Long Live THE KING
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-02 AT 01:31 PM (EDT)]fade- in:
"I know it must have shocked you when I challenged you, Flair.
"It's funny... the oddest combinations make for the best friendships, and I can honestly say... you and I are friends in the truest sense. We travel together... when our destination was New York... or even now... if the road takes us to California – as it's your current residence, you've always left your door open for me, and you know not to even think of looking for a hotel whenever you're in my hometown, including this time. You've let me on the inside... and, have been there for me when I needed advice on how to handle a certain 'Psycho Bitch Manager of Champions', and even came to ME for advice on how to deal with your Angel. ...for that... for being my friend... I can't thank you enough.
"If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... this business will swallow you whole if you're not careful. If you're not 'hip' to the political war, you'll be strung along. I've been in the wrestling business for six years, and for four of those six, you've helped me in ways I couldn't imagine helping someone else. You've taught me things I never would've learned without you, and you forced me in the right direction when I was going south. ...even if that wasn't your intention, at the time. I owe you a lot, Eli... hell, if it wasn't for you... I'd have signed my name on a '21st Century Wrestling' contract, and be stuck there as I speak. I admit it, Flair... I owe you. ...but, I can't and won't allow the truth to be buried behind what appears to be the obvious."
[Small]The U62 logo slowly made its way to the corner of your television screen. His location was unidentified, as there were no famous landmarks that anyone unfamiliar to the suburban Orlando, Florida area would be able to point out. …but, he was in Orlando. …not the lit- up, tourist rich, area with all the theme parks, hotels and beaches. He was somewhere different… a little more laid back. Low Key. He sat silently on a set of stairs, in front of a building with no label on the front. Sean… wearing a short sleeved, yellow, “Abercrombie & Fitch” t- shirt, cargo pants, and brown “Biorndal “wide toe, quarter cut, shoes, forced himself to face the camera again.[/small]
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not going into this thing with a 'hurt you' mentality. I don't want to see you carried out on a stretcher just as much as you don't want to see me escorted out on one. I don't know what dictionary Kendall Codine read, when he looked up the word 'friend' but it's far different from ours. But... this is my big moment, E. My first time ever headlining a CSWA event, and it's in my hometown. Does it get any better? I'm on the brink of either being something big, or being Kevin Powers, the guy who could never make that leap. You saw what Gabriel Poe and the Hip Hop Express did to me in Gainesville... and, how Hornet screwed me at Fish Fund XIII. I can't afford to lose to you, Eli... because it'll set me back, just like you losing to me, would set you back in your quest for another World title.
"I know what the consequences of losing this match are, Eli. I knew them before we even agreed to wrestle this match. You wanna know why I threw out the challenge? ...I challenged you to this match to prove a point. That while, you played a big part in getting me to the dance, you're NOT the only reason. Assholes like Poe, Powers, Ryan, and Hornet like to joke that I'm some mini version of you. Why? I don't know. But, what I do know is, I'm not gonna stand for it. Yeah, they're playing mind games... I know it. I was born at night, not last night, and I see everything for what it truly is. But, just because I've exposed it, doesn't mean I'm fine with it.
"I... am... not... You."
[small]He took a moment to take a sip from the water bottle beside him on the stairs, to soothe his cracking voice. Once finished, he ran his fingers through his pony- tailed locks, returning his focus to the camera, shaking his head from side- to- side. [/small]
"Never claimed to be, and no offense, but I've never wanted to be, either. I am Sean Stevens all day, everyday, and Triple X when that bell rings, and that's all I ever wanted to be. I'd never use your name as a short cut to success, because it taints the success, plus it's not my style. My ultimate goal here is to be CSWA World Heavyweight Champion, but I'd gladly turn a championship opportunity down, before I let another man take credit for it. Because, I've been through too much, E. YOU know that. I've busted my ass against all comers. I've never backed down, and I've made a name for myself, not only here, but every f**king place we've been, as one of the top talents this industry has ever seen.
"I've been in the CSWA for two years, have known you for four, and never even mentioned your name, until recently... there's a reason for that, Eli... and, it's not because I'm ashamed. I want to do everything that I do here on my own. Not because of who I sleep with... or go to a bar with after the show ends. I didn't win the Presidential Championship with your help, and that's just like I like it. Just like I wanted it. And, when I finally DO become champion of this place... there will be nothing any jealous person will be able to say to dispute the fact that I'm the best ever. And, in Orlando, MY hometown... because of these people, who have doubted me and my ability... chalking up my success to piggy- backing off of you... we're going to go. And, it's gonna be classic. Just like everywhere else we've wrestled. And, no matter what happens in the end... three things are guaranteed... I'll still be your friend... Those fans are gonna go nuts...
"...and, I won't EVER be mistaken for you, again..."
[small]Sean got up and made his way up the steps, opening the buildings door, placing one foot on the inside, before pausing, and turning to face the camera again.[/small]
"I'll see you at 'the O', Eli. I know this great bar downtown. ...after I beat you, maybe we can go there for a drink."
