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"Black Out" Patrick Cassidy


League Member
Jul 12, 2020
Name: Joe
Email: fifthwalltutoring@gmail.com
Best Way To Contact: E-Mail
eWrestling Experience:
I was big into efeds in high/middle school (back during wrestling's boom period), but as I got older I realized that what drew me to this hobby was the creative writing aspect. I don't have much interest in the traditional style of "RP and see who wins." I like it when two people work together to tell a story with their own unique characters, and "winning" at this has never been super important to me. Sadly, angled e-feds seem hard to find, and I lost interest and haven't been involved in an efed for many years.
How did you find DEFIANCE? Google search!
Are you willing to write matches? Sure.

Writing Sample

We are inside a run-down dive bar. The wooden bar stretches alongside the north wall, with a scattering of small tables around it. At the bar are three patrons: a man with his head resting face down on the bar top, a woman with her head buried into her cell phone and a cocktail in one hand, and a rather large man in an open button up shirt and jeans drinking a draft beer and staring intently at the television above the bar that is broadcasting a classic Boston Red Sox game. The only other people in this dump are the bartender, who is a young woman passing the time by cleaning some glasses behind the bar, and a younger couple sitting off to themselves by the bathroom.

The camera approaches the large man at the bar. His brown hair pokes out from under his green baseball cap and he has a short trimmed brown beard. He's "Black Out" Patrick Cassidy. He notices the camera, takes a moment for it to click, and then breaks into a smile.

Ah! You must be from the wrestling company.

Cassidy pulls out the bar stool next to him and motions for the unseen camera operator to take a seat.

Thirsty? Want a pint? Come on - it's on me.

He motions to the bartender.

Callie! Callie! Get my buddy here a Harpoon on my tab! Callie!

The young bartender, Callie, continues to clean her shot glasses without turning around to look in Cassidy's direction.

What tab would that be?

Listen! Cal. I'm getting a job right now. (Cassidy motions to the camera) I'm good for it. Cal!

Callie continues to not turn around.

She's a kidder, that Callie. Good kid. Nice parents. Shes got spirit. Alright: down to business, yeah? You're from DEFIANT, and you want to know why you should add Pat Cassidy to your roster. Fair question. It's simple, really.

Cassidy takes a swig of his pint for dramatic effect. When he's done, he lets out a dramatic "ahhhhh" of satisfaction.

I like to beat people up - and I'm really, really good at it. I've beat people in every major city in the country and in five - count em, FIVE - different countries. There's not many jobs where you can make a living beating people up. Pro-wrestling is a calling, you see. A calling to beat people's asses. So, it goes like this: you put me on your roster and I beat up the people you book against me. Then, I finally beat up enough people that you put me in there with a champion, and I beat HIM up and take the belt. Ta-da! Simple, right? There's no need to complicate this.

Cassidy takes another swig from his beer.

And let's face it, New Orleans was made for a guy like me. I can do some serious damage in the Big Easy. Not only that, but I have an uncanny talent for putting butts in the seats and selling the t-shirts. I'm a man of the people! Tell 'em Sully!

Cassidy raises his arms up, as if soaking in the cheers of an imaginary crowd in the beer. The man with his head resting out the bar mutters a barely audible "man of the people." Cassidy flashes him a thumbs up.

I'll have the people eating out of the palm of my hand in no time. Now, I know the whole "good at beating people up" thing is just hearsay, but obviously in this fine establishment there's no way for me to prove it at this particular moment, but I think...

Cassidy is interrupted by the noise of the couple by the bathrooms. The man is gesturing wildly and aggressively toward the woman. We can make out a "you need to get off my f*cking back before I make you regret it!" as he yells at her. The woman looks concerned about his behavior.

(A smile breaking out) HOT DAMN! I'm telling you, when you?re in need, the universe will provide. (He motions to the camera) Follow me, you'll want to get this.

Cassidy hops down off the bar stool and cracks his knuckles and neck dramatically. He walks over to the couple, tapping the angry man on the shoulder. The man turns to him with rage in his eyes.

Can I help you?

Yeah, hey there buddy. You're making a bit of a scene here. Got some people worried. Maybe want to dial it back a bit? Come over to the bar, I'll buy you a drink, and we can sort this out.

Or maybe you can mind your own business and go f*ck yourself.

