(FADEIN: The living room of Peter Windham's house in Shirley, Long Island, a.k.a White Trash Disneyland. PETER WINDHAM is lying on the coach, watching the 10 o'clock news while his answering machine picks up its latest message from Lane Cash)
CASH: (V/O) "...women's panties from Wal-Mart, and were going - and I quote - rollergirl yourself raw.Thanks for that visual, by the way. (pauses) I wanna know why in the fu-" (speaker cuts out)
(Peter picks his nose, looks at it, then flings it onto the rug. Just then, the news anchor flashes on the screen)
NEWS ANCHOR: "Breaking news out of Riverhead Town, where residents are protesting the re-location of 14 trailers housing registered sex offenders into town neighborhoods. News12's Rebecca O'Leary has more."
(CUTTO: Female reporter in blue jacket)
FEMALE REPORTER: "Thanks Mike. Riverhead residents are furious that trailers full of registered sex offenders are being moved onto roads adjacent from their neighborhoods. According to the federal online sex offender registry, there are already more than 30 sex offenders already living in the area..."
(Peter Windham's eyebrows RAISE!)
(CUTTO: PW sitting up, with his laptop open. He is on the federal sex offender registry website, and is typing in his own zipcode)
PW: "I swear to God, if any of you kid-touching pieces of shit live anywhere near me, I'm gonna hunt you all down to the gates of hell with a baseball bat that I light on fire. COME ON, assholes! Let's see where you RE-SIDE!"
(Hits ENTER)
PW: "Oh shit! There's like, three who live near me! (looks further) OH SHIT! One lives on my block! (squints) Wait a second...WHAT THE FUCK?!"
(CUTTO: The computer screen, where PW has clicked on the name of the sex offender who lives on his block...and finds a picture of himself holding up one of the NGEN tag titles while making the wolfpack handsign with his other hand)
NAME: Peter Julius Windham
DATE OF BIRTH: July 24, 1973
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: 49 Hollowbrook Dr, Shirley, NY 11967
HAIRCOLOR: Brown ("Mullet")
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
SCARS, MARKS, AND TATTOOS: Tattoo of Troy Windham's face on his upper left buttock.
OFFENSE CODE: LEVEL II (Moderate risk of repeat offense)
(CUTTO: PW's face - eyebrows definitely raised!)
PW: "Oh man...OH MAN! This is not good!"
(CUTTO: Two minutes later, PW dials his agent)
PW: "YO RICH! It's me. Hey, quick question - any idea why I'm on THE FUCKING FEDERAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY! ... YEAH, I'M A FUCKING REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER, MAN! That's not cool! Did you know about this? ... NO, I DIDN'T KNOW! This is the type of shit you need to keep me informed of! When the hell did this happen? ... That long ago? What the shit did I do? Don't tell me she was 17, 'cause that's LEGAL in NY my man... ... 'Urban Legends of Professional Wrestling'? Never heard of it. ... Uh, okay then, just like, call me back or something. This is freaking me out."
(CUTTO: A few minutes after that, PW is on a plain white Angelfire website, with the following headline: "Strange...but true? Urban legends of professional wrestling as heard by the members of the Death Valley Driver board".)
PW: (scrolling down) "'Number four: Ricky Zane got his job in NFW by unleashing his hose on Kerry O'Connor's desk.' HAHAHAHAHA oh shit did that actually happen???? 'Number 19: Javid Dones once paid a hooker to let him poop in her mouth while wearing a purple Charlotte Hornets jumpsuit.' OH MAN THAT SO HAPPENED! I NEED TO READ MORE! 'Number 87: Dez Aragon and The Showstoppers took turns sodomizing Windy with a cable remote, and wound up damaging her anus. She had to wear diapers for 7 months, and this is why she was taken off television.' AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Let's see what else..."
(scrolls down further)
PW: "'Number 174: Peter Windham aka Problem Child used to help organize UWA fan trips for teenage boys off Prodigy Classic, where Bob Ryder was the chaperone. Bob Ryder had sex with all the boys, and Peter Windham was rewarded handsomely. Bob denied Peter's involvement, but at the insistence of a fan named Paul Miller, this all definitely happened. Also, all the wrestlers who participated in CSWA's Bob Ryder Invitational Tag Tournament in 1995 had to suck Bob Ryder's dick. Paul Miller said Peter Windham made money off this too.' NOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS IS COMPLETE HORSESHIT! THE INTERNET MAKES UP LIES!!!! WHO THE FUCK IS PAUL MILLER?!"
