OOC: This is a roleplay which I used in the GXW. However, it ties into my character's current situation in the CSWA, hence the reason that I'm posting it here as well. In other words, it will help better explain the story 
Fade In…
August 11th, 2002…
Days Inn…
1150 Banksville Road…
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania…
(scene: the time is roughly around 10:00 a.m. as we find ourselves inside Kendall Codine’s hotel room once again…checkout time slowly approaches as Codine can be seen packing his bags and preparing to depart for Mellon Arena where tonight, he will be stepping into the ring with three formidable foes for the opportunity of capturing arguably the second most coveted prize in the organization)
(Codine has had several things on his mind lately…for instance, picking up a picture of the mother of his child from the nightstand, Codine can be reminded of the life which he left behind for the world of sports entertainment…starring at the picture, Codine utters the following words)
“We were young, but I do not view it as a mistake. The mind of a 15 year old adolescent is not quite developed intellectually, but I can tell you that today, at the age of 30, I would have still remained by your side. For you and our son, I would have sacrificed everything. However, your parents chose to approach things in a different manner and that would be the last I would ever see of you. Now all I have to remember you by is a picture and a tombstone.”
(Codine packs the picture away as he never leaves it behind throughout his travels…eventually, Codine comes across the program which lists this evening’s festivities for X-Perience…skimming over the program, he comes across the main event of which he’ll be apart of)
“Tyler, Sampson, Hiroshi…we all seek the same thing, yet only one of us can have it. We all poke fun, talk trash, and alter our egos, but ultimately comes down to our performance within the squared circle. At times it seems that this is a cruel circle of events, as week in and week out we are pitted against a new opponent. And for what?”
(Codine hesitates for a moment and looks back to the picture which lays within his suitcase before continuing)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(Codine tosses the program in the trash can which is placed next to the television stand…upon discarding the trash, Codine notices that CSWA programming is on the television…ironically enough, the man currently on air is none other than Sean Stevens, more commonly known as Triple X…as the television has now captured Codine’s attention, he watches on as one of his best friends in the business degrades his mentor and father figure, Gabriel Poe…Apocalypse)
“There are few men in this business that I can trust and there are even fewer men that I consider friends. In the HEW, there was Mason Xavier, who was then and forever known as Havoc. In the SCW, it became Sean Stevens, as there was no other man that stood loyally by my side like him. However, I can honestly say that none of them served as the father that I never knew as Apocalypse did.”
“It seems that my actions are always questioned. My motives are always unusual, yet Apocalypse has always trusted in them wholeheartedly. In some cases, I’ve wished that Mason still stood along side of me, as no one could stop us collectively. In the same aspect, I have beckoned to Sean to do the same, but does he take heed to my warnings?”
“Merritt, Ivy, Flair, etc…they are all results of Sean’s current success. I am the result of friendship.”
(Codine pauses once more, collecting his thoughts before posing the same question that he had before)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(suddenly, the following exert from the television show captures Codine’s attention as he prepares to leave the room)
"...Kendall call me... We need to talk."
(Codine hesitates for a moment before ultimately turning the television off…picking up his bags, Codine pulls his cell phone from his jacket and begins to dial a number)
“I’ve seen the world. I’ve wrestled for the best…from the CSWA to the HEW, from the SCW to the CWL, and now the GXW. I’ve competed against the best…Tyler to Sampson, Zero to Ryan, Deacon to Radder, Havoc to Strider, Riggs to Hiroshi, Flair to Wicked Sight, and so on. Some of the best times have been spent within this business.”
“In the same aspect, I have lost quite a great deal along the way. A girlfriend who gave birth to my own spawn. A son that I have never seen. My fortune and house. Some may say that it could be looked at as the ying and yang in life, as you must give to get.”
(Codine exits the hotel room, closing the door behind him…he slowly approaches the elevator before restating a familiar question)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(the elevator door opens as Codine enters, continuing to await someone to answer his telephone call…suddenly, the elevator doors swing open to the lobby of the hotel where several fans begin to mob Codine for attention, autographs, etc…Codine pauses for a moment before ultimately offering a smile and offering the following words)
“Now I can remember why I entered this business.”
