[The arena lights begin to flicker as a distorted guitar wails with feedback over the PA, causing many people to wince. The men at the table glance around in confusion before the camera pans over to the stage.]
DT: Oh, what now?
[CUE UP: “Master of Alchemy” by Electric Wizard.]
[A spotlight hits the entry-way as the EmpireTron fills up with a loop of grainy, black-and-white b-roll footage of dead leaves and grass, grime-covered floors and fixtures, and extreme close-ups of black, filthy hands gripping and clenching into each other. After a moment of ominous doom riffage being pumped through the arena’s sound system, five letters appear scrawled on the screen in a viscous, tar-like substance...]
DT: What’s going on here? And just who, or WHAT, is this “Rezin”?
DM: Hell if I know, Dave, but I think we’re about to find out!
[SFX: *BOOOM!!*]
[As the music enters its main groove, two pillars of fire EXPLODE on either side of the stage as a figure emerges from the entry-way. Clad apparently in only shades, pants, and a beat-up black duster, the hairy young man takes a moment to scan the crowd with the hungry smirk of a vampire.]
DM: Who is that?!
[As he starts down the ramp for the ring, the camera zooms in to get a better look... and it suddenly becomes apparent that everybody KNOWS this guy: It’s Erik Black!]
MN: Yeah, that’s the man!
DT: Jeez, I hardly recognized him!
DM: I was about to say the same thing, Dave. Looks like he’s, uh... revamped his image, so to speak.
MN: I’ll say! Look at that pimp-ass coat he’s rockin’!
DM: That coat looks like Baghdad...
MN: You have no eye for fashion, Dean-O... beat-up and dirty is IN this season.
DM: Pff... whatever, Neely. I may not know fashion like I know wrestling, but I DO know that as I look at Dopesmoker right now, I see a man in SERIOUS need of some grooming! And maybe three bucks in quarters to do his LAUNDRY for once. Not to mention a stint in rehab...
[Black ambles to the ring at a casual pace, getting heat from the crowd but just soaking it up. Along the way, he turns to the side and coughs rather repulsively into the faces of a group of young wrestling fans coalesced on the other side of the barricade, who immediately recoil in disgust.]
DM: For crying out loud, look at this bum... look at what’s become of him!
MN: QUIET, Dean... show some RESPECT! That man practically MADE the Empire Pro ring!
DT: Sadly, Mike... I might have to agree with Dean. All that can be said of the Escape Artist’s legacy in the Empire Pro is that it’s unfortunately being overshadowed as we see him in his current state. There’s no doubt about it, ladies and gentlemen... seeing Erik Black as I see him now, I’d say he’s completely hit rock bottom!
[He takes his time approaching the ring, lazily sitting himself on the apron before sluggishly slipping in under the bottom rope. From there, he sits up with his arm draped over the middle rope, and doesn’t move. The music cuts and awkward silence follows as the capacity crowd watches this intruder sit...]
DM: What’s he doing here anyway? He wasn’t scheduled to compete!
DT: That’s true, Dean-O... but there were also some rumors that he was finally going to be answering some questions tonight. The REAL question is, however... is he in any state to answer honestly right now?
MN: Well, I don’t know, Dave... why don’t you go find out?
DT: Huh?
[CUT TO: The commentary table as Thomas and Matthews give Mike Neely a pair of stunned expressions.]
MN: Yeah, I mean... if you say he’s here to give us answers, then why don’t you go in there and get them?
DT: Well, uh... I don’t know...
MN: C’mon, Dave... the fans of Empire Pro WANT to hear what’s going on in his head just as much as you do!
DM: I know I don’t want to know...
DT: Hmm... well, I guess you have a point, Mike... the EPW Universe deserves to know.
MN: You’re the man, Dave!
[In a rare moment, Dave Thomas rises from the table and sets the headset down. He gives a on last timid glance to Dean, and the Show Stealer gives him a reassuring nod.]
DM: Be careful in there, Dave. No telling how crazed he is...
MN: Oh, would you relax, Dean! Nothing like that is gonna happen!
[Mustering up his courage, Dave leaves the table for the timekeeper to retrieve a pair of microphones.]
MN: Uh-huh... he’s totally going to get his head kicked off... but hey, better him than us, right, Dean-O?
DM: ...kiss my ass, Neels.
[Visibly hesitant, Dave ascends the steps to the apron, looking curiously at the man seated against the ropes.]
Dave Thomas: Uh... excuse me, Dopesmoker...?
[No reaction, as if his mic weren’t functioning. Or as if the person he were speaking to just wasn’t listening. Again, showing reluctance, Dave slowly creeps through the ropes into the ring, like a kid trespassing over a fence to retrieve a fouled baseball, and trying not to wake the man-eating dog keeping watch over the yard.]
Dave Thomas: Dopesmoker?
[Nada. The fans now begin to taunt him, but he acts as if he doesn’t hear them either.]
Dave Thomas: Is everything alright, Dopesmoker?
[Black looks up and sees Thomas, looking rather reproached by the query. He holds up his hand and accepts the mic that the seasoned play-by-play commentator cautiously hands over. The Escape Artist holds it up to his mouth... and breaths into it.]
Erik Black: … … …
DM: Sounds like we’re losing the crowd... would this chump just say something and get the hell out of here?
MN: Hey, when this man speaks, he speaks VOLUMES, Dean. Let him soak these marks until they pull their hair out...
[Black glances around into the audience for a moment before turning his attention back onto Dave Thomas. His eye seems to twitch in the corner as somebody who is definitely NOT the wrestler known as Dopesmoker speaks...]
