks out. Ricky Simms - Clearly Nameless being out here is causing problems in this match. Henry Lesher - Not for Nameless. Rated R stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then gives Rated R a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Myst then goes for the pin on Rated R. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Myst then stands Ryan up, whips him into the corner buckle and then knees him in the gut, sending him somersaulting out of the corner to the center of the ring where he lands on his tailbone. Myst then applies a sleeper hold. As soon as she applies it, Rated R gets to his feet, picks her up and gives her a spinning power slam to break the hold. Rated R then hooks the leg for another pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Rated R shakes his head as he then goes to the ropes, climbs to the second rope and lands a leg drop across the back of Myst's neck. He rolls her over for yet another attempt to get the three count. 1...2... Myst rolls a shoulder out in time. Ricky Simms - Both wrestlers going for the quick win and neither able to get it here. Henry Lesher - Myst is nothing. Rated R will win this in a walk. He is just toying with her. As Rated R stands Myst up and whips her into the corner buckle, we see Vesuvius making his way out towards the ring. He has a smile on his face and a wad of cash in his right hand. He smells the cash and almost hands it to a young fan before yanking it away from them. Vesuvius then calls to Rated R and shows him the cash and tells him he knows what he needs to do. Rated R looks at Vesuvius and then at Myst. He then hip tosses Myst to the center of the ring. Rated R turns his back to Vesuvius as he then stands Myst up and whips her off the ropes. Myst ducks a clothesline and then dropkicks Rated R to the mat. Myst then turns her attention to Vesuvius and spits at him. He smiles and nods as he wipes the spit from his face. He then heads around the ring to where Nameless is sitting and shows him the wad of cash. Nameless gets to his feet and stands very still as Vesuvius explains to Nameless what he needs to do in order to win the cash. He points at Rated R and Nameless responds by placing his hand around the throat of the AW owner. Nameless picks Vesuvius up and choke slams him to the floor. Ricky Simms - Oh my God! Did you see that? Henry Lesher - It happened three feet from us. Of course I saw it. Nameless just became a God among men! Nameless stands over Vesuvius as inside the ring, Myst and Rated R exchange knife edge chops to the chest. Rated R gets the upper hand and knees Myst in the gut before giving her a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Rated R then stands Myst up, sets for and executes a vertical suplex while letting her stay in the air for a few moments to really think about it before dropping her down to the mat. Rated R then goes to the ropes and starts making his way to the top while the camera shows Nameless looking on. Rated R perches himself on the top and poses once for the fans before going for a top rope splash only to find no one home as Myst rolls out of the way. Ricky Simms - He took too long with that one. Henry Lesher - Well, he figured Myst was most comfortable on her back and would stay there. She does for everyone else. Myst uses the ropes to pull herself to her feet only to come face to face with Nameless. He cocks his head to one side as he looks at her. She seems transfixed by him when Rated R rolls her up into a small package. 1...2... kick out by Myst and her momentum causes her to fall out of the ring and to the feet of Nameless. Rated R gets to his feet and has a few words with the referee as Nameless grabs Myst around the throat, picks her up and choke slams her onto the floor. Nameless then exits ringside as Rated R and the referee both take notice of the fallen Myst. Rated R looks over to see Nameless retreating as Myst lies out cold on the floor. Ricky Simms - It looks like Rated R will get a count out win here over Myst and he isn't happy about it. Henry Lesher - Then he's an idiot. A win is a win. Who cares how you get it? Rated R rolls himself out of the ring and finds Vesuvius standing there with the wad of cash in his hand. Rated R looks at the money, looks down at the fallen Myst and grabs the microphone from Kelly Buchanan as she exits the ring. Rated R - A year ago, I made a million dollar decision. Now I am making another. A year ago, I became the nastiest superstar in wrestling, so much so that the damned WWE is stealing my gimmick and badly, I might add! A year ago, I started on the road to becoming a legend and I'm still no angel. I'm no friend of