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ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: ACTS of DEF is live! FEED THE BACKS!


It doesn't come off. That's Rule #1
Aug 19, 2008
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

(pardon the odd font. was cutted and pastified from elsewhere.)


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS


"It’s a Klein box!"

Fun read as per normal when it comes to the SEG. I don’t feel like this really furthered any story or that it was meant to, honestly. Although…

The tension, that seemed to be, previously mounting between Kendrix and the SEG; really seemed to be an issue that was handled off camera or nonexistent to begin with. Have I been imagining things? Other than the standard ‘Bruvs Before Schlubs” attitude Mikey and Kendrix seem to have toward PCP. And the PCP have toward Klein for that matter.

That being said … JFK, with an EGO as large as Mikey wishes his IMDB list were … certainly must still have title envy, amongst the crew. I’d love to see him make a run for the SoHer if Impulse takes it. Although a face turn, after SEG deems him to be “too much” of a wrestler and then a JFK/Mikey Feud would be amazing.


I hate that this is the second time I’m writing this because I’m sure I had better observations or comments before… or at the very least it was at least more off the cuff.

Anyway, this is a pretty cut and dry segment. Given that a babyface champ HAS to be a fighting Champion this keeps that idea moving forward. And after vanquishing Ryan, seemingly… and with Penn on the horizon; even if this main event is the biggest shit show of interference, it’s important (more for the title even than the character) that Troy is that fighting champion.


This was a good match. I expected Impulse to go over, regardless of the SEG involvement that we all knew would be a thing. That being said … I keep hoping each match Kendrix will show more and prove himself a proper wrestler further driving that wedge between him and Mikey leading the a potential feud.

For the summary style shown in the DEFinfo Doc this is written way more play by play/narrative verse past tense summary. Although the REF Murrr posted after the switch did look more like this than the DEFinfo Doc version … so less a criticism and more of a oh shit I've been doing it wrong.

I’ll try to split the difference moving forward. So with that being said; summary (DEFdoc style OR Murrr example style) I think this match only lacked ONE thing…

I think it needed a little more recap/analysis/selling in the POST match. Beyond that I think that was all put together well and was a good read. “Bruv Lives Matter”


What can I really say… classic coming soon type shit. The segment keeps it vague enough but the presentation was intriguing.


Apropos. Surprised this was such a incidental style segment but it does utilize a TV style subtly that normally isn’t put to use in FW.


Entertaining match but exactly what is expected. I’ve mentioned before I’m a fan of Evan’s whole idea for BRAZEN; so I’m glad to see them getting some shine even in loss. Clearly this line of BRAZEN brutal beatings is leading to something.


Short and sweet. Heel throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way. Can’t go wrong. I have to imagine the implications of this will ripple through the main event.


“We’ve built the wall!”

“And we’re going to make DEFIANCE pay for it!“

You can’t speak Jack Hunter’s name without him showing up and streetfighting you or your wall in this case. He’s like beetle juice in that way. Also, he was due a victory after the past few weeks. Wall 0, Jack 1.

Fun segment, Bruvs’ Inc screwing around with PCP. Post the election some good political humor was a good call. And forget everything I said before about JFK/Mikey, they seem thick as thieves. Would be a fun feud though.


Old cheating ass Shields...

The beginning had some nice foreshadowing in Shield’s slow or hesitant count. But the meat of the match showed Shields, at least, feigning to be above board. That being said, this was all a great setup for the Montreal-esque screw job to follow.

Well written match; a lot of action packed into the new shorter style. Overall, a very entertaining read.

Both men come across incredibly strong. This, especially, serves Penn while leading into his PPV match with Troy. and Andy although probably still reeling from DEF*MAX came back strong, played the proper face and fell victim to Penny’s spot on heel work.

Interested to see how this affects The King moving forward given that Penn is clearly slated for a title shot.

But I would also like to note that the post match action descriptions and the selling preformed by the announce team were top notch and really put over the whole spot; top to bottom. Which stands to mention the opening was very strong as well.


“DAAVVVEEEEE” So perfect.

As we ease into this segment I’m definitely glued to each sentence very anxious to see what is about to transpire, but Cayle asking “What are you doing here?!” has to be one of the dumbest questions asked this entire show and/or ever.

Anytime either of the Murray Boys see Bronson B to the O to the X ... that question is clearly already answered. A better question or at least one that would make me giggle is "What is in the, Box? ... WHAT’S IN THE, BOX?"

I am, admittedly, not that familiar with Bronson Box prior to joining DEFIANCE … so the fact that this seems to be the return to A[\i] form of the past is very intriguing. This also seems to be the night of cryptic messages delivered via locker room, although Box’s seems to be pretty black and white albeit in DEFIANCE red.

Overall, great segment and very entertaining. As the Box v. Murray Bros. saga continues I am 100 percent on board and can’t wait to see what is next.


The SKOOPZ are a plenty, tonight. Cool segment. Andy is FIRED UP! Love it. The justified face on a mission to make Jimmy John’s act right! I hope Jay’s recent disappearance doesn’t grind this to a halt. Though I’d imagine the elder Murray would eventually put over Jim-Jam, I would really love to see the cocky youngin’ get shown his limitations via a veteran. Some of the wording and terminology in this segment feels like it’s hinting toward that… but that could just be an angry vet venting.

Fun Observations:
“ … grinding my aging body to dust” *inhales* Goldust.

“I worked damn hard for my spot, I work even harder to keep my spot… and for a man like Perfection to think he can TAKE my spot?!” -- “A spot with the FOUR HORSEMAN …” “... not just a spot, not a liver spot, not a spot like ya’ dog spot … but MY SPOTTTTT!” (Nash/Nitro/Horsemen Parody)


I don’t really know what i can possibly say about this segment aside from, it’s entirely entertaining and it is two masters at work. Beyond glad handing the handlers, as it were, it certainly seems to dash my previously stated hopes of a Mikey vs. JFK feud. No harm no foul.

I’m super psyched to see: One, the Natas/BRAZEN deal playing into something bigger than itself, while still promoting BRAZ, bruv. Two, JFK, quite possibly my favorite character, taking a run at such a brutal/prestigious championship … hold up, wait.

Maybe, JFK takes the DOC from Natas … Therefore, solidifying himself as a proper professional wrestler rather than simply a Sports Entertainer … and at that point JFK’s new bling raises the ire of Mikey … this culminates in an inter-SEG pissing match about which title is more important/prestigious. This leads back to the previous tension we have seen amongst the SEG; especially in regards to JFK’s lack of title.

And, basically, we get right back to the Mikey/JFK feud I’ve referenced several time within this particular back feeds.

Personally I think that is genius but … that’s why I do fantasy wrestling; because I think my ideas are genius. Also, I just always pop for almost anything Mikey or Kendrix do … PCP to only a slightly lesser extent.

But Klein can go to hell.

Nah, Klein’s cool.


Opening segment was very apropos, given what transpired earlier in the night with the Lance/Troy segment. The spontaneity of the match assignment and the levity of the mic work certainly brought a heightened level of entertainment and sense of wonder to the proceedings.

I don’t know who i expected, if anyone … but I certainly did not expect Cayle. That being said … because I say, that being said ... a lot … and not to mention a gang of ellipses, I popped for that reveal.

Damn good guy fight.

Well written match … but i feel given Cayle’s experience with Box earlier tonight that he should have at some point in the match lost his cool, to an extent … and therefore given the match itself a little more than just a bunch of lock up, bested, oh good one, lock up, we’re good guys, comma, #facelife. That being said, i still feel the match was well written and well paced.

On one hand i understand, Penn attacking Cayle so that Troy takes the loss. Yet last match of the night … no repercussions left within the show … why would the shitheel not take out his aggressions on the person he actually intends them to affect. Especially given that his match is locked in regardless of the outcome of this match. Now, it could be argued, that if Troy lost the title he wouldn’t get the shot for the title with Troy but his interference with this match does not matter who takes the win via DQ. Attack Troy the person you want to harm and if for no other reason soften up the champ before the PPV.

