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ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 80 is live! Feed the backs!


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: UNCUT 16 is live! Feed the backs!


I'm half involved with two of the segments and wrote two others, so this feedback seems like cheating, but here it is.

Reaper Segments

Even though Justin brought me into DEF and I just worked a whole ARC with him … there is STILL plenty about the Reaper character and story that I don’t even know. So that being said I still love reading Justin’s work. This Reaper character is intensely deep and I really can’t wait to see it all the unfold. And moving into the next arc, this is a nice introduction between two characters that have yet to cross paths. Also glad to see Terry Anderson reappear. Beyond that I won’t comment because I did help with MDK stuff.

Words With Dave

This felt like a great way to phase an "older" character off TV without it having to be a big retirement. While at the same time leaving several back doors for Andy to still be involved and possibly pop back into a big match or whatever comes along. The "backstage role" is perfect for a character he could easily keep running and I don't think anyone would start questioning the believablity of a person of that age competing at high level. But with that being said from the characters stand point he seems to have a lot of sense-able reasons to bow out now. Although I highly doubt it'll last... after all ... wrestling.


I'm glad to see Uncut make a triumphant return and hope it keeps rolling on. Skipping over my stuff the card read well as a whole so I hope it fared as well for the folks who we subjected to more of Scott's damaged nonsense.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: UNCUT 16 is live! Feed the backs!

Not a direct feedback for the show but just wanted to say that I'm excited for this ARC. I think this UNCUT was a great way to get it started. Some excellent segments from myself Brian, Pete and Murr. If I missed anyone I apologize. Would have loved to see a bit more overall but I guess that's upcoming on the next show. I hope.

Also shout out to Murr for the doing that news story on the top five. That was really cool, would love to see more of that. Thanks for being so awesome.

Can we get some more hype on this Arc? What does everyone else want to see?


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

“Kitty Barn.” Always dig the integrated Rundown/Opening Segment with something happening. Although that is my least favorite thing about Raw, but I think because it doesn’t constantly happen in DEF, and it’s happening post PPV. Makes complete sense. “You didn’t do anything, Angus.” Fighting champ stuff always works, added on top of what is a “lit” and celebratory mood amongst the crowd and scene. Perfect screaming indignant heel followed by the easy as sunday morning, “done.” First read, the Kelly stuff felt a little expositional and trite … but further thought she had to cover those grounds to add the stakes that she does. Impulse could be sabotaging himself and reversing things right back to the way they were with no chance of rebuttal. “I WILL NOT BE BROUGHT DOWN!” Great opening segment coming off of a PPV and sets up a lot of anticipation for the main event.


Opening bout. Dig the continuity of the commentary. Angus still muttering and what not. Ditto on the exit mentioning Penn. “like Maverick and Goose!” This was a cool match, great for a debut. Length and readability were spot on for me. Not much else to say, I mean it’s a debut going over a BRAZEN afterall. But that being said, I dug it and I’m interested in what will come next. “they get kicked in the leg and go down like a sniper hit ‘em in spine!”

“one and a half continents!” Good segment. Perfect follow up from the PPV. Although I have to say this could have easily fit on UNCUT, which was pretty shy on content this go ‘round. “... aldermen, volunteer fire chiefs … ” Funny spot, like the running “gotta shit gag.” As well as what I think most mentioned, maybe even myself, on the feedback for AofD; the dichotomy of the two men. Heel/Face is super interesting. Rather than it being two knowns forced to work together, they are coming in already slightly on edge with one another based on personality alone. Long term I feel like this is going somewhere with identities being revealed and fued a plenty. Anyway, I liked the segment but I do think this segment would have fit perfectly on UNCUT.

You're On The Clock
Someone didn’t didn’t get the all cap title memo… This takes indignant heel to a new level. Penn’s issues with Kelly and his inability to leave with gold, have certainly hit a boiling point. Interested to see Kelly’s reply and what will come from this. I am confused though on how the Kelly/Katz stuff will play out, since the two have previously seemed friendly but Penn is clearly now on the warpath.


“Cheese is way better.” Can’t argue with facts. Great segment with some nice laughs. “He killed all the bees.” And watching the SEG slowly unravel has been satisfying right up until the end of the segment when Kendrix had go a make it ALMOST touching. I do like the underlying through line that the SEG is clearly so materialistic that only the ones with the GOLD are managing to not spin out. JFK seemed to be the catalyst to what felt like eventual split but no with a title … he seems to be the one wrangling the unraveling Mikey. Not sure if that was intended or if I’m just that drunk and reading into but for the type of heels the SEG are, that is incredible whether intended or not.

Nice post-mortem. The angle of the transitioning elder imposing some farewell wisdom on the generation below is pretty perfect. I read this something akin to a somber string laden song slowly turns into a still sad yet triumphant, we will overcome, type joint that calls for a ridiculous beat drop with the last line. Very, coach of the underdogs at halftime down by three feel. Dope shit. “You look like a janitor.” “You look like a man without a championship.”

The gloating, yet WELL protected champion heel. “Hollywood “I don’t have a title anymore cos I’m a massive weiner boy” McFuckass.” Obnoxious as he should be, innit? Which if I haven’t made it clear in feedbacks prior, definitely the MOST over catchphrase/idiosyncrasy for me. Did NOT see the title business coming… I’m really perplexed as to what his motives could be. Appease Mikey, out heel his own heelness? I really don’t know but it was a genuine surprise. My only guess is given the DOC deal didn’t have enough competitors that fit its description this is the way to phase it out, which if that is the case and this was the plan since day one of the arc … incredible forethought. It really seemed as if JFK had possibly stumbled into this arc late with Natas for whatever reason and for it to end this way … if that was planned, cutos. Either way, very entertaining.