this woman lying here, but I'll let you in on a secret Vesuvius. I would much rather walk alone this time. Rated R then clocks Vesuvius with a right hook and slams his face into the steel corner post before dumping him over the railing and into the crowd. The arena erupts with cheers and they start a chant for Rated R as he then checks on Myst and shakes his head. This isn't how he wanted this to end. We see Scavenger backstage with Ray Dees, the table with the goodies still behind him. Ray Dees - Boy, Scav, some shockers in that round to be sure. Scavenger - Rated R is an idiot. Now, I have an offer to make to those who failed to advance beyond this round. Q, Daniel McCoy, Tommy Purr and Myst are all going to vie for the newly created Anarchy Monarchy title. Once a month someone will challenge the king or queen of the AW. If Tommy wins, we'll flip a coin on whether to call him king or queen. Ray Dees - That's huge. Scavenger draws the golden crown out from under the cloth on the table and smiles at it as he holds it up to the light. Scavenger - This is huge. This will mean so much to the AW roster. Tonight is the biggest night in wrestling history, Ray. No one will ever doubt the greatness we are headed towards when this event is finished. Ray Dees - I am impressed. Halloween Jack vs Hoshi Yakamoto "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes out and hears loud booing from the crowd. He makes his way to ringside and looks around and tells the crowd they are booing a million dollar man at this moment. He then leaps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He leans back against the ropes as his music fades and "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays in its place. Hoshi Yakamoto comes out, led by Bart Phillips, into her semi final match. Hoshi and Bart talk things over at ringside before she finally makes her way up the ring steps and then steps into the ring. Ricky Simms - As we close in on the million dollar match, the intensity inside that ring continues to rise. Henry Lesher - Hoshi? Intensity? Ricky, you need to raise your standards. Actually, you know what? If you raise your standards, matches like this will destroy your will to live. Just live in ignorant bliss. As the bell sounds to get things started, Hoshi and Jack lock up. Jack immediately head butts Hoshi twice and then picks her up over his shoulder and then gives her a running power slam to the mat. He signals that he is ready to end this early and stands her up, setting for the Pumpkin Bomb. She ducks and backdrops Jack to the mat and rolls herself out of the ring. Hoshi then goes over to Bart and talks to him for a few moments and then grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself onto the apron where Jack greets her with a kick to the face. Jack then pulls her into the ring by her hair and pulls her to the center of the ring with a sadistic grin on his face. He picks Hoshi up by the hair and then slams her, head first, to the mat. Ricky Simms - Is it my imagination or is Jack getting more vicious as the night goes along? Henry Lesher - I knew there was a reason I liked him more now than I did at the start of this garbage. Halloween Jack stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then pulls the feet out from under Jack and then applies a quick figure four leg lock on a shocked Jack. The crowd cheers her on as the referee checks for a submission. Jack shakes his head while screaming in pain and reaching for the ropes. Jack sits up and starts punching the legs of Hoshi's as they are entwined with his. He then tries to reach for the ropes again without success. Jack then starts an attempt to roll the hold over. He still refuses to submit when the referee asks. Jack then manages to roll the hold over on a second attempt and Hoshi is the one reaching for the ropes. Ricky Simms - Jack reverses the pressure here on the Xtreme champion. Henry Lesher - No one has ever explained to me how that idiot has a title. Hoshi lunges a second time for the ropes and snags the bottom rope with two fingers. The referee demands a break of the hold and Jack shakes his head, saying he won't let her go. Referee Mark Davis is forced to physically pull Jack and Hoshi apart and then warns Jack that if he does anything like that again he will be disqualified. Jack shrugs at the referee and then goes after Hoshi. He swings with a closed fist, but Hoshi ducks it and then gives Jack an atomic drop before then putting him in a headlock and dropping him to the mat with a DDT. Hoshi rolls Jack over for the pin attempt. 