Now on the other hand I understand the loose logic behind the actions we read, yet i don’t see it being beneficial to Penn whatsoever. Now that being the case he still got his shots in and caused her “the loss.” But that really doesn’t matter, he could have attacked her first, especially given the shit fit he threw in his cooler head segment. A segment, which, showed that in fact no matter what Jane Katze has to say about it; Curtis Penn will never be the cooler head … so his shot on Cayle is vindicated in that he feels Cayle took his shot but I don’t really think that would really be his main target if his end all be all purpose is to just disrupt the match so that Troy keeps the title assuming his thought process being him and her can have it out at the PPV.


Great show. I think we all definitely need to address some delineation between the DEFinfo doc/Murrr’s REF doc, in regards to what the summary style is supposed to be. Honestly I am cool with either but the longer step by step narrative that only negates the commentary does not really feel any more summarized than before; other than being sans commentary.

The DEFdoc, calls for a much more past tense/recap version of match proceedings. I would propose that we split the difference and interject a line or two of commentary between each paragraph or every other and come to a paragraph limit and possibly a sentence per paragraph limit. Because I am really not opposed to long cards by any means but with the exception of a few, and with everyone still doing full length segments, these cards aren’t really getting any shorter.

Just some random thoughts and end of the day I’m still pretty new here and do not want to overstep my bounds by any means but I think this would be a good middle ground.

Overall, again, great show. Still extremely proud to be a part of this particular community/fed.

Dictated, not read. (later half of this... that's for real for real... )


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

Great show. I think we all definitely need to address some delineation between the DEFinfo doc/Murrr’s REF doc, in regards to what the summary style is supposed to be. Honestly I am cool with either but the longer step by step narrative that only negates the commentary does not really feel any more summarized than before; other than being sans commentary.

The DEFdoc, calls for a much more past tense/recap version of match proceedings. I would propose that we split the difference and interject a line or two of commentary between each paragraph or every other and come to a paragraph limit and possibly a sentence per paragraph limit. Because I am really not opposed to long cards by any means but with the exception of a few, and with everyone still doing full length segments, these cards aren’t really getting any shorter.

Just some random thoughts and end of the day I’m still pretty new here and do not want to overstep my bounds by any means but I think this would be a good middle ground.

You're right to open dialogue on this because there's a clear discrepancy that needs to be cleared-up.

IMO, there's absolutely no need to go any longer than 2 pages with these weekly matches. I think the example in the DEF doc is too long, honestly. Let's go with the shorter option, and unless there are any major disagreements, I'll edit the doc later on. Anything more than 2ish pages veers dangerously close to the style we're trying to get away from.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

75 Feedback

Face of the night:
DRUNKBros Core Trio. Everyone is dealing with their own challenge but doing so in either a total hero way or a total tough guy way, it's impossible not to get behind.

Heel of the night:
Jane Katze. Her client getting a title shot at the main event of the next Pay Per View isn't good enough; she demands that he gets one tonight. So arrogant, I love it. Runner up is Curtis Penn, who comes out AGAIN to complain about having to wait a whole four weeks to get a title shot.

Match of the night:
Cayle Murray vs. Elise Ayres. Cayle is the man, but Ayres got to show some decent wrestling chops. She'd best be careful or she'll start earning some respectability.

Segment of the night:
Paint the Picture. I hate to use the phrase "Kendrix is really coming into his own" because he already is, but this is the sort of thing that could light a fire under a Kendrix/Natas feud and propel both of them to the top of the show.

Line of the night:
Kelly Evans: "I swear, the next Scotsman we hire, it'll be too damn soon." Totally obvs.

Surprise of the Night:
Mikey's quick win over Impulse. Maybe it's self-serving to put the thing I wrote in like that, but after getting screwed out of a title shot qualification match and being granted one anyways, maybe you could see Mikey holding onto the title here to set up for a PPV blowoff or something, but who saw that finish coming? Mikey wins with one wrestling move?


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

DEF 75 Feedback


“That’s not yours, Michael! “

Can’t say I expected Impulse to go over here and when the attack started I thought that's all it would be. No match. So it was definitely a surprise to see Mikey win. Very interested to see how this works itself out to end up with another rematch at the PPV. The hard out was a nice touch as well. Made the chaos feel a little more real.


“ Christ on a crutch…”

I have my doubts the PPV grudge match will be the end of the Scottish Civil War. This tied in the Reaper match at 76 well. Box’s silence was interesting and Kelly continually ramping up played well. On top of that for Bronson to quietly comply with being escorted anywhere seems oddly out of character as well. (Not in the since it was written poorly, but in the sense that it feels like the quiet before the shit storm.)


“I wish he would fucking die. Off the record, of course.”

Kelly Evans is on quite the warpath (verbally) tonight. Good behind the scenes/office stuff. Sets up tonight's main event as well as subtling selling the PPV match. Not alot to say about it really. Pretty cut and dry.


The bumrush opening was a nice switch up and the tie in with FDJ and Cowboy made this feel like more than a job match. Plus the opening gave the whole thing a nice sense of urgency. As well as playing up the resulting injury throughout.

And the KO … that was unexpected. Certainly not something you see everyday in the hobby or the sport. But if a match is to end with a KO seems fitting for it to be the DOC.

“Was that DEFIANT enough for you?”

Nice man of the people interview deal. And of course the big reveal. Great build up for the PPV. I would say this would have probably been more effective at 76 rather than here but no there is time for a bigger altercation and I’m sure some promo build up.

“... innit?!”

Had a good chuckle at “Onslaughter.” This segment makes the last even more intriguing. Seemed like something had been sparked last week but after the NO DUST deal it made me think maybe that was a one off for some reason. This makes it seem like that isn’t the case. Can’t wait to see how the turns out. And as usual JFK spot on heel, great lines and some funny shit. Especially the bit concerning Kelly Evan’s anatomy.


The little hand bit was entertaining especially with the hand sanitizer deal. This “STARSTRUKK” by 3OH!3 (feat. Katy Perry) … I checked it out and realized I’ve heard this song in passing somewhere but honestly … I thought it was Lonely Island. I’m sadden to know it is not a joke. Great heel music though.

Good heel/face juxtaposition bringing the little girl back again.

Starts out a pretty good match. I especially appreciated the notation that Elise’s Enzuigiri clapped Murray while kneeled. Great height based space work or something like that. I do find it odd though, that Cayle who would clearly have the height and weight advantage would work the arm of the high flyer rather than the legs.

I always like to see a limb worked but the arm a day late and a dollar short. And for the match to end so abruptly post that limb work it really felt like Elise getting the fair shake because of respect between handlers and less the actuality of the characters. Even before The D’s help she still showed way stronger than it felt like she should of. Albeit half of the tag team champions. With that being said, her half of the championship should be respected and saved from being tarnished but against the Starbreaker I don’t really feel she should have had much of a shot without massive interference. And this is probably more a symptom of the summary format and our adjustment to it, but i felt like the PCP influence struck a bit late and then was over very quickly after the ejection. I feel like this match would possibly, have been better served for the PCP to have interjected early, and have been ejected then.

Otherwise, this was a decent match. The sell portrayed by the post match commentary leads one to believe that Elise may be on the up tick as far as competition goes but quickly undercuts it by focusing more so on Cayle and what he should or should not be doing. I honestly have no beef with this other than other than the way it comes across, it seems to build Elise just enough to slap her down and all the while bury Cayle who previously was a star on the rise. No pun intended.

Not for nothing but I’ll also mention, Elise giving a wrestler’s wrestler stiff competition and therefore showing some gusto in the squared circle seems to be very similar to things we’ve been seeing from Kendrix, so this could be extremely interesting or turn out to be miscommunication between SEG. Either way I am a huge mark for SEG and cannot fathom they would Sports Entertain us improperly.

Also I'm drunk... so there is that.


I honestly can not remember what I had to say about Bronson’s ejection during the previous segment with Kelly Evans … and sadly can’t be bothered to go back and read what was written as this is several days apart. But at the risk of contradicting myself I will say this is an awesome tag to that aforementioned segment although I really think I would have preferred it come prior to Cayle/Elise match, regardless it was a great segment and I found Box especially to be hilarious in this dialogue.