Hard to follow what came before. Especially given it is a rematch. “go back to their street roots and bust proverbial caps” Maybe the Angus line of the night… maybe. Definitely not in the “summary” style or whatever it is being called but the length isn’t bad in that regard so not really a big deal. I like the Barrio Boys taking the win, slightly unexpected and really highlights what is clearly going to be a strained relationship between these two tag team partners. Commentary at the end sells that pretty hard as well. Good match, fast paced and very readable.

I’m involved so won’t say much other than Pete wrote ALL of this other than one line of dialogue I changed for Scott. Great piece, sells the fighting champ, and gives the relative newcomer the rub. Bong. Bong.

Super interesting title. Is someone getting robbed? CHEETOS®! Oh, shit! The plot thickens. Jail shit. Sneak attack shit. Secret man payin’ shit! I was invested before just because of the writing, the backstory and what this could be but it’s unfolding pretty quickly and getting very interesting by the segment. I also especially dug the way the action was written for the initial hit of the attack. Space work, for lack of a better term, in writing is tough. For me anyway … and especially in tight quarters like a janitor closet, albeit over sized. I didn’t have any trouble picturing this as I read it.

“That wasn’t a match, Keebs: that was a gorram mauling.” That pretty much sums it up. Honestly though what else could be expected from Natas when fed a BRAZEN after being restrained by a mass of private security while JFK burns the DOC. Whether this match was for filler or not it clearly conveys what needs to be seen from Natas given this circumstance.

“Nondescript Backstage Corridor No. 46” Quick and to the point segment but for what the Danny Diggs mauling showcased this segment really drove it home. JFK definitely has the heat, in more ways than one I suppose. It’ll be interesting to see how or if this hand injury will play into further Natas/JFK meetings. And if Andy Murray will pop up sometime soon to give Natas a little bit of the “what I tell you?” business.


Of course this would be a complete slaughter. I did like the comment from Angus claiming ignorance on who Levy would be facing, makes since with his character and involvement with BRAZEN. I will say match was a bit long to sell a beating that require Cayle to come out and stop Box from his terroristic ring presence. Post Cayle’s appearance the ending swept in appurpt but it was played well. Box sticking to his being done.

Poor, poor Lance. The man can’t win. It’s all out beratement or one line answers. Great segment. Felt realistic and double down on Box’s back of the line sentiment. Which within itself is a great angle. The face is now pursuing the heel. And the heel isn’t your normal cowardly heel in that regard.

“These are the times that try mens’ souls.” incredible opening line for Angus. He’s had a bit of a roller coaster night. The Cally/Belt bit was a nice touch. Good match, the kind that after all this build up it is exactly what you expect but at the same time want to see. The formatting was weird, big block o’text at the top and then pretty fluid after that. Given it’s the main event and it has so much build up the big paragraphs didn’t bother me, although looking at them before reading I was wondering is the main event about to be summary style. I was glad to see it wasn’t though. I was hoping to see the SEG implode even more than they did. Bruvs v PCP slugging it out as the copyright popped up. All that being said, good match. The finish had a lot of moving parts but I think it was conveyed well and definitely was satisfying.

I said as much in the chat before I had even finished it, but I think this was a really stellar card and everyone seemed to be really gassed up moving into this arc. I hope that energy keeps up throughout. Made for a fantastic read. I rarely read through an entire card and write up feedback in one sitting, so … either I‘m super drunk or this was especially stellar. I’m leaning toward both. Of course I’m not saying there aren’t things that couldn’t be improved on, I mentioned things through out but honestly I think any issue was super minor.

One of mine in fact was “cut back to ringside” that led into another backstage segment. But post calling myself out on a blunder I will say this card seemed to have some of the MOST cohesiveness throughout. Pete letting everyone know Angus’ attitude going in really seemed to make a difference. Maybe some version of that should continue; understanding these were specific circumstances.

-drunkenly and feverishly typed, not read.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!


I wrote most of, and Mikey filled in the blanks.

Corbin Michaels vs. Harry Rose

Good debut match. Biron is introducing him slowly; probably partly out of necessity since he joined up after everyone's arc docs were completed. But that's a good thing - it gives him a chance to get established before his first angle.

Digits, baby. Digits.


I love these guys. Everything they do is gold.

You're On the Clock

Best heel promo in forever. Curtis Penn has cause, and he's going to make trouble until he gets his rematch. I don't envy anyone on his hit list.



I think we've all been waiting for this. The Hollywood Bruvs have been taking the role of the Alpha in this relationship, but now that Mikey lost the title, the PCP are a little less eager to take his abuse. Great subtle escalation from the segments at ACTS of DEFIANCE.

Scott Douglas vs. Petey Garrett

The BRAZEN tour continues; but this is more of a build to the next thing with Reaper than a match for a match. Perfect way to use enhancement talent instead of a segment to tell a story.

That Ain't a Suit

No it isn't.

Feels like the culmination of the "Drunkbros" angle; at least, if Impulse was there. Andy Murray, the aged legend, finishes his program and moves into a backstage role, essentially telling Cayle and Natas "It's yours now, keep it going." I can see Big Murrr becoming like a "He shows up when needed" kind of player, at least for the forseeable future, and that's a good role for a 23 year veteran.


This is how you heel. Everything about this segment was perfect, right on down to the Klein comic relief. Glad to see that the war between Natas and JFK is evidently still on, even without a title to trade. But that makes it even more personal.