1...2... Jack gets a foot on the bottom rope to keep the match going. Hoshi stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then dropkicks him in the corner for good measure. Hoshi then retreats to the opposite corner and takes a run at Jack, does a cartwheel into a head scissors and takes him down to the mat. Ricky Simms - Well executed by Hoshi. Henry Lesher - I agree. Let's execute Hoshi. We see Vesuvius making his way towards the ring yet again tonight. Inside the ring, Hoshi applies a sleeper. Vesuvius looks down at ringside at Bart Phillips and signals towards the back. Two police officers make their way to ringside and one produces handcuffs and asks Bart to turn around. Vesuvius shrugs. Hoshi takes notice and releases Halloween Jack and rolls out of the ring to confront Vesuvius. Vesuvius raises his hands and tells her he has nothing to do with this, that this is a legal matter only. Halloween Jack rolls himself out of the ring behind Hoshi, turns her around and gives her a face buster on the floor. Jack then picks Hoshi up and drops her on top of the guard railing, her throat slamming onto it with a sickening amount of force. Jack then rolls Hoshi back into the ring. Vesuvius jumps onto the apron and says a few things to referee Mark Davis while Halloween Jack lands a series of closed fist punches on Hoshi and then chokes her with both hands. Vesuvius finally jumps down and Jack stands Hoshi up, smiles at the angry crowd and then gives her the Pumpkin Bomb before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Halloween Jack is in the finals! Ricky Simms - Wow, Vesuvius comes out and gets Jack another win. Vesuvius grabs the microphone from ring announcer Kelly Buchanan. Vesuvius - Your winner and first finalist, and the newest member of Anarchy Incorporated, Halloween Jack! The winner of Nameless and Rated R gets to lose to this guy, the new poster child of AW! Jack bows and the crowd starts a chant of "Jack sucks" that only brings about more bowing. Jack then exits the ring as the "police officers" release Bart Phillips and laugh as he rushes into the ring to attend to Hoshi. Ricky Simms - This was one big setup! Henry Lesher - Boy, you catch on really fast, Rick. That kind of genius will make Jack a millionaire tonight. You have to like his odds. Ricky Simms - Rated R told Vesuvius to shove his money. Nameless choke slammed him rather than take it. One of them will be led to the slaughter when they face Jack in the finals tonight! As Jack and Vesuvius continue their celebration, we look backstage where Shengee Shmelky and Salty Tom are waiting outside of Nameless' dressing room. Instead of the champion, Emily Blackstone emerges from the room and quickly slams the door shut. She reads another message from the champion. Emily Blackstone - Rated R will suffer. There will be no offers made to him for mercy. There will be none. Vesuvius may have his new ally in Jack, but it will not protect him. Nameless makes no apology for his actions this night. Nameless only desires the money tonight from the point of not allowing others to have it. When he wins the million dollars tonight, he may very well burn it. Nameless will not be stopped. May whatever God Rated R believes in have mercy on his soul, because the champion will not. Shengee Shmelky - That's pretty strong wording. Emily Blackstone - He's the champ. She then heads back into the dressing room and Shengee and Salty Tom head off down the hallway. Salty Tom - Want a hot dog? I'm buying? Shengee Shmelky - I could go for one, yeah. Rated R vs The Nameless "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace plays and Rated R makes his way out from the back to the loudest ovation he has ever received from any crowd. He is actually somewhat taken aback by it and tells the camera this must be a mistake since he doesn't care about fans or anyone but himself. He then shrugs and continues on his way towards the ring. Rated R jumps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring where he says a few things to referee Steve Blake about calling a fair match tonight. Ricky Simms - I never thought I would see the day Rated R was this popular. The fans must really hate Vesuvius. Henry Lesher - They're mere sheep. If Rated R takes the money now, they'll turn on him on moments. We both know that. As Rated R stretches inside the ring, the arena darkens somewhat and we hear "Start a War" by Static X and we see AW champion, Nameless, making his way towards the ring. Nameless has Emily Blackstone with him again, though this time there is no speech before the match. He won't even try to convince Rated R to avoid this match. Ricky Simms - These two are set to meet later tonight for the AW title. Maybe Nameless wants to soften Rated R up