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An Offer He Dare Not Refuse


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Footnote: This RP as well as the previous two (An Unexpected Call & What Have I Done?) are just to create the current state of Kevin Powers. This is all behind the scenes and should be taken as such. Basically, this is stuff that other wrestlers and such should not know about ... yet.

“Gotta love this place. One of the few legal places where you have to enter the front door from the alley way.”

Although he had a few minutes to spare, Kevin Powers knew that he keep the man waiting. Taking his time walking down the alley, Powers casually walks up to the front door of Café Absinthe. Walking inside Powers quickly scans the insides, but because of the darkly lit interior he is unable to acquire his target. Before he can make his way up to the bar and ask about his acquaintance, Powers hears a voice off in the distance.

“Powers! Kevin Powers! Put that bottle down and come on over here!”

“That voice,” Powers thought to himself, “So very familiar.” Powers turns around and looks again and finally notices the owner of the previous words spoken. What he sees is a six-foot man easily in his mid-thirties waving him over towards the table. He is dressed in one of his usual business suits and his usual smile is shown grinning from ear to ear. As Powers makes his way towards the former owner of GWE he reaches out his hand to meet the others.

“Erik Zieba. I guess they’ll let anyone in this establishment. So how’s the business world treatin’ ya? EWI? GXW? GWE? G … ABCD …?”

With a laugh, Zieba looks back with a grin, “Never one to hold back are ya Kevin my man!” Releasing the handshake Zieba motions to the chair, “Take a seat Kevin. Relax! I’ve actually got some good news for ya, but first let’s get some drinks. Let me guess … Rum and Coke?”

“Actually,” Powers said with a short pause, “If you don’t mind I’d prefer a bottled water … I don’t drink anymore.”

“Sure that’s not a prob … you what?” Surprise and shock appeared on Zieba’s face after hearing Powers last comment. “Did Hell freeze over AND the Cubs won the World Series and I wasn’t notified?”

With a scowl look on his face Powers replied, “Cute. Always one to make a joke ain’cha? You know I quit drinking since …”

“Oh … OOHHH. Okay I understand.” As Zieba made the order, Powers sat back patiently waiting on the reason that he was brought there.

“So what’s up Zieba? Why are you back in town and what does it have to do with me?”

“Well, as you know I’ve been conducting a ton of business proposals overseas and I only have enough time to take care of stateside business. One of my main interest is opening up gambling casinos throughout Europe. There’s a big market out there and people are more than ready to spend on the Euro on soccer games, car racing, or anything else for that matter. It’s making me a ton of more money then any of the wrestling federations I ever owned.”

“Oh really now,” Powers said with a sly look, “I guess this means we’ll never see one of your wrestling promotions ever again?”

Raising his index finger, Zieba points upward while dipping his head slightly. “Never say never my good man cause you never know what the future has in store for anyone of us … well, except you. I’m sure you remember that I’ve only recently acquired agent rights on ya ….”

Powers, now with a sour look, “Yes, I know. Just get to the point.”

“Relax big man. I’ve just made a move for you to get back into wrestling. As of tomorrow you go back to work for New Frontier Wrestling full time …”

“You what?” With a surprised, yet anger look on his face Powers cannot believe the news he’s hearing. “You put me BACK into wrestling? I never thought I would say this to another human being, but have YOU been drinking too much? I don’t want to get back into the game. Of all people I thought YOU would know that!”

“And seeing how you moved out of your luxurious home into a quaint, but livable apartment at The Shoreham … I just can’t stand to see ya like this. You were a terror in the sport, but now look at you. Dropped off from the face of the Earth and a shell of the man you once was …”

“Zieba,” Now with more noticeable anger in his voice, “You KNOW why I got out of the game or do I need to remind you of what happened.”

“You don’t need to remind me Powers, but you need to continue on.” Zieba leans closer towards Powers trying to keep his voice down. “Look, I know what happened was tragic, but you’ve got to move on. You’ve got to rise above and channel that pent up anger against others and get back to the top of the ladder. I know you can do it that’s why I’ve booked you for NFW’s East division.”

“East? NFW East? Aren’t they doing that out of Japan?”

Smiling, Zieba leans back and takes a drink, “That’s right. Japan. I’ve already booked your ticket out of O’Hare and you’ll make the show there in plenty of time. And, in case you are wondering, you are still under contract for CSWA. Therefore, if they come a callin’, then you gots to come a’wrestlin’.”

He took a few minutes to look at the man before him. He couldn’t believe what he just heard, but at the same time he understood what every impacting word meant. Standing up Powers looked down at Zieba, “Well then, I guess I better get my affairs in order. Tomorrow you said?”

“The electronic ticket is waiting for ya at the counter.”

Zieba watches Powers turn around and walk away, but Powers turns around again, “New Frontier Wrestling?”

Smiling, Zieba look back, “That’s right NFW. Home of Lindsay Troy, Cameron Cruise, Troy Douglas, and your boy Dan Ryan.”

Powers stands there for a second before nodding in agreement. Powers takes one last look at Zieba before turning around and heading out the door. Watching him walk off, Zieba puts a sinister smile on his face before taking a drink.

“You’re welcome.”

To Be Continued in the NFW threads

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