(pinching the cell phone between his shoulder and ear, Codine begins to sign autographs, when suddenly he receives a response on the other end of the phone)
(the picture remains, while audio is no longer available on the scene, leaving viewers to wonder Codine’s intentions)
(fade to black)
Fade In…
August 11th, 2002…
Days Inn…
1150 Banksville Road…
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania…
(scene: the time is roughly around 10:00 a.m. as we find ourselves inside Kendall Codine’s hotel room once again…checkout time slowly approaches as Codine can be seen packing his bags and preparing to depart for Mellon Arena where tonight, he will be stepping into the ring with three formidable foes for the opportunity of capturing arguably the second most coveted prize in the organization)
(Codine has had several things on his mind lately…for instance, picking up a picture of the mother of his child from the nightstand, Codine can be reminded of the life which he left behind for the world of sports entertainment…starring at the picture, Codine utters the following words)
“We were young, but I do not view it as a mistake. The mind of a 15 year old adolescent is not quite developed intellectually, but I can tell you that today, at the age of 30, I would have still remained by your side. For you and our son, I would have sacrificed everything. However, your parents chose to approach things in a different manner and that would be the last I would ever see of you. Now all I have to remember you by is a picture and a tombstone.”
(Codine packs the picture away as he never leaves it behind throughout his travels…eventually, Codine comes across the program which lists this evening’s festivities for X-Perience…skimming over the program, he comes across the main event of which he’ll be apart of)
“Tyler, Sampson, Hiroshi…we all seek the same thing, yet only one of us can have it. We all poke fun, talk trash, and alter our egos, but ultimately comes down to our performance within the squared circle. At times it seems that this is a cruel circle of events, as week in and week out we are pitted against a new opponent. And for what?”
(Codine hesitates for a moment and looks back to the picture which lays within his suitcase before continuing)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(Codine tosses the program in the trash can which is placed next to the television stand…upon discarding the trash, Codine notices that CSWA programming is on the television…ironically enough, the man currently on air is none other than Sean Stevens, more commonly known as Triple X…as the television has now captured Codine’s attention, he watches on as one of his best friends in the business degrades his mentor and father figure, Gabriel Poe…Apocalypse)
“There are few men in this business that I can trust and there are even fewer men that I consider friends. In the HEW, there was Mason Xavier, who was then and forever known as Havoc. In the SCW, it became Sean Stevens, as there was no other man that stood loyally by my side like him. However, I can honestly say that none of them served as the father that I never knew as Apocalypse did.”
“It seems that my actions are always questioned. My motives are always unusual, yet Apocalypse has always trusted in them wholeheartedly. In some cases, I’ve wished that Mason still stood along side of me, as no one could stop us collectively. In the same aspect, I have beckoned to Sean to do the same, but does he take heed to my warnings?”
“Merritt, Ivy, Flair, etc…they are all results of Sean’s current success. I am the result of friendship.”
(Codine pauses once more, collecting his thoughts before posing the same question that he had before)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(suddenly, the following exert from the television show captures Codine’s attention as he prepares to leave the room)
"...Kendall call me... We need to talk."
(Codine hesitates for a moment before ultimately turning the television off…picking up his bags, Codine pulls his cell phone from his jacket and begins to dial a number)
“I’ve seen the world. I’ve wrestled for the best…from the CSWA to the HEW, from the SCW to the CWL, and now the GXW. I’ve competed against the best…Tyler to Sampson, Zero to Ryan, Deacon to Radder, Havoc to Strider, Riggs to Hiroshi, Flair to Wicked Sight, and so on. Some of the best times have been spent within this business.”
“In the same aspect, I have lost quite a great deal along the way. A girlfriend who gave birth to my own spawn. A son that I have never seen. My fortune and house. Some may say that it could be looked at as the ying and yang in life, as you must give to get.”
(Codine exits the hotel room, closing the door behind him…he slowly approaches the elevator before restating a familiar question)
“At times, I think to myself why I entered this business.”
(the elevator door opens as Codine enters, continuing to await someone to answer his telephone call…suddenly, the elevator doors swing open to the lobby of the hotel where several fans begin to mob Codine for attention, autographs, etc…Codine pauses for a moment before ultimately offering a smile and offering the following words)
“Now I can remember why I entered this business.”
(pinching the cell phone between his shoulder and ear, Codine begins to sign autographs, when suddenly he receives a response on the other end of the phone)
(the picture remains, while audio is no longer available on the scene, leaving viewers to wonder Codine’s intentions)
(fade to black)