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Big Problems



I've got something I need to get off of my chest. I vented to Chad already on this and told him I had to post this to the league just so everyone reads it. I was also told to be subtle, but as I am never subtle...if this is too hard for ya Chad, I'm sorry.

I'll get right to the point. I am SICK AND TIRED of having these shows and RP wars go down and then the show comes out and all I hear is BITCHING about how someone feels they should have won and didn't or so and so's RP's sucked and didn't deserve to win. I have had all I can take of people saying the "right thing" about how all that matters to them is telling a good story and making things interesting and then turning around and talking a bunch of s&%t when things don't go their way. And I think it's safe for me to say, those people know EXACTLY who they are. Basically, if this post pisses you off then I'm probably talking to you. Let me sum things up very clearly. If all that matters to you is how "good" your character looks or how many wins you get...if you count up your wins and losses and actually brag about the number of title or wins you get, then WE DO NOT NEED YOU HERE. You're not wanted. You're everything that's wrong with E-feds and the main reason why every so often I just want to up and completely leave e-feds altogether. This is a HOBBY. A goddamn HOBBY that you pay NOTHING for and that people spend their FREE TIME away from their families, away from their jobs and away from their lives in general to provide for you....FOR FREE!!! If you want competition and wins and losses then go join a fantasy football team. I have lost both of my posted matches so far, but I was super happy with the card because of how well written it's been until I started hearing bits and pieces of people pissed off because they lost. You know, it's funny but when I win matches and I go to my mailbox everyday...I never seem to get my e-fed prize money...and you know something else? When I lose, amazingly....(gasp!!)...no one in my life seems to give a damn!! Wow, weird concept huh? BUt those of you whose self-worth is wrapped up in fantasy wrestling need to get a damn clue and ask why the hell you're doing this. If it's not to have fun and be entertained, then get lost. I'm sick of you, and I'm not the only one.

Rant over.


let me add to this....these are my opinions...and I'm not on staff. Keep that in mind.


Nicely Put!

I don't have a single GXW win yet.. and I don't bitch.. It's all about having fun, not winnin' or losing..



Well, I can't really argue with Dave here. If there are people bitching pissing and moaning about what happened on the card then they need to grow up.

Gemini hasn't won a single match since the last pay perview, mostly through decisions I made to further angles and put people over. Chad knows that, Erik knows that and so do the people I worked with.

It's never hurt Gemini one bit either. Find an angle and run with it, that's my motto.

Y'know, this is a private club. Maybe it's time for
Chad and Erik to lay down the law one final time and start purging offenders. (Note to Chad and Erik... this is in no way a diss. If anything you two are far more professional about these things than the rest of us malcontents.)

As much as I hate to see people go... sometimes you just have to stop playing nice.



Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
I have to agree with everything being said here. However, I do get bummed if I lose a match, but frankly, my dear, I just don't give a damn. For me, it's more advancement of story and character that appeal to me. Letting myself become another character, and learning about that character as he/she grows is twice, if not 10, times more rewarding than winning any match.

Hell, I lost my match against Davis at Genesis, and I really don't care because I had the most fun RP'ing someone ever during the work-up.

That brings up another point, the RP interactions is another thing that people need to realize are a part of Fantasy Wrestling. Not just dissing them, tearing them down, etc. But also the connections your character makes with other characters in order to BUILD UP another charcter, or yourself...

That's all for now...

:+ Mike D


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Again I am in the same boat as all of you. I loved the card and the qaulity of work that has been put into it thus far. I can't wait to read part two. But there are actual people that are complaining about losing a match. That blows me away. This is the elite of the elite as far as efeds come. If you can not compete in this fed, then what makes you think that you can compete anywhere else? You may of been a stud rper in the CSWA, SSA, the NSA, the CIA, the I Don't give a F*** efed. I don't care. To qoute Tommy Lee Jones in Men In Black. "In here, your skills mean precisely D***." This is the read deal. This is GXW and we take full pride in being here. This is our hobby but we bust our asses to help make this fed the best efed on the net. We are good at what he do.

Now I am by far from the best rper in the GXW, but I keep at it and I never quit. I love the GXW and the card. I too was a little bummed when My True Living Colours lost their umteenth match in a row. But I asked EZ what was up. I wasn't b****ing but I wanted to be on the same page as him and he told me what direction he was going with them, and then I had ideas that followed from that conversation. So I am still thinking of ways to improve and get better. My other team, Twin Phoenix in the women's four corners for the title. I won that match, but at what cost. So what if you win or lose. As long as you advance the story. And I have one hell of a story to follow up on. I have so many ideas just off of that one match. So wins and losses are nothing, its just a tool for evolving a character. They mean nothing. But then again, I have no problem losing to John Miller because like Mike (Kin), I too had so much fun rping against him and I look forward to doing it again. And trust me John, if you are reading this, you will see TLC again.

Look at HellFighter, about a month ago, I had an airtight angle that could have taken him...I said could of...almost all the way to becoming the 2002 king of the cage, but then my modem went out on me. I was bummed because I put alot of work on that angle, but when I came back, Dave Brunk and JP backed me up and now I have a potentially huge fued in the making with Ryan and Zero...two characters that I have always loved and wanted to get into a full fledge feud with. So a big blunder turned into a triumph for me. Always look for the good in all storylines and lets quit the damn b***ing. We are GXW, the elite of all elite, lets act like it. You were choosen for a reason. Suck it up, or get out.

Well that is enough for me, my rant wasn't as "honest" or graphic as Dave's but I stand by everything he has said and I back him up. In fact compared to what was said, mine was pretty toned down...hehehe.

Well that's it for me, stick a fork in me, I'm done.

God Bless,
Patrick M. Shutt
(HellFIghter, true Living COlours, Twin Pheonix)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
preach it brotha...

