MAIN EVENT: Anarky & Shawn Hart (c) vs. "Triple X" Sean Stevens (c) & Larry Tact (c)
[Returning from commercial, we open up on the boys at commentary. Dave is smiling politely. Dean wears his smug half-smirk. Mike looks like he'd be anywhere else than with these two.]
DT: It's about time now for our main event of the evening, ladies and gentlemen! We've been hit with a lot of surprises tonight... the appearance of a third faction in EPW's stable war... Troy Windham returning as HOPE's advisor….and just now during the break, we were told that Lindsay Troy has banned all Anthology and HOPE members from ringside for this main event.... but either way tonight, in this tag match, bragging rights will officially be established!
DM: You're right about that, Dave. Tonight's match is an important one for HOPE. The World Heavyweight Champion, "Triple X" Sean Stevens, in his new position as the leader of Anthology, marks a significant setback in HOPE's fight for survival! If they can't beat two of the Anthology's very best here tonight, then it's probably a good call to suggest they won't win against them when it matters.
MN: Hopefully, you're talking about that First twerp. Consider tonight a little bit of warm-up for the champ!
DT: You seem confident...
MN: Shouldn't I be? I mean, the Anthology is sending out the fed's WORLD CHAMP and its current TAG TEAM CHAMP. All HOPE has working for them is Shawn Hart, walking around with the IC strap... something he only got by beating that failure Cameron Cruise!
DT: Anyway... let's go to Tony Fatora in the ring.
[We cut away to the ring where Tony Fatora, EPW's long-time ring announcer, greets the camera with a proud smile.]
TF: Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to tonight's TAG TEAM MAIN EVENT!!
[The crowd POPS EXCITEDLY, and moments later, the lights cut to black. The electronic intro to "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie flutters over the PA Anarky's new HOPE video package. As soon as the song hits its familiar opening riff, ANARKY storms out onto the stage, all but ignoring the moderate crowd pop he gets as he sternly makes his way to the ring, eyes burning on the destination ahead of him.]
TF: Introducing first... hailing from Hartford, Connecticut, and I weighing in at 231 pounds... representing HOPE... HE IS... AAAAANNNNNAAAAARRRRKKKKYYYY!!!!
MN: Relax, Dean... I'll make sure he doesn't kick your ass tonight.
DM: Oh go to hell, Neels.
DT: One has to question the mentality of HOPE to allow someone as dangerous and unhinged as Anarky among their ranks, but... since its inception, Anarky has proven himself to be the unrestrained muscle of HOPE!
DM: To think that this man could have just as easily walked into Russian Roulette III in place of Marcus Westcott sends chills down my spine. Tonight, however, Anarky's finally going to get his shot at the champion in this tag team match. The question is, however... can he work well with someone like "The Phenom" Shawn Hart in his corner?
MN: I don't think ANYBODY can...
[As Anarky reaches the ring, he hops to the apron and waits for the arrival of his partner. "Phenomena" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs grooves in over the PA. Orange, yellow, and red lights light up the stage as "THE PHENOM" SHAWN HART rolls out of the entry-way in a golf cart, driving in a zig-zag path down the entry-way as he brushes up past the barricade and slaps hands with some fans. Over his shoulder, he proudly bears the EPW IC Title
TF: Coming to the ring now, his partner... hailing from Orlando, Florida, and weighing in at 215 pounds... representing HOPE, he is the Empire Pro Wrestling INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!! Here is...
DT: The EYE-SEE CHAMP is in the house, and this capacity crowd has COME ALIVE for Shawn Hart!!
MN: Bah... that Benedict Arnold deserves NONE of this!
DM: Shawn Hart has really made some strides in recent months ever since leaving the Anthology, helping to found HOPE and scoring a win over Cameron Cruise to become the Intercontinental Champion!
DT: Tonight presents a new opportunity to get revenge against the Anthology... this time, by picking up a victory over the World Heavyweight Champion, "Triple X" Sean Stevens!
MN: Come on, Dave, there's NO CHANCE of that happening. He might be the Intercontinental Champ, but that only makes him the SECOND best.
[Hart pulls his golf cart up around the steel steps where the ring crew is waiting to drag it out of the ringside area. Hart bounds from the driver's seat to the steps, playing up to the cheering fans as he struts along the apron and steps through the ropes. His first act is to scale up to the second rope, hoist up the IC strap, and pose in a perfect photo-op moment where he proudly displays his hairy-chested physique and its heightened sex appeal with the belt held right around his waist.]