Pretend This Commercial Last 5 Minutes

It didn't.

Violators vs. Barrios

Rematch with a twist! Loved how this showed off the disparate personalities of both masked Violators. Can't wait for more of the wonderfulness.

So It Begins

I wrote with Wade

Kiss, Make up, Get got

See the last two. Love this team. Nice twist at the end with the Thugs. Like Corbin Michaels, this is how you get over without being in an angle.

Natas vs. Diggs

Natas killed a bitch.

Emerald Glow

The plot thickens. Enjoying seeing where this one goes.

On a Spike

Probably not needed after the match, but it's always good to see Natas punch things.

Bronson Box vs. Walter Levy

Nice day for an execution. Squiddy with the save, though - he's a good egg. Another story that hasn't had its final chapter, no matter what Box has to say about it. Leading into...

What Gives?

"Back of the line" is obvs code for "We're going to fight again at the next PPV or perhaps the one after it," but Cayle with the chase has been a good story that I'm definitely digging.

Impulse vs. Mikey

Mikey and I wrote. I'll say it again, everyone should work with Mikey, he's awesome with ideas and easy to work with. Post match was all Mikey, though - and this is getting innnnteresting.


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Forgive me for any cluelessness that shall follow ...


I was initially surprised that Angus was pleased with Impulse’s victory (being a babyface and all), but as I read, I realized he mostly hated Mikey Unlikely. Been awhile since I got to read anything involving Cally - she’s a fun character and extremely likeable. Impulse is and always will be a fighting champion so the open challenge is no surprise and you have to appreciate him giving Mikey props. Angus is a real character … you almost feel bad for DDK. Good show open!

Nuffin’ to say!


Dig the contrasting styles of 1 and 2. Had a few LOL moments at 2’s comments. I originally pictured them as more of a comedy team, but this interview certainly injects a dose of serious. Looking forward to reading more than these fellas.

Now I thought Angus might like Curtis Penn, but he put Dane on the shelf? Anybody who wants to answer my n00b questions - much appreciated. Makes sense that Penn would crank the dial a bit with Evans “stealing” the title from him. Interested to see how Kelly deals with this. Curtis Penn rampaging through the roster could be a fun sight, too!

I hate all of these people.

Mikey’s “All for One” line is good business. He’s a bit of a dick. Not a ton there to talk about, but the segment certainly serves its purpose. How long has SEG been together? Hints of a crack forming there ...

Douglas takes a bit of a licking with the numbers disadvantage at the heart of it, but manages to capitalize on the bad guys’ mistake and pick up a DUB-YA. Good building match for a face. I was a bit confused (probably because I haven’t read any shows). Is Douglas trying to get the fans behind him, but they aren’t quite buying in? Totally lost on Denise Allen, but I’m interested to see what it’s all about! Nice to see another BRAZEN guy have a respectable match. Squashes don’t do much unless you really make a point with it.

I haven’t read much involving Andy Murray, but this segment makes me like him. A random thought that hit me melon when the DEFstaff shirt was mentioned, but I think DEF wins a “Staff Fight” with any other promotion. Andy Murray is ginormous. Buffalo Brian Slater is even more ginormous. And I’m pretty sure Wyatt B is a bit mothertrucker, too. Back on point …

Natas and Cayle suffering defeats or getting wrecked at AoD makes for great faceyness and getting to see them after only compounds that. I noticed myself feeling for Cayle Murray and that’s just good planning/writing. Natas is a bit different beast - I get the feeling that he’s going to fuck somebody’s day up. Nice closing line.

Kendrix is super easy to dislike. There seems like quite a few UKers in DEFIANCE (random). Natas was already wound up and Kendrix only put fuel to the flames with this stunt! Is the DOC gone now? Will Kendrix be dragging around a charred belt from here on out? I shall tune in to 78 to find out, but I like where this story is headed.

​Will finish later on tonight ...



Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

... Anybody who wants to answer my n00b questions - much appreciated.

Douglas takes a bit of a licking with the numbers disadvantage at the heart of it, but manages to capitalize on the bad guys’ mistake and pick up a DUB-YA. Good building match for a face. I was a bit confused (probably because I haven’t read any shows). Is Douglas trying to get the fans behind him, but they aren’t quite buying in? Totally lost on Denise Allen, but I’m interested to see what it’s all about! Nice to see another BRAZEN guy have a respectable match. Squashes don’t do much unless you really make a point with it.

I look at it like the fans are growing on him. Rather than just write it as Douglas debuts with a huge amazing pop, I initially started it as a few of the die hards recognizing his music from a few spots on the BRAZEN Trios Tournament that Evan was gracious enough to through him into when I came in after an ARC had begun.

Since then I've tried to write the pops as a building thing. This ARC is only Douglas' third with DEF. So, to answer more directly it's not really a crowd resistant to Douglas but a slow build. I can see though, given how I wrote it and this being an introduction for you, how it would come off that way. Which makes me realize I probably should have been using the commentary a little more to make mention of his "rising" popularity or something of the like.

As far as the Denise deal, that was pretty much a surprise for everyone and has no real back story other then a few cursory mentions and never a name. So, you aren't missing anything there. That story will develop moving forward.

As far as Penn/Dane. It was Cayle Murray who put Dane on the shelf at DEFCON Night ... 2 I think. Two ARCs ago.

Jonathan Todd

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Dane/ penn. Teacher student dynamic. Chech out angus' feelings on penn. Penn takes credit for putting walker on the shelf , kells baby daddy.