in this match so he gets the easy defense from there. Henry Lesher - Nameless wants to become the first man to pin a wrestler twice in two separate matches in one night in AW history. He has a very good chance of doing that if Rated R doesn't give in to temptation and take the money. Nameless stops at ringside as Emily adjusts her hair and tries to look sharp for the camera. The AW champ steps up onto the apron and looks out to the crowd, his mask hiding any reaction he might be having. They are greeting him with the negativity he has fed every week and that's unlikely to change in this match. Nameless steps over the top rope and the bell sounds as Rated R moves in and starts landing kicks to the kneecaps of the champ. Rated R then gives him a series of forearm upper cuts to the mask before delivering a snap mare to the mat where Rated R applies a cross face chicken wing. The referee checks for a submission, but Nameless is mute once again. Rated R holds him steady for nearly thirty seconds before then releasing him and standing him up. Rated R goes for the whip to the opposite corner only to have Nameless reverse it and send Rated R into the corner instead. Nameless then clotheslines Rated R to the mat and gives him a knee to the chest from there. Nameless then stands over Rated R and nods his head. He then stands the former GWO champion up, whips him hard into the corner buckle and then gives him a big boot to the chest from there, sending Rated R right back down to the mat. Ricky Simms - The champ is in full control now. Henry Lesher - And if he wins here... when he wins here, think of the psychological advantage that will give him. It's really exciting when you think about it! Nameless wraps his hand around the throat of Rated R as he pulls him to his feet. He then picks him up, but Rated R places his feet on the top rope while in the air and then he spins himself around, grabs the arm of Nameless and arm drags him to the mat. Rated R then leans back in the corner and tries to collect his wind. Nameless then starts pulling himself to his feet while Rated R rolls himself out to the floor. The crowd starts a chant for Rated R while he pulls himself along the guard railing. Nameless rolls himself out of the ring and walks up behind Rated R and gives him a double axe handle smash across the back. Nameless then turns Rated R around, headlocks him and goes for a DDT only to have Rated R block it and then pick Nameless up and give him an inverted atomic drop. Rated R then rolls himself into the ring. Ricky Simms - Rated R is desperate to get the better of the champ here. Henry Lesher - Rated R is finding out how much tougher it is to fight when you're the nice guy. The high road is for fools. Ricky Simms - I don't know how nice he is. He just refused Vesuvius' money. I haven't seen him cuddling babies or walking old ladies across the street just yet. Nameless grabs the apron and manages to roll himself into the ring while the chants for Rated R grow louder still. Rated R greets Nameless with kicks to the ribs, then pulls him to his feet and whips him into the corner buckle before giving him a German suplex to the center of the ring. Rated R then goes to the padding on the corner buckle and starts untying it. Henry Lesher - That's more like it. Ricky Simms - Rated R taking a shortcut here in his efforts to defeat the AW champion. As he removes the padding, Nameless gets to his feet behind Rated R. Nameless hits Rated R from behind with a knee to the small of the spine and then gives him a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Nameless then signals he is going for another choke slam here and then wraps his hand around the throat of Rated R. He stands Rated R up, Rated R thumbs Nameless in the eye and then grabs his legs, picks him up and drops him face first onto the exposed turnbuckle. Rated R then gives Nameless a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Rated R then rolls himself out of the ring. Nameless rolls himself out of the ring after him, still looking to be in tip top shape even after the attacks Rated R has committed. Rated R is only inches in front of him when he turns, gives Nameless a punch to the face and then drops to give him a jawbreaker. Rated R then clotheslines Nameless over the guard railing and into the crowd before rolling himself into the ring. The crowd's chants for Rated R are almost deafening. Ricky Simms - Ryan is doing a fine job here standing toe to toe with the champ. Henry Lesher - He isn't going to be able to fairly pin Nameless. He has to get creative. Nameless drags himself back over the guard railing. Emily Blackstone looks concerned at ringside, though