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Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
I was thinking on my way home from work (scary!) and I started thinking about all the excitement that was generated by the Ultratitle back in March (or whenever). I don't want to get into a discussion about the pros/cons of the tournament, though I do hope to discuss it in the future (after it's all finished, posted, and whatever). What I want to know is:

1. What excited you about the Ultratitle tournament? Was it the prize $? Was it the "prestige"? Was it the challenge?

For me, I think it had several things that got me excited.

First, it brought Chad back. For me personally, as hard as I worked to make Deacon real & utilize his Christian "gimmick" in unique ways, Chad did twice as much. He understood Deacon like few others, and to this day, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to him, not for the "push" (which I could've probably gotten w/ several characters), but for what he brought to Deacon. To have a "monster babyface" character is a challenge, but Chad helped establish Deacon in my eyes, and I dare say in lots of other people's as well. The thought of putting Deacon in Chad's hands again was appealing. In addition, I might not have agreed w/ every decision he made, but I felt like he was fair, or at least honest, about his decisions.

Next, it was all Pete's fault. I had ZERO intention of jumping into the tournament. I'd offered to judge, write, whatever to help it, but not participate. I had been focused on NFW and the thought of doing anything else was daunting, but Pete was so jacked for it, and straight up asked me (or maybe told me I needed to) that I just couldn't say no.

And I think the challenge of it was somewhat appealing, and even though I'm not sure I was pushed to the brink until I was put out, I felt a desire to do something and give my absolute best because others were doing the same.

So, what about you?

In answering that question, I think we'll get a better idea of what ways to reach out to the general group. I know it's not a great idea to do Ultratitle (or similar) all the time because... it's a special event, like Christmas, and doing that every day would kinda suck. But I do think a good discussion would be valid.

OH - and keep the snarky comments out. I know I'm asking a lot, but lets at least give my question some play before we jump in with our typical silliness.



Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
I've been on the hunt for something "epic" and "to be remembered" and whatnot to participate in. I got involved in UT hoping that it would be just that, then I flamed out like a dirty smelly homo.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
I've been up on the Ultratitle for years and years, so it was a little bit of the prestige factor, but mainly because I'm a competition junkie and knew that all the best guys would be competing for it. Not every day that you get to test your writing against a lineup of 90-100 (not counting jobbers, obviously) of the best people on the forum. And if they're the best 100 on the forum, that pretty much makes them the best 100 on the net.


El Gringo Loco
Feb 27, 2008
I remember wanting to do a big interfed thing when I came here around the year 2000. Someone (I think Andrew) told me there used to be the UltraTitle but that doing any interfed stuff here could be a real pain because of politics from fedheads who would want someone from their fed to win.

This was, of course, in the days when there would be more variety in the handlers of the feds here, when guys like Bobby "Ice Man" Mitchell and Madd Caddy roamed the land. I remember there being a minimum of 6-8 feds here without very big crossover. Of course, there's a chance that my mind is embellishing it since I was 18 or 19 years old at the time. Nostalgia has a way of doing that.

But one big interfed title to see who was the best of the best between everyone who was in IWF, WWL, CWWF, CPW, and all of the others would have been super duper cool. So when I heard the UltraTitle was coming back, my eyeballs covered the rest of my head. Part of it was the prestige, part of it was nostalgia. All of it was because I knew it had the potential to be the most fun I've had roleplaying since 2003 and the most fun I've had in efedding since 2006-2008.

I also knew it would be the perfect place to try to get the word out about INFINITE Wrestling and try to grab a couple new recruits, which was my #1 goal.

All in all, I was very pleased to make it to the Sweet 16, especially considering my draw (Andrew's Suicide, Al Galpin's "People's Choice" Alex Joyce, Dave Brunk's Jeffrey Roberts, and finally Tom Ford's Jack Harmen aka High Flyer). I'm very thankful for finally being able to participate in the tournament and it has inspired me to join an RP fed. And now two efeds are working an angle with me at the center of it!

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