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Thanks for the info, fellas.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Forgive me for any cluelessness that shall follow ...


I was initially surprised that Angus was pleased with Impulse’s victory (being a babyface and all), but as I read, I realized he mostly hated Mikey Unlikely. Been awhile since I got to read anything involving Cally - she’s a fun character and extremely likeable. Impulse is and always will be a fighting champion so the open challenge is no surprise and you have to appreciate him giving Mikey props. Angus is a real character … you almost feel bad for DDK. Good show open!

Angus isn't a straight up heel - he has specific and constant opinions that mean he likes and dislikes faces and heels without strict alignments. Impulse earned his respect by beating up Angus' two least favorite people ever, Curtis Penn and Mikey.

And Cally got over with him by spending six months coaxing a fist bump out of him. Now she just touches his butt to a mixed reaction.


I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Angus’ delight was a lot of fun. Impulse opening the show makes him feel suitable important. The Impulse promo is solid, even if the crowd suck-up stuff did make me sick in my mouth a little (jokes). The Mikey stuff is good too, but you guys tapped into one of my biggest wrestling pet hates: an immediate title rematch for the former champion. WWE do this all the time, and it drives me around the bend. Ultimately, it detracts from the finality and importance of the PPV match for me, because it’s not “The Final Act” if the guys are going to wrestle again on the very next show. A good segment, just one that plays to a trope that I really dislike.

A solid match and a good introduction to Corbin Michaels’ wrestling style. Pretty much the ideal length for a DEF summary, too. No real complaints here - I’m just looking forward to getting to know the dude through segments now.

Jesus Christ, these guys are tremendous. I love how grimy and horrible MV#2 is, and the dynamic between him and the cleaner MV#1 is a lot of fun. These guys are already one of the most entertaining acts in the fed. I was equal parts amused and repulsed by this segment, particularly with the description of MV#2 and his SLIMY HAND. Great stuff.

Penn being Penn, which means “cutting a banger promo.” This was fantastic, I thought. Curtis has every right to be fucked-off for the PPV finish but he expresses his distaste in such a detestable way that you just don’t want to admit he’s right. The sign of a great heel, IMO. Really searing stuff as Penn makes it clear things are only going to get worse from hereon out, and I liked him putting the rest of the babyfaces on notice too. Another good segment - this show is off to a hot start.

SO PISSED HE COULDN’T FINISH HIS OREO FRAPPE. What a ridiculous gang of cunts this is. This was a sturdy little set-up segment, and I’m assuming that it’s gonna lead to something later on. PCP are really developing some confidence by speaking back to Mikey and Kendrix, and while I definitely feel that their transition could’ve used another month or two, the tension comes off very strongly at the moment.

Nice to see Douglas actually get to wrestle one of these BAF jabronis without that DEVIOUS MDK showing up to wreck the day. Again, another fine match. Tough to critique summary matches when there’s nothing really wrong with ‘em though. No idea whatsoever what the post-match was all about, but I’m sure we’ll find out.

How about dem Barrio Boys? Always cool seeing a BRAZEN character win: they’re obviously going to lose more often than not, but this helps give them a jolt of credibility. This miscommunication plays to the Violators’ different personalities and gives them some real drama to play-off, too. Should be fun to see how they handle it.

Is Impulse meditating? Gorram hippie~! Textbook babyface “I’m a good guy, you’re a good guy, let’s be jolly good sports together” segment here. Would’ve been cool to see some banter between the two outside of setting the title shot up, but I guess there’s plenty of time for that.

Yup, there’s that tension overflow. Really didn’t expect MV#1 to man up and slap the grimy bastard across the face. Great little twist there, as he’s primarily been the subservient nice guy. Great introduction for Thugs 4 Hire too, and way to take a BRAZEN teams’ background and run with it. This is gonna be a hot little angle.

I should’ve known that Reaper was behind that name on the screen, because he’s the creepiest fucker in the universe. As is usually the case with Reaper angles, I have no idea where this is going whatsoever, but I’m hooked, and it’ll likely unfold over the coming weeks. Good stuff, and I look forward to the eventual pay-off for the name on the screen.

This is a well-written match which is exactly what I would expect from those involved. Totally befitting of a DEFtv main event. Not overly keen on the referee overlooking a clear low blow as that sets a dangerous precedent, but the rest of the match is very good. Nice continuation of the PCP stuff earlier, and having them fuck this up for Mikey was a good move. I feel that the main purpose here was to further the Bruvs/PCP story, which is good, but I still dislike the idea of hosting a rematch one show after a supposed blow-off match.


Feb 29, 2016
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Great show. I liked the bit about the stuff where we all talked about the things?

seriously though, looking forward to this arc. Already some good stories and angles coming out. Oh and yeah, as mentioned above, the news bits on the website are appreciated also.

Denoument: Quality seg from these two. Really like Impulse's timing and interaction with the crowd here. Also liked the no nonsense entrance from Mikey. He's pissed. Get what Murr's saying but what Pete and Mikey have done together over the last few arcs has been fantastic! So on point, so I didn't mind having this match again (FIGHT FOREVER!)

Corbin Michaels v Harry Rose: Really well written match, new character, decent back and forth in this. Great start for the newb and looking forward to seeing what his character is like in segs.

Digits, Baby, Digits. I'm totally obvs on board we've these two characters. Complete opposites by the looks of things and they play off of each other really well.