[When he's had his fill playing to the fans, his music cuts and he goes to his corner to get a high-five from Anarky. With a quizzical glare peering back at him through Anarky's skull paint, Hart is unceremoniously left hanging. This is abruptly interrupted by the sound of a booming voice over the PA...]
[The EmpireTron begins playing the World Champion's new Anthology video package. The first shot shows him from his modest Empire Pro beginnings, fresh-faced but still with a glint of arrogance in his eye, marching down to the ring sans World Title.]
[In the next clip, the fully matured "TRIPLE X" SEAN STEVENS stands with the remainder of the Anthology in the ring, gloating over the fallen body of the deposed Cameron Cruise.]
[As "KING!!" is spoken, we get a shot of "Triple X" Sean Stevens hoisting the EPW World Heavyweight Title high over his head while standing on top of the steel cage, fireworks exploding in the heavens, only moments after his hard fought battle at Russian Roulette III. "King Back" by T.I. hits the PA as the arena lights cut out. Fluorescent blue lasers dance across the stage as the Anthology's video package plays on the EmpireTron, detailing the infamous crew's backstage musings and action in the ring.]
TF: And their opponents... at a combined weight of 503 pounds...
[To everyone's amazement, a LIMOSUINE drives out from the side of the stage and pulls up right at the peak of the entry-way.]
DT: Oh come on, not THIS again...
[The driver gets out and hurries over to open the door. Stepping out in sequence is EPW Tag Team Champion LARRY TACT, EPW World Heavyweight Champion "TRIPLE X" SEAN STEVENS, and three supermodel escorts. Tact and Stevens bear matching Ray Ban sunglasses, matching "Reign of the Anthology" t-shirts, and their respective titles. Quite arrogantly, the procession makes its way to the ring, with Stevens and Tact jawing at the fans. Both men enter the ring together and scale opposing turnbuckles, posing with their belts displayed to a jeering capacity crowd.]
DT: They certainly aren't MODEST, are they?
MN: Hey, when you're the very BEST there is... you don't NEED to be modest!
DM: They aren't the best until they prove it here tonight, Neels!
MN: I'm sorry... but were you SLEEPING through that EPIC cage match at Russian Roulette where Stevens came out STILL champion?!
DT: All I know is, with "Triple X" Sean Stevens in command of the Anthology... his power is exploding almost beyond his own control! The question now is, can he lead the Anthology to slowing the momentum of HOPE!
MN: Oh, no sweat! He's got the TAG CHAMP in his corner tonight! Larry Tact is by far the Anthology's most consistent and strongest member! This is a pairing that can't POSSIBLY fail! Look at how they already seem to be on the same page!
[Tact and Stevens discard their clothing items to their escorts, who carry them back up the ramp. Both sides briefly confer strategy and who goes in first. The ref, meanwhile, carries all the available titles to the timekeeper.]
DM: Man, enough gold in that ring to be in Fort Knox right now!
[Making his final checks, he nods again to the timekeeper.]
DT: Senior Official Pat Jones cues for the bell, and it looks as though this tag match will start off pitting the Tag Team Champion against the Intercontinental Champion!
DM: Hart and Tact are in the ring, and we're ready to get this one underway!
DT: Both men circling each other in the center of the ring... and there's the LOCK-UP! Hart and Tact... WRANGLING each other around the ring, trying to get the first move on the other!
DM: And it's HART coming out on top with a headlock! Hart, PUMPING up the crowd... but don't get carried away, Shawn! Tact backing into the ropes... and pushes Hart right off! Hart into the ropes... coming back with a lariat -- but Tact COUNTERS with a hip toss!
MN: YEAH! Good move, Larry!
DT: Hart is back to his feet, but Tact meets him with an ELBOW across the side of the face that knocks the IC Champ into the ropes! Tact taking him around the waist now... looking for a BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX -- but he's DENIED!
DM: Hart has ahold of the top rope, preventing Tact from lifting him! Tact releases, and -- WHOA, NELLY!! Hart kicks up his LEGS and sends Tact ROLLING to the mat with a LEG-SCISSOR TAKEDOWN! GREAT counter!
MN: Lame...