Given Riviera is in the wind seems like Murr did what he could with it. But at the same time given the nWo Nick Patrick deal Mark Shields has seems like this could have been plotted out beforehand. It’ll be nice to see someone finally getting there hands on Perfection at some point and ringing his neck. Seems like Reaper should have went over at the end of their program but hopefully Murray will get the fair shake to beat him.


Cool segment. Quick and to the point with some teasing to the future. A bit of humor and all in all an intriguing segment that keeps me engaged and wondering what is going to come next. I have to imagine the “good guys will win” at some point.

Good segment. Not a whole lot to be said about it. Ties in all three participants story, has some humor. Teases the following card. Bong. Bong.


“NO JOY in MUDVILLE, or in NAWLINS” “First McFuckass, now Micropennis?

This is night of the heels turned up to 11. Good match, not sure what I expected but a Penn win makes sense here to lead into the PPV. Gives Troy a reason to fire up rather than finding his shitheel tendencies amusing. Can’t wait to see the fall out.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

I believe I owe you some beef, gentlemen. DEFtv 74.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT:Hard to produce anything worth digging into with summarised matches, but I thought Reaper vs. MDK was probably my favourite match on this show. Straightforward little match that played into the three-way feud. Impulse vs. JFK was fine too, but it felt overlong for the format.

I thought “COOLER HEADS” was very well done. It’s not the longest segment in the world, but it didn’t need to be. Real simple and functional, selling Penn’s predictable anger towards Troy’s announcement along with Katze’s business-like approach. I can already see a really interesting dynamic developing between these two, and it’s going to be interesting to see how long she can keep Penn’s temper under wraps for. In the long-run, if they can get on the same page, Penn’s going to go from “very dangerous” to “extinction-level dangerous.” If he were an asteroid. He’s not an asteroid, he’s a man. But still. Shut up, Murrr.

I also loved the SEG/wall segments. Fun stuff. I was hoping a DEFIANCE heel would’ve leaned more heavily on Trump-related stuff for easy heat during his campaign, but this works well. Some of the comedy didn’t hit for me (the burrito & “FDR”), and there was a slight continuity faf (how did K & Mikey get on the other side after leaving for the match?), but entertaining segs regardless.

I think Lindsay Troy was on-point on this show. Certainly a lot easier to get behind than during the Dan Ryan feud, and the “fighting champion” stuff in the HOT SKOOPZ seg is timeless babyface staff that works every time. Penn wrecking the match is great stuff too. I think, as this feud progresses, I’d like to see Penn start getting some more stuff over on Troy, because it’s very 50/50 at the moment, but this is a good babyface night for LT.

Kendrix had a good one, but I’ll drop Curtis Penn down here. He single-handedly wrecked what would’ve been a tremendous exhibition match between Cayle Murray and Lindsay Troy. It’s extra pertinent in a promotion like DEF, where actual wrestling is prioritised above all else. Him escaping Katze’s “cooler heads prevail” rhetoric just gives it a little extra juice, and I’m looking forward to the follow-up.


I don’t think anything on this show really surprised me. It was very much a transitional episode of DEFtv, with little in the way of “HOLY SHIT!” moments. A natural byproduct of being two shows deep, I think.

Mikey Unlikely:
We’re doing it to keep people out! Listen up guys, the first rule of Hollywood is, always create a barrier between you and the people! We don’t want anyone sneaking into the S.E.G. locker room…

He looks both ways cautiously.

Mikey Unlikely:

This was a fine show, but nothing really lept off the screen. That’s not really anyone’s fault, because we’re all doing different things with our feuds, but I wasn’t getting any major progression on this one. Not a bad show, sure, but I dunno. It felt a little workmanlike.


1. Curtis Penn.
2. Kendrix.
3. Jason Natas.
4. Mikey Unlikely.
5. Reaper.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

DEFtv 75.

I think that the main event made the best use of the summary format without compromising storytelling. I’d happily use it as an example to show to someone curious about how to write shorter matches. Good stuff, and the finish builds plenty heat.

I really loved the segment that Stevie put together as a response to the DOC goings-on. Kendrix, IMO, is one of the best characters in the fed at the moment. He’s all over the shows, and nothing he does feels wasted. I, obviously, helped book this particular story, so maybe I shouldn’t put this segment under this header, but I love how Stevie’s played Kendrix’s pursuit for the DOC belt. What started as a flippant remark has transformed into a quest.

I can’t look beyond Lindsay Troy again. I don’t want to put my own dudes under these smaller headers (not that any of them had better “babyface” nights than Troy anyway), which means I’m choosing between three faces every week. I just mentioned in my previous show’s feedback that I’d like to see her give some more up to Penn in the feud, and that’s what happened here. Screwy non-title loss. Sympathy. Perfect.

The two that stood-out for me were Mikey Unlikely and Curtis Penn, though neither were too deeply involved in the show. They both played similar roles in screwing their altruistic enemies over. Will give Mikey the nudge, as his Impulse beatdown was alllllllll fuckery, and Penn merely exploited the referee’s lack of attention.

Elise Ares rasslin’ gud. Billy wrote our match, so I can put that down.

Lance Warner:
Ladies and Gentlemen, with me at this time is none other than…

He hesitates for a moment

Say it Vance!

Taking a sigh in, Lance continues.

Lance Warner:
The most Totally Obvs Defiance Onslaughter in the world...Jesse Fredericks Kendrix.

I felt Pulse vs. Mikey could’ve used some more build-up. This is a big time match, and we just kinda went right into it at the start of the show. Wasn’t feeling the crowd response to this one, either. A minor complaint, but “stunned silence” when a guy loses after a nasty beatdown and a finisher? Doesn’t seem right.

Troy/Douglas segment was good, but it felt more like an UNCUT segment than anything else. It didn’t really do anything for either of their respective storylines.

Quiet night for the Douglas/Reaper/MDK power trio. Where you at, fellas?

I find the WARCHAMBER~! stylisation unjustifiably irritating, and I don’t know why. Maybe I just hate fun.

1. Curtis Penn.
2. Reaper.
3. Jason Natas.
4. Mikey Unlikely.
5. Perfection.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS

DEFtv #76 went up yesterday. Sorry for the delay in posting here.



Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ACTS OF DEFIANCE Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 74 is live! FEED THE BACKS


“None of that. Mikey, if you, your life partner, or...”

I wondered how they’d get Impulse back into the title run after not securing it last week against JFK. This works just as well as any other way. I wasn't super surprised or let down, so no complaint really. I just wasn't sure how it could happen and it did so, bong!

Nice change of pace for the show opener. Clearly parallels could be drawn to the Authority/WWE openings but something WWE should have (or maybe have already; I don't watch that often anymore.) realized is that this being different from the norm, ads a bit of gravitas and importance to it happening... Rather then running it into the ground each and every week. But I'm sure I'm probably preaching to choir here.

I will say, as for the main even announcement, I’ve never been a huge mixed feud tag deal, but that's just personal preference and it clearly works and makes sense here. Also a making it a main event is great espescially compared to "...and that match starts right now!" Never understood that move.

Wrote these with Justin, hope everyone digs it. Only thing I will say is since we didn’t do the number selections this time (on the run sheet) and I probably didn’t specify well enough on the ARC doc, I know the timing between the “match” and the segment with Kelly, is off. Especially without commercial breaks. I was banking on the Segment number selection on the Runsheet to get one a little further down than directly after the match. But like I said I should have been more specific on the arc doc than simply “After MDK/Douglas.”

Nice setup segment. Good back and forth and Perfection being written to … perfection, even in the absence of Riviera.

“...the most indie-rific wrestling gear you’ve ever seen”

Decent enough match, exactly what you’d expect it to be. The Murray run in was great and once again not being able to get his hands on Jimmy Jam sets up the pay per view. Of course you want nothing more than Murray to ring his neck and now you gotta pay to see it. And all with out one screaming promo featuring the word brother. Awesome.


We get a little more intel on The Storm. This time on a funny set with a man named Tricklebush. I was always a fan of the coming soon vignettes as a kid as long as they didn’t run too long or two often and I think these have been spaced out well to lead to a debut at ACTS.