we wonder if she fears for her own safety in the event of a loss by Nameless here tonight. Nameless grabs the apron and pulls himself into the ring where Rated R greets him with a leg drop across the back of the neck. Rated R then manages to pick the big man up over his shoulder and run him mask first into the exposed turnbuckle, then backs up and does it again. Rated R then drops Nameless back down to the mat. Rated R looks out to the crowd, his breathing severely labored. Rated R signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this, picks Nameless up and finds the strength to deliver the Restricted and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Rated R wins the toughest match of the night! Ricky Simms - What a great win for Rated R! Henry Lesher - Oh, sure, he can drill someone's skull with exposed steel now because the fans like him. When I liked you, you were ready to lynch him for that behavior. You're a hypocrite and so it every fan out there cheering him on tonight. Ricky Simms - Oh, settle yourself down. This sets up quite the final match between Halloween Jack and Rated R. As Rated R exits the ring, inside the ring Nameless is already showing signs of coming to. He sits up and looks at referee Steve Blake. Blake drops and rolls out of the ring, all too aware of what Nameless did to a referee already tonight. Nameless gets to his feet and looks towards Rated R and shakes his head. He looks over at Emily and she hangs her head, afraid to look into those cold and unfeeling eyes right now. Ricky Simms - The champ isn't impressed, but he is out. Rated R will be trying to repeat as the million dollar man in our next match! Henry Lesher - You weren't so excited about that last year when he fought your little pal Razorblade. Everyone was against him then. Has anyone seen razorblade? No, they haven't. He's gone from existence and Rated R is still here. Of course, I'm the idiot. Ricky Simms - Now that I will agree with. Backstage we see Scavenger with Ray Dees again. Scavenger has a big grin on his face. Scavenger - Now that Halloween Jack is among our ranks and set to win the million bucks, I can announce our final match of the night. Hoshi Yakamoto, Nameless and Rated R will square off with the winner receiving one hundred thousand dollars, all of which is sitting on this table behind me. Ray Dees - Well, it could be Halloween Jack. I mean, he could lose to Rated R. Scavenger - Very funny, Raymond. Look, Anarchy is going to win this tournament. I was ticked at the prospect of that monster Nameless being one of us and now that he isn't, I feel good about Jack being on board. Ray Dees - So Jack was merely a back up? Scavenger - There are no back ups. You're either worthy of Anarchy inclusion or you're not. He is and that's all there is to it. Ray Dees - I guess that's that then. ![]() Rated R vs Halloween Jack "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes out and the crowd lets him know how little they like him right away. As their screams of hatred towards him get louder, Jack's grin gets wider. He stops at ringside and tells the camera they hate him because he did what any one of them would have done. He then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then pulls himself into the ring. As he has a few words with a loud fan in the front row, his music fades and we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R makes his way out from the back. He walks down towards the ring, looking to his left and to his right as if paranoid that Vesuvius will show up to give his chosen one a leg up in this match to punish Rated R for what happened earlier tonight. Ricky Simms - Rated R looks to be the worse for wear going into this match. Henry Lesher - Oh there is no way in hell that Rated R can make this work. Halloween Jack gets the money and he gets it because he knew how to play hardball when he needed to. Rated R will pay the price tonight. It's costing him a million dollars. Rated R makes his way up onto the apron and looks out at the cheering crowd, once again chanting his name with every ounce of energy they have. He steps into the ring and Halloween Jack greets him with a kick to the ribs and then gives him a pump handle slam to the mat before going for the pin, complete with feet on the ropes. 