Crowd: *POP!*
DT: Fast action so far early in this match... Hart goes to his corner, and makes the tag to Anarky! The unstable brawler hits the ring with a sadistic glint in his eye, meeting Larry Tact just as the Tag Team Champion makes it to his feet!
DM: Tact comes looking for the grapple, but gets a BOOT to his gut instead! Anarky steps up and begins WAILING AWAY with rights and lefts! He's blatantly got his fists closed there, and Pat Jones interferes, much to the discontent of the fans!
MN: 'Bout TIME he did something about it! How this maniac even got his suspension lifted is beyond me!
DT: Very much a loose cannon in Empire Pro, but Anarky relents for the moment! He knows how important it is to the other members of HOPE that they score this win over the Anthology!
DM: But now Tact has the chance to come back! Anarky suddenly finds himself in the CLINCH... and Tact looking for a KNEE STRIKE -- but it's BLOCKED by Anarky! Anarky lands a DRAGON SCREW to put Tact to the mat... and goes right into the MOUNT to lay in even MORE rights and lefts!
DT: Jones yet again warning about the closed fist gets Anarky to stop his onslaught, but it was enough to leave Tact DAZED and on his back! 'Nark pins the shoulders, and here's the pin attempt in the match!
NO! Tact kicked out!
DM: HOPE has looked solid thus far in this match... Anarky brings Larry Tact back to his feet, and there's the whip into the ropes! Wait -- TAG MADE by Tact to the World Champion Stevens as he sprung off the ropes!
DT: Anarky looking for the back body drop, but Tact LEAP FROGS -- and SLIDES right out of the ring! Anarky staring him down, but he doesn't see STEVENS going to the TOP ROPE!!
MN: Oh yeah! Turn around nice and slow, Mr. Skull-Face!
DM: Stevens OFF THE TOP... and Anarky TURNS RIGHT INTO A MISSLE DROPKICK!! True to Sean Stevens style, this arena goes DEAD SILENT! That was a good play of bait and switch, and now the World Champion has a chance to gain some momentum for his team!
DT: Anarky, only briefly stunned, pushes back to his feet... but his first attempt to strike Sean Stevens is turned into a HAMMERLOCK by the champ! Stevens strains the arm, and Anarky BITES BACK with an elbow!
MN: Oh, BIG MISTAKE, buddy!
DM: Stevens with a LEGSWEEP, and Anarky unexpectedly kisses the mat! Stevens switches around, and slaps on a front facelock before 'Nark can rise!
DT: 'Nark, trying to break free, but Stevens NAILS HIM right in the spine with a few forearms to keep him from struggling any further! Now Stevens hooks the arm... VERTICLE SUPLEX!!
MN: Great form on that one!
DT: Stevens back on his feet while Anarky lies temporarily stunned on his back! The champion bounces off the ropes... and a BIG jumping elbow drop connects RIGHT in the sternum! Anarky WINDED, and Stevens quickly crosses over and hooks the legs for a cover!
And a KICKOUT made by Anarky! I hardly expected him to go down that easily.
MN: You'd be surprised...
DM: Stevens bringing 'Nark back to his feet... no wait, Anarky just BATS his hands away, and CLOCKS the World Champion with a hard HEADBUTT!
DT: Stevens is REELING... and Anarky goes to his corner to tag in the Intercontinental Champion!
DM: Shawn Hart hits the ring with a purpose, but the World Champion is quick to regain his bearings! Both men tie-up... and Stevens comes out of it with a HARD CHOP to the pecs of the Phenom! But Hart just SOAKS IT UP!!
Crowd: *POP!*
DT: "Triple X" Sean Stevens with ANOTHER stiff chop to the chest... and Hart doesn't BUDGE!
MN: Uh oh, I think he's got his HART ON!!
DM: Shawn Hart is REALLY getting this crowd on fire now, telling the World Champion to bring his worst! Stevens... with a BOOT TO THE GUT this time! Follows through with a DDT -- NO WAY, HART COUNTERS WITH A NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!!
Crowd: *POP!!!*
NO!! Kickout made by Sean Stevens!
MN: Yeah, get real...
DT: Hart rolls over first and slaps an unsuspecting Sean Stevens into a rear chinlock, digging a knee deep into the World Champion's spine! Hart's definitely showing some SKILL against Empire Pro's icon here tonight!
MN: Bah... Trip is just letting him have his moment.
