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Act of Desperation


Sep 13, 2004
[Camera fades in to see Omega sitting in the stands after EPW’s brutal pay-per-view Unleashed. He stares from the stands toward the ring area as the ring crew dismantles the rest of the ring. Omega still covered with blood from the cuts on his arms and chest after his somewhat odd embrace of Barb after his match. He took his hand and wiped the blood from his face which was still pouring from the open wound on his forehead from the brass knuckle shot from Frankie Scott after the match.]<o></o>
OMEGA: I didn’t know you had it in you Frankie.<o></o>
[Omega paused before a sly smirk came across his face.]<o></o>
OMEGA: You were a game competitor tonight but you continue to make these crucial mental errors. I bet you are wondering what I am talking about huh Frankie. Well let me fill you in. You continue to steal something from me. Frankie you think brass knuckles are going to deter me from regaining my Barb. <o></o>
[Omega takes his hand once again and wipes the blood away from his face.]<o></o>
OMEGA: Frankie, I know that the brass knuckles where not a sign of a man that came looking for a fight. It was not the sign of a man that would do anything to keep me away from Barb. No Frankie, the brass knuckles were a sign of desperation. It was a sign of a weak willed man trying to show EPW that he’s not afraid of the so-called monster.<o></o>
[Omega smiled briefly before licking his blood from his hand.]<o></o>
OMEGA: The fun has just begun Frankie. But mark my words, next time it won’t be my blood I will be tasting. It will be YOUR BLOOD. Why? Because THEY demand it. See you soon Frankie.<o></o>
[Fade out to the ring crew breaking down the last part of the ring.]<o></o>

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