At the man's response, Cassidy looks to the camera and winks slyly. He mouths "there we go." He holds up his hands, as if conceding defeat to the man. In a flash, he reaches over to the nearby pool table, picks up a pool cube, and smashes the man directly over the head with it, breaking it. The man falls to the ground with a grunt, and Cassidy goes to work on him with boots. The man's lady friend starts to yell as Cassidy lifts him up and nails him with punches, causing him to stumble back toward the bar. Cassidy grabs the man by the back of his head and throws him across the bar. The man smashes into several bottles stacked behind the bar and lands with a THUD. Callie, who stopped cleaning when the fight started, shoots Cassidy an angry glare. Sully still hasn't moved. Cassidy holds up his hands to Callie in apology.

Cal - I'll pay for all that! The new gig, remember?

Cassidy turns to the man's lady friend, who is holding her hand over mouth in shock.

And you: you know what they say, you're judged by the company you keep. Might want to work on that, yeah?

Finally, Cassidy turns to the camera, pointing dramatically. He reaches over for his pint, takes a swig, and then tips it in a "cheers" motion to the camera.

DEFIANCE!! Get ready. There's gonna be a black out!

Wrestler Information

Ring Name: "Black Out" Patrick Cassidy
Height: 6?2?
Weight: 242 lbs.
Hailing From: Boston, Massachusetts
Alignment: Works as either a babyface or heel depending on the need or the story, but I envision him more as a babyface.


Cassidy has a found a profession that is literally his dream: he gets to travel round the world and beat people up for a living. He's an easy living rogue that is fond of a good drink and even more fond of a good fight. The joy that he seems to take in hurting people might suggest that he is generally despised by pro wrestling audiences, but the person that Cassidy is between the ringing of the bell (charming, good natured, life of the party) often makes him a figure that you can't help but like. In fact, after a good match, Cassidy has been known to lead the crowd (and depending on their temperament, even his opponent) in group celebratory karaoke session, maybe even swaying a pint high if a gracious fan brought one for him.

That said, he is almost a different person when the bell rings. Laser focused on his goal of winning, Cassidy is all business and not above brutal tactics (if he's in the babyface role, he won't cheat per say, but he's not above doing what has to be done in terms of aggression) to get the all important win for the night.

Wrestling Style:

He's all about the basics, baby. You won?t see complicated wrestling chains or double somersault dives out of this guy. That's not to say he doesn't know how to wrestle, he just prefers to generally stick to the basics and do what's most effective in terms of hurting people rather than putting on a good show. He's crisp and intentional in his delivery - somewhere in the realm of Jon Moxley today or Steve Austin circa 1997 (before the neck injury). Think mostly brawling with some high impact moves that target the opponent's weak spots at key points.

Three Weaknesses:

  1. Hot Head. Cassidy is big into fairness and justice, and if he thinks he or someone that he cares for has been slighted, he will charge in with fists a blazing. Often times, it might have been a big misunderstanding, but he?s already throwing fists and made the situation worse. He's also been known to start fights even when the numbers aren't his favor, and that almost never ends well for him - or his body.
  2. Takes losing personally. Cassidy likes to be the best at his chosen profession, and when his chosen profession is pro-wrestling, that means he likes to win. As good natured as he often may be with people (even his opponents), a loss greatly impacts him - even if he doesn't always sell it. He?s an emotional guy, and sometimes disappointment can get inside his head and cause him to make mistakes.
  3. Too trusting. Sometimes Cassidy doesn't get that the rest of the wrestling world isn't as unique a cat as he is: not everyone can try to tear each other's faces off for twenty minutes and then knock back a pint at the bar afterwards. Sometimes Cassidy's lens of the world causes particularly evil people to take advantage of his good nature and strike at him when he least expects it.

Three Strengths:

  1. He's good! Cassidy, despite not being too flashy, is a pretty talented professional wrestler. What he does he does well - it's crisp, clean, and has very little wasted movement. He knows how to target someone's weak spot and spends the match with a focus on winning.
  2. He's personable. Cassidy is the life of the party and has a way of making friends wherever he goes. Part of the reason he enjoys wrestling is the travel: every new town is a new chance to hit the local hot spots and have a good time.
  3. He cares. Even Cassidy's weaknesses stem from how passionate he is, and that shines through in his pro-wrestling persona. Even when he's kind of being a dick during a match to score the win, you can appreciate that this is a guy invested in what he does and how much he cares.

1. Snap Suplex
2. Clothesline
3. Headlock takedown
4. Alabama Slam
5. STO
6. Russian Leg Sweep
7. Forearm drop from 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] rope
8. Hotshot
9. Irish whip into turnbuckle...or ring steps...or barricade...or...
10. (Submission sequence): Cassidy hits an STO, and comes back up holding his opponent?s leg in the air. He then drops down to smash his elbow into his opponent's knee, quickly pops up and drops ANOTHER elbow into the knee, and he continues to drop elbows into the knee as he spins in a full circle in the ring with his opponent (usually something like five elbow drops in a full rotation). Finally, he locks the opponent in a single-leg Boston Crab (one of the few submissions he uses).