The match or lack thereof sets up the segment which in turn sets up the three way dance for ACTS; nicely. I was wondering how they were going to make this work after the Mushi announcement and post the JFK interaction.

Having his Brazen opponent wrecked before he can start the match is similar to what Douglas has been going through with MDK but the twist of Natas taking the pin to move on to Mushi; I like. Which I think also shows the grit and the edge that division calls for. Good guy or not, he is taking the pinfall as a brutal and fighting champion. Doubt the Douglas/MDK deal was taken into consideration at all but the juxtaposition plays really well and super sells the difference in the DOC face and the regDEF face. (and if it was that honestly just shows even more genius from the two handlers)

Always a big mark for JFK, although he certainly came off way more serious and less shit talk here. I'll have to go back I don't even remember a good "Innit" or a "..., yeah" (but I did read this in between two main sittings of the card) And I dig Natas' attitude and persona. And the DOC. So this should be one hell of a match at the PPV.

Quick segment but builds nicely off of earlier in the night and sets up moving forward. I dig it. And what could the second favor be? Intriguing.

The Angus count down to the lights was great. The match was definitely interesting. Glad to see Reaper get a win going into the PPV, and all the weirdness with the lights and orbs seemed to jump to a new level in this one.

Although I’m working with Justin this Arc, I didn’t know anything about this match other than it was happening. Very fascinating read. The Reaper character clearly runs super deep and I’m can’t wait to see where this goes, what parts may tie into our Arc and what parts may go well beyond it. From what little I know and from what I have read, this character has more layers than an onion under a another thing with a lot of layers.

Even though it was mentioned Box had invited Cayle to watch,; his ringside deal during the match seemed odd. Came across a little useless since as a babyface he clearly isn’t going to doing anything unless REALLY provoked, and he says as much early on, BUT the whole time I was holding out hope that his being there would lead to something, and much to my pleasure; it did.


This isn’t good…
Especially if you’re a cephalopod.”

This was fantastic. The build, the dialogue. I was super hooked in and gassed up to see this "FITE." Of course it was written well, no need to wax on about specifics, this just had me and I’d say Moment of the Night!


“Can I call him a queen without people writing letters?”

Great match. A lot going on and a lot of action packed into a tight package. If the purpose of TV is to sell PPVs, I think this one did or would have I guess I should say.

No clear winners, carnage and DEFsec rushing to the ring as the dreaded copyright or in this case “This is DEFIANCE…” creeps on the screen, crushing your dreams and leaving you wanting so much more. That's what Raw and to a lesser extent Nitro always did to me as a "youths."


Going in; I thought the entrances felt a little long for the new style (even though they did paint a nice piece of the picture) but the match itself was actually a great length and very engaging. This plus the Non-Rundown made perfect bookends to the show. And that symmetry really works for me especially on a go home show.

Also, heels be spitting…

I already proclaimed Murray/Box, my moment of the night and I don’t want to recant that but I do have to say I think choosing between the two is kinda splitting hairs. The only thing to edge out this main event is the multiple players who will settle their differences separately. Going back to why I don’t like these types of matches really, even though I agree they work. (And this super worked) But something about the one on one animosity between Murray and Box gives it the little extra. I’d say the history is a large part of that whole feud but at this point I feel like the history got us to a point that the heated interactions could happen. But the way it has escalated I think it would still be as poignant if it were just a beef started by a shoulder bump post DEFCON.

Speaking of the summary style, I think overall since that jumped off; this show has been the easiest read. The only thing I felt that ran a little long was the Main Event intros (with the caveat provided before) and the Douglas stuff felt long to me after re-reading but maybe that's because its mine… or maybe like the main event it’s the multiple characters, etc. Though the Reaper/Box/Murray double segment certainly didn’t have that problem. Just thoughts. Pay no mind.

Overall, I think this was a strong card and should give way to a strong PPV. Good job everyone.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
This was really well done. Firstly, the Kendrix comment made me do a lol. Second, the idea of the fired-up babyface putting his gameface on and not having time for extracurricular bullshit like Lance Warner’s interviews is a great sell when worked correctly. Most people make the mistake of having their character come-off grumpy and unlikeable in these scenarios (usually by insulting the interviewer), but there’s none of that here. Douglas keeps the focus on the match (“this ends tonight!”) and yeah, he’s pissed-off, but he’s not being a massive dickhead. Good segment.

These characters’ introductions have been something else. I feel like The Storm might have flown under a lot of people’s radars this arc, but I’ve been really into it, and the swerve/ruse is super creative. There’s not much to critique with this segment, but it puts the pieces in place for the forthcoming tag, and most importantly, builds intrigue. Who are these mystery men?! I guess we’re about to find out.

The start is a little one the nose. I was behind Douglas after the opening segment, but the idea of him coming straight after MDK with a chair took a little bit of that away. It helps that MDK was already armed, and that he saw Douglas coming, but it definitely detracts from the idea of the babyface fighting from beneath. Douglas does show good fire here, though.

The match sets a relentless pace, which I appreciate. I have a natural aversion to triple threats as they tend to devolve into two men wrestling while another conveniently waits outside, but I feel like you guys did a tremendous job of avoiding this. At no point does this feel that way, and it’s avoided by keeping the interchanges quick, and also by the shellacking MDK took. My minor complaint aside, it does give him justifiable reason to spend extended periods away from the action.

The commentary/action balance is fantastic, particularly for two people who haven’t been in the fed all that long. I feel like you have a stronger grasp of this than handlers who’ve been here twice/thrice as long, so good job on that.

That said, sometimes the commentary feels a little too light. There’s some serious beef here, but Angus spends most of the match making puns/Nirvana jokes. It’s funny, and there’s a place for a handful of these, but it definitely detracts from the heat. I would’ve liked to have seen him get a little “real” here earlier on.

Douglas pinning MDK is the most sensical conclusion here, particularly with Reaper buggering off towards the end, which keeps him looking relatively strong. I’d like to see a little variation on the “lights out” format, however, as it feels like this happens almost every show. Other than that, this was a good three-way match that started the show off on a suitably exciting note, and if I were watching it in real life, I think I’d be thoroughly entertained.

This was fun. I enjoy the storyline of the PCPs gradually eroding JFK and Mikey’s patience in them by being braindead dipshits who don’t think before they speak. Every sentence seems to dig their hole deeper and deeper, and while I think that this story (so far) could have been developed slower over a greater number of weeks, it’s still working. The ending is very, very abrupt, however. Mikey’s involvement feels tacked-on and without much substance, but the rest is generally good.

This could have benefitted from more separation from the previous segment, as Kendrix goes straight from duffing around in the party to cutting a promo. It’s a little jarring. The rest of this is money. While I think it could have been improved by Kendrix playing-up the flashy side of his personality a little more, he ran through the feud’s psychology incredible well, particularly the “taking a fight away” stuff. Going back to his win over Bronson Box, a man who Natas has previously lost to, worked very well too. Textbook pre-match heel promo. Great stuff all-round.

Not a lot to dissect here, but it was fun. A weird little introduction to the Masked Violators ahead of their match, and while it’s difficult to convey personality in so few words, I found this an effective setup. Nothing to criticise, really.

I wonder if MV2 got a chance to take a shit? Good selling of the Barrio Boys personalities in the introduction. Those two characters are really well-developed for a couple of NPCs - Billy and Ford did a good job with ‘em in the past, and it continued here. I always like it when people play BRAZEN characters as actually characters, not just colourless spot-fillers. Gotta use the correct formatting for entrance music though, lads.

My god, these Violators. These guys are just tremendous. I love the contracts between squeaky clean MV1 and grimy, disgusting MV2, and I was into them from the moment they came through the curtain. I don’t know who these men are and why they’re a team but I don’t even care.

Very well-paced match. It’s an absolute breeze to read and the commentary/action balance is absolutely perfect. I like how the commentary was actually used in place of the action at various points too, as it makes DDK feel more like a genuine play-by-play guy. He’s literally calling the action, not just commenting on it.