DM: Sure, Neels... Stevens not giving in without a fight, but Hart might have something more in store for him here... he gets up to BOTH knees and rolls BACK!! WOW!! What a PAINFUL looking maneuver! I don't even know what to call that!
MN: A botched Codebreaker...
DT: Innovated submission hold applied by Shawn Hart, stretching back on the chin of "Triple X" while arching him over his knees... but wait, Stevens ROLLS THROUGH... right into an INVERTED FACELOCK on Hart! What a COUNTER!!
DM: Stevens brings Hart off the mat... has a handful of tights and goes for the INVERTED SUPLEX -- but Hart SLIPS OUT and lands on his feet right behind the champ! Here's Hart with a CLUTCH ROLL-UP!!
KICKOUT!! It was too good to be true!
MN: In your dreams, Dave...
DM: Hart still in control of this match, brings the champion back to his feet... there's the Irish Whip to the corner, and Sean Stevens CONNECTS!! Here comes Hart running off the ropes looking to follow through --
MN: DENIED!! Trip just threw him off like a cheap pair of sunglasses!
DM: Hart, scrambling to his feet, but Sean Stevens has already gone to his corner... and TAGS IN Larry Tact!
Crowd: "BOOOOO!!"
DT: I guess he decided that he had enough of it!
MN: What are you talking about? This is all just tactful tag team strategy!
DM: No doubt, the champion "Triple X" Sean Stevens is trying to break up the momentum set by his Intercontinental counterpart... meanwhile, Hart remains in the ring while Tact intercepts him! Both men tie up... and it's TACT coming out on top with a wristlock on Hart!
DT: Tact wrenches the arm and shoulder of the IC champ, and Hart just GRITS through the pain... Hart, scheming for a counter, and -- wait, he just drops FLAT ON HIS BACK! What the HELL?! Tact YANKED HIM DOWN by his HAIR!!
MN: That's a lie! You didn't see ANYTHING!
Crowd: "BOOOOO!!"
DM: I don't think the ref saw it, but he knows something is up! Tact explaining to Pat Jones that Hart must have slipped! Whether by purpose or accident, however, it put Hart on the mat, and the way he hit his head, I think it dazed him quite a bit!
DT: Tact is pressing the issue now, sitting Hart up and slapping on a STRAITJACKET SLEEPER and drives his knee into the back of the Intercontinental Champion! Hart in a WORLD of pain now, with his own arms be forced to squeeze the life out of him! But he simply refuses to tap out!
DM: And as the seconds tic away, Hart loses more and more energy to stay in this battle! Tact knows he can give his team the edge if he can manage to wear down Hart and make him the weaker man in HOPE's corner!
MN: He's ALWAYS been the weaker man! That's why he couldn't cut it with the Anthology to begin with!
DT: Hart, getting support from the crowd now! Even ANARKY is slapping the ropes, trying to get Shawn Hart pumped up!
MN: Or just warning him of the repercussions of wimping out...
DM: I think Neels might be right. 'Nark, apparently, is motivating Hart through profanity right now...
DM: Hart working back to his FEET now... and he's UP -- but Tact just DRIVES HIM RIGHT BACK TO THE MAT!! Hart was driven down HARD on the back of his head, and Tact has the perfect opportunity to lay in a few stiff boots to the ribs of the IC Champion!
DT: Pat Jones finally steps in to break it up, but Tact only moves away to return to his corner and make the tag back to Sean Stevens! Tact back on the apron, his work done...
MN: And done WELL, I might add!
DM: Hart trying to get to his corner, but Stevens is too quick! Stevens drags him back to the center of the ring by the leg... and proceeds to slap on the ESS-TEE-EFF!! THERE'S one you don't see enough of these days!
DT: Sean Stevens has the PERFECT angle stretching back on the neck and right leg of Shawn Hart! Jones asking if Hart will tap out, but he's FIGHTING IT with all he's got!
MN: Jeez, not THIS again!
DM: Hart has no chance of reaching the ropes from here... instead he tries POWERING out... and HE MAKES IT!! Hart ROLLING OVER, but Stevens slips out and QUICKLY traps him on the mat with a waistlock!
DT: Come on, Shawn!
MN: Come on, SEAN!!
DT: Hart trying to wriggle free, but Stevens digs his heels... GERMAN SUPLEX puts Hart on his SHOULDERS!!
NO!! Hart kicked out, and he stays alive!