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"I know it must have shocked you when I challenged you, Flair.
"It's funny... the oddest combinations make for the best friendships, and I can honestly say... you and I are friends in the truest sense. We travel together... when our destination was New York... or even now... if the road takes us to California – as it's your current residence, you've always left your door open for me, and you know not to even think of looking for a hotel whenever you're in my hometown, including this time. You've let me on the inside... and, have been there for me when I needed advice on how to handle a certain 'Psycho Bitch Manager of Champions', and even came to ME for advice on how to deal with your Angel. ...for that... for being my friend... I can't thank you enough.
"If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... this business will swallow you whole if you're not careful. If you're not 'hip' to the political war, you'll be strung along. I've been in the wrestling business for six years, and for four of those six, you've helped me in ways I couldn't imagine helping someone else. You've taught me things I never would've learned without you, and you forced me in the right direction when I was going south. ...even if that wasn't your intention, at the time. I owe you a lot, Eli... hell, if it wasn't for you... I'd have signed my name on a '21st Century Wrestling' contract, and be stuck there as I speak. I admit it, Flair... I owe you. ...but, I can't and won't allow the truth to be buried behind what appears to be the obvious."
[Small]The U62 logo slowly made its way to the corner of your television screen. His location was unidentified, as there were no famous landmarks that anyone unfamiliar to the suburban Orlando, Florida area would be able to point out. …but, he was in Orlando. …not the lit- up, tourist rich, area with all the theme parks, hotels and beaches. He was somewhere different… a little more laid back. Low Key. He sat silently on a set of stairs, in front of a building with no label on the front. Sean… wearing a short sleeved, yellow, “Abercrombie & Fitch” t- shirt, cargo pants, and brown “Biorndal “wide toe, quarter cut, shoes, forced himself to face the camera again.[/small]
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not going into this thing with a 'hurt you' mentality. I don't want to see you carried out on a stretcher just as much as you don't want to see me escorted out on one. I don't know what dictionary Kendall Codine read, when he looked up the word 'friend' but it's far different from ours. But... this is my big moment, E. My first time ever headlining a CSWA event, and it's in my hometown. Does it get any better? I'm on the brink of either being something big, or being Kevin Powers, the guy who could never make that leap. You saw what Gabriel Poe and the Hip Hop Express did to me in Gainesville... and, how Hornet screwed me at Fish Fund XIII. I can't afford to lose to you, Eli... because it'll set me back, just like you losing to me, would set you back in your quest for another World title.
"I know what the consequences of losing this match are, Eli. I knew them before we even agreed to wrestle this match. You wanna know why I threw out the challenge? ...I challenged you to this match to prove a point. That while, you played a big part in getting me to the dance, you're NOT the only reason. Assholes like Poe, Powers, Ryan, and Hornet like to joke that I'm some mini version of you. Why? I don't know. But, what I do know is, I'm not gonna stand for it. Yeah, they're playing mind games... I know it. I was born at night, not last night, and I see everything for what it truly is. But, just because I've exposed it, doesn't mean I'm fine with it.
"I... am... not... You."
[small]He took a moment to take a sip from the water bottle beside him on the stairs, to soothe his cracking voice. Once finished, he ran his fingers through his pony- tailed locks, returning his focus to the camera, shaking his head from side- to- side. [/small]
"Never claimed to be, and no offense, but I've never wanted to be, either. I am Sean Stevens all day, everyday, and Triple X when that bell rings, and that's all I ever wanted to be. I'd never use your name as a short cut to success, because it taints the success, plus it's not my style. My ultimate goal here is to be CSWA World Heavyweight Champion, but I'd gladly turn a championship opportunity down, before I let another man take credit for it. Because, I've been through too much, E. YOU know that. I've busted my ass against all comers. I've never backed down, and I've made a name for myself, not only here, but every f**king place we've been, as one of the top talents this industry has ever seen.
"I've been in the CSWA for two years, have known you for four, and never even mentioned your name, until recently... there's a reason for that, Eli... and, it's not because I'm ashamed. I want to do everything that I do here on my own. Not because of who I sleep with... or go to a bar with after the show ends. I didn't win the Presidential Championship with your help, and that's just like I like it. Just like I wanted it. And, when I finally DO become champion of this place... there will be nothing any jealous person will be able to say to dispute the fact that I'm the best ever. And, in Orlando, MY hometown... because of these people, who have doubted me and my ability... chalking up my success to piggy- backing off of you... we're going to go. And, it's gonna be classic. Just like everywhere else we've wrestled. And, no matter what happens in the end... three things are guaranteed... I'll still be your friend... Those fans are gonna go nuts...
"...and, I won't EVER be mistaken for you, again..."
[small]Sean got up and made his way up the steps, opening the buildings door, placing one foot on the inside, before pausing, and turning to face the camera again.[/small]
"I'll see you at 'the O', Eli. I know this great bar downtown. ...after I beat you, maybe we can go there for a drink."
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