Rezin: … “Is everything all right... DOPESMOKER??”
[He grabs the top rope and pulls himself to his feet, and Dave Thomas can’t help but take a couple steps back.]
Rezin: Well that’s an interesting question, David. “Is everything all right, DOPESMOKER?”
[The madman can’t withhold the spine-tingling chuckle that follows.]
Rezin: Heh... well how in the hell should I know? Ask him yourself...
Crowd: “Pff-HUH?!”
DM: Okay... this guy is bat-**** crazy. Not stoned... well, no, I take that back, I’m sure he IS stoned, but definitely crazy as well.
[Dave looks confused, as he probably should be.]
Dave Thomas: Sorry, but uh... aren’t I asking him NOW?
[Black leans against the ropes... perhaps because he’s having trouble standing.]
Rezin: I dunno... are you, or aren’t you? Do you see a pipe in my hand, David? Do you see me SMOKING DOPE?!
[He shakes his head, emotions fluctuating from amused, to enraged, to depressed.]
Rezin: Nope... no dope, no smoke. I guess you can say the ol’ Goat Bastard’s done smoked all the dope that was his career here in the Empire. And when there’s no more dope to be smoked... what’s left, David? What do you see?
Dave Thomas: I’m... not sure, to be honest. What AM I seeing?
[The Escape Artist approaches the commentator... gets within inches of his face.]
Rezin: Just ME... REZIN... the residue... the waste... the sludge... the **** you scrape off the bottom of the bowl when you’re at the end of your rope and all you want and need is to just numb the pain and agony of living this rotten existence... that’s all that’s left of me, David.
[Black -- or more appropriately, the newly christened “Rezin” -- walks away from Dave, shaking his head like a bum on the streets of Manhattan.]
DM: ...what - the - HELL is he babbling about?
MN: Man, that was nothing short of POETRY! So he’s calling himself REZIN now, huh? BADASS! Can’t you just FEEL all that nihilistic rage pent up inside, waiting to explode?
DM: All I feel right now is sick to my stomach... and if you’re seriously thinking this “Rezin” crap is “badass”, then you’re just as crazy as he is...
[The crowd murmurs with steady confusion, and the commentator still looks as though he’s missing something.]
Dave Thomas: “Rezin?” Uhh, Erik... sorry to ask... but do you happen to be HIGH right now?
[Rezin arches an eyebrow.]
Rezin: Am I HIGH? Oh, David... if anything, right now, the only thing I’m feeling is LOW. If there’s a bottom, then believe me, buddy, I’m there. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing...
[The maniacal smirk reappears on his face as he frantically waves his finger through the air with every word of his maddened rant.]
Rezin: See... when you’re at the bottom, smoking this black sludge, getting by and getting high on mere scraps... you begin to see the big picture. You begin to realize things that you never realized before... things that most people just overlook because their minds are too preoccupied in pleasing themselves. But when you’re nothing but refuse in the eyes of your peers, you see the truth as clear as day.
Dave Thomas: Uh... what “truth” would you be referring to?
[Rezin steps away to face the camera, taking off his shades to reveal some MAJOR bloodshot eyes underneath. It’s the stare of a man who has plumb the deepest and darkest depths of his own twisted psyche and simply laughed at what he saw.]
Rezin: The truth is, David... life, as we know it... all of existence across the Universe... it’s all doomed to inevitably turn up as nothing. Everything that is created... is doomed to be DESTROYED! Whether it’s a distant star, or the career of any superstar that steps into this ring... one day, it’s gotta come to end.
[He points to the mat and stamps his feet a couple times for good measure.]
Rezin: This ring? One day it will become old and obsolete. Bossman will sell it to some gym where it will sit for years on end becoming more and more dilapidated until it finally gets torn up and scrapped. THIS RING, David... the ring where CHAMPIONS once performed... and all it’s going to end up being is JUNK in a trash heap.
[He starts pointing out random objects spread out across the arena.]
Rezin: Same goes for that rampway... those barricades... that cheap, plywood table obstructed Dean Matthews’ bulging GUT!
MN: HA!!
Rezin: Even that monkey suit you’re wearing, David... one day, it will grow out of style and will spend an eternity on the rack of some thrift clothing store until it disintegrates at the seams. Hell, no doubt this whole ARENA will one day decay and be torn down, only to be forgotten by the misbegotten and simple-minded sheep here in TORONTO!
Crowd: “BOOOOO!!”
MN: Ingrateful Canucks...
[Rezin smirks at the heated crowd reaction.]
Rezin: All things inevitably go to waste and fade into obscurity... and the same goes for this wretched industry of professional wrestling. It’s a sad and depressing fact, I know... but you’d be an idiot to deny the reality of the situation. Destruction and disintegration awaits us all, and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop it, David...
[CUT TO: Dave Thomas’ reaction. He looks beyond words at this point, shaking his head in absolute disappointment.]
Rezin: So here I am, at the lowest of the low... and for the first time, it all becomes clear to me. If I can’t stop it, then why stand in its way? I mean... why not just SPEED UP the process?
Dave Thomas: …what are you saying, Erik?
[The smirk contorts into a snarl in the blink of an eye as the Goat Bastard nearly throws himself upon the commentator in blinding rage.]
Crowd: “BOOOOOO!!”
DM: Whoa... touchy, are we?
MN: Dave better get his name RIGHT if he’s looking out for his best interest!