You're on the Clock: Bravo...so so good. Loved this seg. Perfect response from Penn, especially to how it echoed much of our concerns in here about the re-start over the tights. Warning sent out to Kelly Evans and the rest of DEFIANCE for sure.

Douglas v Garrett: Great written match again. Great standards here in DEFIANCE. My attention has been caught with that obituary thing on the big screen. Looking forward to finding out more.

That Ain't a Suit: Big Murr rallies the despondent troops from their disappointing results at the PPV...even though he's wearing a shit suit!

Masked Violators v Barrio Boys: A BRAZEN Character won?! Wasn't expecting that but good to see and makes more sense when I read the upcoming seg from these guys. Adds to the character development and interaction between the two. Despite the obvious differences, these two need each other to survive.

So It Begins: If you don't ask, you don't get. As easy as that, Douglas is next in line for a title shot. Impulse is good to his word that he's having an open challenge for the SOHER title...if he beats Mikey in the ME that is.

Natas v Diggs: Poor, poor Danny Digs. Natas killed him. This was always on the cards, Natas is livid first at the PPV result and now even more so after what that dastardly Kendrix did to the DOC.

Emerald Glow: Liked this. The switches in camera shot work so well with the mysterious Reaper around. One minute he's there, the other, he's gone. More of Scott's history coming back to haunt him? Is it linked to what was seen earlier on the screen? So many questions. Nice work!

On A Spike: So Good. For a moment there I actually thought Natas was so mad he was going to hit Zane! He has to hit somehting so takes it out on the wall and damages his hand in the process. Not the wisest of moves perhaps. But nice little sign off my an enraged Natas. This one between Kendrix and Natas isn't over yet...

Broxon Box v Walter Levy: Silly Brazen man agreeing to fight Bronson Box. Death Kill Destroy as usual. Cayle to the rescue but loved the "back of the fooking line" line. Box is in Murray's head. He's done, but Cayle wants more of him. The seg straight after the match was short and sweet and only added to Box's thoughts on the matter.

Impulse v Mikey Unlikely: Sad to see this rivalry come to an end, it's been great guys but what on earth have PCP just done? Are those cracks in SEG going to get bigger or will they regroup and show the solidity that brought them all gold? We'll see...

Great stuff guys, this place is awesome!


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Wrote this with Pete! Enjoy

Corbin Michales vs Harry Rose
NICE MATCH! Not too long at all, probably about perfect length for DEFtv. Very fun read, very descriptive. Had no issues with this at all. Good work. Got a good feel for Corbin from this, although Not knowing much about Harry Rose or his nicknames made me go back and doublecheck who i was reading about, but thats my error not the writer. Good stuff, looks like a good fit into DEF. excited to learn more about the character.

Digits Baby Digits.
Champions in ONE AND A HALF continents! Hahahaha. Love this fucking tag team, so many laughs and so much sincerity. The duo is so different.. I legitimately felt like #1 was jacked and ready. Super babyface. #2 gives no fucks, and its glorious. Excited.

You’re On The Clock
Curtis Penn with an in ring promo to Kelly Evans. I liked the message here and think Penn comes off as a strong heel despite being whiney. Leaving an ultimatum up to the owner is never a good idea, but im sure it pays off with the rematch. I liked it.


Scott Douglas vs Petey Garrett
The return of the Russian Leg Sweeps, best band ever. Felt like this one was a little odd as it was incredibly past tense and summarized even more so than usual. I kinda liked the latter thing about large sections being summarized with things like “this happened throughout the match”. Nice touch. Love Angus’ dislike for Douglas and the band/seattle gimmick. Weird little thing at the end with the death notice, but I dug it.

That Aint A Suit
Andy Murray is a backstage goon now and he’s full blow rah rah in this one. It is a good segment, and sets up Murrrphistos role off screen, while giving him an “on screen farewell”. Cayle and Natas both have unfinished business tonight, let’s see what happens.

Love JFK. I read this bit before it was posted while doing some proofing for SEG/Stevie. I loved this. The whole bit was gold. From his talking and mouthing off, to the entrance of Klein, to the burning of the title. TOTAL shit move from the TOTAL shit guys! Loved it! HEAAAAAAT

MViolators vs Barrio Boyz
What is a conservative top rope legdrop? Is that like… when you want to build a wall but want to drop legs too? (couldn’t resist). Ok it’s over, I bought into this team. The match writing is stellar, both here and the PPV. Really enjoy the opposing styles of both members of the team. Also the match writer brought some real character to the secondary….characters…its easy to forget someone is a “BRAZEN” talent when someone writes them well, something DEFIANCE is great at! And the Barrio Boys go over! Holy shit! Didnt see that coming. Great stuff.

So It Begins
HA! Love impulse here. So unmoved. “Sure!” If this is the upcoming feud for the SOHER, then im looking forward to it. If this is a one off, fuck it im into it anyway. Nice way to work this into this show, i was going to be like “one of my pet peeves is when someone gets a title shot before so and so defends said title” but in this case Impulse saves tat with “Whether me or Mikey…” Different from anything ive seen lately. Points for originality!

Kiss. Make Up. Get Got.
FUCCCCCKKKK this just got good! Not only are we learning about the mysterious masked teams background, but we are seeing a new feud develope. Love the use of moe brazen guys, and even better they have a mastermind behind them! YAS! This is super sticky. Im digging this.

Jason Natas vs Someguywhogotbeatuprealfast
Good squash job. Murrr likes to write these. This was a nice quick fun read. Works for Natas who is coming off a tough loss. HE KILLED EM!

