XWA Main

- News
- Rules
- Join
- Staff

Wrestler Menu

- Roster
- Champions
- Promo's
- Locker Room


- XWA Magazine
- Angle Submission
- News Submission
- Match Request


Money System

The XWA is apart of Revolution Studios. Which is an Interfed that uses a money system called ICash. To View the ICash System click here.

General Rules

The XWA is an angle based federation. This basically means that the outcomes of matches are not always judged by roleplays. Winners will be judged by general activity. This means angle submitting, news headline submitting, being creative in promo's. Things like this judge how far your character gets in the business.

Basically I am not the one to write a list out saying what you can and cannot do. But, in order for this federation to run smoothly. There are a few guidelines in which one should follow.

Racism - Basically, I believe in equal opportunities. In roleplays AND OOC, I do not want to see comments which discriminate a person because of their race. Any racism which does occur, you will be fired. No Questions asked. This applies to everyone. Including Staff and Wrestlers. If I myself make a racist comment, then I too will close the federation. That is one thing that isn't going to happen.

Playing the Game - Please.... if anything. Join the XWA to have fun. Don't make it an essential thing you must do everyday. One thing I go on, Life comes First. I will be happy to see 3 roleplays a week. I don't want you thinking you MUST roleplay everyday. That isn't the case. I want you to be active, but I don't want this federation to take over your lives.

That is everything I want to cover for now. Don't hesitate to contact me over anything

Glyn Speight
AIM: Grandmaster Glyn
MSN: Avrilssk8erboy@hotmail.com