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Booking Matches: Rant/Discuss


Jan 1, 1970
I hate to be someone that sounds like they're pulling teeth, but there's nothing on tap in the Waystation. The Waystation was devised so that matchwriters could write the matches they want and handlers could challenge the people they wanted to RP against. It was supposed to be a continual, always evolving/moving process.

I know other feds use the IN/OUT or ROLECALL idea, but that's not going to work in NFW since we're limiting the amount of matches per show, I like random interactivity on the shows and there's NEVER been a time in this fed where I've had more than 3 matchwriters pull through for me on one show on time.

So, if everyone isn't into the Waystation concept...fine, I can accept that. But what are other ideas we can employ to keep things moving?

I don't have the amount of time I did 10 years ago, or 3 years ago. So, I don't want to kid anyone to think that the old ways of doing things are ever coming back, 'cause they're not. This fed is supposed to be different, this fed is supposed to be 100% interact and react. I'm not going to post this note every month, at some point we're all going to have to figure out something or set the viking boat on fire.

If you have an idea you think will work, please respond. Something needs to be figured out if everyone wants to keep things moving. If the Waystation is a good idea, please...DON'T STOP USING IT.
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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
That's kind of been my thinking as well. I usually wait for shows to be posted before suggesting matches, though this week I took the initiative and offered up the Reel-to-Reel Strap match.

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