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A new beginning


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(SHANE SOUTHERN, still drenched with blood, sweat and beer, stares intently at the face in the mirror hanging on his locker room wall. This is NOT what he had imagined this night to be like. He had KNOWN that tonight, he'd be sitting in this same room, surrounded by friends, wearing the NFW World Title belt and holding the ULTRA-TITLE trophy. But the moment is here, there are NO friends, NO congratulations, NO parties ... just Shane Southern, alone with his thoughts.

Ten years ago, a naive 22 year old broke into this sport. He wrestled guys like Mike Randalls and Eddie Mayfield .... lost, but learned. He grew up in this sport, idolized it, and pretty soon, the wrestling world began to return the favor. He grew more popular when he had a series of matches with JT Tyler for the US Title in the UWA, wrestled the champion and came within an eyelash of winning, then blew his knee out.

But the wrestling world didn't forget about Shane Southern the year he was out of the sport. They welcomed him back to the IWC, and cheered when he won his very FIRST World title. He lost it soon after, but they kept on cheering him ... kept on idolizing him, but Shane Southern, deep down, still felt empty. He NEEDED something to fill the void. He eventually returned to the ring in the NFW, and won the WORLD title there...but still a void. He went to the CSWA ... won practically ever title there, and even after becoming the CSWA World Champion ... STILL felt that void.

Southern THOUGHT the ULTRA-TITLE would fill that void. He THOUGHT that finally putting down Mike Manson would fill that void. But standing here, WITHOUT the NFW World title, WITHOUT the ULTRA-TITLE, WITHOUT the cheers and the admiration of the entire wrestling world, Shane Southern FINALLY felt the void was filled.

He was his OWN man now. Nobody worshiped him anymore. NOBODY would use HIM as a role-model anymore. The burden that was placed on him TEN years ago to be the man the promoters could use to give their fans a HERO was now gone. He felt as light as a feather.

A smile slowly crossed his face as he began to anticipate next season in the NFW. He thought about the CSWA, the WFW ... and the possibilities. Because the PRESSURE was no longer on him and because of that ... he could be the man he always knew he should be....one rough, tough sun-uva-***** that didn't take CRAP off anybody.

Party's Over? Nah, as the sh*t-eating grin grew ever larger on Southern's face he knew, that the Party was only getting started.
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