1...2... referee Steve Blake notices the feet on the ropes and shouts at Jack about playing by the rules. Jack tells Steve Blake this match is to be played by his rules and he stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Halloween Jack then goes to the ropes, makes his way to the top and actually yawns before executing a flying head butt on the fallen Rated R. He lazily leans back across Rated R, hands folded behind his head as the referee counts the pin. 1...2... Rated R kicks out. Halloween Jack has a few words with Steve Blake about the speed of his count. Blake tells Jack to make a proper pin if he wants to win this thing and it looks like they might come to blows here. Ricky Simms - Steve Blake was a wrestler himself, so he won't back down against Jack here. Henry Lesher - That makes him a fool. If he was a great wrestler, he wouldn't be a referee right now. The fact is, he needs to call this right or Vesuvius will take his job and give it to someone else. Halloween Jack stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a lariat that sends him down to the mat again. Halloween Jack then does a few jumping jacks next to his fallen foe and then does a muscular flex for the crowd. The Rated R chants that had died down start up again. Halloween Jack stands Rated R up, sets for and delivers a vertical suplex on him, then stands him up and delivers a second vertical suplex and finally does it a third time before going for the pin. 1...2... Rated R kicks out. Jack again shows referee Steve Blake three fingers. Blake shrugs and shows him two. Ricky Simms - Rated R has nothing left. Henry Lesher - This has to make Nameless feel good. When he is set to defend his title to end the night, Rated R will start the match on a stretcher. It will be over fast. Halloween Jack stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. Halloween Jack then starts up the ropes again and makes his way to the top, poses there and then goes for a 360 splash on the fallen Rated R only to find no one home as Ryan rolls out of the way. Rated R then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor where he lands in a heap. Halloween Jack appears to be winded as he rolls himself out of the ring as well and then lands a knee drop to the chest on the fallen Rated R. He then grabs Rated R by the hair and tells him this is what he gets for not playing ball. Halloween Jack slaps Rated R across the face twice and then stands him up and rolls him back into the ring. Jack rolls himself into the ring as well and then applies a Crippler Cross Face on Rated R. Rated R grabs for the bottom rope with his free hand, but he's too far away. Rated R then starts trying to push himself up from the apron while refusing to submit against the onslaught of Halloween Jack. Ricky Simms - How much more can Ryan take here? Henry Lesher - Jack is toying with him! Jack calls the shots on when Ryan has had enough. Vesuvius must be loving this. Rated R continues to push himself up from the mat and then lunges and manages to grab the rope to force the break. Jack raises his arms in victory and nods and says he heard Rated R give up. Referee Steve Blake is again left to disagree with Jack. They argue back and forth as Jack grabs Rated R by the hair, sets for and delivers a snap suplex on the former GWO champion. Halloween Jack then signals to the crowd it's time to end another one and points at Kelly Buchanan at ringside and tells her to get his money ready. He then stands Rated R up and takes an eye gouge from Rated R who then delivers a Rock Bottom on Halloween Jack to the delight of the crowd. Both men then lie on the mat, Rated R not having the energy to make the pin here. Rated R does start pulling himself to his feet with the aid of the ropes, the crowd's chanting getting louder again. Halloween Jack stirs and he starts to pull himself to his feet as well. Rated R leans back in the corner buckle and tries to gather some more of his remaining strength. Jack gets to a standing position and takes a super kick to the jaw from Rated R! Rated R then goes for the pin. 1...2... Jack rolls a shoulder out and Rated R slaps the mat in frustration. Ricky Simms - Rated R is using every ounce of energy he has to try and get himself that million. I really don't know if it can be done. Henry Lesher - It can't. For once, Ryan needs to do the right thing and take the bribe and beat Jack down with Vesuvius helping him, as it was meant to be. Jack and Rated R both get to their feet and start trading punches. Halloween Jack eye gouges Rated R. Rated R gives Jack a knife edge chop to the chest and then whips him hard into the turnbuckle before giving him a backdrop out of it. Rated R then goes to the ropes, makes his way to the second rope and gives Jack a bionic elbow from there, right between the eyes. Rated R then looks skyward and appears to be gaining momentum here, moving his feet and dancing like a boxer, measuring Jack as he then gives him a series of rights and lefts to the jaw. Rated R then rears back and delivers