[After a long and awkward moment passes with the commentator standing face to face with the wide-eyed maniac inches from his nose. Then, light a switch going off in his head, Rezin steps away, putting the shades back over his eyes and flashing the apathetic smirk once again.]
Rezin: And what I’m SAYING is that a fast death is better than a slow death. This industry is dying, Dave... so I feel it’s my DUTY as an compassionate member of this profession for many years that I help EUTHANIZE it.
Rezin: All great Empires in the history of civilization have collapsed... and it would be stupid to say that the same fate awaits this Empire of Professional Wrestling! But I’m not going to sit back and watch this federation I put my heart and soul into decay into oblivion slowly and painfully, David. I’m going to call in the wrecking crew.
[Defiantly, he turns his attention back to the cameras, announcing to the entire global viewing audience at large.]
Rezin: I’m going to knock the pillars down and turn Empire Pro into DUST, David... for the GOOD OF US ALL!
Dave Thomas: Eri -- err, uh... Rezin... are you hearing what you’re SAYING? You want to... you want to DESTROY Empire Pro?
Rezin: That’s right, David. Stone by stone, brick by brick... I will deconstruct this federation’s entire legacy.
Dave Thomas: How can you even SAY that? Think of all the people involved with this company! Think of all the FANS! This federation has been a hallmark of professional wrestling excellence for seven years, and you just want to ERASE it like it was NOTHING?
Rezin: It WAS something, David... WAS being the key word there. The moment is over. Empire Pro MUST end... and in its absence, maybe something better will be born. It’s necessary for us all to move on...
[Thomas now looks genuinely angry.]
Dave Thomas: “Move on?” Is that what happened to you at Aggression 60, when you turned against your longtime friend and partner in Ivan Dalkichev? Were you “moving on” as you took that steel chair to his weak leg?
Rezin: Listen to me, David... what I did to Ivan, I did out of LOVE...
Crowd: “BOOOOOOO!!”
DM: What a load of tripe...
Dave Thomas: How is nearly CRIPPLING him an act of love?! You could have ended his career!!
Rezin: And I would have been doing him a FAVOR!
Rezin: Look, Ivan and I have gone a long way back, and he’s done some great work in this ring. But that was a long time ago. All he’s done recently is make himself an over-sized punching bag along with that Viking. A living giant, a former champion, and a tag team LEGEND... and yet, week after week he’s just a stepping stone to inferior talents like IMPULSE and HIGH FLYER. He didn’t deserve that kind of existence, David... not after everything that man’s been through. So I did him a favor...
Dave Thomas: By shattering his KNEE?!
Rezin: By giving him FREEDOM, you fool! Let the legacy of Ivan Dalkichev speak for itself in the past, rather than let it be tarnished by the present! He was an EMBARRASSMENT, David... to the BOTH of us!
Crowd: “BOOOOOOO!!”
[Thomas shakes his head disdainfully.]
Dave Thomas: Listen, Rezin... WHOEVER you are... you DO realize that all this applies to as well, don’t you? Don’t you look at yourself now and what you’ve become and realize that maybe YOU are tarnishing your OWN legacy?! Are you going to work up the nerve to OWN up to that, or do you think you’re somehow ABOVE all this “doom” and “destruction” that awaits everybody and everything?
DM: There ya go, Dave! Put it right in his face!
[Rezin simply smirks at these accusations.]
Rezin: Oh, David... I’m well aware of my own doom. I’m practically looking FORWARD to it! But the end doesn’t come easy to “the Escape Artist”, as you should know well by now. I may not be the greatest professional wrestling talent that’s ever graced this ring... but I’ve still OUTLASTED some of the greatest... and I guarantee that I can outlast much more of the false idols and hopeless rejects back in that locker room. The lower I sink, the more I’ll take down with me...
Dave Thomas: You’re INSANE, Rezin!! I mean, at least when I was speaking to Dopesmoker, I knew it was mostly the drugs talking, but you are legitimately CRAZY! You’re saying you’re going to embark on a suicide mission to basically ERASE Empire Pro Wrestling from existence? I just don’t know what to say to that...
Rezin: Forget that LOSER, Dopesmoker... if these people wanted to see “motivation” from the Escape Artist, they certainly weren’t getting it from HIM! But with me -- REZIN -- things are going to be DIFFERENT!
[Dave shakes his head with frustration.]
Dave Thomas: You’ve completely lost it... and I refuse to listen to this nonsense any longer. Just do us all a favor and get the HELL out of here so we can get on with the show!
Crowd: *POP!!*
DM: Damn right...
MN: Oh man, Dave’s got a DEATHWISH!
[The slick and snarky side of Rezin slowly melts away into unhinged raged once again. He begins approaching the commentator, slowly and aggressively.]
Rezin: “Get on with the show,” David?
[Rezin’s arm lashes out like a viper and slaps the mic out of Dave’s hand. Thomas yelps in surprise, but before he can react, the other hand grips him by the lapel, and the Goat Bastard yanks him within inches of his face.]
Rezin: Did you forget that I MADE THIS SHOW, DAVID?! DID YOU FORGET THAT?!
DM: Oh boy, we better get security out here, I think he’s SNAPPED!
MN: Dave should have kept his mouth SHUT, but he had to push him over the EDGE! Hate to say it, but he’s had this coming!
Rezin: Do you think you’re ETERNAL, David? Do you think YOU’LL be around forever?!
[CUE UP: “I Am a Viking” by Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force. Rezin’s expression switches from murderous rage to gaping shock.]
