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GWE UpDate 14 APR 04 (X-Perience)


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
You've seen the TV reports and you've heard it all over the dirt sheets and ... we'll it is true...

I'm back and I've brought a TON OF HELL WITH ME!!!

People ... I've missed ya and it is GREAT to be back in MW ... um EW ... no it's Nth ... wait GX ... NO IT IS GWE!

Different name ... same attitude!

Anyway, since I'm back, I've looked over the challenge thread and here is what I've come up with for our next card ... X-PERIENCE! Or, as I like to call it, the John Miller Tribute Show

'Lady Lighting' Lori Wilson vs. Julia Easter

For the GWE Women's Title
"The Blonde Bomber" Jennifer Rowe vs. Angel Garza

Ice Tre vs. Clapper

For the GWE Television Title
Stephen Waltz (C) vs. Eric Davis

For the vacated GWE Cruiserweight Title
Four way Elimination Match
'The New Icon' Bryan Storms vs. Jeffery Roberts vs. Jevon White vs. Zell Hunter

Submissions Match
Kin Hiroshi vs. 'Yours Truly' Adam Benjamin

For the GWE Unified World Heavyweight Title
Boogie Smallz (C) vs. Troy Douglas

Announcement of the brackets for King of the Cage will be announced along with the RETURN of GWE's Co-Owner Erik Zieba!

Roleplay deadline is Tuesday, April 20 at 11:59PM EST. The angle deadline is Sunday, April 18 at 11:59 PM EST

Remember to send in your angles! Also, if you wish to have your character say a few kind words about John Miller ... send them in as well!

The threads are up kids so ya best gets to RPin. There will also be a FEW UpDates in the next several days (if not hours) so be ready to read'em.

Until then,

GWE Co-Owner Erik Z

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