DM: He's definitely fighting an uphill battle at this point, but he has not given up! If he can only make a tag to Anarky, who is more than eager to just bounce in there and lay WASTE to everything, HOPE can stay in this main event!
MN: Sorry, ain't happening. The champion's just about to wrap things up...
DT: The champion isn't losing a step now, bringing Hart back to his feet... there's the WHIP to the corner, and Hart connects HARD!! Stevens going up to the SECOND rope now... and goes RIGHT TO WORK on Hart's forehead!
...and a BIG TEN leaves Hart falling flat to the mat like a sack of bricks! The World Champion, meanwhile, plays himself to the camera, casually throwing back his hair and smirking for the fans watching at home!
Crowd: "BOOOOOOO!!"
DM: The champion's infamous ego on display...
MN: Knock it all you want, haters! He's the BEST!!
DT: The World Champion has Shawn Hart in the palm of his hand now... bringing him back to his feet, and hooks both arms... lifting him for a SUPLEX?! NO -- DROPS HIM INTO A PAINFUL LOOKING BACKBREAKER!! OH MAN!!
DM: That was a potentially crippling maneuver... and it could have very well done the job, as Hart doesn't look to be moving any time soon!
DT: Here goes Stevens with the cover!
NO!! That one got broken up by ANARKY!
MN: Get that punk out of the ring, ref! Come on!
DM: Pat Jones is telling him to get back on the apron, but 'Nark -- being 'Nark -- is going to argue the point! He's not doing his partner any favors, because the ref has his back turned to Stevens reeling Hart in to his corner so Tact can CHOKE HIM over the top rope!
DT: Anarky's trying to break it up, but Pat Jones just WON'T let him by! Come on, this is just SICKENING!
MN: Looks like our senior official is a bit overpaid...
DM: Anarky, FINALLY going to the apron, and Pat Jones turns his attention back to the match just as Stevens pulls Hart out of the corner and drops him to the mat with a HARD Swinging Neckbreaker!! Anthology still controls the match!
DT: Shawn Hart just needs the perfect break to bring all the momentum back on his side!
MN: Yeah, fat chance...
DM: Stevens, making the tag back to Larry Tact... and both men holding a little conversation now! It looks like the champion is telling Tact to hoist him up for something he has planned!
MN: Oh man, this could be GOOD!
DT: I don't like where this is going! Tact, setting a defenseless Hart into a standing headscissor... lifts him UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS as if going for a STALLING POWERBOMB... and there goes Stevens, into the ROPES --
DT: And Tact is left in LIMBO, holding Hart on his SHOULDERS!! But NOT FOR LONG!! Hart with a HURRICANRANA, and HOOKS THE LEGS for the pin!!
NO!! Tact rolls THROUGH IT!!
HART kicks out!!
DM: That miscue on the part of the Anthology could be all Shawn Hart needs to get back in this match! He makes a mad dash for his corner just as Anarky jumps back onto the apron!
Crowd: *POP!!!*
MN: Oh NO!!
DT: Oh YES!!! Anarky RAGING into the ring as Tact makes it to his feet, and the Tag Champion just get LEVELED by a lariat! The World Champion, back into the ring... and runs straight into a ROARING POWERSLAM by Anarky!!
DM: I hardly believe what I'm hearing, but that crazy son of a ***** has this arena ON ITS FEET!!
DT: Anarky goes back to the legal man, pushing him back into the corner and GOING TO TOWN with a series of hard punches to the face! Tact can do NOTHING to defend himself! Anarky taking him by the arm now, and Stevens makes it to his feet... but Anarky goes for the IRISH WHIP -- Tact and Stevens COLLIDE VIOLENTLY!!
DM: 'Nark has wanted to be in that ring for a while now, and he's just taken out both a Tag Champion and the World Champion SINGLE-HANDEDLY!! And at the best possible time! He's saved HOPE's chances in winning this bout!
MN: It ain't over YET!
DT: The World Champion rolls from the ring as Anarky brings Larry Tact back to his feet! Here's a front-facelock, and he hooks the arm... lifting him UP HIGH... and RIGHT DOWN INTO THE MAT with a BRAINBUSTER!! GOOD GOD!!
DM: It could be lights out for Larry Tact!
DT: Anarky going for the COVER...
THR--NO!! Tact kicks out!
DM: Worried, Neels?