Crowd: *MEGA-POP!*
MN: WHAT THE -- ?!
[Olvir comes charging down the rampway like a massive, muscular tornado with fans crammed against the barricade slapping him on the shoulders in support. The Viking pornstar’s cold blue eyes are filled with pure VENGEANCE as he takes to the ring! Living to his namesake, the Escape Artist bolts out the other side of the ring before the bronze-skinned berzerker can rip him to pieces with his own hands. Dave Thomas assumes his natural self-defense of freezing up like a board and retreating to a corner]
MN: THIS BUFFOON!! He’s spoiling a bona fide ASS-WHOOPING!!
DM: Olvir’s ending this insanity for ONCE AND FOR ALL, and I am GRATEFUL! You just know that Arsvinnar’s been raging for WEEKS now since his partner’s uneventful and unjustified injury at this hands of this Rezin...
MN: That is just completely unprofessional, barging in here unannounced and interrupting a groundbreaking speech like that...
DM: That “SPEECH” was outright heresy, Neels! Does Erik Black suddenly think he’s the lone rider of the APOCALYPSE all of a sudden?!
MN: Dude, you better not let him hear you call him “Erik Black”! It’s REZIN now, and don’t forget it, lest he remind you with a roundhouse kick to the face!
DM: Oh hell, Neels, what’s he going to do? Run away from me?!
[The camera gets reaction shots of Rezin looking completely pissed at ringside as Olvir beckons him back into the ring to fight. Fans around the barricade begin to pelt him with trash, prompting him to say some unfavorable things in response before he begins to make his way toward the ramp. Before he gets there, Olvir picks up Dave’s mic and projects his booming voice through the arena PA.]
Olvir Arsvinnar: REZIN THE BLACK, you KNAVE AMONG KNAVES!! You TRAITOR!! You SCOUNDREL!! You HEATHEN!! You are a DISGRACE to the Viking Way!! I will have VENGEANCE for what you have done to our brother Ivan!!
[CUT TO: Rezin, standing at the bottom of the ramp to listen to what the Norseman has to say. He looks amused, if anything.]
Rezin: You want VENGEANCE, Olvir? REALLY? What did I ever do to YOU?!
Olvir Arsvinnar: COWARD!! Your insolence will be tolerated no longer! No doubt you have been possessed by the evil god LOKI!! His TRICKERY has damned your once respectable mind, but now you are PLAGUED in the head! If the DESTRUCTION of this great Empire of Professional Wrestling is what you seek, then I have NO CHOICE but to defend its honor by destroying YOU first!
Crowd: *POP!!*
[Rezin scoffs, clearly unimpressed by the Viking’s spirited challenge.]
Rezin: You want it to come to that then? Well, Olvir, that’s fine by me... that’s just dandy. I suppose I owe you that much, and I guess it would give Ivan a little company, now that I think about it. But not here, not tonight...
Crowd: “BOOOOO!!”
Rezin: We’ll settle this at Aggression 62, Olvir. Your mission of vengeance against my mission of destruction. We’ll see where the Cosmos takes us...
[CUE UP: “Master of Alchemy” by Electric Wizard. Giggling to himself, Rezin stumbles backwards up the ramp, locked in a tense staredown with the Viking Violator standing in the ring. Dave Thomas, meanwhile, gives his thanks to Mr. Arsvinnar before taking his leave of the ring.]
[CUT TO: The commentary table, currently occupied only by Dean and Mike.]
DM: Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen... Dopesmoker is apparently gone, and tag team legend “the Escape Artist” Erik Black has gone over to the dark side with this bizarre transformation into Rezin.
MN: You can’t resist the DARK SIDE, Dean!
DM: Seriously, Neels...
MN: Oh come on, at least we’ll be seeing Erik Black showing some motivation in the ring from now on! Isn’t that something to look forward to?
DM: If there’s any weight to his words, it would mean the END of our paychecks, Neels...
MN: Ehh, hmmm... didn’t think of that.
DM: You clearly don’t think of much... but anyway, here’s Dave coming back to us.
[Dave Thomas picks up a headset and retakes his seat behind the table, looking a little distant after his close encounter.]
DM: That was a close call, huh?
DT: Yeah...
DM: Well, you showed real courage in there, in spite of it all.
MN: Oh whatever, Dean... Dave, I’ll show you the clip on YouTube later. Your face was HILARIOUS!
DM: That rotten Goat Bastard overstepped the line here tonight! That man needs help, if you ask me!
DT: I don’t know, Dean... seeing him this way, I kinda wonder if he’s BEYOND help at this point! I don’t know what’s going on in Erik Black’s mind, but this new REZIN persona is clearly hellbent at spreading ruin and chaos!
[CUT TO: Rezin on the stage a moment longer before disappearing into the back.]
DT: At any rate, the gauntlet has been thrown down by “the Viking Violator” Olvir Arsvinnar, looking to avenge his fallen tag partner Ivan Dalkichev! No telling what’s going to happen when those two meet in the ring at Aggression 62!
DM: If we’re lucky, Olvir will pulverize him, and this insanity will be over with before it even begins.
MN: Come on, Dean... has that Viking even won a match in this federation?!
DT: The fun and games are over, Mike... Olvir is out for BLOOD, and regardless of how much Rezin thinks he can “outlast”, he’s not going to be smirking when the Viking Violator gets his hands on him!
DM: Nobody was really expecting that moron to go on as long as that...
DT: Well, stick around... Rich Mahogany and Copycat kick things off... but first I'm being told we have more goings-on backstage...
