It's the day after Christmas, with stockings hung and a tree still standing in the corner of the room. It was management's way of making their customers feel more at home. It was a way to make those not with their family atleast remember the times when they were.
Dominic Pericolo let out a sigh, staring across the room at the tree. In the bed opposite to him lay Suki Minamoto, sleeping peacefully with her head resting in her pillow. It was a cold night, her blankets were covered up tight to provide ample warmth from the harsh temperature.
"What a week this will be..." Dominic whispered to himself softly, leaning back against the headboard of the bed; his eyes were focused on the ceiling, lit up faintly by the light outside their window. Dominic let out another sigh, looking over to Suki's sleeping form and smiling softly.
'Atleast she's here to encourage me...I can always count on her. Chris even suprised me, calling me to wish me a Merry Christmas yesterday while he spent his with Georgina. It was good to see him away from the arena too, that visit was long overdue.'
Dominic looked back out the window, seeing a faint shooting star in the sky. A soft smile formed on his features as he remembered the night before. He and Suki just talked about old times and the future, their conversation had lasted for hours. Dominic enjoyed talking to her so freely like old times, it was good to reminesce.
'Heh...but sometimes there are scenarios you just don't want to live through again.'
Matthew Logan, the confusing conundrum of a man who seems to despise Dominic's being so much that he brings him up week by week, though he'd yet to mention him once. The man who accuses Dominic of being homosexual whilst surrounding himself with burly men and speaking on him so heavily, despite not facing him for a few weeks now.
Who is Matthew Logan? Is he a man we can all look to for guidance to the light? A man we can find solace in when we are afraid? No, for he himself needs solace from his own personality it seems. A man whom is so intent upon confusing the world as to whom he really is. He is not satisfied with one mask to place over his face, for it seems every week he reaches into the proverbial box and grabs another, changing whom he is before the world once again.
Matthew Logan, a veritable riddle box.
Dominic stands from his bed, walking towards the window and looking out at the scenery around the hotel they were staying in. It wasn't that bad a place really, but the rooms were fairly small. Typically they'd just temporarily rent out an apartment, but there weren't any decent ones nearbye. The hotel would do, and it really did seem like a nice place.
Dominic looked out at the moon, it's lustrous glow filling a vast majority of the night sky captured within the window. Dominic's view of course was limited, however it offered plenty to see before him in the night sky. Despite the light outside the window, Dominic still had a clear view of the brilliant night sky, thousands of stars twinkling in their own small sections of the sky. Constellations shown brightly, as if the sky was interacting with itself before him. Why, at this angle he could even see the ever-popular big dipper.
The sky was an amazing sight to look at, especially with the realization of how far off so many of these stars were. The idea that some of them were planets reflecting sunlight, or even galaxies far away. It was fascinating of course, but the view was what Dominic enjoyed.
With a sigh he ran his fingers over the Christmas tree, the prickly feel of the pine giving a slight itch to his fingers. Management had even gone as far as to get real Christmas trees, a thoughtful gift to their customers.
Dominic let a small smile cross his features, it was little thoughts like this that rekindled his faith in the spirit of man. There were a select few in the world he could look to for support, but it was nice to be reminded by those he didn't even know. There were still thoughtful people in the world, people who really did still care for each other.
Atleast, of course, this is what he would assume. Such small acts of kindness can go a long way in a person's heart and mind, and Dominic's was truly kind. Perhaps that was why he took so much of Matthew Logan's comments with malice, his unneccesary insults towards his loved ones and the dead. He wonders why the fans boo him so, even while insulting an old flame of Dominic's who today still lies several feet underground.
Not only is Matthew Logan confused with his own personality, but perhaps he is confused with his morals as well. Of course, this is still in the thought that Matthew Logan holds any morals at all.
Whom did Matthew Logan spend his holidays with? How does Matthew Logan have the right to talk on emotion when all that he's felt is the most primitive ones?
Matthew Logan gets angry, he hates others. Matthew Logan trusts his big beefy bodygaurds, he finds comfort in their presence. Matthew Logan feels happy when he sees those he hates in pain, and feels sad and/or dissapointed when they defeat him.
Dominic Pericolo has dissapointed Matthew many a time in the past, covering his shoulders to the mat for a three count or outlasting him in a match. Why, their first match together was Matthew's first loss, a triple threat in which Wildcat Williams pinned Logan for the three.
