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User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
"A lot's happened this past year."

"The Windham Clan did succeed at one thing: they took me to my lowest point. They nearly beat me down, mentally, to the breaking point."

"But they never broke me."

(FADE IN... on the New Frontier World Championship belt. Slow zoom out to show the belt around the World Champion's waist.

We're in front of a NFW banner with a microphone in our hands and a towel around our neck. Helsinki is closed, we've got more Scandinavian fun tomorrow night.

We assume.)

"Things have gotten noticeably better since, of course. I seem to have found some allies amongst the Superfly Express, of all people. I earned another shot at this World Championship by pinning Eric Dane and subsequently removing him from this company."

"To say nothing of Castor Strife."

"And I appreciate, even if I don't agree, with the way the front office has been reluctant to have me defend my Championship so far: be healthy before you defend."

"It makes sense: you don't want to go through a battle like the Cutting Room Floor, only to get robbed by an inferior athlete just because you didn't take the time to prepare yourself."

(Stop, look down, and cynically laugh.)

"You'd think I'd take my own advice."

"You'd think I'd know better than to take Legion's word for it that he'd wrestle this one clean. Here's a man who's point blank said he believes in chaos and disorder, and I take him at his word that he's just coming to Helsinki for his shot?"

"Like the great Ruben Ross once said: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? That stuff don't happen."

"Well, congratulations, Legion. You got your shot at the big belt, and you blew it by siccing your pet Graverobbers on me. Do I want vengeance?"


"That's for the small minded. The best revenge is the fact that you will never get another shot at my New Frontier World Championship."

"Blame yourself."

"But I'm not totally heartless, Legion: let me give you some advice. I don't know whether you're doing the Hellfire Club's dirty work or if they just took advantage of a situation like they typically do."

"JJ DeVille doesn't care a whit about you and your mission, Legion. If the Hellfire Club promised you anything, they'll live up to it only so long as what you're doing directly benefits them."

"Don't believe me? Where's Stalker? Where's the Fallen?"

"When they're finished with you, Legion... they'll cast you out."

"Just like Troy, or so we're led to believe."

(Roll of the eyes.)

"JJ... JJ."

"Here we are again."

(I glanced at my belt.)

"Not exactly where you thought we'd be, a year after you stole one from me, are we? I'm the World Champion in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, and you're part of a group that says 'We're taking over,' only now all the political power you used to have is concentrated in the hands of the New Frontier's very own Caligula."

"But I have to ask you, JJ - what's your endgame? Where do you think you can go with this?"

"You want all the belts? You can't do that without the one over my shoulder, and you can't do that unless you're the number one contender."

"Which you'll never be. You and Blaine simply don't wrestle. Dorchester won't climb the ranks while he's losing to Jack Bryant, and Rook Black, no matter how long he might hold his video game belt, will never make it past Castor Strife."

"And I never thought I'd see the day that Rook Black would disappoint all of us."

"We've had some issues, Rook... but I never thought you were the type to step in line, fourth from the front and contributing to someone else's vision."

"Whether you were my friend or my enemy, Rook, I always respected your individuality. But now?"

"Well, JJ DeVille tried to look up the word 'integrity' once, and his dictionary spontaneously combusted."

"That's who you've hitched your wagon to, Rook - and you're going to have to deal with the fallout."



League Member
Jun 5, 2007
[We fade in to Legion and the Graverobbers behind a NFW banner – Legion is wearing a Killing Joke MMXII album cover t-shirt and denim jeans while the Graverobbers wear the Chaos Reigns T-shirt]

Legion: Randall… you really think that I of all people may be working for the Hellfire Club – myself, a man that fought against Lord Coyner Pollard for his belief that he was better than of us because of his bloodline and legacy?

My hatred for Pollard is the EXACT SAME HATRED I have for Blaine Hollywood, JJ Deville and Dorchester Stratton – those that think they’re better sometimes need a dose of chaos to prove that they aren’t in control. In a sense that’s what I had to do – not because you think you’re better than anyone else, but to prove the ethos of NFW: just when you think you know all the answers, more questions arise.

By causing what happened at the first night of Brawlhalla I have started to make NFW into my own world of chaos so to speak and then the Hellfire Club got Rook Black into their world – trying to be one step ahead of me, funny how given Rook’s use of manipulation in the past towards myself, my former confidant in Luci and Teresa Quaranta no one figured out how that when it comes down to it Rook Black knows exactly how to calculate the pieces to HIS advantage as well.

It’s why I consider him a worthy adversary.

Randall – I’ll see you around especially if all at the next Reloaded goes to plan.

Hellfire Club – Blaine I’m still waiting for you to answer the call, sooner or later you and I are going to collide for the honour of your father given I choked him out and all that or would you rather just sit there in your ivory tower with JJ letting Dorchester and Rook do all the dirty work? Shame, I want to see the man that along with Avery Prosser tried to bring down NFW in the past, the… glorious chaos that happened back then.

To Brawlhalla night 2 and Reloaded we ride – just remember… Chaos Reigns.

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