Emerald Glow
Reaper vs Scott Douglas, it just got real. Now we’re learning about a person (probably deceased) that is a big part of the backstory about douglas. Interesting! Keep it going

On a Spike
Natas wants to kill JFK. but JFK is smarter than that. He’s got backup and security and probably a frappe too. This was very realistic and I am happy to see Natas is not a “wrestling superman” who can overcome 14 security guards.

Box vs Walter Levy
Holy fucking piss. I thought that last job squash was brutal, this was sickening. (In a good way). Box is the nastiest motherfucker on the roster for my money, and the one guy I dont want Mikey to ever interact with (cause he will die the nastiest death). This was a cool albeit long read. Loved the ending though, commentary was spot on with the abuse stuff. Murray for the save makes sense but Box ignoring him completely will drive anyone nuts lol. HEATTTTT x2.

Impulse vs Mikey : SOHER REMATCH.
Wrote this with Pete. was a fun write. Pete and I have officially closed our book of business, hope everyone enjoyed as much as I did.


It doesn't come off. That's Rule #1
Aug 19, 2008
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!


Loved this intro. My cold heart defrosted, slightly, at the sight of a MV sign in the crowd! Love, love, love Impulse and Cally. So different from Eli/Ivy. Meanwhile, Mikey Unlikely is becoming a quiet favorite of mine as well. This whole feud has been fantastic. So perfect that Impulse wants the match as much as Mikey does.

Loved the DEFnews piece on Michaels in the days leading up to DEFtv. I learned a lot in reading this on HOW to effectively write a better summary match. Nice debut! Looking forward to seeing where this guy goes!

Mine! I enjoy writing these guys and hope it shows. They seem like a textbook, generic masked duo on the surface but my longterm intent is to peel back the layers on this onion and show they are more than masks. And yes, someone nailed it above - they need each other to survive. So great that that has come across already. Also; I heart the Barrio's. In writing their two recent matches, a fun little germ of an sprouted in my head re:them that would be fun to one day play out!

You're On The Clock

Penn's fire here was fitting and palpable. Dug it all. Keep that fuse alight!


LOL @ Raul Clooney. How the world ends... Many a gem, guys! This eventual bust-up with break my heart.

Solid win for Douglas - as expected - but man, the mind games continue... Dude can't escape them! Looking forward to seeing what Courtney Denise Allen's death means to both Douglas - and the others around him. Got me curious! Which, I'm told, is the idea!

Murray delivers a rousing pep talk to his buddies and it seems to have sparked Natas a bit! Hoping this isn't the last we see of Andy Murray between bells.

Bruh just torched the Onslaught title belt?!? ...Bruh! Bad ass. I know there was public discussion a while back regarding some doubt as to the future of the title and the division... well... think we got an answer? Sports Entertainment Title, anyone?

It worked!

Mine. Was happy to see the V's give the win back to the BRAZEN boys! They can't stay viable if they don't get some W's here and there... but, uh-oh, the MVs are squabbling! Already?!?

Great, great, great interaction! Sets up a solid contest at the next event, too?!? Dig it.


Good lord! An ass whooping'!

Let the record reflect... Seattle REMEMBERS! Snap! #GoHawks

Love dat HEAT! But Natas is letting his emotion get the better of him... A broken hand doesn't help his cause!

Hey, I was chided on my music formatting last show - and hey, i noticed someone "botched it" here, so, na-na-na-na-na! LOVED this whole thing. Man. I feel like Cayle would gladly take his spot at the back of the line, fight his way through whoever, if it meant he would finally get another crack at Bronson. Good lawd.

LOL @ fried calamari. LOVE this.

Maaaaaaaan. The MegaPowers have IMPLODED! Great match. Great use of the summary style. Great, great, great.

Arc is off and running, kids! And now with more people joining up? F'n exciting!!!


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Part Two of What's Turned into Three!

Did not expect this finish at all - great way to inject some legitimacy into the feud and overall division. This Masked Violators team is absolute gold. Pretty sure I like MV2 more and 1 needs to stop being such a square! Keep up the good work.

As I said before, Impulse is a fighting champion and looks like he’ll be putting it on the line on 78 as well! Not much there aside from the title shot setup, but I don’t think a back-and-forth is necessary unless you’re looking to setup a “Hey, let’s be buddies” bit.

The title lays it out nicely here. MV have a convo to get their team back on the right track - I felt like a bro-hug could have even been coming … and then they get wiped out! Looking forward to finding out who was behind this and, when MV2 came to, if he started eating cheetos off the floor (I’m picturing yes).

I had Diggs pegged to win this one … or not. Natas absolutely chops and mauls Danny Diggs to death - surely, he was picturing JFK throughout. This match served its purpose.

Douglas is having a very, very interesting night. Up, down, up, and DOWN. I’m going to have to go back and familiarize myself with what these two have been up to. If Codename: Reaper was a nice guy, he would have told Douglas “It begins now” before he Humpty-Dumpty’d his head with a chair.

Natas is apparently upset about something … can’t imagine why. I would guess it has something to do with MV2 and there being no chips in the vending machine.

At least he didn’t mangle Christie Zane’s face! Once upon a time, she was Miss Memphis (it’s a real stiff competition, too). Back on point, I feel very bad for Kendrix when Natas does manage to get his hands on him.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 78 is live! Feed the backs!

Spoilers for the SUPERSECRETMAINEVENT below... be warned.

Only structural critique of this show is that it was front loaded with segments. Would've liked to have seen it more evenly spaced.

The Rundown

It certainly is.