[The arena lights begin to flicker as a distorted guitar wails with feedback over the PA, causing many people to wince. The men at the table glance around in confusion before the camera pans over to the stage.]
DT: Oh, what now?
[CUE UP: “Master of Alchemy” by Electric Wizard.]
[A spotlight hits the entry-way as the EmpireTron fills up with a loop of grainy, black-and-white b-roll footage of dead leaves and grass, grime-covered floors and fixtures, and extreme close-ups of black, filthy hands gripping and clenching into each other. After a moment of ominous doom riffage being pumped through the arena’s sound system, five letters appear scrawled on the screen in a viscous, tar-like substance...]
DT: What’s going on here? And just who, or WHAT, is this “Rezin”?
DM: Hell if I know, Dave, but I think we’re about to find out!
[SFX: *BOOOM!!*]
[As the music enters its main groove, two pillars of fire EXPLODE on either side of the stage as a figure emerges from the entry-way. Clad apparently in only shades, pants, and a beat-up black duster, the hairy young man takes a moment to scan the crowd with the hungry smirk of a vampire.]
DM: Who is that?!
[As he starts down the ramp for the ring, the camera zooms in to get a better look... and it suddenly becomes apparent that everybody KNOWS this guy: It’s Erik Black!]
MN: Yeah, that’s the man!
DT: Jeez, I hardly recognized him!
DM: I was about to say the same thing, Dave. Looks like he’s, uh... revamped his image, so to speak.
MN: I’ll say! Look at that pimp-ass coat he’s rockin’!
DM: That coat looks like Baghdad...
MN: You have no eye for fashion, Dean-O... beat-up and dirty is IN this season.
DM: Pff... whatever, Neely. I may not know fashion like I know wrestling, but I DO know that as I look at Dopesmoker right now, I see a man in SERIOUS need of some grooming! And maybe three bucks in quarters to do his LAUNDRY for once. Not to mention a stint in rehab...
[Black ambles to the ring at a casual pace, getting heat from the crowd but just soaking it up. Along the way, he turns to the side and coughs rather repulsively into the faces of a group of young wrestling fans coalesced on the other side of the barricade, who immediately recoil in disgust.]
DM: For crying out loud, look at this bum... look at what’s become of him!
MN: QUIET, Dean... show some RESPECT! That man practically MADE the Empire Pro ring!
DT: Sadly, Mike... I might have to agree with Dean. All that can be said of the Escape Artist’s legacy in the Empire Pro is that it’s unfortunately being overshadowed as we see him in his current state. There’s no doubt about it, ladies and gentlemen... seeing Erik Black as I see him now, I’d say he’s completely hit rock bottom!
[He takes his time approaching the ring, lazily sitting himself on the apron before sluggishly slipping in under the bottom rope. From there, he sits up with his arm draped over the middle rope, and doesn’t move. The music cuts and awkward silence follows as the capacity crowd watches this intruder sit...]
DM: What’s he doing here anyway? He wasn’t scheduled to compete!
DT: That’s true, Dean-O... but there were also some rumors that he was finally going to be answering some questions tonight. The REAL question is, however... is he in any state to answer honestly right now?
MN: Well, I don’t know, Dave... why don’t you go find out?
DT: Huh?
[CUT TO: The commentary table as Thomas and Matthews give Mike Neely a pair of stunned expressions.]
MN: Yeah, I mean... if you say he’s here to give us answers, then why don’t you go in there and get them?
DT: Well, uh... I don’t know...
MN: C’mon, Dave... the fans of Empire Pro WANT to hear what’s going on in his head just as much as you do!
DM: I know I don’t want to know...
DT: Hmm... well, I guess you have a point, Mike... the EPW Universe deserves to know.
MN: You’re the man, Dave!
[In a rare moment, Dave Thomas rises from the table and sets the headset down. He gives a on last timid glance to Dean, and the Show Stealer gives him a reassuring nod.]
DM: Be careful in there, Dave. No telling how crazed he is...
MN: Oh, would you relax, Dean! Nothing like that is gonna happen!
[Mustering up his courage, Dave leaves the table for the timekeeper to retrieve a pair of microphones.]
MN: Uh-huh... he’s totally going to get his head kicked off... but hey, better him than us, right, Dean-O?
DM: ...kiss my ass, Neels.
[Visibly hesitant, Dave ascends the steps to the apron, looking curiously at the man seated against the ropes.]
Dave Thomas: Uh... excuse me, Dopesmoker...?
[No reaction, as if his mic weren’t functioning. Or as if the person he were speaking to just wasn’t listening. Again, showing reluctance, Dave slowly creeps through the ropes into the ring, like a kid trespassing over a fence to retrieve a fouled baseball, and trying not to wake the man-eating dog keeping watch over the yard.]
Dave Thomas: Dopesmoker?
[Nada. The fans now begin to taunt him, but he acts as if he doesn’t hear them either.]
Dave Thomas: Is everything alright, Dopesmoker?
[Black looks up and sees Thomas, looking rather reproached by the query. He holds up his hand and accepts the mic that the seasoned play-by-play commentator cautiously hands over. The Escape Artist holds it up to his mouth... and breaths into it.]
Erik Black: … … …
DM: Sounds like we’re losing the crowd... would this chump just say something and get the hell out of here?
MN: Hey, when this man speaks, he speaks VOLUMES, Dean. Let him soak these marks until they pull their hair out...
[Black glances around into the audience for a moment before turning his attention back onto Dave Thomas. His eye seems to twitch in the corner as somebody who is definitely NOT the wrestler known as Dopesmoker speaks...]