Perhaps there is where Matthew Logan's unhealthy obsession with Dominic Pericolo started, perhaps he believes it was Dominic who should have taken the fall. After all, Dominic had all ready gotten a win under his belt, why not take the fall for his fellow rookie and allow Logan's record to atleast go untarnished for that short while longer?
Unfortunate as that loss may have been to Logan however, he persisted in harrassing Dominic afterwards. As has been said, maybe Logan just blamed Dominic. However, as both went on their own paths and Dominic became successful, we can establish a very blatant link between the two. Matthew Logan had grown jealous of Dominic Pericolo.
Dominic looked over to Suki, smiling softly as she rolled onto her side in her sleep, hugging her pillow closely. He could feel his heart melt in his chest, a pleasent feeling rolling down his spine and through his stomach. He truly loved her, there was no denying this fact. If one were to look him in the face and ask the question he would answer without hesitation.
Unless, of course, she was there before him. So sure of his emotions and yet so fearful of the reaction, despite knowing how she feels in return. Perhaps Matthew Logan was right in some aspects of his words, perhaps Dominic Pericolo really was a child. But better be a child with a full life ahead then be a senile old fool with the end times drawing closer. Matthew Logan was content with being senile, perhaps he'll find true happiness in old age.
There was no joy to be found for Matthew Logan, however, when Dominic first captured the North American title. In an unfortunate upset in Matthew Logan's eyes, Dominic Pericolo defeated both Jimmy Jett and all of the odds which were stacked against him. In what many would consider an amazing display of the underdog triumphing over Goliath himself, Matthew Logan saw it as his opportunity being stolen away.
One might say it was on that night that Matthew Logan changed another thing about him, as the green undertones of envy splashed across his face. The color of his face paled, changing from it's once vibrant peach. His eyes filled with flames, hatred burning brightly through his once dull orbs.
So intent upon causing mayhem in Dominic Pericolo's world, Matthew Logan challenged him for his title in a vain attempt of robbing Dominic of his 'precious'. After the first failed attempt, he returned for another challenge only to find himself fighting alongside Chris Champion. Both men failed on that night in their attempts to dethrone Dominic as champion, and Chris would fail once more the following month.
Time went on and the HWF brought forth one of their biggest events of the year, King of Violence. It was here the the history of Matthew Logan and Dominic Pericolo would continue; and in an ironic twist...they were paired together.
Pairings in Dominic's life were always interesting, and had some sense of happiness or anger to them. Dominic and Crystal were once a close couple, and now he and Suki were slowly becomming the same. Dominic and Champion shared a bond of friendship not felt by Dominic since his younger years with his closest of friends. A common understanding of the world around them lay between the two, their eyes focused on their dreams and their bodies fighting for what they believed in.
Chris Champion was picking up where Dominic left off in the world title hunt, intent upon winning their bet with each other. Dominic Pericolo was, of course, encouraging in the idea of Champion's victory. For it was only a mere few months prior that he himself faced Sharp and experienced defeat at his hands. It would truly be amazing to see his friend do what he could not.
Dominic Pericolo was not like Matthew Logan, he wouldn't be envious of Chris Champion's accomplishments.
The serenity of the night was broken by the sound of screeching tires, as Dominic looked back out the window and witnessed two cars crash into one another on a street nearby. The wreck wasn't bad, luckily, but it was enough to jar Dominic out of his thoughts. He glanced over at Suki, who remained asleep in bed, before turning to the window once more and seeing the two drivers of the cars step out and begin arguing with each other.
With a sigh, Dominic mumbled to himself. "So much for holiday spirit...'
The drivers began shoving each other, as cars began to pull over to break up the inevitable fight. With a roll of his eyes, Dominic voiced his opinion silently once again.
"Everyone's so hostile these days...those whom actually know emotion don't seem to express it enough, and those that do merely get chastised for it."
Dominic's thoughts drifted to all the problems he'd encountered from Logan in his expression of emotion. Truth be told, what Matthew Logan had to say never really mattered to anyone, but it still got on Dominic's nerves. One might say that Matthew Logan was like that annoying fly whom buzzes about your food in a restraunt, disrupting your meal and causing annoyance to creep through your veins.
Such an annoying pest was he, that Dominic could not help but wonder if Matthew Logan even was able to celebrate the holidays with anyone, much less celebrate them at all. Perhaps his bodygaurds were there for him, perhaps they even brought him gifts.
He could see it now...