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Dank Smoke, Baseball and Murder talk.


League Member
Dec 14, 2007
Windsor, Ontario
(CUT TO – The camera pans downwards from a balcony setting and zooms in to the green street signs labeled WOODWARD AVE. and HORTON representing the heart of downtown Detroit.)

(CUE UP – some underground hip-hop low in the background as the camera pans around to one of Brock’s living rooms in an average sized condominum on the 4th flight of the complex.

(The rooms no slunch but you can tell BROCK ALYAS set up shop quick as he keeps it empty with a 42” LG TV hanging on the wall above a BOSE sound-system. Speak of the devil – he’s laid comfortably on one of the plush couches with the fresh scent of Downtown Dank lingering in a cloud of smoke in the room.)

(BROCK’s watching the newest addition of ESPN and learning about some of the transactions in the MLB leading up to the Trade Deadline.)


(BROCK’s not by his lonesom either, as long-time friend BRAD BROWN is seated comfortably on the other love-seat. BRAD is of African American descent and he and BROCK go back like a Cadillac if you were to ask him.)

BRAD – “Man, it doesn’t even matter! You and I both know the Tigers have been out of the playoff hunt since the beginning of the season. Besides Griffey’s a gee, he deserves another post season with a team he isn’t carrying on his back,”

BROCK – “True enough. Aye BRAD I know you agreed to be here while I do this but I’d suggest you put that away,”

(CUT TO – BRAD tucking his comfortably sized white tee-shirt over the fully-automatic Glock 18 tucked into his wasit-line. It’s America people.)

BRAD – “Yeah well don’t act like the fans in that place are any better than the next guy. I’m sure they all don’t care. I don’t know any parents who let their kids watch idiots get blindsided with megaphones night-in, night-out hahaaa,”

BROCK – “Whatever man, I guess that’s how ‘legends’ have to leave their mark these days. I always preach integrity and respect when I’m at work but I guess nobody gets the memo. I don’t know who this Kin Hiroshi thinks he is… or better yet who he thinks I am but that punks barkin’ at the wrong dog. Bargin’ in and demanding title-shots hell, stealing Nova’s title last week. What was up with that?”

BRAD – “That was some funny sh!t. Show ends with homeboy stealin’ the belt,”

BROCK – “You would find that funny,”

BRAD – “Oh shut up! Act like you wouldn’t try and do the same thing this time last year. Get your camera men around here act like your not from the streets. B!tch, you’re LUCKY these guys don’t catch half the sh!t you do on tape you’d be going away for more than over-night in Jersey,”

BROCK – “Anyways. Hiroshi’s a dead man and I’ll try and leave it at that. Although, ‘the Muffin Man’ has a mouth on him that makes my blood boil I’ll let what happens in Charlotte stay in Charlotte and if you don’t see me bring out the best in him… the color of your shirts not white.

“I bet Cameron Cruise his off runnin’ his mouth about how he beat me and how he has his minute of fame but I’ll put my solid word on the fact that he’s nowhere near my level and had it not been for Hiroshi being a complete pu$$y – he wouldn’t have any fluke win over the man.

“You go off and take your credit, CC. You enjoy that three-count as long as you need to but know if we but heads again which is highly unlikely because seeing you anywhere near the mid-card happens about as much as a leap year.

BRAD – “You ALWAYS do that. You let the sh!t go out when you get all pumped up. Puff, puff pass the sh!t,”

BROCK – “Oh shut up you act like you pay for any of it when you come around you broke fu*k,”

(BROCK rewarded himself with a thick chronic toke before enhaling and passing it to his right.)

BROCK – “Just when I was starting to wonder if anyone really wanted some I guess I gotta watch my back now ‘coz everybody wants a shot at the future champ. Everyone sees me making a name for myself and wanna bring my name down to their level cause I came from nowhere and I’ve been making waves? I send the fed-wide OPEN INVITATION for anybody who wants some of the Number One contender at any belt he pleases.

“Sh!t, I won’t even go as far to say I’m the Number One contender… that’s a second-rate status somebody has to work hard for. Oh no, I just get rewarded opportunites that result in title shots.

“Come to think of it, Cameron Cruise must have a death-wish because he got himself involved afterwards THAT match too – while I had some handcuffs on my hands. I’ll put my contract on the line if Miles wants to book another handicap match for him and I. I’ll put myself in shackles personally and see if he wants some more one on one.

“Giving you more attention then you deserve hurts my credibility, Cruise. I should just let you keep your pity points and move on but I’m a man of my word – watch you’re back or get somebody to watch it for you ‘coz when I catch you around… AND I WILL… it won’t be pretty,”


(BROCK ALYAS attention deficit disorder was in full effect as his eyes were glued to the tube seeing clips of Manny Ramirez and Jason Bay depositing homeruns in their now previous ball-parks. A huge blockbuster trade that’s sure to rock the baseball world.)