a haymaker that sends Halloween Jack right over the top rope and out to the floor. Rated R then drops and pulls himself out of the ring to the floor where he then puts the boots to Jack. He then stands Jack up, tries to whip him into the steel steps and instead Jack reverses it, sending Rated R shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Jack then smiles for the camera and says it's time to stop toying with a dying legend. Jack stands Rated R up, rolls him into the ring and then follows him in. Ricky Simms - Jack can feel it now. Henry Lesher - Rated R's failure is complete. Ricky Simms - Whatever, Lord Vader. Halloween Jack stands Rated R up, knees him in the gut and then delivers the Pumpkin Bomb. Halloween Jack then stands over Rated R for a few moments, enjoying this time in the spotlight and then he goes for the pin. 1...2... Rated R kick out! Halloween Jack screams at referee Steve Blake who again shows Jack two fingers. Jack shakes his head and then sets Rated R up for another Pumpkin Bomb. Instead, Rated R backdrops Jack to the mat and then picks him up and delivers the Restricted on Jack before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack! Ricky Simms - My God, these two men have taken the very best from each other and they are still going! Henry Lesher - The real winner of this match truly is Nameless. The main event should be a casket match since Ryan will be wheeled to the ring in one tonight. Rated R stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Steve Blake then starts counting them both down. On the four count, Halloween Jack rolls over and starts landing punches to the face of Rated R and that stops the count. Rated R responds with a punch to the throat on Jack and then slams his face onto the mat. Rated R then uses the nearby ropes to start getting to his feet. Jack pushes himself to his feet behind Rated R. Jack then gives Rated R a series of forearm smashes across the back of the neck. Jack picks Rated R up and drops him so that his throat lands on and slingshots off of the top rope. Rated R lands in a heap on the mat. Jack stands over Rated R and actually leads the Rated R chants, chanting along with the fans with a hand to his ear. Jack then picks Rated R up over his shoulder and gives him a power slam to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Rated R manages to roll a shoulder out. Ricky Simms - How the hell can Ryan have anything left?! Henry Lesher - Maybe he isn't smart enough to know he's dead. He's like Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense! Halloween Jack then stands rated R up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Rated R leap frogs Halloween Jack and kicks the legs out from under him and then gives him an elbow smash across the throat. Rated R then lands another elbow smash and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Jack kicks out. Rated R then stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a fisherman's suplex from there and goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out again by Jack. Rated R stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and Jack ducks a clothesline, then shoves Rated R towards the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the back that sends him over the top rope. Jack turns and poses for the crowd, but Rated R has managed to hold onto the top rope and pulls himself back into the ring. Rated R then stands behind Halloween Jack and taps him on the shoulder. Jack turns around, takes a knee to the gut and then takes a Pumpkin Bomb from Rated R! Rated R goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Rated R has repeated as the million dollar champion! Ricky Simms - I think the roof just loosened on this place. Henry Lesher - Hyprocrites. I loved him before it was cool! Rated R rolls himself out of the ring as Kelly Buchanan hands him the briefcase that contains the million dollars, one that matches the one he got last year for winning the same tournament. Rated R exits through the crowd, opting against going down the aisle and a possible run in with Vesuvius or one of his goons. The crowd swamps Rated R with pats on the back and a chant of his name gets even louder than before. Inside the ring, Halloween Jack actually has tears streaming down his cheeks and he shakes his head, swearing he will get Rated R back for this outrage. Jack then hits the referee in the gut and gives Steve Blake a DDT to the mat. Ricky Simms - It's not a safe place to be a referee tonight! Henry Lesher - Blake screwed Jack over. Ricky Simms - That was a fair count. Henry Lesher - We'll see what Vesuvius thinks of that. This is a sad day in wrestling. |