Cayle Murray vs. Cristiano Caballero

I love the existence of BRAZEN as an easy way to have jobbers with names, histories, strengths and weaknesses - and the occasional moment to shine like Levi Cole in the DEFMAX last year. It's also nice to see Angus still has his favorites and not-so-favorites from his baby. Nice touch with Cayle's method of victory: if this doesn't spell out 'It ain't over,' then nothing will.

The Sitdown

I loved everything about this except one thing:

"if Troy is the FIST, you think she is then she'll be able to take every dirty trick that Penn has."

I feel like Kelly Evans would've told Jane Katze to shove all of Penn's dirty tricks up her own ass and set fire to them: as the head of DEF she should be fighting for the integrity of the FIST and by Katze's own admission, Penn plans to cheat.

At the same time, it's all in character - Evans is convinced of LT's ability to knock Penn to the bottom that she's giving it the high sign. Pride goeth before a fall.



Love the visual, both of "the cape" and of MV1 trying to play diplomacy. And we've got ourselves a match tonight!

Sports Entertainment Awards Ceremony, BAY BAY

"It's my wallpaper."


This segment is obvs a thing of beauty. Watching the PCP's anticipation rise and fall with every 'award' only for things to go awry at the end. It was sports entertainment schlock at its finest, and it built flawlessly.

"What's going on here? Is it my birthday?"

It may be, Angus... it may be.

Earn It

Classic babyfacing. No sneak attack, no shit-talking. He says "I want the match" and the boss says "Earn it." And he will.

The Masked Violators vs. T4L

More character progression. MV's established their humor and their fallibility so far - this match establishes their skills and tenacity. Great setup for the next thing.

Lordly Revelations

I don't have a fucking clue.

Don't Fight Doors

Me and Murrr wrote

Corbin Michaels vs. Rob Collins

The build for Corbin continues well - by the time we get to the PPV and an angle for him, he'll be established as the new HOSSness. Well paced match.


That evil genius. He'll get what's coming to him soon.

Scott Douglas vs Impulse

Me and Wade (mostly Wade) wrote this.


Real life consequences. Always glad when the authority figure is working for the good of the company, not just for the people they like or against the people they hate.

PCP vs. Bruvs

"I don't want you, I want THE D!" We know, Mikey... we know.

Been waiting for this for months. Being part of the last arcs with Mikey I sort of knew what his plans were at this point but it's still a logical place for the story to go, and I'm glad to see the PCP get here.

But wow, I didn't see that finish coming. It was a beautiful thing to behold.

The Line

Cayle says gimmee match. Box says no. Cayle hits Box. Box says not until he's willing to do what he can't.

Mic drop.


Who saw this coming? Angus now HAS to root for Impulse, otherwise all the light in his life goes away. Perfect coronation for Penn, however - he worms his way in and steals a victory with help from all sides.

Intrigue on the returning ICONS... things are about to get sloppy.


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 78 is live! Feed the backs!

SPOILERS AHEAD, of course.

Quick and to the point. Mystery big man?

The Scottish Civil, Cold War of DEF rolls on. Great way to kick off the show with what on the surface would appear to be a time filler with no meaning or reason beyond this is a rasslin’ show. Only to then put an extremely fine point on the fact that there will be (more)blood.

The Sitdown
Well written segment. Maybe there is history I’m not up on but I just don’t know if I really see Evans caving. I get that she has a company to run and this is an unneeded annoyance but why assert her power at ACTS to reverse it here. Penn’s threat of legal action and potential ownership of the company just feels like a reach (for Penn and Katz) and hardly enough for the hard nosed Evans to turn back on what she previously has done. Just my opinion based on this one segment and I’m sure it is going somewhere but with Jane and Evan’s interaction (since I’ve been reading DEF) I think a personal aspect would make this a easier pill to swallow. Some blackmail type shit. Where whatever Katz had on Evans would cause her to make these decisions or more over grant the rematch No DQ. I don’t know, the booze is talking.

Never “pigeon-hole the BYRD.” I was unsure why I was reading MV#1’s voice in that of Adam West and then the old chum came out (phrasing) and it all became clear; the MV’s are 66 Batman and Comic Book Bane. Anyway, cool match set up segment. Still a question of who has put the bounty out on the masked men’s masked heads. I’d also be remiss if to not acknowledge the crap heard ‘round the area.

Sports Entertainment Awards Ceremony, BAY BAY!!!!
“...are you watching a gif of it on your phone?
It's my wallpaper. “ Very funny segment as always. The Bruvs take it up another notch in their incredible disrespect of PCP. The D’s fired up speech plays well as he takes some jabs at Mikey. Elise’ “WORLDSTARRRR” was super on point. As the SEG implodes now I have to wonder are we in for a finger poke of doom type situation? Have PCP (mostly D) had enough or has there sycophantry just hit a new level.

As this one ended all I could think was “Cut to montage.” And of course Eye of the Tiger or some equally generic 80’s song plays as Cayle earns it. Good segment not much to say really. A slight obstacle in the way of Cayle getting back to Box.

