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B1TCHIN' 00: MAIN EVENT: World Heavyweight Championship - Foxx v Starr (c)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for World Heavyweight Championship match between FOXX and KARLA STARR (c) at B1TCHIN' 00 should be down in this folder. RP posted elsewhere will not count.

The RP deadline is SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30th @ 11:59 PST. Any RP posted after the deadline will not count.

Any angles should be sent to secandido@san.rr.com ..


League Member
Feb 1, 2005
About an hour's drive from Detroit, MI...

Foxx sits on the floor in a moderately sized living room next to a potted, sparsely decorated, nearly Charlie Brownish, Christmas tree. Dressed comfortably in a faded T-shirt and old blue jeans, she leans just a tad toward the camera from her indian style position.

"As I'm doing this on Christmas Eve I decided, 'Well hell why not do a lil Christmas show?'. Christmas is such a wonderful holiday, after all....."

"Oh, who am I kiddin?! Christmas freakin sucks! Peace on Earth and good will towards men is few and far between, ESPECIALLY on Christmas. The holiday is so commercialized that it's more about panicked last minute shopping, cryin children and gimme gimme gimme than anything that's actually worthwhile."

"I'm hardly a saint...I'm not even Christian or any of the other religions that celebrate a holiday at this time of year, but it's still a terrible cryin shame that a holiday that attempts good cheer and pleasant messages has been twisted and warped into a terrible shadow of it's former self."

"Ya know what..."

She hops up suddenly and hauls the tree out of the room, coming back after a few seconds.

"I really...really don't like the scent of pine. I'll replant that later..."

"Anyways! As I was saying, Christmas has become a horrible holiday modeled more after human greed than good will, but if you can't change it you may as well take part in it."

"And so in true Christmas spirit I'm bringing you a gift at the next show, Karla. It'll be my late Christmas present to ya!"

"I'm gonna take all the frustration from our last two matches and bundle that up with a good helping of my dislike of Christmas and Christmas shopping...and I'm going to give it straight to you."

She nods in approval of her decision with a smile.

"I know it's early to tell what my present is, but I'm just so horrible at keeping secrets!"

"I hope you enjoy it... I know I will."

She retains that same innocent smile as she finishes.

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year an' all that..."

Fade out.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"B1TCHIN' 00: MAIN EVENT: World Heavyweight Championship - Foxx v Starr (c)...Good gawd."

(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of a VENUS backdrop, dressed in black jeans, and a brand new VENUS T-Shirt, with her hair in a ponytail and the VENUS World Heavyweight Championship, resting over her shoulder.)

STARR: Ya know...for someone that supposedly gave me a better run than Caitlyn Daymon did....you're a bitter old spoiled brat, you know that??

I mean...for someone that's called dirty names on a daily basis...you really didn't have'ta prove it. 'Specially since everyone knows it already.

(Starr flicks a Quarter toward the camera.)

Have a Quarter, Foxx. That's my present to you, for Christmas...it IS Christmas, and after all....for all the cryin' and complaining you do all year long....maybe now you can cry about it to your Mom.

I could careless.

One thing's for sure though, ya Mistletoe-kissing-whore....nothing gets past you.

EVERYONE knows that the Holidays have lost it's old-school feel, now it's all about Marketing and Revenue. It's apparently unbeknownst to you, due to how oblivious it is...but believe it or not...Sex sells.

(Starr slides down the "John Lennon"-style Sunglasses the bridge of her nose temporarily.)

You would know....Hell...Krist Blue told me the other day that it's how you make it from one venue to the next.

(Starr pushes the sunglasses back up her nose.)

And you thought people actually GAVE A DAMN about you??

(Starr shakes her head in disappointment, as if to say "Tsk, tsk, tsk.)

STARR: Swallow that pill with your little shot glass of Eggnog.

Wish me Happy Holidays will ya??

(Starr kinda combines a smirk with a scowl.)

Bah Humbug, B*tch.

Bah Humbug.



League Member
Feb 1, 2005
About an hour's drive from Detroit, MI...
"Karla, Karla, Karla...."

Fade in to a VENUS backdrop identical to the one originally behind Karla Starr. Foxx stands before the camera tapping her foot with crossed arms.

"You lack originality! When do YOU speak to Krist Blue?! I shudder to think about it."

"Unless the crowd is filled with paid actors...I do believe I'm the one gettin the cheers and you're the one gettin the boos? You're in denial, hun."

"If sex sells...you must be dog's butt ugly! Oh wait! You're the rabid ***** roaming town like you own it, barking at anything in your way and I'm the one with a muzzle to shut you up!"

"Didn't you say you were the 'Alpha Female' at some point? That is until someone...I don't recall who, called you out on copying Beast?"

"You're long string of unoriginality ends at our next match. Even if I did sleep my way here, which is entirely untrue, but even if I did...the fate of that belt has been sealed."