This was just bags of fun, and I don’t really have any specific criticisms to make. Bags of character came out through this match and I’m really excited to see how these two weirdos interact with other roster members now. Bloody good stuff all-round. MV2 is a disgusting bastard though.

I enjoy these transitional Impulse PPV segments, and this one was a little more substantial than the last one. Rightly so: this is the final battle, so the final words need to have weight. This was fine. Impulse comes off a little socially awkward sometimes, particularly when he drops lines like the “no,” which is perfect. He’s not supposed to be DEF’s blustery, fiery babyface, but a more quietly driven personality - or at least that’s how I understand him. Good stuff all-round.

THE FINAL ACT. I dig that title. I dig when anything’s given a sense of finality like this, in fact. It really helps build suspense when you know that this is the last time these guys are ever going to do battle, and they’re not going to pull a WWE and wreck it by having another match 3 weeks later.

This was the best Mikey Unlikely entrance yet. SO GOOD. The Star Wars text was legitimately funny and the big lightsabre fight was just a unique way to kick things off. It’s also timely, with Rogue One, etc. How do you come up with this shit? It wasn’t as downright stupid as some of his other entrances but I definitely preferred this, and his pre-match promo leading into the sudden start was also nicely played. The microphone getting stashed under the turnbuckle suggests something’s gonna happen with it later, too.

I have to mention the incorrect formatting on the counts/pinfalls, even if it seems nitpicky. Come on, lads…

I also have to mention my usual chestnut: the commentary/action balance. Huge chunks of action without anything from DDK and Angus, here. This interrupts the flow, and makes the match a stodgier read. I’ve rambled about this enough in the past, though.

I’ve always liked the “Mikey gets better at wrestling” story, but what I like even more here is his escalating brutality. When he’s torturing Impulse in front of Cally… that’s something we’ve never really seen from him before. A match like this is the perfect place for such an escalation, and this made for some great character work. Real good.

It’s also great to have a cage match without a shitty escape stipulation. Props.

The match tells a good story with Mikey’s increasing frustration at his inability to put Impulse away, but I was left wanting more by the end. The escalation feels quite sudden, and the match feels a little on the short side, particularly for a final battle. With a slower build and greater patience, the payoff would’ve been that much greater. Ultimately, it felt like these two finished the match without leaving everything on the table, and that, for me, finishes a strong feud on an anticlimactic note. Still, this was a good all-round match.

Jesus christ, this was SEARING. When Evan gets seriously locked into his character, there isn’t a more compelling voice in the fed. I thought this was absolutely brilliant. Short, sweet, and utterly chilling. It fits perfectly in with the story we told in the match, and I think it plays perfectly to the cold start Box made to said match as well. Ultimately, everything ties into Eric Dane, and Cayle vanquishing him from DEFIANCE. Cayle may have “won” that particular war, but Dane’s ghost continues to haunt him through Box’s body.

This is a strong escalation from the previous segment, and it builds on Mikey’s failure to defeat Impulse. The divide is starting to widen, and I’m looking forward to seeing the changes it brings in the PCPs in particular. Mikey will always be a complete arsehole, but it’ll be interesting to see how Elise and The D evolve around this new challenge. The Drake stuff completely removed the weight of the situation, however, and ended things on a distractingly daft note.

Really great introduction from the commentators, providing a nice summary for those who might have lost track of where we are. I beat this into the ground every PPV, but it’s vitally important to set big matches up like this. Not everyone’s going to remember every single detail, but all you need is a few paragraphs of announcer chit-chat to refresh those foggy memories. Bingo.

It’s quite refreshing that these two start out with some more traditional feeling-out after the mania on the roster of the card. Makes sense, too: it’s a bitter feud, but it’s not a blood feud, and they both have to be careful with the FIST on the line. Recklessness would be stupid in this scenario. Nice to see Curtis work some of his trademark fuckery in nice and early, though, particularly when he pats Troy’s cheek.

The early stages are very well laid-out. It goes from feeling-out process to shine very smoothly, and the escalations feel warranted and not at all rushed. Great job in piecing this part together. I loved the Marty Scurll fingersnap spot too. Half-expected Penn to go for a CHICKENWING after, though. It moves into the heat logically from there, with Penn going right after the hand/fingers. Good stuff, and it’s good to see Troy fight with an impediment. Sometimes, LT does feel a little immaculate (overprotected, even), so I enjoyed this change of pace.

I feel like the heat could have gone on a little longer, however. Penn got a nice little chunk of sustained offence, but it went back to 50/50 quite quickly. The problem with such a short heat is that it neuters the babyface comeback, and diminishes that big “HURRAH” when the good guy finally overcomes the evil bastard’s torrential offence with a game-changing move. The longer it goes on, the more tension you build, and the greater the release when the comeback arrives.

I knew the chickenwing was coming. Long live The Villain.

My main complaint is the restart/finish, because I feel like it makes Curtis Penn look unbelievably weak, particularly after such a 50/50 back-and-forth match. Standard match psychology suggests that the heel cannot out-wrestle the babyface in a fair, one-on-one environment, thus he needs to cheat and take shortcuts to gain an advantage. There are exceptions, of course, but I feel this is particularly true of Penn, who is defined by being a cheating little prick. That’s not to say he can’t win on his own ability, but it’s just who he is.

Evans’ restart removes one of his biggest weapons: his willingness to cheat. Yes, his “win” was illegal, and yes, nobody wants to see a match end this way, but this really neuters Penn, and sets a dangerous precedent for future matches. He has a win overturned, then loses after 2/3 moves when the match is restarted, which makes him look even weaker. A very, very damaging defeat, IMO, particularly as his dominant spell in the match was so short-lived, and it removes a lot of juice if this rivalry is to continue. Curtis has a lot of work to do if he’s to recover this heat.

This match made an excellent start, but dropped-off towards the end, IMO.


Feb 29, 2016
First off, really enjoyed this PPV. From start to finish thought it flowed really well.

Carte Blanche (Part II): Nice pre match seg. Have to be honest, this feud between the three of these guys has had me confused at points, it's been difficult for me to keep up, maybe I'm special or that was the point? Haha! But like the less is more approach from Douglas here. Says very little. There's been a lot of talk going on but clearly, now it's time for action. I also Lol'd at the JFK line, nice touch! Match flowed well, nice finish and more bizarre disappearances etc. Like how Angus is up to speed with what to expect from these guys rather than being all shocked as per usual!

Very Important Persons I: A New Hope: Great work from Ford and Billy as usual. Fun seg, PCP as always doing their very best to impress their hero Mikey but ultimately failing to do so. Loved the back and forth between Elise and The D here.

Gonna Die: I wrote this. I get where you're coming from Murr, I guess with the little involvement Kendrix had in the last seg, literally ignoring PCP we tried to make it look like he wasn't interested in their party plans and left the room. But yeah, I guess it should have been broken up between segs or made it look more obvious. Cheers for the positive feedback though, bruv!

Soon: Liked the use of this and also digging the Acts of Defiance Logo at the start of the show, very neat indeed.

Andy Murray v Perfection: Andy Murray in complete and methodical control of this one. Weaselly shit from Perfection early doors but big Murr is on it from the off. Perfections injured shoulder is seized upon and it's one way traffic here. Murray finally getting hold of James, the man who's been dodging him for weeks. Expected a bit more from Perfection but I guess Jay hasn't been around so fair play to big murr here with a deserved and confident win.

The Final Word: Really like Impulse and Cally's segs and this one does it's job well. Sets the match up, the history is there. Really liked the line about Mikey being obsessed with keeping the title, he barely taken a minute to defend it. Sums this feud up perfectly for me. The match itself was great. Mikey's entrance is insanely good. The Star Wars like ascending scripture at the start was genius! The match got brutal, something not seen between these two so far and of course it did, it's in a cage. Felt the emotions in this one. Mikey and Pete have worked so well together during their feud, I'm sorry to see it end but for me the way it ended was awesome. Impulse finally gets the belt he deserves. Nice touch with Cally at the end. Great stuff chaps!