BROCK – “You gotta be KIDDING me. Rafael Furcal, Andruw Jones… who are the Dodgers going to take next!?

“That’s serious man. Dodgers are only a game back in the NL West and they’ve got at least 7 on the Rockies. I think Manny’s presence could bring them to the post-season, bro.”

BRAD – “Defenitely.”

BROCK – “It’s crazy man – these guys have to be used to that certain time of the year that even if they’re one of the big contributors on their team they are a liability to who they work for and if they think they can get a good deal off them in the long run, they can be long gone. Wrestlings different though, it’s not like NFW could put me on the trading block. It’d be sweet to outfield in the major leagues and everything but I can’t complain about what I’m doing,”

BRAD – “That Miles dude finally signed you, aye?”

BROCK – “I’ve been signed for a minute now. Lately I’ve been cashing some bigger cheques, if that’s what you want to call it. I think I’m startin’ to grow on him man. I think he’s realizing the money he’s missing out on if he doesn’t use his resources properly. Plus he’s been talking about a bonus on whoever puts Hiroshi to rest for good this time. I know I’m gonna have to be that guy.

“It’s not a matter of how I’d do it.

“It’s a matter of trying to kill somebody who knows it’s coming.

“Somebody who I think may want to kill me, too.

“Fu*k, Miles could be leading me on to heat up the pot that much more with him and I. After all, I’m in the position Hiroshi would be fighting for, if he was smart. He wants to go and steal the World Title? I don’t think Craig’s too happy about it and we all know Miles is never afraid to make his voice heard.

“This little beef I’ve got with Hiroshi has got me thinking a lot. Thinking about trying to become the World Champ,”

BRAD – “You can’t be serious. Miles ain’t about to have BROCK ALYAS the NFW WORLD CHAMPION, anytime soon. You and I both know it,”

BROCK – “Well explain to me why he scheduled me in a match with the reward being a title shot of MY choice… in a match only HE knew I’d be able to attend last minute…”

BRAD – “I dunno man. I think you’re buying too much into the fact that Miles has a hidden agenda with you. He doesn’t want you to become a champion just yet. He wants you to be a marked man. What if he just wants you to have something others want so you’ve got a target on your back. You could be mistaking all his moves to get you killed as rewards.

“We’re talking NOVA, man. NOVA.

“We both know you’re not about to take NOVA out of his title. Come back down to Earth, B.”

BROCK – “I dunno man. I got a gut feeling that this is my chance. I’m the man Kin Hiroshi should want to be but his lack of common sense fails to communicate that with himself properly. Felix may have nearly finished the job and you gotta respect a has-been fighting for his pride… but he’s going at it the wrong way. I was fine with minding my own around him and letting him solve her personal vendetta but there may be around this bush…

“His NEED for the title is sorta starting to sound like the juice would be worth the squeeze.

“BROCK ALYAS – NFW WORLD CHAMPION… and the man who murdered Kin Hiroshi…

“…for good.”

“…yea, I like the sound of that,”


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
"B*tch, b*tch, b*tch, damn Brock...if I didn't know better..."

(Fadein, Cruise in front of an NFW backdrop which is just a tad more shadoweded than usual.)

CRUISE: And beating you twice in arow proves that I do...you're sounding more and more like "Little-Boy-Blue" James, all pissy because you can't catch a break.

But just for the record, so we're clear...

You bring it on yourself.

YOU'RE the one who decided to get yourself put in Handcuffs, not me.

YOU'RE the one who chose to come and compete and get DOMINATED by yours truly...at least until Sean Stevens forgot what he was doing and ****ed it all up, that is.

Enjoy your title shot, Brock, don't say that no one EVER gave you **** for Christmas, because if ya do, I'd be glad to bust ya in the mouth and give you two front teeth, just because it's what I do.

Walking around with weapons....smokin' the Ganja..let's make one thing straight here Brock:

You're not Boogie Smallz.

Besides, at least he was able to get a card to smoke LEGALLY.

You're too young and stupid to know any better.

But to gloat about it?? Are you kidding me??

I could care less about whether or not you think I had Kin help me or not, because quite frankly I don't need him.

You had just as much a chance as anyone else to counteract anything I was going to do when I picked your ass up from Kin KNOCKING YOU DOWN.

But you didn't and the result had you counting lights.

Your boy Brad is right....you becoming NFW World Champion before me is absolutely rediculous and over my dead body because that's just about as far as I will go to make sure that it doesn't happen.

And being that you've had two chances at beating me and failing, a man of your nature and well being doesn't deserve a third.

Not to mention the fact that just the look of you shows me that my DOG has more CHARM than you.

Kiss my ass Brock, you lost so deal with it, because if you can't...

It'll be nothing short of a waste of my time beating you from pillar to post AGAIN, but I'll do it.

Why? Because it'll be a Reality Check that we both ALREADY KNOW you just...won't like.


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