MN: Don't be so sure of that, Dave! Here comes Sean Stevens back on the apron! As long as he's there, there's NO WAY Tact can go down! Not that Larry needs somebody to watch his back...
DM: Anarky, meanwhile, has Tact back on his feet and whips him to the ropes... Tact runs straight into a KNEE LIFT from Anarky that puts him right on the mat!
DT: Anarky drops down for the cover...
MN: Called it!
DM: Pat Jones trying to get Stevens out of the ring, but now ANARKY is getting into it with the World Champion! 'Nark SHOVES Stevens, and --
Crowd: "BOOOOOOOO!!!"
MN: YEAH!! Game, set, MATCH!!
DT: Pat Jones STILL demanding Stevens leave the ring, and now the champion does so, pointing to the limp body of Anarky as Larry Tact drapes over him to make the cover! Goddamnit, NOT LIKE THIS!!
Crowd: *POP!!!*
MN: What the hell, HE CAN'T DO THAT!! Can't this ref get some CONTROL to this match!!
DT: All hell is about to BREAK LOOSE! Hart to his feet, and he's calling out the CHAMPION there on the apron!
DM: Uh oh... Pat Jones telling Hart to get back to his corner, but Hart is ignoring him completely as the IC Champion jaws off to the World Heavyweight Champion! And Stevens just stands there and tells him to BRING IT!
MN: The CHAMP ain't afraid of you, you wannabe!
DT: Wait a second, Tact back on his feet, holding the back of his head... and sees Shawn Hart with his back to him! Stevens is keeping him DISTRACTED! Here comes Tact from behind -- AND STEVENS PULLS DOWN THE TOP ROPE, and both men SPILL TO THE OUTSIDE!!
DM: Hart should have gone back to his corner, but HOPE is safe for now, as Larry Tact -- the legal man -- is on the outside of the ring! Tact bringing a stunned Hart back to his feet and CHOPPING HIM MERCILESSLY against the apron!
MN: Payback's a bitch, ain't it?! That'll teach you to break up the Anthology's pins!
DT: Pat Jones making the ten count on Tact, but... wait, he's got his back turned on the action in the ring! Stevens comes around the corner where he can't see him, and slips into the ring just as a groggy Anarky reaches his feet...
DM: Uh oh... Stevens hooking 'Nark from behind with an inverted face lock -- LIFTS HIM UP -- AND DRILLS HIM WITH THE X-TERMINATOR!!!
Crowd: "BOOOOOOO!!!!"
DT: DAMNIT, Stevens just LAID OUT the LEGAL MAN in the ring! But the only man available to pin him is out on ringside! Jones at the count of FIVE as Tact takes Hart by the arm... AND WHIPS HIM MERCILESSLY INTO THE GUARDRAIL!!
DM: This isn't looking good for HOPE!
MN: Come on, Larry, get back in the ring and let's wrap this up!
DT: Stevens waves for his attention and points out Anarky laid out in the ring! Tact slides back -- NO!! Hart grabs him by the ankle and YANKS HIM OUT AGAIN!! It broke the TEN COUNT and it bought Anarky THAT MUCH more time to recover!
MN: What the hell, didn't he just get thrown into the STEEL BARRICADE?!
DM: Hart came right back! He hasn't had enough of Larry Tact on the outside, and now both men trading HARD rights and lefts as Pat Jones continues the count! Sean Stevens understands that this is not going to fly when Anarky is laid out in the middle of the ring and the opportunity to pin him is RIGHT THERE, and he comes around the ring to get involved!
DT: OH MAN!! Shawn Hart just got LAID OUT by the champ with a running clothesline to the back of the head that he just didn't see coming! Stevens nods to Tact, and the Tag Champ FINALLY rolls back into the ring! He makes the cover on ANARKY...
MN: DAMN!! If he had just been a SECOND FASTER!!
DM: Shawn Hart's interference outside the ring bought Anarky a bit more time to recover from that DEVASTATING X-Terminator! But Hart is paying the price now, as Sean Stevens traps him in a FIGURE FOURLOCK on the outside!!
DT: What is the meaning of THAT?!
MN: Isn't it obvious, Dave? That way, Shawn Hart is more concerned with his LEGS not being broken than trying to muck up the finish!