Trademark Moves:
1. Top Rope Backdrop Suplex.
2. (Comeback sequence): Cassidy ducks an offensive move from his opponent and rebounds off the ropes with an impactful take down (almost a Spear) which allows him to mount the opponent and unleash a barrage of brutal punches. After the flurry, he hops to his feet and drops a forearm or two across the back of his opponent's neck as his opponent tries to rise. He quickly jumps up to the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] rope and waits for his opponent to stand and turn to face him, and then Cassidy knocks him down with a vicious elbow to the face. After this, Cassidy usually signals for his finisher.

Finishing Move:

  1. "The Boston Bullseye." A sit-out jawbreaker. Cassidy hooks his opponent?s head/neck almost for a uranage, and falls backwards into a sitting position. The opponent's head is driven forcefully into the mat, dazing them long enough for a three count. Simple, but effective. Efficient in that it can be applied to even much larger opponents.
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I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
In vote from me. Good application. Nice to meet you... Joe.


Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Good application and a solid looking character overall. Yes from me as well.


Jan 1, 2000
There’s some writing rust, but there’s promise there and that’ll get shaken off in time. See shades of Tyler Rayne in the character, which won’t mean anything to you but will mean something to guys like Seth, Ford, and Billy. Yes, from me, there’s your fourth.


May 22, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
My yes still stands but just a note, after reading the application over again I feel like there are similarities between Orange Cassidy and Patrick Cassidy (obviously the last name as well, but at least Patrick's not named after a fruit). Just the idea he's someone totally different inside the ring than out, that's all. Simply something to note but the writing is good and you still get an Orange Cassidy thumbs up from me.


League Member
Jul 12, 2020
There’s some writing rust, but there’s promise there and that’ll get shaken off in time. See shades of Tyler Rayne in the character, which won’t mean anything to you but will mean something to guys like Seth, Ford, and Billy. Yes, from me, there’s your fourth.

Agreed on the rust - and thanks for the fourth! I've been dabbling in creative writing for some time, but eWrestling is definitely its own genre, and I could feel how out of practice I was as I wrote it. I already thought of a better way to end it, though, so I think the creative juices will start flowing again. Thanks for the feedback.


League Member
Jul 12, 2020
My yes still stands but just a note, after reading the application over again I feel like there are similarities between Orange Cassidy and Patrick Cassidy (obviously the last name as well, but at least Patrick's not named after a fruit). Just the idea he's someone totally different inside the ring than out, that's all. Simply something to note but the writing is good and you still get an Orange Cassidy thumbs up from me.

Interesting - I'm not super familiar with Orange Cassidy. I've seen some of his Indy matches on YouTube and some of his early AEW work. My impression of his gimmick was that he WAS the same guy outside and inside the ring - a slacker who didn't put in much effort. Has that changed? (Now that I think about it, it would probably have to for the character to survive).

I do like the name Cassidy - it's actually a family friend's last name and I nabbed it because I always thought it was cool. BUT I'm not so attached to it that I'm opposed to workshopping it if people with more of a finger on the pulse of modern wrestling think it's going to evoke some connotations that I don't want, because I don't envision Patrick being anything like Orange - except for the fact that they might both be cool guys to hang out with. :)

And thanks to everyone for the four votes and kind words. Super pumped to start exploring this character and working with people to tell some good stories.


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
You got the four and your in! I'm emailing you now with a link the discord and we can get you going in DEF. If you haven't be sure to check out DEFInfo lots of information over there.


May 22, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
Interesting - I'm not super familiar with Orange Cassidy. I've seen some of his Indy matches on YouTube and some of his early AEW work. My impression of his gimmick was that he WAS the same guy outside and inside the ring - a slacker who didn't put in much effort. Has that changed? (Now that I think about it, it would probably have to for the character to survive).

I do like the name Cassidy - it's actually a family friend's last name and I nabbed it because I always thought it was cool. BUT I'm not so attached to it that I'm opposed to workshopping it if people with more of a finger on the pulse of modern wrestling think it's going to evoke some connotations that I don't want, because I don't envision Patrick being anything like Orange - except for the fact that they might both be cool guys to hang out with. :)

And thanks to everyone for the four votes and kind words. Super pumped to start exploring this character and working with people to tell some good stories.

Oh no, keep the name. It was just something in my mind. All good with me. :) And yeah, Orange Cassidy has started to "try" in the ring lol.


Jan 1, 2000
Roland, with a last name like “Cassidy,” the character is probably from Southie. Leave him alone, lol. :D

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