"I have the ability, I have the will. If Mrs. Daymon decides to show up out of nowhere and try to stop me again? ...Well... I'll just say she'd better not."

"Face it. The fans love me and obviously someone out there thinks I have SOME form of talent. If I've cheated my way here how've I whooped your ass so many times?! Hell I've taken on you AND a partner nearly single-handed and I can do it again! This time I'm ready and waiting for a chair wielding follow-along to pop out of nowhere and try to blindside me."

"But you and Caitlyn wouldn't play the same trick twice...or would you?"

"You think I'M whining? I can't wait to hear YOUR whine session covered up by that attitude you're so fond of after this match. That'll be a RIOT!"

She glances off screen at something unseen just behind the camera.

"It would seem I have no more time to spend on berating you and your tasteless insults. I'm sure I haven't heard the last of you, so until then..."

She walks quickly off camera as it cuts out suddenly.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"Ya know...I've said it before and I'll say it again: Foxx, next time you have a thought...let it go."

(Fadein, Karla Starr in front of a Venus Backdrop, dressed in a Newly produced black 'cursive' version of the VWA T-shirt, a conservative white skirt that goes down below the knees, black-colored boots that go up to just below the knee, and a black leather jacket over the T-shirt, spotted with raindrops and the VENUS World Heavyweight Championship over her left shoulder.)

STARR: I mean, really...trying to portray yourself as the "Miss Goodship-Lollipop" is one thing, and believe me...as sickening as you make it out to be, it works....but trying to tie into it insults to my image...

(Starr shakes her head.)

STARR: It doesn't work for you, never did...and really...if you think about it...it never truly will. Something like that would most likely fall in line for someone like..say moi for instance, but that's a given; if I had to point out one that it could work for though...I'd probably have to go with Krist Blue on that one.

(Starr shrugs, but continues.)

She looks slutty enough...but also can make it subtle enough to put you down and you don't really have much to go with but to respond against it.

I mean...hey...look at her and then look in the mirror, Foxx. You're not really much for the verbal type, although you could probably put it past Victoria Hawke in a posing contest.

Even though that's neither here, nor there...it's still something to be proud of, so don't knock it.

As for Krist talking to me backstage...it's practically a daily ritual as far as when I show up to the venues, no matter what the event is for...a Pay-Per-View or an autograph session.

(Starr uses a dry part of her jacket to wipe clean a smear on the side of the belt, not skipping a beat of the promo.)

Always seems to be something about Jason Payne...I haven't the slightest idea why she's into that boy instead of say...Peter File...that would be someone more her forte, but then again, I'd rather she get advice from me than say...Beau Michaels.

(Starr 're-shoulders' her strap, as she shrugs and proceeds.)

I swear everytime that boy leaves a booking, it's always to go home and shine the rear-end of some statue he's got at home.

(Starr 'waves it off'.)

I digress....what do you care anyway?? I mean...you might've tagged with her once...so what?? Does it look like she's making an effort to call YOU on a daily basis, and ask YOUR advice about Men??


Besides...you shudder at anything that doesn't feel right to you on an academic basis, like it's supposed to be PLANNED.

You know...like I'll bet you "shudder" at the thought of being serenaded by David Hasselhoff and Michael Bolton on a slow, un-eventful night.

You know...when you're not booked as much as me.

(Starr smirks, and continues sarcastically.)

I think everyone else but you calls that SATURDAY, but whose to say for sure?? Only Peter File would be one to prove that theory, and last I checked...he's got other plans.

(Starr shakes her head.)

But really now...reminding me of what I've been since I walked into NEW ERA's Offices....what difference does that make , whore-bag??

Not only do I know that I'm the 'Alpha Female', but so does the REST of the Women's Division.

But it's good to know that even YOU can accept things that at first deemed inpossible.

Time to put down Volumes two and three of the Star Wars Trilogy, Foxx. Everyone who watches it, only need to see it once to understand it.

You're abusing the privilage.

Besides...the only thing Beast has done relevantly as of late is Auction himself between UCW and MCW. I yawned through the first few minutes of that before becoming uninterested altogether.

You might have the ability to beat me, hooker, but the fact remains is really simple:

You can never do it when it COUNTS.

Not at New Era, not at a house show or a Pay-Per-View, regardless of who showed up.

You can't do it there, you won't do it HERE, so it's becoming of you to me that you really can't do it ANYWHERE.

B1TCHIN' will be no exception to the case.

Think of it this way...you get to be trashed on the PREMIER episode of a show that I helped started and belongs to me ANYWAY.

Don't be the bad egg who gets fired for not doing what she's told be her betters. Marceau hates that.

Think about it, Foxx, because deep down...you know that on a level between us in the playing field...you're barely rate enough to be in MY LEAGUE.

You're just slower than the rest to realize it.

Something I intend to remedy very...very, soon.


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