DM: Speaking of the finish, Larry Tact knows he's got Anarky right where he wants him, and stands him up to his feet... Tact slapping on a front-facelock, hooks the leg... going for the STARBREAKER -- but Anarky BLOCKS IT!! He FREED HIS LEG at the last second and dropped back to his feet!!
DT: Tact, struggling for control, but Anarky switches it up on him and twists him around... and lands THE CHAOS BREAKER!!!
Crowd: *POP!!!*
DM: Oh man, WHAT A REVERSAL!! "Triple X" Sean Stevens hears the crowd, and he sees that something is up! Stevens, now, trying to BREAK the figure four applied on Hart, but his LEGS ARE ALL TANGLED!!
DT: Anarky drapes the arm across the chest of Larry Tact as Sean Stevens struggles to his feet...
THREEEE!!! Stevens got in the ring, but was just a SNAP SECOND too late as Pat Jones made the three count before he could break it up!
Crowd: *POP!!!*
MN: Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!!!
["More Human Than Human" hits the PA as Anarky rolls off of Tact onto his back. Stevens argues with Pat Jones about making the break, but Jones confides that the three count was made before he could get there, leaving the World Champion to KICK the mat in sheer frustration! Meanwhile, Shawn Hart, limping slightly from the figure four sustained only moments earlier, makes it to his feet and is delighted to discover his tag partner pulled out the win.]
TF: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match...
DM: The champion STILL can't believe it!
DT: Well, he's just going to have to deal with the reality! Here tonight, HOPE has upstaged the Anthology, and proven their legitimacy here in Empire Pro!
MN: This is BLASPHEMY!! Anarky isn't even a CHAMPION!!
DM: And the one man who came into this match without gold around his waist came up making the big play in the end! Against a talented Tag Team Champion and the federation's VERY BEST, Anarky and Shawn Hart found a way for HOPE to hang on!
[Pulling Tact from the ring, Stevens leads him up the ramp. The defeated members of Anthology glare angrily back to the ring, holding their titles as though to prove they were still, by default, the BEST on paper. Meanwhile, HOPE celebrates in the ring. Shawn Hart bounds from one turnbuckle to the next while Anarky talks trash to the departing Anthology.]
DT: It's been a big night for HOPE tonight, but... one has to wonder what Anthology will do in response to this!
MN: Oh, believe me, there will be HELL to pay!
DT: We'll see you next time, fans, LIVE from LAS VEGAS where we will present the FIFTIETH INSTALLMENT of EPW'S AGGRESSION!! It's going to be a MONUMENTAL event, and you won't want to miss it! Until then, I'm Dave Thomas... this is Mike Neely and "The Show Stealer" Dean Matthews... GOOD NIGHT!!
[CUT TO: Backstage, Lindsay Troy’s office. Troy has a determined serious look on her face as she goes through some paperwork and glances over at a monitor; the sight of Troy Windham, not one of her favorite people in the world to put it mildly, doesn’t help her mood.
Just then, the door bursts open and the tag team champions, Larry Tact and Jared Wells come through.]
TACT: What the f*** kinda operation are you runnin’, Troy??
WELLS: Yeah, what the hell?? Because you banned everyone from ringside in the main event, you let those HOPE douchebags cheat their way to a victory, and besides that - TROY WINDHAM? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
TROY: [starting almost literally turn red with anger] Tact, for the sake of your career…
TACT: These two lunatic jobbers Erik Black and Omega Man or whatever the hell his name is are challenging US to a title match?? Have you lost your mind completely letting these people pull this s**t??
TROY: Like I said, Tact – for the sake of your career, I would leave my office…..right. now.
TACT: Psshh… whatever, Troy. What’re you gonna do, fire me??
WELLS: [laughing] Yeah, right. She doesn’t have the guts.
Lindsay Troy practically ERUPTS out of her chair and slams both hands down on the desk, startling both men.]
TROY: As a matter of FACT, that’s EXACTLY WHAT I’M GONNA DO.
TACT: Uhhh… what?
WELLS: Whoa whoa whoa…. You wouldn’t dare.
TACT: You can’t do this!! [turning to Wells] She can’t do this!
WELLS: Troy, you’re gonna fire one half of the tag team champions right before the biggest show in the history of the company?? Come on, think this through!!
[Troy slams her hand down on an intercom button on her phone, and a female voice comes through – “Yes, Ms. Troy?”]
TROY: Phyllis, security, my office. NOW.