Guys, you are all soooo right. And anybody who has been reading all of these posts saying "well what the hell are they talking about" needs to get their ass out of here right now. I don't know about all of you, but I'm having so much fun running these angles and stuff. I just happened to win both my matches so far on this card against two GREAT competitors, and the simple fact that I was even working with them to make a great story was very satisfying. Whether I win or lose doesn't matter to me... I could have won or lost both of those matches, and either way I would have been sooooooo happy with the great writing of the match and the card. Les, brotha, I know you wrote that Davis/Hiroshi match, and I just want to say that that you really made that angle work. It turned out great dude =). Mike Dove and Patrick Shutt, I had so much fun working with you two. That was truly KICKASS. Shutt, you better bring TLC... cuz there ain't NO WAY that is over hehe.... and Dove, Hiroshi is so badass you don't even know. I hope that we can work a davis (young)/hiroshi program sometime that is super sweet. I love working with the people that really care about the stories, because that is what makes it soooooooo fun. I'm going to tell a story now guys, so don't fall asleep. A little earlier in the GXW, I had the chance to face Dan Ryan with my character John Miller. This was a dream matchup for me, one that I was really into seeing. I don't know about Dave, but I know that I had so much fun rpign against him. Why? Because he tore me down, I tore him down... we made the characters hate each other that much more. We started a feud... and that was something that kicked so much ass. Just knowing that someone's having fun writing against you, and you're having fun doing it as well, that is what it's all about. I remember that I lost that match, and it didn't even matter to me. That was one of my favorite matches of all time, even more so than the match on the next show where I won the belt. Why? Because it was fun to see me and Dave's work come to fruition. I don't know... I'm just babbling... or retarded. One or the other. HA! Ok guys, I'm out, enough about my boring stories.

p.s. Dove, please contact me at untouchablemayhem@hotmail.com so we can talk about some stuff for the cruiser division


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Raton, NM
Yes indeed

Too often I hear about people who are more concerned about whether or not they win a match, and not about furthering a storyline. Heck, for one of the matches on Genesis, I sent in an angle directing that one of my characters NOT win a match, because I wanted to further an angle I am working for him. That's what this hobby is all about...cooking up cool angles and storylines, not winning.

I feel bad in some ways that I wasn't able to RP more for some of my matches, but because of time constraints and the fact that I was gone for most of last week, I wasn't able to RP for them. But hey, I'm not going to complain about losses. Things sometimes happen and I'm not going to lose sleep over them. There's always another card coming up where I can do more to contribute.

Sure, there comes a time where you'd like to see your character get into position for a title shot, but that comes through hard work, dedication, and actually spending time to develop characters and storylines, not just from whether you win or lose matches. You can have a character that loses more matches than he wins, but because the character is so good, the fedheads decide to reward you with a title shot or title push.

Titles are not for those who win the most matches. They are for those who do the best work at character development and storylines. End of story.

Bob Morris


wooooord. I completely agree on all counts. I mean, most of the time I'd rather win than lose, but losing doesn't mean a damn thing. Frequently a loss gives you more places to go to develop the story/character than a win does. I think the only time I've ever been frustrated with a loss is when I don't know where to go with the character, after that. But there's always SOMETHING to do, so that's short lived.

Don't be over competitive. Not only do you end up pissing off the staff, if you bitch at them (and risk jobbing, if you do it enough) but you suck the fun outta FW for yourself. I think I was win/loss hungry in my early days, back in EWI, but as soon as Aho whupped my ass that ended. Tee hee. I think I lose more than I win, nowadays, so I don't even consider winning as a possibility, these days. Still fun, though. Especially when you rip each other to shreds in the threads. That's why anyone does FW, anyway.

So uh. Woooord again.

-Zach, Admin of GXW.:+ <-- just had to use it.}>


I agree with Dave. If you're in the GXW, then you need to realize that there's going to be times when you're going to win and when you're going to lose. Most of the handlers here deal with that really well and most of them can tell a great story. I've been doing this Fantasy Wrestling thing for a long time now and I can say that the GXW is one of the better feds that I've been in. If you are here complaining about a lose or not getting a title, then you should really think about moving to another fed.

John, Mike, or anyone else for that matter, If you have ideas about the cruiserweight division, then please get in contact with. I might be the VP of the Cruiserweight Division, but I can only do with what you give me. email me at MrMotorCity@hotmail.com .

Les McCarver
VP of Cruiser Division.


Sorry to drag this topic out folks. But I had to point out to the person/people in question in the beginning of this thread that I find it pathetic and sad that you actually chose to post a reply in this thread agreeing with me. Yes folks, at least one of people I was speaking of in my original rant actually is among those who replied in support of it. It almost...ALMOST...pissed me off even more. But when it comes to it, it really just makes me almost sad. Sad that something like an e-fed can be made so political. But it also makes me eternally grateful that we have people like Erik Zieba and Chad Dupree....Zieba who I've known for years and Dupree who I proudly call my best friend....who don't let this sort of thing influence them. And rest assured, that our two faced handler is NOT going unnoticed. And rest assured that we know full well exactly what you're trying to pull and we are NOT as stupid as you must think we are. I don't intend to call anyone out in public because it's just not my way. But I think that in time, without some sort of change on your part....your time in GXW is very very numbered. Keep that in mind.

On a brighter note, I couldn't be prouder of this fed. It truly is the best I've ever been a part of and it makes me proud to see the amount of truly great material being written week after week by some of you. I've been privy to the emergence of some truly great talent and it makes this stuff SO much more fun. I can't stress that enough. Anyone from the "top" to the "bottom" guys can always count on me to help out however I can to help make this thng even better. To paraphase Samuel Clemens....the reports of me being an ##### are greatly exxagerated. ;-)

Keep it up guys.


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