Rezin: … “Is everything all right... DOPESMOKER??”
[He grabs the top rope and pulls himself to his feet, and Dave Thomas can’t help but take a couple steps back.]
Rezin: Well that’s an interesting question, David. “Is everything all right, DOPESMOKER?”
[The madman can’t withhold the spine-tingling chuckle that follows.]
Rezin: Heh... well how in the hell should I know? Ask him yourself...
Crowd: “Pff-HUH?!”
DM: Okay... this guy is bat-**** crazy. Not stoned... well, no, I take that back, I’m sure he IS stoned, but definitely crazy as well.
[Dave looks confused, as he probably should be.]
Dave Thomas: Sorry, but uh... aren’t I asking him NOW?
[Black leans against the ropes... perhaps because he’s having trouble standing.]
Rezin: I dunno... are you, or aren’t you? Do you see a pipe in my hand, David? Do you see me SMOKING DOPE?!
[He shakes his head, emotions fluctuating from amused, to enraged, to depressed.]
Rezin: Nope... no dope, no smoke. I guess you can say the ol’ Goat Bastard’s done smoked all the dope that was his career here in the Empire. And when there’s no more dope to be smoked... what’s left, David? What do you see?
Dave Thomas: I’m... not sure, to be honest. What AM I seeing?
[The Escape Artist approaches the commentator... gets within inches of his face.]
Rezin: Just ME... REZIN... the residue... the waste... the sludge... the **** you scrape off the bottom of the bowl when you’re at the end of your rope and all you want and need is to just numb the pain and agony of living this rotten existence... that’s all that’s left of me, David.
[Black -- or more appropriately, the newly christened “Rezin” -- walks away from Dave, shaking his head like a bum on the streets of Manhattan.]
DM: ...what - the - HELL is he babbling about?
MN: Man, that was nothing short of POETRY! So he’s calling himself REZIN now, huh? BADASS! Can’t you just FEEL all that nihilistic rage pent up inside, waiting to explode?
DM: All I feel right now is sick to my stomach... and if you’re seriously thinking this “Rezin” crap is “badass”, then you’re just as crazy as he is...
[The crowd murmurs with steady confusion, and the commentator still looks as though he’s missing something.]
Dave Thomas: “Rezin?” Uhh, Erik... sorry to ask... but do you happen to be HIGH right now?
[Rezin arches an eyebrow.]
Rezin: Am I HIGH? Oh, David... if anything, right now, the only thing I’m feeling is LOW. If there’s a bottom, then believe me, buddy, I’m there. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing...
[The maniacal smirk reappears on his face as he frantically waves his finger through the air with every word of his maddened rant.]
Rezin: See... when you’re at the bottom, smoking this black sludge, getting by and getting high on mere scraps... you begin to see the big picture. You begin to realize things that you never realized before... things that most people just overlook because their minds are too preoccupied in pleasing themselves. But when you’re nothing but refuse in the eyes of your peers, you see the truth as clear as day.
Dave Thomas: Uh... what “truth” would you be referring to?
[Rezin steps away to face the camera, taking off his shades to reveal some MAJOR bloodshot eyes underneath. It’s the stare of a man who has plumb the deepest and darkest depths of his own twisted psyche and simply laughed at what he saw.]
Rezin: The truth is, David... life, as we know it... all of existence across the Universe... it’s all doomed to inevitably turn up as nothing. Everything that is created... is doomed to be DESTROYED! Whether it’s a distant star, or the career of any superstar that steps into this ring... one day, it’s gotta come to end.
[He points to the mat and stamps his feet a couple times for good measure.]
Rezin: This ring? One day it will become old and obsolete. Bossman will sell it to some gym where it will sit for years on end becoming more and more dilapidated until it finally gets torn up and scrapped. THIS RING, David... the ring where CHAMPIONS once performed... and all it’s going to end up being is JUNK in a trash heap.
[He starts pointing out random objects spread out across the arena.]
Rezin: Same goes for that rampway... those barricades... that cheap, plywood table obstructed Dean Matthews’ bulging GUT!
MN: HA!!
Rezin: Even that monkey suit you’re wearing, David... one day, it will grow out of style and will spend an eternity on the rack of some thrift clothing store until it disintegrates at the seams. Hell, no doubt this whole ARENA will one day decay and be torn down, only to be forgotten by the misbegotten and simple-minded sheep here in TORONTO!
Crowd: “BOOOOO!!”
MN: Ingrateful Canucks...
[Rezin smirks at the heated crowd reaction.]
Rezin: All things inevitably go to waste and fade into obscurity... and the same goes for this wretched industry of professional wrestling. It’s a sad and depressing fact, I know... but you’d be an idiot to deny the reality of the situation. Destruction and disintegration awaits us all, and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop it, David...
[CUT TO: Dave Thomas’ reaction. He looks beyond words at this point, shaking his head in absolute disappointment.]
Rezin: So here I am, at the lowest of the low... and for the first time, it all becomes clear to me. If I can’t stop it, then why stand in its way? I mean... why not just SPEED UP the process?
Dave Thomas: …what are you saying, Erik?
[The smirk contorts into a snarl in the blink of an eye as the Goat Bastard nearly throws himself upon the commentator in blinding rage.]
Crowd: “BOOOOOO!!”
DM: Whoa... touchy, are we?
MN: Dave better get his name RIGHT if he’s looking out for his best interest!