TACT: Hold on! I misspoke!! Everything’s fine – there’s no need for this!
[Four security guards enter the office, two of them grabbing one of Tact’s arms each.]
TROY: Get him the hell outta here.
[The guards start to drag Tact out and he and Wells continue to protest.]
TACT: You can’t do this! You’re gonna hear from my attorneys!
WELLS: [pointing a finger in Troy’s face] You’re gonna regret this. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.
TROY: [leaning in and seething through clinched teeth] Leave now – or you can join him.
[This gets Wells’ attention and he finally leaves the room, but less than five seconds later Wells is back, this time with Sean Stevens, Copycat and Sean Edmunds in tow.]
STEVENS: Where do you get off?? There’s no way you’re firing Tact, just no way.
STEVENS: [dismissive] What the hell is your problem anyway? You on the rag, or what??
[Uh oh.]
TROY: That’s IT. I’ve had it with every last one of you. I’m sick of your mouth, I’m sick of your cheating, and I’m sick of looking at you. EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU – GET OUT. YOU’RE ALL TERMINATED, IMMEDIATELY.
[Stevens’ mouth actually drops open.]
TROY: [pointing as she talks, shaking in anger] YOU. [Wells.] YOU. [Copycat.] YOU. [Edmunds.] AND ESPECIALLY…. YOU. [Stevens.]
[The commotion in the office has been overheard by various people in the hallways and a small crowd has gathered – through the crowd, Dan Ryan pushes his way through and into the office.]
STEVENS: Not gonna happen, Troy!!! No way you can do this!!
RYAN: What’s going on here?
[Troy doesn’t take her glare off of Stevens, so he addresses Ryan himself.]
STEVENS: Your sister-in-law just fired the World Champion, the Tag Team Champions and the number one contender to the Intercontinental Title all at once.
[Ryan glances over at Troy, one eyebrow raised. He talks to Stevens, but keeps his gaze on Troy.]
RYAN: I see.
STEVENS: ****, Dan – do something about this. I don’t care if you like me or not, this is bull**** and you know it!
RYAN: [still looking at Troy, addressing her now] Are you sure this is such a good idea, Lindz?
TROY: [now turning her glare to Ryan] DON’T TELL ME HOW TO RUN THE COMPANY… DAN.
[Ryan’s eyebrows raise one more time as he stares straight into Lindsay Troy’s eyes. She stares back, and over the course of the next few moments, something softens. Finally, she throws her hands up.]
TROY: Fine. F**k this. You think I’m not doing my job? You do it. I’m officially handing the company back over to you. You deal with these morons for a while.
[Troy quickly packs up a few personal items and shoves her way through the group in her office.]
RYAN: Lindsay….
TROY: See you later, Dan. Good luck with all this. And Dan…. don’t call me. Just leave me alone.
[Ryan sighs, but says nothing more – just lets her walk out.]
STEVENS: So what about all this, Dan?? You gonna let her fire all of us and cripple the company?
[Ryan looks at Stevens, thinks for a moment.]
RYAN: No. No I’m not.
STEVENS: I knew you’d do what was best for business.
RYAN: Except for Larry Tact. He stays fired.
STEVENS/WELLS/COPYCAT/EDMUNDS: [almost simultaneously] WHAT?!?!
RYAN: Consider it…. a lesson learned.
WELLS: We have the tag team titles to defend!!
RYAN: Well, Stevens is the World Champion… but I see two other very capable men for you to team with. Pick one, and I’ll let you hold onto the titles and defend ‘em.
WELLS: So I can pick between Copycat and Edmunds and we’ll keep the belts.
RYAN: I’m compromising here, for the sake of business.
STEVENS: And what about Windham??
RYAN: At Aggression 50 I want you one on one against The First as a little Black Dawn preview. Windham can be in First’s corner and you can have Wells in yours to keep things even. But if anyone else interferes in that match, I’ll revisit these firings and may change my mind.
[Stevens glares at Ryan but nods his head slightly.]
RYAN: Go home. Get your rest. Do whatever. But DON’T…. make the mistake of coming into THIS office and trying to dictate anything to anyone in here EVER AGAIN.
[Ryan gets nose to nose with Sean Stevens.]
RYAN: You get me, sweetheart?
STEVENS: Sure thing, boss… [Stevens backs away and motions for the rest of Anthology to leave with him.] Whatever you say….
[Ryan glares after them as we….