(Phone rings, PW picks up)
PW: "Yeah, what! I'm trying to record a promo here!"
FIONA: (V/O) "This is Fiona Love. Peter, you really need to end what you're doing here."
PW: "How the fuck are you even watching this right now?"
FIONA: (V/O) "John the Director has been filling me in. Sorry, but I have to draw the line at you questing to expunge yourself from the sex offender registry, and any and all mentions of Bob Ryder."
PW: "You know I had to massage that dude to get my first push?"
FIONA: (V/O) "END IT!" (hangs up)
PW: "Jeez. OK let's start this over."
(FADEBACKIN: PETER WINDHAM standing right where he was before)
PW: "LANE! Yeah, keep complaining that I got you a title shot, dude. Feel free to no-show and go back to what you were doing before, which was DIDDLY SHIT! Look at you, young man barking at me 'cause the title shot I got him wasn't the one he wanted. When I was your age, WE DIDN'T GET TITLE SHOTS! You had to be UNIFIED TOP 50 just to sniff a United States Title #1 contender's match. Now they're creating belts just to make dudes with small penises feel like they matter! Back in the '90s, I would have licked peanut butter off Chad Merritt's balls if it meant I could job to Julius Godreign in the upper mid-card. IF I WAS LUCKY! These days, Impulse is BRAGGING that he fights 367 days a year, offering title shots to people's sons and shit. IT'S NOT RIGHT!"
"What I'm trying to do Lane, as your mentor, is show you how the business really works. I'm the NFW COMMISSIONER, but I also happen to be your best friend. Hence, TITLE SHOT. But instead of a thank you, I get criticized 'cause you fancy yourself a singles STAR!"
"Well I hate to break it to you, but you don't have a singles career! Not yet! I mean, how the fuck you gonna go singles, dude? Oh yeah, pardon me Impulse, Castor, Harmen, comes LANE FUCKING CASH with his 12 Sea-Do model valets, who hasn't wrestled in three months, just demanding to be in the same league as you! I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. I DON'T THINK SO!"
"You know how many Twitter followers you have? 90! And 78 of them are porn people and motivational speakers. How the fuck am I supposed to get Dixie Gillaspie, author of "Firepower for Living an Unlimited Life", to buy a Reloaded ticket?"
"Lane, as your Commissioner, I command you to tag with me until you can put some BUTTS IN THE SEATS!"
"I'm what you'd call a LEGEND in this business. People are STILL talking about May Maelstrom '98 when I went over Tex Wayne for the UWA Mid-Atlantic States belt. Those are moments in sports history that people's children, their children's children, and their children's children's children will talk about for generations to come. I'VE RAISED AMERICAN FAMILIES!"
"And whether the people on Twitter talk about my years as Troy Windham's #1 lackey, or spreading rumors about how me and Spike Saunders got kicked out of the Washington Marriott for pooping on Chris McMillan's wife at the TEAM Legends Reunion three years ago, they can't seem to stop HASHTAGGING in front of my initials!"
"So forget about a singles career. You don't have one! All you have are the strings I pull for you, buddy. BE GRATEFUL!"
"As for you, Legion. How dare you accuse me of not growing up! I OWN A HOME! I CHANGED MY NAME FROM PROBLEM CHILD TO PETER WINDHAM! The child has become a MAN and has assumed responsibility of NFW Commissionership. What the fuck have YOU done?! Or you, Bandit? What have you done since you were next to me riding Troy's coattails all those years ago? Two years ago? Did YOU change your name? No, ya didn't. As of now, Bandit sounds like the nickname of the guy who goes state-to-state collecting other men's numbers off park-and-rest bathroom stalls so he can put them over while livestreaming for the bareback brotherhood."
"And Devastator! You know what would devastate me? If you actually...had more than three moves. No, side-headlock doesn't count!"
"You pussies don't scare me. You look like Count Chocula's two asshole friends who got cereal deals because they know him. What Pokemon species are they, Legion? Fucking Igglybuff and Buttfuckameleosaur. I'm tired of even thinking about you. I have bigger things to worry about! Tag team champions? Why do I even have to face you when I can just strip you of the titles and put them on me and Lane! Better luck next time, dickheads."
"Except I can't do that because my partner fancies himself a SINGLES CHAMPION! Well TOUGH TITTIES, Lane! Get your ass to Brawl, do the work we fucking contract you for, and if you're lucky, maybe we'll both walk out of there with a little GOLD. Whaddya say?"