[After a long and awkward moment passes with the commentator standing face to face with the wide-eyed maniac inches from his nose. Then, light a switch going off in his head, Rezin steps away, putting the shades back over his eyes and flashing the apathetic smirk once again.]
Rezin: And what I’m SAYING is that a fast death is better than a slow death. This industry is dying, Dave... so I feel it’s my DUTY as an compassionate member of this profession for many years that I help EUTHANIZE it.
Rezin: All great Empires in the history of civilization have collapsed... and it would be stupid to say that the same fate awaits this Empire of Professional Wrestling! But I’m not going to sit back and watch this federation I put my heart and soul into decay into oblivion slowly and painfully, David. I’m going to call in the wrecking crew.
[Defiantly, he turns his attention back to the cameras, announcing to the entire global viewing audience at large.]
Rezin: I’m going to knock the pillars down and turn Empire Pro into DUST, David... for the GOOD OF US ALL!
Dave Thomas: Eri -- err, uh... Rezin... are you hearing what you’re SAYING? You want to... you want to DESTROY Empire Pro?
Rezin: That’s right, David. Stone by stone, brick by brick... I will deconstruct this federation’s entire legacy.
Dave Thomas: How can you even SAY that? Think of all the people involved with this company! Think of all the FANS! This federation has been a hallmark of professional wrestling excellence for seven years, and you just want to ERASE it like it was NOTHING?
Rezin: It WAS something, David... WAS being the key word there. The moment is over. Empire Pro MUST end... and in its absence, maybe something better will be born. It’s necessary for us all to move on...
[Thomas now looks genuinely angry.]
Dave Thomas: “Move on?” Is that what happened to you at Aggression 60, when you turned against your longtime friend and partner in Ivan Dalkichev? Were you “moving on” as you took that steel chair to his weak leg?
Rezin: Listen to me, David... what I did to Ivan, I did out of LOVE...
Crowd: “BOOOOOOO!!”
DM: What a load of tripe...
Dave Thomas: How is nearly CRIPPLING him an act of love?! You could have ended his career!!
Rezin: And I would have been doing him a FAVOR!
Rezin: Look, Ivan and I have gone a long way back, and he’s done some great work in this ring. But that was a long time ago. All he’s done recently is make himself an over-sized punching bag along with that Viking. A living giant, a former champion, and a tag team LEGEND... and yet, week after week he’s just a stepping stone to inferior talents like IMPULSE and HIGH FLYER. He didn’t deserve that kind of existence, David... not after everything that man’s been through. So I did him a favor...
Dave Thomas: By shattering his KNEE?!
Rezin: By giving him FREEDOM, you fool! Let the legacy of Ivan Dalkichev speak for itself in the past, rather than let it be tarnished by the present! He was an EMBARRASSMENT, David... to the BOTH of us!
Crowd: “BOOOOOOO!!”
[Thomas shakes his head disdainfully.]
Dave Thomas: Listen, Rezin... WHOEVER you are... you DO realize that all this applies to as well, don’t you? Don’t you look at yourself now and what you’ve become and realize that maybe YOU are tarnishing your OWN legacy?! Are you going to work up the nerve to OWN up to that, or do you think you’re somehow ABOVE all this “doom” and “destruction” that awaits everybody and everything?
DM: There ya go, Dave! Put it right in his face!
[Rezin simply smirks at these accusations.]
Rezin: Oh, David... I’m well aware of my own doom. I’m practically looking FORWARD to it! But the end doesn’t come easy to “the Escape Artist”, as you should know well by now. I may not be the greatest professional wrestling talent that’s ever graced this ring... but I’ve still OUTLASTED some of the greatest... and I guarantee that I can outlast much more of the false idols and hopeless rejects back in that locker room. The lower I sink, the more I’ll take down with me...
Dave Thomas: You’re INSANE, Rezin!! I mean, at least when I was speaking to Dopesmoker, I knew it was mostly the drugs talking, but you are legitimately CRAZY! You’re saying you’re going to embark on a suicide mission to basically ERASE Empire Pro Wrestling from existence? I just don’t know what to say to that...
Rezin: Forget that LOSER, Dopesmoker... if these people wanted to see “motivation” from the Escape Artist, they certainly weren’t getting it from HIM! But with me -- REZIN -- things are going to be DIFFERENT!
[Dave shakes his head with frustration.]
Dave Thomas: You’ve completely lost it... and I refuse to listen to this nonsense any longer. Just do us all a favor and get the HELL out of here so we can get on with the show!
Crowd: *POP!!*
DM: Damn right...
MN: Oh man, Dave’s got a DEATHWISH!
[The slick and snarky side of Rezin slowly melts away into unhinged raged once again. He begins approaching the commentator, slowly and aggressively.]
Rezin: “Get on with the show,” David?
[Rezin’s arm lashes out like a viper and slaps the mic out of Dave’s hand. Thomas yelps in surprise, but before he can react, the other hand grips him by the lapel, and the Goat Bastard yanks him within inches of his face.]
Rezin: Did you forget that I MADE THIS SHOW, DAVID?! DID YOU FORGET THAT?!
DM: Oh boy, we better get security out here, I think he’s SNAPPED!
MN: Dave should have kept his mouth SHUT, but he had to push him over the EDGE! Hate to say it, but he’s had this coming!
Rezin: Do you think you’re ETERNAL, David? Do you think YOU’LL be around forever?!
[CUE UP: “I Am a Viking” by Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force. Rezin’s expression switches from murderous rage to gaping shock.]