Backstage Interview: Evan is awesome. Bronson is a scary intense fucker. Love the writing style, Evan, describes things in a way I can only dream of doing. The match itself of course was awesome. Had a feeling this was going to be on a level as the Eric Dane v Cayle Murray match and it didn't disappoint at all. Both Bronson is Brutal and Cayle Murray just doesn't know when to quit. Both men brought everything and more to this match. Did the feud justice for sure and then some. Hopefully it continues into the next arc, I don't think Cayle is going to be done with this just yet.

Very Important Persons II: Electric Boogaloo: And after that matchup I was in need of some lighter entertainment and this was just what the doctor ordered. Mikey's not happy, PCP's pre-empted celebration for Mikey's successful defence has backfired. Mikey and Kendrix are so pissed they don't even notice that PCP got the real Drake to perform for them! I thought the Drake bit was hilarious guys and loved the call me on my cellphone line from Elise.

Troy vs Penn: Fist of Defiance match. Enjoyed it, thought the two worked off of each other really well. I have to admit, when I saw Penn grab the victory (nice use of the ref, totally digged throwing him into Troy's knees!) I shouted out "NO WAY!" Was shocked, not because I didn't think that Penn deserved to win this, i mean in a good way! But Kelly Evans stops his celebrations in his tracks. The interruption, I have to agree with Murr, I thought the reason she should have been something else. I thought the move by Penn was clever and wasn't that bad a heel/cheat move to be honest. I think it does set a precedent for every other heel not to cheat...but that's what we do! Maybe something more blatant like chair shots to Troy after the ref was knocked out, then I could feel the interruption and decision to restart would have been good. But after that, I expected a quick win from someone (wasn't sure who was gonna get it) so no complaints from me there.

Overall, really good show guys. Enjoyed reading!


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
I was definitely interested in The Storm. The vignettes this arc were very interesting, especially the last one. I like the live feel of this segment and it’s well written. Beyond that, and skipping ahead a little of course, this is a very interesting way to bring in a new tag team. I even remember asking Justin a few weeks back; what's up with The Storm… I’ve not seen an app for them and where the hell are the Violators. So I knew something was off but I definitely fell for the misdirection. Good stuff.

Great title. Skimpily to the nines. And hold up … Back to Back to the Future. Awesome.
Also, “Someone touches the D …”
Super fun segment. What more can I really say. The Anderson Cooper line is gold.
Fun stuff.

After adding the JFK line to the Lance Warner/Scott Douglas segment, glad this is a thing. Makes it ring even more true. Good build for the match. I’m alway entertained by JFK. Although he comes across a little less cocky here than normal. But that fits as we’ve been seeing a slow turn with JFK since the “training” montages with Mikey. The fact that he ever wanted to train seems kind of anti-SEG mentality although each time he falls back into the same old habits of Fraps and such. He’s still cutting enough toward Lance to come across heel and end all be all he seems to be walking into this title match prepared mentally and without the SEG trademark illusion of grandeur. He has tempered expectations at least and seems to have a semi normal level of confidence.

I liked this match but holy shit was it long! This had good action and ws commentary driven which I think makes it easier to read. Especially at this length, block-o-text would have definitely made me skip it. For a triple threat and Kendrix being the odd man out DOCwise I think that was handled well letting him heel it up and dodge a lot of the action while still letting the division have their hossfite. A lot of great near falls. Loved the opportunistic heel and the back and forth pin attempts. The ending, although fitting, was easily telegraphed as soon as Kendrix hightailed it. Big win for Kendrix and now sporting some gold, tensions will likely rise even higher with SEG.

I dug the segment. Sold the replacement idea and the banter was good. I said more about this under the header of the other segment but I’m definitely interested by the idea of their debut being a complete misdirection based on The Storm promos. Nice debut match. The dichotomy of the two MV’s should definitely lend itself to some interesting tag team matches. “tuberculosisy loogie.”

Too bad Jay bailed, this was a good arc for these guys and the crooked ref deal seemed to be pretty over with everyone. That being said, Murrr carried it to the finish and this match caps it off well enough. The early school boy and near pinfall was a nice touch and a nice highlight on the Mark Shields situation. Beyond that I think this match is exactly what everyone would hope to see happen to Perfection especially considering this is his last match. Good read.

I always dig Impulse’s short, no nonsense answers. “No.” I read it as a dry wit. It may be ended to come off earnest, and I’d say about the business it does, but given the Drunk Bros segments, he seems like a witty guy who is a little faster than most he is talking to and likes to screw with them, in his own playful way. “Because the good guys always win in the end.” “OBVS Mikey is a good guy!” These Mikey entrances used to read so insanely over the top and 100% unlicenseable but after watching a little of WK11, I get it. Still entertaining anyway. Didn’t see the mic spot coming. Forgot about it completely. Good read. Surprised to see it boil down to a submission in the middle of the ring and clean. The small smattering of fans applauding Mikey on the way out was a nice touch. Just a smidge of a respect his way from the Faithful. That he will surely sour instantly. This arc in particular kept me guessing throughout and this is a nice cap.

Great pre-match interview. Bronson is clearly in rare form and ready. Always enjoy Box’s dialogue. The commentary open for this was very well put together and really refreshed any “viewer” who has been under a rock or some other similar situation as well as setting the stage for what is sure to be a knock drag out match. And it was. Nice and even one fall to one fall. It was a good match at that point but post the tie this one really took off. That bite? Lol Holy shit. The finish really felt like it was going to build to some giant miracle amidst that move and Cayle would avenge his brother and put Box away. But that ending? That was incredibly creepy.

Two losses for Mikey in one night. No title and narrowly kicking it with Drake. Good segment. Liked the Drake bit. It’s always a little odd to have real people integrated into the hobby but I think for the bit itself, this sells. Interested to see the further fall out on Uncut or DEFtv.

Strong intros and commentary for the lead in. Classic back and forth no advantage opening. Both the Champ and Penn’s actions define their alignment well. Penn’s heel shit is just that. The match felt very even which would certainly suggest the Number One Contender is that, rightfully so. The Curtis win was surprising but I didn’t see the turn coming either. I liked the Restart and Kelly’s ongoing involvement and issue with Penn seems like it would give enough reason for her to stick her nose into this one, even if the cheating hadn’t been quite that dastardly… especially after even the threat of Box doing Cayle in he did Andy. That being said the post restart happened really fast. And although fast works, fast to a submission felt a little anti-climatic. Feels like if it was going to be that quick of a turnaround it would have been one big near miss but clenches it in the last second BANG of a move. Especially with both participants blown up and beaten, I always think of fighting out of desperation as explosive and I think of submissions as calculated and once locked in a very arduous task to keep the hold. Which can make for a great finish sans the restart. On the positive I’m am glad the restart was not for nothing. I hate restarts where the same person wins again, even in an evil authority type of way. Anyway, I dug the match.

I think this was a good pay per view. It had a lot of big moments. Nothing felt it could or should have been on TV. Except maybe the MV debut but the old switcheroo and the segments that fed it definitely made it PPV worthy.





LINE OF THE NIGHT: Timing, huh? Think I got time to take a sh!t?

FACE OF THE ARC: Cayle or Impulse, can’t call it.

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User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile

RIP Jack Hunter

Carte Blanche II: The Quickening

Nice attitude, totally unsarcastic. Scott Douglas is a semi-obvious heir apparent to the no-nonsense Impulse-ish babyface. They should go get a beer.

Shoot the Messenger

We're missing a tag team! That's a violation! Great way to intro a team, I think. Especially this team.

MDK vs. Douglas vs. Codename Warrior

Commentary highlight was Angus continually coming up with Scott Douglas' old band names. Besides that, this was in a tough spot with three wrestlers, only one of which was a no-show. Obvs who was going to be the one to take the pin, but how it happened was important. I think the finish got both survivors over as they should've been, and keeps the Douglas/Reaper story going.


Cracks in the SEG armor! They've never seen Mikey act! Honestly, this works perfectly; Mikey was a whirlwind on his debut and it makes sense that the PCP would hitch their wagon to the first guy that looks like he's going somewhere. It foreshadows... something, but doesn't give anything away, which is awesome.

Gonna Die

Too soon. Totally breaks my suspension of disbelief. Fuck this shit.