Angus’ Number 2 line was right there, easiest joke in the world, yet it never dawned on me. Good shit. The match was what it needed to be. The attack at the top seems to fit what we know so far about MV#2 as well as where his head would be after missing the chance, due to shit, to get at the Thugs earlier tonight. MV’s have to go over on this, clearly. Dug the Reaper line from Angus. Tricklebush was weird as fuck in that row row row your boat segment we last saw him in so this is … well this is still pretty weird. Entertaining but weird. This is clearly going somewhere, whether it’s the debut of the Storm or something more, I’m interested. Also, JFK has ruined “innit?” for me. Anytime I read it even in it’s US or Southern use, I instantly think of JFK. “Dames screech across the WrestlePlex”

I’m either a little drunk or slightly dyslexic and anytime Cally and Cayle are in the same segment the letters get to jumbled in my simple brain. Luckily, the tone of their respective dialogues is SO starkly different I can start reading what is being said and it’s clear only a few words in. Good segment, these short pieces are really shining a light on Cayle and his side of this narrative while things on the Box end have been relatively quiet. Plus they managed to work in a bit of hype for the forthcoming title shot and put over Impulse’s fighting champ deal. Good stuff. If there are to be no more Drunk Bros then what more could you ask for than these three, Impulse’s dry no nonsense, Cally’s super over quirkiness and Cayle potentially planning the murder of his countrymen.

That opening Angus line was gold. And “...it’s the only rational option!” aswell. Also I may have said this before but Gun of Brixton, excellent name. Strong match. I think someone mentioned last week, maybe Mikey, that the unfamiliarity with Corbin’s nicknames made it a little tough to read at times, I can definitely see that. As I pick up one them though that won’t be a problem though. It is better than typing the last name over and over and over, like I do. Makes a tedious read that way. I liked the match. The length, the pace, etc. And I’m no authority but I felt like Angus was perfect throughout this. Can’t wait to see Corbin in an actual program in the next arc.

From context of course I knew what it meant but I had to straight up google child-minder. Never heard that term in my entire life. [the more you know …] Only thing I didn’t like about this is a handful of security held Natas back this week when last week if memory serves, it took a army. But at the same time that can be easily chalked up to Natas, albeit still livid, isn’t quite as worked up as he was then. JFK is certainly going to get it at some point but it is extremely entertaining to watch him poke the bear. Interested to see what Kelly has to say about this. Also, my official prediction by the end of the ARC: Todd and Randy, DEF Tag Team Champs!

Wrote with Pete.


Well, shit. Didn’t see that one coming. It’s a great way to have a reason for Natas not interfering in the tag match. Although it begs the question where is Kelly’s wrath toward JFK for burning the title. I know, “property” has been mentioned a few times but end of the day I can’t see her letting that stand. Yes he is the title holder and presumably “that belt” is his belt but it’s still the promotions title? I’m either unfamiliar with how that works in professional wrestling in story or how it’s treated in DEF, possibly. It’s nearly as bad as dumping it in a trash can on a rival promotions tv. Clearly not the same, because it’s a heat grab and maybe even a way to explain away the title with a struggling division fading away but … if she is laying down the law it seems like JFK would have some coming his way as well. But maybe that is yet to be seen. I think I just typed a complete circle.

It didn’t dawn on me during the ceremony earlier but hit me during the entrances … I REALLY hope they keep carrying around those SEG awards ala Owen Hart slammys. And demand Klein keeps them in position at all times. Klein just standing there with an arm full of trophies. Or better yet a Blue Brothers’ handcuffed briefcase situation. In this scenario HollyBruvs get Klien in the divorce. “I want THE D!” thats one you can’t not do. As far as the match, man I walked right into that one. Bait and switch! Once the fingerpoke of doom was mentioned outright I started to think about begins to doubt but it happened so quickly. Good stuff. I can’t wait to see what the fallout of this is going to be.


We get a glimpse of the elusive Box in his natural habitat. “This isn’t about wrestling anymore, PRICK” It didn’t seem like it had been at ACTS but I still like the bite of that line. Great segment. If it wasn’t clear before now Box cleary has Cayle’s number mentally. They blew up the joint at ACTS and the powder keg is slowly being refilled.

Marvel Presents, SECRET WARS
“I bet you a dollar that he’s pedophile.” I got wrapped up into this one and where I normally try to type out some thoughts as I read, I didn’t. Knowing something had to be coming based on this already being a mystery event and that little mystery man tag at the start of the show. That being said this was a hell of a match, I definitely didn’t see Penn winning the title on TV. Even with Ryan, I thought that would just be the catalyst for a Triangle Main Event or I don’t know something. The fall out and post was perfect, Penn’s disrespect and interaction with Slater. Ryan snubbing Evans until the end. The ONLY thing … ONLY ONLY thing … I would change. And maybe this is too much 90’s WWE programmed into my head, but … I would kill Eric Dane’s dialogue. I had permission was great, the reveal great, Evan’s reaction, great … and then just ride off. And given Dane and Evans go back a way I could see an acknowledgement, so if anything just a nod and “Kels.” IMO that would ramp up the dramatics that much more. That being said still dug it.

As usual, I wrote but did not read this shit.


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 78 is live! Feed the backs!

That opening Angus line was gold. And “...it’s the only rational option!” aswell. Also I may have said this before but Gun of Brixton, excellent name. Strong match. I think someone mentioned last week, maybe Mikey, that the unfamiliarity with Corbin’s nicknames made it a little tough to read at times, I can definitely see that. As I pick up one them though that won’t be a problem though. It is better than typing the last name over and over and over, like I do. Makes a tedious read that way. I liked the match. The length, the pace, etc. And I’m no authority but I felt like Angus was perfect throughout this. Can’t wait to see Corbin in an actual program in the next arc.

Corbin’s only nickname is "The Cyclone". Aside from that and some variation of Oklahoman, all the other nicknames are Collins' - Behemoth of Birmingham, West Midlands Mauler, British Strong Man, Big Brit, etc, etc.

Hope that clears up any confusion. I should maybe fill out the Guns' bios. Could help.

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