Crowd: *MEGA-POP!*
MN: WHAT THE -- ?!
[Olvir comes charging down the rampway like a massive, muscular tornado with fans crammed against the barricade slapping him on the shoulders in support. The Viking pornstar’s cold blue eyes are filled with pure VENGEANCE as he takes to the ring! Living to his namesake, the Escape Artist bolts out the other side of the ring before the bronze-skinned berzerker can rip him to pieces with his own hands. Dave Thomas assumes his natural self-defense of freezing up like a board and retreating to a corner]
MN: THIS BUFFOON!! He’s spoiling a bona fide ASS-WHOOPING!!
DM: Olvir’s ending this insanity for ONCE AND FOR ALL, and I am GRATEFUL! You just know that Arsvinnar’s been raging for WEEKS now since his partner’s uneventful and unjustified injury at this hands of this Rezin...
MN: That is just completely unprofessional, barging in here unannounced and interrupting a groundbreaking speech like that...
DM: That “SPEECH” was outright heresy, Neels! Does Erik Black suddenly think he’s the lone rider of the APOCALYPSE all of a sudden?!
MN: Dude, you better not let him hear you call him “Erik Black”! It’s REZIN now, and don’t forget it, lest he remind you with a roundhouse kick to the face!
DM: Oh hell, Neels, what’s he going to do? Run away from me?!
[The camera gets reaction shots of Rezin looking completely pissed at ringside as Olvir beckons him back into the ring to fight. Fans around the barricade begin to pelt him with trash, prompting him to say some unfavorable things in response before he begins to make his way toward the ramp. Before he gets there, Olvir picks up Dave’s mic and projects his booming voice through the arena PA.]
Olvir Arsvinnar: REZIN THE BLACK, you KNAVE AMONG KNAVES!! You TRAITOR!! You SCOUNDREL!! You HEATHEN!! You are a DISGRACE to the Viking Way!! I will have VENGEANCE for what you have done to our brother Ivan!!
[CUT TO: Rezin, standing at the bottom of the ramp to listen to what the Norseman has to say. He looks amused, if anything.]
Rezin: You want VENGEANCE, Olvir? REALLY? What did I ever do to YOU?!
Olvir Arsvinnar: COWARD!! Your insolence will be tolerated no longer! No doubt you have been possessed by the evil god LOKI!! His TRICKERY has damned your once respectable mind, but now you are PLAGUED in the head! If the DESTRUCTION of this great Empire of Professional Wrestling is what you seek, then I have NO CHOICE but to defend its honor by destroying YOU first!
Crowd: *POP!!*
[Rezin scoffs, clearly unimpressed by the Viking’s spirited challenge.]
Rezin: You want it to come to that then? Well, Olvir, that’s fine by me... that’s just dandy. I suppose I owe you that much, and I guess it would give Ivan a little company, now that I think about it. But not here, not tonight...
Crowd: “BOOOOO!!”
Rezin: We’ll settle this at Aggression 62, Olvir. Your mission of vengeance against my mission of destruction. We’ll see where the Cosmos takes us...
[CUE UP: “Master of Alchemy” by Electric Wizard. Giggling to himself, Rezin stumbles backwards up the ramp, locked in a tense staredown with the Viking Violator standing in the ring. Dave Thomas, meanwhile, gives his thanks to Mr. Arsvinnar before taking his leave of the ring.]
[CUT TO: The commentary table, currently occupied only by Dean and Mike.]
DM: Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen... Dopesmoker is apparently gone, and tag team legend “the Escape Artist” Erik Black has gone over to the dark side with this bizarre transformation into Rezin.
MN: You can’t resist the DARK SIDE, Dean!
DM: Seriously, Neels...
MN: Oh come on, at least we’ll be seeing Erik Black showing some motivation in the ring from now on! Isn’t that something to look forward to?
DM: If there’s any weight to his words, it would mean the END of our paychecks, Neels...
MN: Ehh, hmmm... didn’t think of that.
DM: You clearly don’t think of much... but anyway, here’s Dave coming back to us.
[Dave Thomas picks up a headset and retakes his seat behind the table, looking a little distant after his close encounter.]
DM: That was a close call, huh?
DT: Yeah...
DM: Well, you showed real courage in there, in spite of it all.
MN: Oh whatever, Dean... Dave, I’ll show you the clip on YouTube later. Your face was HILARIOUS!
DM: That rotten Goat Bastard overstepped the line here tonight! That man needs help, if you ask me!
DT: I don’t know, Dean... seeing him this way, I kinda wonder if he’s BEYOND help at this point! I don’t know what’s going on in Erik Black’s mind, but this new REZIN persona is clearly hellbent at spreading ruin and chaos!
[CUT TO: Rezin on the stage a moment longer before disappearing into the back.]
DT: At any rate, the gauntlet has been thrown down by “the Viking Violator” Olvir Arsvinnar, looking to avenge his fallen tag partner Ivan Dalkichev! No telling what’s going to happen when those two meet in the ring at Aggression 62!
DM: If we’re lucky, Olvir will pulverize him, and this insanity will be over with before it even begins.
MN: Come on, Dean... has that Viking even won a match in this federation?!
DT: The fun and games are over, Mike... Olvir is out for BLOOD, and regardless of how much Rezin thinks he can “outlast”, he’s not going to be smirking when the Viking Violator gets his hands on him!
DM: Nobody was really expecting that moron to go on as long as that...
DT: Well, stick around... Rich Mahogany and Copycat kick things off... but first I'm being told we have more goings-on backstage...