Naaah, JFK is awesome, and this is the serious counterpoint to the PCP's ridiculousness. Kendrix is the workhorse of the SEG and he needs to act like it - and he put over the seriousness of the next match.

Natas vs. Mushi vs. JFK

Not a huge fan of two triple threat matches, back to back, but that's minor. Still, HOSSFITE~! WITH WRESTLING~! Good move to put JFK over, better move to have it happen with the pin on Mushi to give Natas a good 'out' and a case for a rematch.

Don't Hate, Violate


So much <3

"They showed UP in the masks."

Best tag team ever.

MV vs. Barrio Boys

Can't say enough good about this match. Totally entertaining, a thousand percent. Did MV2 ever get to take a shit?



Andy Murray vs. Perfection

Too long; not squashy enough. I know, a match needs to have a flow to it, but the vindictive part of me says "Why did it take that long to squash some dude who bailed?" But that's just me. Big Murrr gets a big win without the crooked referee to screw him. The irony is that Perfection's entire legacy in DEF is now "I can't win without paying off the ref." Sad.

The Final Word

I wrote this

The Final Act

Mikey and I wrote this.

Mikey is awesome. Easy to work with, great give and take. Everyone should get to work with Mikey. But anyways, the SoHER is dead. Long live the SoHER.

Backstage Interview

Bronson Box needs to learn some manners.

Squidward vs. Boxy

Like the triple threat match earlier, not sure about having two bloody brawls back to back. Would've probably done better to put one of the triangle matches here as a pre-main breather, and put one of the two punchfights earlier to have a 'hot opener' or whatnot. Again, neither here nor there.

Cayle winning the first fall as quickly as he did was the perfect place to really pour on the heat. Box wouldn't like that, and it showed. But seriously, Box needs to be in line for a shot at the FIST - he doesn't need any story other than "I'm Bronson Box and I'll fuck up your day." Cayle needed to tap, but contrary to typical thinking, he doesn't lose anything to it. This was a great story of the shitkicker vs. the underdog, and those don't always end with the underdog on top.

VIP II: The Quickening

The first line of dialogue is gold: "So? How'd it go?" The PCP didn't even watch the match. Brilliant crumble of Mikey's world. Also, Drake bro.

Mom vs. Micropenn

Ehhhhh... this one didn't do much for me. Maybe it was fatigue after Pulse/Mikey and Cayle/Box. Curtis Penn has spent the entire arc so far getting cheap win after cheap win over LT - she knows he likes to grab the tights, it would've been cool to see her wrestle in tearaway warm up pants and watch his advantage literally slip out of his grasp. Maybe it's because of the weak justification for Kelly Evans. Yes, Curtis Penn likes to hook the tights to win, but babyfaces do that on the regular and remain babyfaces. I feel like if this was the way to go it should've been with means even more dastardly, like an ether rag or a wooden stake. Or have Penn win via DQ or countout after getting pissed on for the entire match to give him room for another arc.

Overall though, it was a good match and I hope to see a real blowoff in the next arc.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Short, Sweet, All that was needed.

Carte Blanche (part II)
Loved the JFK line. Cool way to open the show. Scott Douglas is all business and is pissed, heres here to finish things tonight, very very believable segment. Lance Wanker cant catch a break.

Shoot The Messenger:
FAK! Denied Visas! Make Merica Great again! Kelly is waiting on The Storm only to find out they are not here tonight, short and well written. No Fluff. I like it.

The whole beginning to this bitch, was awesome! Loved it from the no show (which for a minute I was like… ok a lot of people have been doing this…) then the way it went totally got me back. Loved the bit where Angus knows Reaper is coming and calls it. Good way to play commentary. Finally the bell! “The Russian Legsweeps” HAHAHAHAHAHA. Angus is a super troll in this, but that doesnt take away from what was really a very good match. Right in the middle i was sucked in. Lot of high impact moves here, which makes it feel “stiff”. But in a good way. Love Reapers disappearing act. At the beginning of this, I felt like Scott Douglas HAD to win, by the middle I just didnt think it would happen. Nice save in the end. Great match guys.

Very Important Persons I : A New Hope

I didnt write any of this. Ford and Billy took over and wrote some segs for us SEG guys. I loved it, I had to edit nothing even when I went in to do it. These guys have a very firm grasp on their characters as well as mine :p

The D:
I honestly have no idea.
(He leans in whispering)
I’ve never seen Mikey act.

Elise Ares: (whispering)
Me either.

I lost it for this part. Hilarious.

Awesome one on one seg by JFK. Love the way Stevie has built JFK to be his own thing.I think he could stand alone outside of SEG and not only not miss a beat, but be a top guy no problem. It’s awesome. Good stuff with the call back to bronson box. Thought that was a nice touch. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

YUSSSSSS Commentary is on point with this one. Also loved JFK trying to get Mushi on his side only to get whapped. Nice fake out. The early doubleteam is very believable. Why would they want this technical sports entertainment fuck in their match!? JFK letter the two men fight while keeping his distance is very good strategy and exactly what I imagine him doing. Im such a mushi mark! Glad hes back even if just for this short stint. Loved the bit where he threw Natas out, then follows him JUST to get JFK back in the match. Amazing. Loved the bit where kendrix leaves and it becomes a knock down drag out fight, then the bruv being a bruv comes back and steals the win. B...E...A….UTIFUL! Loved it guys! #MushiPleaseDontGo

Hahahaha nice intro for the masked violators! Did he take a shit tho? #QuestionsIllForeverPonder. I enjoyed this bit.


LMAO those entrances tho. This was an interesting match. I had a hard time following #1 #2 stuff, but once you catch on its not so bad. Some small spacing issues here too but those things will iron out with experience. The match itself was soooo fun. Loved the spear right off the rip, and loved the way these guys sell for the Bario Boys. Yes its a PPV but we also know the Barrio Boys are Brazen. So you expect them to get beat up not make a competitive match. Im very glad they went that route. Made it entertaining. “The moving Violation”..... I fuckin love it!

I really enjoyed the angle that Murrr wrote alone on this one. Hats off bud you carried the shit out of this and the mark shields stuff, it was a good original story. Something I havent seen done here yet. I tell you this in beef every other week (in two different feds) but you are an insane wrestlefights writer. I thought the match was too long for Perfection as he shouldnt have hit a move for being a flake but thats not Murrrs style. He cant not write a classic. The closing sequence of this match was perfect, suplexes, into submission into GITB. Great stuff brev. Now we can close up this Perfection schtuff.

The Final Word
Love this fiery little promo from Impulse. Very forshadowing and very real. Loved the stoic “No” answer.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the entirety of DEFIANCE. Right in the beginning of this angle I was handed the reigns to be a fedhead elsewhere. It was very sudden and unexpected but I took on the responsibility anyway. With that came a huge roster overall, quitters, and having to edit the entire way that fed operated to work for me. That said, I was just short of a flake on this arc. I did write a lot of the Mikey stuff, but I didn't read, I didn't beef much, and I didn’t follow along. That's not what a “champion” should be doing. I was very happy to be handing the torch off to pete here in this one, Pete did an amazing job keeping this angle afloat through all my stress, and yelling, and telling him I'M WORKING ON SOMETHING ELSE! He’s my rock! <3 He deserves the championship and the spotlight, I recommend Pete highly for anything and everything that goes on here and thank him for helping me out the last few months and more so apologize for not giving Mikey all the douchebaggery I could have.

As far as the match goes, Pete and I tried to put a lot into it, our scheduling got a little fucked but thankfully the deadline was extended and we were able to put together a pretty good match (IMO) I enjoyed my 244 day run as your SOHER (HOHER) And consider myself lucky to be given such a lengthy run with one championship. I hope you enjoyed as much as I. I will be staying with DEF for now. I’m excited for the next arc and what's to come for Mikey Unlikely. You can't get rid of me that easy U GUIZ!

Backstage Interview
Bonus points for creative name on this seg. :p Bronson box spitting that hot FIA! Loved it. Short but believable. Looking forward to this one.

Squids vs Cardboard Boxes
“Like a pro wrestling Usain Bolt” - Noice. Was surprised by the Cayle dominance early on, but it was a very enjoyable read. The early pin was a nice way to set the pacing, but you knew every fall wouldnt be decided in 10 mins or less. So far great stuff. Box quickly takes over on the second fall and his heavier shots carry more weight and impact vs the flurry of offense from Cayle. Likes the outside action during the second fall, the euro uppercut was legit. Ouch, guardrail suplex. Box with the second fall… you mean this 2 out of 3 falls is going to the third fall!? SO UNEXPECT! Nice false finish with the chainbreaker, thought that was it lol. RIP Cayle Murray he is Ded. Good match, great finish. I was bored for a short stint near the end, but the last bit was very good and brought it back around.

VIP II: Electric boogaloo
See my notes on VIP 1

Lindsay Troy vs Curtis PennZOMGPOPSPLOOOOOOSION~! Literally laughed out loud at this in the office. VERY fast paced match up in the early going, i dig it. This was a good match, and everything in it was fine and believable…. UNTIL the end. I don’t see a fedhead overturning a ruling based on tights being grabbed. DEFIANCE is based on violence, and battles, and craziness, and the boss shows up to contest a tights pull. I would think the offense would have to be absolutely agreeeeeeegious for the boss to intervene. Why didnt she come out when The Masked violators were in the ring at the same time hitting tag team moves while one man wasn't legal? Why wasn't the Andy Murray Bronson Box match reversed or restarted when Box used the exposed turnbuckle? If this is going to be the modus operandi moving forward than we need to make sure Kelly Evans is reversing every little heel move. That said im not trying to bury it, it was a great ppv matchup that the commentary was exceptionally sharp on, the action was fun to read, I just cant believe after Box v Murray, that a yank of the tights would get her to do this.



It doesn't come off. That's Rule #1
Aug 19, 2008
Short, sweet, effective!
What I liked most about this segment was the line about Angus wearing his BEST tuxedo shirt. I imagine that means different things to different people. Like... to me? That's a 1973 powered blue, ruffle shirt special.
What did YOU see?

Scott Douglas means business and this segment conveyed this in a very straight forward and potent way. Dig it.

Wrote it. Was admittedly quite nervous to write anything coming out of Kelly's mouth. But no one has told me I cocked it up. Yet. (Awaits deluge.) Every time we have debuted the MVs anywhere, I've always been sure to attempt some sort of swerve to facilitate it. Mainly bc of the ridiculous and bland nature of their gimmick - who would sign these guys?!? What would make ANYONE give these guys a chance?!?

I have enjoyed this story so far a lot and am excited that it doesn't appear to be over. Match was good! However, I feel like MDK would have gained even more legitimacy with a win, maybe? Enjoyed it though!

Popped hard for "I've never seen Mikey act." Well written stuff.

JFK drops a fire mixtape. One of my favorites to read. I love straight-ahead pre-match promos that convey the character perfectly and this was one of those.

Well written action from bell to bell. At times it felt like the announce team were commenting on the action vs calling it, however, which doesn't always seem natural for a wrestling match/show. That being said - I reiterate how awesome the action was. Natural, I felt. Envious of that effort. I absolutely expected Natas to retain here and was pleasantly surprised by JFK walking w the belt.

I wrote this. Several times over. I wasn't clear on how I'd have them walk on screen for the first time. Settled on #2 needing to take a #2. Did he get to take it?

I'll never tell.

Wrote this as well. First match I have written in I (also) couldn't tell you how long. Glad I chose the Barrio Boys. Such a clear, perfect tandem. Evan seems to have a knack for taking an archetype and somehow giving it real-world personality; particularly with his BRAZEN creations. Enjoyed writing them as much as I did the MVs. Apologies for the music formatting (someone's going to have to help me with the music notes LOL) and spacing issues. Yeah, bit of a learning curve here and I appreciate your collective patience. I'll get it, I swear.

Solid match! Everything about it clicked for me.

This has me appropriately boned up for the match!

I'm in love with Impulses whole entrance here. "What's going through the challengers mind right now, Angus?" Yeah, I admit that I like when the dialogue is approached like it's legit live event dialogue and this is one of those moments that nail it. Sounds simple. Isn't.
And then Mikey's entrance happens and it's perfect. Wow. Holy shit. Every line improves on what came before it! Fucking amazing! Kudos.
The match? Give me a break. Enough already. I'm tapping Just Like Mikey. I'm out of proper words for this whole thing. Unlikely is PISSED. Spit = HEAT. Amazingness.

Backstage Interview
Jesus. Baby Jesus.
Bronson Box is maybe my favorite thing ever. That was fantastic.

What a brutal WAR as expected. I loved how this whole thing was presented. Love a good, well engineered 2 out of 3 falls contest. What a fookin' match. Again, Perfect. Wowza.
The religious experience. What a palpable moment. Bronson Box is my favorite thing - no "maybe" about it.

"Escorting the actual Drake..." BAHAHAHA!
Great stuff, great stuff.

Solid main event! I think I would have liked to have the match go longer after restarting. My only quote-unquote critique. Another unresolved issue I look forward to seeing develop!!

Enjoyed the show, as usual! I've gotta say... y'all are some talented people! Some seriously special beats in here!!!


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007

Going to have to agree with the above, Cayle vs. Bronson Box was amazing. You can't really ask for a better feud then what the pair have going on right now. I am excited to see it continue. And even more glad that I get to help write a match featuring them again.


The most obvious choice here for me has to be Impulse, and that's the correct choice. He beat Mikey. I mean how does that not make Impulse the face of the night. Also the below line from the match was simply perfect.

I imagine this moment is somewhat like witnessing the birth of a child.
Darren Quimbey
...and… NEW… DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion…

Nope! This is better!


Bronson Box for obvious reasons. You couldn't ask for anyone that has more of a strangle hold on being the most bad ass there is in DEFIANCE. That's just my opinion but he can beat anyone that he wants, at any given time. I honestly think that the loss he had to Reaper helped elevate Box's game to the next level at the PPV. (Boom taking credit.. LOL)


For how great the card was, I felt like everything was pretty procedural. No real surprises, I knew LT was going to win just because it was her first real defense. I had a very strong feeling Pulse was going to win and he did. On The Storm front, it was a nice switch a roo, but I kind of expected it just because I knew the real team that was debuting was going to be the MV's. I really wanted a HUGE unexpected wtf surprise... but still very happy overall.

Live by the … chair, die by the chair, Keebs!

Elise Ares:
So many photoshoots, way less ugly people I have to touch.

The above are just a couple of the outstanding ones I liked.


Even though we participated in the same ARC together I am going to have to toss some love to Scott Douglas. He puts in so much effort, well beyond what I have been able to do. His writing was really solid this ARC, he picked up when MDK's handler had to go. And character wise I think he accomplished something great with the triple threat win. Plus i've given a lot of love to Pulse already.

Runner up would have to be LT, I can't forget to mention the FIST champion. She's putting out solid segments each show, solid matches. It was a great Main event, and I agree with Paul would've expected it to go a bit longer after the restart. I am hoping for more out of the box work from her this ARC.


I want to choose Box, but again, he's got more than enough love. I want to go with The SEG on this choice. Again how often do you have the perfect formula of characters that make them so hate worthy? They didn't disappoint this ARC. I'm sure they got some great things in store for the next ARC as it appears they may be going all out against each other.

No runner up on this one.


Sorry for lack of feedback the majority of the arc. Back in September crazy shit happened in my life, then at work it's like we've been hit with an avalanche of non stop overtime/work that makes me dog tired every day and every weekend. Not to mention Holidays and everything else. It's no excuse but it's all I can offer.

I really am enjoying my time here and it seems like you guys enjoy what I have been putting out there. I hope to impress further this ARC. I would love to see some even more new blood around here as we are lacking handlers but I've tapped my well for contacts I think.

Can't wait to see how the title scene shapes itself this ARC, who moves up the ladder to higher belts. Would love to see Scott Douglas get involved in the title scene, he would be a great title champ. Would love to see Impulse in the world title scene. I really want to see an MV vs. PCP feud but that may not be available after this ARC. Anyways... enough rambling you guys rock!

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